Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 1.2 Warm Up With Tara And Friends Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.
Std 7 English Chapter 1.2 Warm Up With Tara And Friends Question Answer Pdf
7th Class English Chapter 1.2 Warm Up With Tara And Friends Questions and Answers
Game 1
The games on this page will help the students to recall what they have learnt earlier; and the teacher to assess how much they know.
Game 2
Be quick!
Form groups of 5. Choose one of the following tables at a time. Each one in the group reads aloud the words from the table as fast as possible. Who can read all the words in one table within 15 seconds? Practise reading these words aloud correctly till you can do so in 15 seconds.
Game 3
• Fill in the above table within 2 minutes using words of at least 3 letters each. Words ending with plural s/es, -ing, -ed, -en are not allowed. Use the following chart to calculate the score.
Form pairs. Exchange your notebooks and cross-check your scores.
In case of arguments about correct spelling, get the children to refer to a good dictionary.
Activity: Word Art
• Prepare attractive English labels for your notebooks. Make a bookmark for your textbook by writing the letters in your name/the title of the textbook one below the other.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]
Game 4
Scenes out of the hat!
• Write the following titles of different scenes on slips of paper. Fold the slips and put them in an upturned hat. Form pairs. Draw lots. Each pair should enact the scene written on their slip. Each speaker should get a chance to speak at least 2-3 times.
• Asking a friend for his postal address.
• Asking a friend for his telephone number.
• Talking to a friend only in exclamations, while you are walking around in a garden.
• Inviting a friend to your birthday party.
• Asking a friend to lend you her notebook.
• Saying sorry to someone for trodding on his/her foot.
• Offering a glass of water to a guest.
• Asking your teacher’s permission to enter/leave the class.
• Answering the phone.
• Thanking your neighbour for giving you sweets.
• Interrupt your friends twice while he/she is telling you something.
• Asking your teacher to explain something to you again.
• Sameer : Hello, Tanay. Can you give me your postal address?
Tanay : Sure. I’ll write it down for you.
Sameer : Thank you.
Tanay : Whydoyouneeditthough? .
Sameer : My mother wants to send a gift to your mother on her birthday. So, she needs it. Don’t tell this to your mom, airight?
Tanay : Oh!Sure!
• Sanam : Thank you for lending me the book, Ritwik.
Ritvik : You’re welcome, Sanam.
Sanam : Can you give me your number? So that I can inform you when I’m done reading it.
Rikwik : Sure1 Call on the landline number after nine. That’s when I’ll be home.
Sanam : Okay.
• Kriya Hey, look how beautiful that fountain is!
Suhana : Kriya! Don’t run!
Kriya : Hurry up!
Suhana : Wait for me!
• Farida : Happy birthday, Manish.
Manish : Thank you, Farida. Are you free in the evening?
Farida : Yes. Why?
Manish : My parents are organising a birthday party for me. Would you like to join?
Farida : Sure! By what time do I have to be there?
Manish : You can come at 7.
Farida : Okay. I’ll see you at 7 then.
[Note: A few conversations are given as examples. Students are expected to attempt the other conversations on their own.]
Game 5
A friendly challenge!
Form pairs. Write a wrong sentence and ask your partner to correct it. If necessary, refer to the following tables, but feel free to frame your own sentences. But remember, you must be able to correct your own ‘wrong sentence’.
Game 6
Questions Race
• Write one meaningful question each beginning with the following words. The first one to do so is the winner! You must use new ideas in each question.
- Who is going to check the homework?
- What have you cooked for dinner?
- Where are you going?
- When are you coming home?
- Why are you reading aloud?
- How are feeling today?
- Are you going to eat your lunch?
- Is it going to rain today?
- Have you studied for the exam?
- Has he come to school?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Does it matter what others think about you?
- Aren’t they going for a picnic this Saturday?
- Isn’t he the famous television actor?
- Don’t you want to hang out with us?
- Doesn’t she like ice-cream?
