Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 4.3 Chasing The Sea Monster Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.
Std 7 English Chapter 4.3 Chasing The Sea Monster Question Answer Pdf
7th English 4.3 Chasing The Sea Monster Warming Up Answers
Certain special words are used to refer to the locations on a ship and to its parts. Read the meanings given below and find the word and the location / part in the picture given below.
Think and answer :
• What is the name of the narrator?
The name of the narrator is Professor Aronnax.
• What is the name of the ship?
The name of the ship is Abraham Lincoln.
• At what time is the event (the hissing sound and the reappearance of the monster) taking place?
The event is taking place at 12:53 a.m.
Guess the meaning of :
• Astern to port : Use the picture on page 96.
‘Astern to port’ means along the left horizontal side of a ship, stretching from the front to its rear end.
Guess the meaning of :
• ‘cannoneer’.
a person who fires a cannon, which is a large powerful gun that shoots heavy metal balls
• Guess what order the commander must have given.
The commander must have given the order to launch the harpoon.
4.3 Chasing The Sea Monster English Workshop Answers Pdf
Question 1.
From the passage, find all the words and phrases used to describe the ‘monster’.
unearthly animal, fearsome creature, unknown creature, a huge glowworm, cetaceans
Question 2.
How long does the whole event described in this passage take? Work it out by reading the passage.
The whole event takes place in about twenty-four hours. The unearthly animal appeared before 12:53 a.m. and the battle ended after 10:50 p.m.
Question 3.
How did the battle between the ship and the monster end?
Find and copy the lines where you find the answer to this question.
When Ned Land launched the harpoon, the weapon made a ringing sound as if it had hit some hard surface. Thereafter, the electric light went out and two huge waterspouts crashed onto the deck of the frigate. As a result, the crew members lost their balance and the narrator was thrown into the sea. It broke the spare masts and yardarms.
The following lines show the battle between the ship and the monster:
‘I heard the weapon make a ringing sound as if it had hit some hard substance.’
‘…two enormous waterspouts crashed onto the deck’
‘toppling crewman, breaking spare masts and yardarms’
‘I was hurled into the sea.’
Question 4.
What attempts did the ship make to defeat the ‘monster’?
Find and copy lines frorfi the extract describing at least two of the attempts.
The ship headed straight for the animal in full speed. The chase continued for a long time without the frigate getting any closer to the sea animal- The ship was speeding so much that its masts trembled down to their blocks.
‘…ordered the engineer to sail full steam towards the animal.’
‘This chase dragged on for about three-quarters of an hour.’
‘now speeding so much that its masts trembled down to their blocks.’
Question 5.
Find the different units of measurement mentioned in the passage and get more information about them from the internet.
mile, hour, meter, moment, quarter of an hour, feet, inch
mile : a unit of measurement which is equal to 1,760 yards
hour : a period of time equal to twenty-fourth part of a day
moment : a very brief period of time
quarter of an hour : one fourth of an hour.
feet (plural of foot): one foot is equal to twelve inches
Question 6.
Find all the words ending with the suffix ‘-less’.
motionless, emotionless
Two minutes of Oral Work
Think as many words as possible, related to :
- the sea
- a ship
- a battle
- marine, water, saltwater, sea waves, fishing, ship, lighthouse, sand
- navigation, shipping, port, passengers, sailing, boating, sea, marine, navy
- gun, fire, military, fight, war, victory, defeat
Question 7.
Activity : Live English !
Please note that this specimen timetable is given only for the purpose for study, not actual use.
Question 1.
Look at the timetable on Page 102.
Where do we find such timetables displayed? What information do they give?
[Students are expected to attempt the above one on their own.]
Question 2.
Form pairs and quiz your partner with the help of the timetable using the following question types.
- Name the train no ……….. up / down.
- Find a station that begins with (P/M/………)
- Find a train that leaves at
- Find a train that arrives at ……..
- Which trains have odd numbers? Which have even numbers?
- Find a station with a tea-stall.
- Find a station not reachable by …….. Express.
- Find a train leaving from CSMT.
- Find the number of train ……..
[Students are expected to attempt the above one on their own.]
Question 3.
Ahmed lives in Panvel. He invites his cousin Saurabh. Saurabh doesn’t know Marathi too well. He lives in Murdeshwar. So they discuss Saurabh’s travel plans in English. Write their conversation using the timetable on page 102.
Ahmed : I have been waiting for you. Have you planned your journey to Panvel?
Saurabh : No, not yet. I have no idea about trains.
Ahmed : Don’t worry, I will tell you. There are two trains from Murdeshwar to Panvel. One is Netravati Express, which leaves at 3:48 and the other is Matsyagandha Express, which departs at 17:17. You can choose either of them.
Saurabh : At what time will I reach Panvel?
Ahmed : If you take Netravati Express, you will reach by 16:50 and if you take Matsyagandha Express, you will reach by 5:15.
Saurabh : Please help me to plan my return journey also.
