SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

SSC Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 40

General Instructions:

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
  3. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
  4. Scientifically and technically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.
  5. Each new question should be started on the new page.

Question 1.
(A) Write the correct alternative : [5]
(i) Vestigial organ present in human body is proof of evolution.
(A) Human hand
(B) Appendix
(C) Ear muscles
(D) Tail bone
(B) Appendix
Vestigial organ Appendix present in human body is proof of evolution.

(ii) Type of sexual reproduction is
(A) Fragmentation
(B) Regeneration
(C) Gamete formation
(D) Budding
(C) Gamete formation
Type of sexual reproduction is Gamete formation.

(iii) The apex consumer is
(A) Eagle
(B) Frog
(C) Snake
(D) Grasshopper
(A) Eagle
The apex consumer is Eagle.

(iv) The Hydroelectric capacity of Koyna dam is
(A) 2400 MW
(B) 1960 MW
(C) 1900 MW
(D) 1961 MW
(C) 1900 MW
The hydroelectric capacity of koynadam is 1960 MW.

(v) Animal with bilateral symmetry is
(A) Star fish
(B) Human
(C) Paramecium
(D) Amoeba
(B) Human
Animal with bilateral symmetry is Human.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions

(B) Answer the following question as per the given instructions : [5]

(i) State whether the following statement is true or false :
To take selfie on road is the invitation for accident.

(ii) Write the correct co-relation :
Insulin : diabetes : : Interferon :
Insulin : diabetes : : Interferon : Viral Infection

(iii) To which class does bat belong ?
Class Mammalia

(iv) Match the correct pair.
SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions 1
(1) Forest Conservation Act → (b) 1980.

(v) Write the name of indicated part in diagram :
Human jaw
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The name of indicated part in given diagram is Wisdom teeth.

Question 2.
(A) Give scientific reasons. (Any two) : [4]

(i) Sometimes higher plants and animals too perform anaerobic respiration.
Some higher plants, animals and aerobic microbes also preform anaerobic respiration instead of aerobic respiration if there is depletion in oxygen level in the surrounding. Example: Seeds perform anaerobic respiration if the soil is submerged under water during germination. Similarly, our muscle cells also perform anaerobic respiration while performing the exercise. Due to this, less amount of energy is produced in our body and lactic acid accumulates due to which we feel tired.

(ii) It is absolutely necessary to control the fission reaction in nuclear power plant.
(a) The products after fission of nuclear fuel are also radioactive and emit harmful radiations. The products are called as nuclear waste. How to dispose the nuclear safely is a big challenge before scientists.
(b) An accident in nuclear power plant can be very fatal. This is because the accident may result in release of very harmful radiations.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions

(iii) Flower is structural unit of sexual reproduction in plants.
Flower is structural unit of sexual reproduction in plants. It consists of four floral whorls as calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium; arranged in sequence from outside to inside. Androecium and gynoecium are called ‘essential whorls’ because they perform the function of reproduction wheareas calyx and corolla are called as ‘accessory whorls’ because they are responsible for protection of inner whorls.

(B) Answer the following questions. (Any three) : [6]

(i) Write, a short note on Environmental Conservation.
Environmental Conservation : Since existence of human, there is interrelationship between human and environment. Human stepped on the Earth long after formation of Earth. On the Earth, human Being proved its superiority as compared to other animals with the help of characters like intelligence, memory, imagination ability etc. Human established dominations over the nature. Human utilized all the natural resources as much as possible. In an attempt to live a satisfactory life, human kept on snatching from the nature as much as possible and this lead to increase in problems. From this entire scenario, we can understand that human has crucial role in maintaining the environmental balance. If human has disturbed the environmental balance, then human itself only can conserve and improve the quality of nature. Many times, general public is unknown that its activities are harmful to environment and thereby unknowingly many activities happen.

(ii) Distihguish between Chordates and Non-chordates.

Non-chordates Chordates
1. Body is not supported by rod-like notochord. 1. Body is supported by notochord.
2. Pharyngeal gill-slits are absent. 2. Pharyngeal gill-slits or lungs are present for respiration.
3. Nerve cord; if present, it is on ventral side. It is solid and paired. 3. Nerve cord is present on dorsal side of body. It is hollow.
4. Heart, if present, it is on dorsal side. 4. Heart is present on ventral side of body.

(iii) Write the correct answer in blank circles.
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(iv) Write down any two objectives of disaster management.
Objectives of Disaster Management-
1. Supply of essential commodities of the people to reduce the effect of disaster.
2. Rehabilitate disaster victims.