- Can’t we postpone the plan?
- Won’t you come to my party?
- Can you bring me a glass of water?
- Will you miss the wedding for a silly show?
- May I know the name of your school?
- Could you please stop talking?
- Did you finish your work?
Game 7
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
• Within five minutes, write down os many sentences as you can, replacing the words in the boxes with those given below each box. Translate your sentences into your mother tongue and have fun!
The teacher should get the students to demonstrate their sentences with the help of mirrors to add to the fun.
- We are watching our faces in our mirror.
- You are watching your face in your mirror.
- He is watching his face in his mirror.
- She is watching her face in her mirror.
- It is watching its face in its mirror.
- They are watching their faces in their mirror.
[Students are expected to translate the above sentences on their own.]
The Parts of Speech
Every name is called a noun,
As field and fòuntain, street and town,
In place of noun the pronoun stands,
As he and she can clap their hands.
The adjective describes a thing,
As magic wand or bridal ring.
The verb means action, something done,
To read and write, to jump and run.
How things are done the adverbs tell,
As quickly, slowly, badly, well.
The preposition shows relation,
As in the street or at the station.
Conjunctions join, in many ways,
Sentences, words, ‘r phrase and phrase.
The interjection cries out, “Hark!
I need an exclamation mark!
Through poetry, we learn how each
of these make up THE PARTS OF SPEECH.
– Author Unknown
• The tree figure shows the different parts of speech and their examples given in the poem. Write appropriate labels in the tree figure with the help of the poem.
Noun: field, fountain, street, town
Adjective: magic, bridal
Adverb: quickly, slowly, badly, well
Conjunction: or, at
Interjection: Hark!
Pronoun: he, she
Verb: read, write, jump, run
Preposition: in, at
7th Class English Chapter 1.2 Warm Up With Tara And Friends Questions and Answers
Reading Activity
Question 1.
Read aloud the words given in the boxes as fast as possible. Practise reading them correctly till you can do so in fifteen seconds.
Writing Activity
Question 2.
Make a list of 4-letter, 5-letter, 6-letter, 7-letter and 8-letter words that do not end with plural s/es, -ing, -ed and -en.
4-letter words | 5-letter words | 6-letter words | 7-letter words | 8-letter words |
honk | dress | rocket | miracle | surprise |
bark | table | spring | machine | postcard |
fold | paint | duster | hairband | mountain |
shoe | heart | mother | captain | sharpner |
lake | visit | flower | country | medicine |
Question 3.
Write ten words that have more than eight letters in them.
aeroplane, contribute, beautiful, motivation, traditional, meaningful, permission, pronunciation, neighbourhood, embarrassment.
Question 4.
Write at least three words beginning with the following alphabets. Then, use the words to make meaningful phrases.
i. T : …….
ii. R : ……
iii. H : ……..
iv. B : ………
i. time, tail, tale
once upon a time, a long fluffy tail, an interesting tale
ii. rock, ran, raise
rock the boat, ran away, raise a hand
iii. heart, heat, heaven, half
right from the heart, heat up, made in heaven, half a dozen
iv. breath, back, bed
out of breath, back to back, bed of roses
Question 5.
Correct the following sentences.
i. I is a parrot.
I am a parrot.
ii. My teacher are very nice.
My teacher is very nice.
iii. I like milks.
I like milk.
iv. You doesn’t study hard.
You don’t study hard.
v. They red apple eat.
They eat a red apple.
vi. I like play ball.
I like to play ball.
Warm Up With Tara And Friends Introduction
उपक्रमांकावर आधारित अशा या पाठात तुम्ही मागील इयतेत्तेमध्ये शिकलेल्या अभ्यासाची उजळणी करणार आहात. यामध्ये शब्द आणि वाक्यप्रचार (तयार करणे) आणि वाक्यामध्ये त्यांच्या योग्य उपयोग करणे यांची उजळणी उपक्रमाच्या माध्यमातून घेण्यात आली आहे.