Ahmed : Sure! You can take either of these trains to travel back to your hometown. Netravati Express departs from Panvel at 13:05 and reaches Murdeshwar by 1:10. Matsyagandha Express leaves for Murdeshwar at 15:35. But its arrival time is a little odd. It reaches over there at 3:12. Now, you have two choices. Please do book your tickets quickly to avoid the rush.
Saurabh : Yes, 1 will definitely book my tickets by tomorrow evening. Thanks a lot for helping me! I will see you soon! Goodbye!
Ahmed : Bye!
Question 4.
List words related to railway / bus journey, for example, passengers, advance booking, boarding, etc.
Railway journey: train, ticket, platform, enquiry counter, reservation, chart, arrival, departure, coach, birth, compartment
Bus journey: ticket, conductor, driver, route, road, signal, minibus, double decker, bus stop
Question 5.
Write the opposite word / phrase in the following pairs.
- arrival : ……..
- reserved : ……..
- board : ……..
- current booking ……..
- get on ……
- up : ………
- arrival × departure
- reserved × general
- board × alight
- current booking × future booking
- get on × get off
- up × down
Question 6.
Download the train timetable app on your parents’ mobile, with their permission.
from Play Store. Find the trains, the fare, stations, time taken for the journey,
distance, the departure and arrival time etc. with the help of the app.
• Plan a railway journey for your family / friends using the app.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]
7th Class English Chapter 4.3 Chasing The Sea Monster Questions and Answers
Read the extract from line 1 to 40 on page 97 and 98 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Our frigate wanted ……… in our waters.”]
Do as directed.
Question 1.
The animal made a full circle around the …….. (Fill in the blank)
Question 2.
Find all the words ending with the suffix ‘-less’ from the extract.
motionless, emotionless
State whether the following statements are true or false.
Question 3.
Commander Farragut wanted to attack the unknown creature.
Question 4.
The whole crew stayed on their feet all night long.
Question 5.
The frigate was able to compete with the monster’s speed.
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Read the extract from line 41 to 90 on page 98 and 99 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Near two o’clock ……… would steal off swiftly.”]
Do as directed.
Question 6.
At …… the mist rolled away and the horizon grew wider and clearer. (Fill in the blank)
eight o’clock
Question 7.
Find all the words and phrases from the extract that are related to ‘battle’.
on the alert, blunderbusses, harpoons, duck guns, exploding bullets, wound, kill, sharpen, dreadful weapon, strike
Question 8.
From the extract, find all the words and phrases used to describe the ‘monster’.
a long blackish body, animal, the sea animal, cetacean
State whether the following statements are true or false.
Question 9.
Ned Land had a dreadful weapon in his hands.
Question 10.
With the dawn’s early light, the animal’s electric glow appeared again.
Question 11.
The spyglasses were able to pierce the dense morning mist.
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 12.
What order did the leader give to the engineer?
After carefully observing the animal, the leader ordered the engineer to sail full steam towards the animal.
Read the extract from line 91 to 144 on page 99 to 103 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Commander Farragut then …….. into the sea.”]
Do as directed.
Question 13.
Find all the words ending with the suffix ‘-less’ from the extract.
Question 14.
From the extract, find all the words and phrases used to describe the ‘monster’.
animal, cetacean, infernal beast, monster, motionless animal
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 15.
Describe the cannoneer, who actually hit the monster.
The cannoneer who actually hit the monster had calm eyes, cool features and an old grey beard.
Question 16.
What exactly is the ‘monster’?
The ‘monster’ is in fact a submarine.
Question 17.
How long does the whole event described in ‘Chasing the Sea Monster’ take? Work it out by reading ‘Chasing the Sea Monster’.
The’ whole event takes place in about twenty-four hours. The unearthly animal appeared before 12:53 a.m. and the battle ended after 10:50 p.m.
Open Ended Questions
Question 18.
Have you ever seen a ship? What do you like the most about it?
Yes, I have seen a ship when I visited a local harbour with my brother. The ship was enormous and beautiful and it had the capacity to carry many passengers, at once.
Question 19.
For what purpose, do you think, ships are used?
Ships are used for transporting goods from one place to another. They are strong enough to carry goods and passengers. They can travel for days and nights.
Language Study
Transitive Verbs and Intransitive Verbs
Consider the following sentences:
- We gasped.
- I was surprised.
- The cannoneer fired a shot.
- We stood mute and motionless.
- I was observing this phenomenal creature.
- The shell hit the animal.
If you try to find the subject and object in these sentences, you will notice that all these sentences have subjects, but there are no objects in some sentences.
Some verbs do not need objects. For example, consider these sentences.
- Birds fly.
- The egg fell down
- The balloon rose in the sky.
- The baby smiles all the time.
The verbs fly, fell (fall), rose (rise), smiles (smile) in these sentences do not have any objects. They are known as intransitive verbs.
All the verbs that have an object are called ‘transitive verbs’. For example:
Question 20.