(v) What are the benefits of mixing ethanol with petrol and diesel?
Now-a-days many countries are practicing mixing of ethanol with petrol and diesel. Ethanol is a clean burning fuel and reduces the vehicle exhaust emissions. Also, it is an easily available and cheap source which makes it suitable for this purpose.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions

Question 3.
Answer the following questions, (any five) : [15]
(i) Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection :
1. Darwin is famous for the theory which he published in the book titled ‘Origin of Species’
2. Darwin’s theory of natural selection is based on the concept of survival of the fittest.
3. Organisms can produce prolifically.
4. Under limited resources, organisms compete with each other in a life threatening manner for their survival.
5. According to this theory, only those organisms survive which show modifications for winning the competition. The selected organisms then give rise to new species with their specific set of characters.

(ii) Complete the following chart:
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(iii) Write the factors affecting environment
Factor affecting environment:
Thdbiotic and abiotic factors affect the environment. Among abiotic factors, the physical. and chemical factors can alter the conditions of the environment.
Abiotic factors are either natural or man-made.
The various interrelationships between different living organisms can also affect environment.
The natural disasters such as earthquake, forest fires cyclones, cloud bursting, drought etc. change the environment.
The human activities such as deforestation, urbanisation, construction etc. cause permament damage to the ecosystems. Due to man-made impact, there can be large scale changes in the environment.

(iv) Answer the following question from figure:
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(a) With reference to point B, potential energy of how much water reservoir in the dam will be converted into kinetic energy?
(b) What will be the effect on electricity generation, if the channel taking water to turbine starts at point A ?
(c) What will be the effect on electricity generation, if the channel taking water to turbine starts at point C ?
(a) The potential energy of all the water above the point B will be converted to kinetic energy.
(b) As height increases, potential energy increases. Thus at point A, potential energy of water will be maximum. If a canal/penstock carrying water from dam starts at point A, this maximum potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy due to which turbines will rotate with more speed. Thus, more electrical energy will be generated.
(c) If a canal/penstock carrying water from dam starts at point C, this minimum potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy due to which turbines will rotate with less speed. Thus, less electrical energy will be generated.

(v) Cockroach, Frog, Sparrow, Star fish, from these animals which can regenerate its broken body part ?
Starfish can regenerate its broken body part.

(vi) Complete the diagram showing various processes in tissue culture.
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions

(vii) Which fuels are obtained from biomass?
Fuels which are obtained from biomass are called bio-fuels and they are an important and renewable source of energy. Biofuels can be in the form of either solid, liquid or gases. Solid biofuels-Coal, dung, crop residue.
Liquid – Vegetable oils, alcohol.
Gaseous – Gobar gas, coal gas.

(viii)) Complete the following passage by using appropriate words given in brackets :
(Delhi, 12, 2005, army, National Disaster, rescue work, State Reserve Police, 2015)
National Disaster Response Force has been established as per the Disaster Management
Act, ………………… Divisions of the force are working in army. Overall, …………… divisions are working in the country. Its headquarter is in ……………. and it is in action all over the country with the help of ……………… . In Maharashtra, ……………… Response Force is in action through State Reserve Police Force. Personnel of this force have
substantial contribution in ……………… in disasters like cyclones, cliff-sliding, building collapse, etc.
National Disaster Response Force has been established as per the Disaster Management Act, 2005. Divisions of the force are working in army. Overall, 12 divisions are working in the country. Its headquarter is in Delhi and it is in action all over the country with the help of Army. In Maharashtra, National Disaster Response Force is in action through State Reserve Police Force. Personnel of this force have substantial contribution in rescue work in disasters like cyclones, cliff-sliding, building collapse, etc.

Question 4.
Answer any one of the following questions : [5]

(i) Answer the following questions by observing the diagram of menstrual cycle:
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(a) What is the period of menstruation ?
1 to 5 days (Bleeding) is the period of menstruation.

(b) On which day does ovalation occur during menstrual cycle ?
On the 14th or 15th day ovulation occur during menstrual cycle.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions

(c) In menstrual cycle which reproductive organs undergo changes ?
The ovary and uterus, these two reproductive organs in menstrual cycle undergo changes.

(d) Which period is said to be period of regeneration of endometrium ?
In the menstrual cycle, days 5 to 14 are the period of regeneration of the endometrium.

(e) Which period is said to be period of secretions of glands in endometrium ?
The period of secretions of glands in the endometrium is 15 to 28 days.

(ii) Solve the following cross word :
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(a) Continuous consumption of alcoholic and tabacco materials.
(b) This app may cause the cyber crimes.
(c) A remedy to resolve stress.
(d) Requirement for stress free life
(e) Various factors affect health.
(f) Art of preparing food items.
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper with Solutions

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