Identify the verb from the following sentences and state whether it is transitive or intransitive.
i. It rained upon his arrival.
rained – intransitive verb
ii. He was riding a horse.
riding-transitive verb
iii. She bought me a gift.
bought-transitive verb
iv. The baby was crying.
crying-intransitive verb
v. He arrived after the party.
arrived – intransitive verb.
vi. The students asked a question.
asked – transitive verb
Oral Work
Question 21.
Write as many words as possible, that go with the following verbs:
- make
- catch
- grow
- reach
- take
- get
- keep
e.g. go – by bus, fast, to sleep, home, in / out, right / left, through, mad
- make – a decision, a contribution, an attempt, a noise, a note, a mistake
- catch – a glimpse, sight of me, the ball, the train, the bus, you later
- grow – up, old, strong, tired, with us, a beard, trees
- reach – the car, an agreement, out, the cell phone, home, late
- take – care, my things, your time, a seat, a picture, rest, me home
- get – some rest, down, on top, there, very tired, rid of, a life, a job, well soon
- keep – a secret, moving, calm, smiling, fighting, distance, learning, looking up
Ahmed : I have been waiting for you. Have you planned your journey to Panvel?
Saurabh : No, not yet. I have no idea about trains.
Ahmed : Don’t worry, I will tell you. There are two trains from Murdeshwar to Panvel. One is Netravati Express, which leaves at 3:48 and the other is Matsyagandha Express, which departs at 17:17. You can choose either of them.
Saurabh : At what time will I reach Panvel?
Ahmed : If you take Netravati Express, you will reach by 16:50 and if you take Matsyagandha Express, you will reach by 5:15.
Saurabh : Please help me to plan my return journey also.
Ahmed : Sure! You can take either of these trains to travel back to your hometown. Netravati Express departs from Panvel at 13:05 and reaches Murdeshwar by 1:10. Matsyagandha Express leaves for Murdeshwar at 15:35. But its arrival time is a little odd. It reaches over there at 3:12. Now, you have two choices. Please do book your tickets quickly to avoid the rush.
Saurabh : Yes, 1 will definitely book my tickets by tomorrow evening. Thanks a lot for helping me! I will see you soon! Goodbye!
Ahmed : Bye!
Chasing The Sea Monster Glossary
Chasing The Sea Monster Summary
‘Chasing the Sea Monster’ हा पाठ फ्रेंच लेखक ज्युलेस वेरने यांच्या ‘Twenty Thousand League under the sea’ या कादंबरीतून घेण्यात आला आहे. ज्युलेस हे वैज्ञानिक कादंबरीचे जनक म्हणून ओळखले जातात. ‘Journey to the centre of the Earth’ आणि ‘Around the World in Eight Days’ या त्यांच्या अन्य प्रसिद्ध कादंबऱ्या आहेत.
या पाठामध्ये अब्राहम लिंकन नावाची एक युद्धनौका आणि एक महाकाय समुद्रीय प्राणी (देवमासा) यांच्यातील पाठलागाच्या दृश्याचे वर्णन करण्यात आले आहे. यामध्ये युद्धनौका आणि त्यावरील खलाशी एका महाकाय समुद्रीय प्राण्याचा पाठलाग करून त्याच्यावर हल्ला करण्याचा प्रयत्न करत असतात. प्रत्यक्षात मात्र तो महाकाय समुद्रीय प्राणी नसून एक पाणबुडी असते; मात्र युद्धनौकेतील खलाशी त्याला महाकाय समुद्रीय प्राणी समजत असतात.
प्राध्यापक ॲरोनॅक्स ही कथा सांगत आहेत. त्यांच्यासोबत युद्धनौकेमध्ये कमांडर फॅरागुट, नेड लँड आणि खलाशी होते. अनेक महाकाय समुद्रीय प्राण्यांना सामोरे जाण्याचा त्यांना अनुभव होता. ज्या समुद्रीय प्राण्याचा ते पाठलाग करत होते तो खरोखरच भितिदायक होता. कथेच्या सुरुवातीला तो समुद्रीय प्राणी युद्धनौकेला आव्हान देण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो. पहिल्या रात्री तो युद्धनौकेवरील खलाशांना सळो की पळो करून सोडतो. युद्धनौकेवरील खलाशी त्या प्राण्याला (देवमाशाला) एक भला मोठा बाण / भाला मारण्याचा प्रयत्न करतात; पण तो फार वेगवान असल्यामुळे ते शक्य होत नाही.
काही वेळाने कमांडर फॅरागुट त्या महाकाय प्राण्याला मारण्यासाठी भला मोठा बाण / भाला (हार्पून) सोडण्याचा आदेश देतो. बाण (हार्पून) त्याच्यावर आदळल्यावर एखादया धातुचा पृष्ठभागावर आदळल्यासारखा आवाज येतो. बाणाच्या वेगामुळे युद्धनौका आणि पाणबुडी (ज्याला युद्धनौकेवरील लोक समुद्री प्राणी समजत होते) यांची जबरदस्त टक्कर होते. युद्धनौका उद्ध्वस्त होते आणि तिच्यावरील सर्व लोक आणि कथा सांगणारं प्राध्यापक ॲरोनॅक्स समुद्रात फेकले जातात.