Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer

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Std 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer Pdf

7th English 1.4 Journey to the West Warming Up Answers

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer 4
Much of the world’s literature has been translated into English. In this passage, we learn about an epic novel with the title ‘Journey to the West’ and its most popular character — Sun Wukong or ‘Monkey King’. This novel is a classic of Chinese literature. It was written in the sixteenth century by Wu Cheng’en. Does the – passage remind you of a few things you read in your history textbook last year?

Question 1.
How do people find their way through deserts, forests, mountains, oceans, etc. today? How did they do it in the past? Discuss.
The discussion can move forward on the following points:

  • change in the navigation techniques over the centuries -maps by cartographer / Google maps and satellite images
  • instruments to measure time
  • transportation: carts, vehicles, planes and ships

[Note: Students are expected to think on the given points and have a discussion in class.]

Question 2.
Read the following statements and say whether each one is historical or fictional.

  • Indian merchants used to travel across the seas many centuries ago.
  • Sindbad the sailor completed seven voyages.
  • Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in the 20th century.
  • Alladdin could fly on his magic carpet.
  • Alexander the Great conquered a number of countries before he came to India.
  • Gulliver met very tiny people in Lilliput and giants in the country of Brobdingnag.
  • There’s a man in the moon who watches what’s going on on the earth.
  • Emperor Ashoka’s empire stretched from the modern day Afghanistan to Bangladesh.

The teacher should odd other familiar examples to help the children decide what is real and what is imaginary.

  • historical
  • fictional
  • historical
  • fictional
  • historical
  • fictional
  • fictional
  • historical

• But west’ is a relative term.

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer

• Yuan Chwang undertook the long and difficult journey to follow his dream.
Yuan Chwang wanted to collect the Buddhist scriptures from India and for this he undertook the long and difficult journey from China to India and then back to China.

The teacher may allow the use of mother tongue during the discussion but later on, the meaning should be stated/written in English.

• Guess the meaning of:

  • horsebuck
  • snow-clad.


  • mounted on a horse
  • covered with snow

• What was Yuan Chwang’s dream?
Yuan Chwang’s dream was that he wanted to take Buddhist scriptures from India to his homeland in China.

Things to do:

Find / Prepare a map of Yuan Chwang’s travel route –

  • from China to India
  • in India
  • from India back to China.

[Note: Students can visit the above link to find Yuan Chwang’s travel route.]

Listen and answer:

• Why did people think that gods and supernatural powers had helped Yuan Chwang?
For seventeen long years, Yuan Chwang travelled across difficult deserts and mountains. The journey was so difficult that many people believed him to be helped by supernatural powers-and god.

• What is the novel about?
‘Journey to the West’ is an epic novel. It is about Yuan Chwang’s journey from India to china and back, for a religious reason. The novel has used many folk tales, which were passed by word of mouth and were quite popular among people.

• Can you think of other pairs of words starting with folk ?
folktales, folklores, folk plays, folkdance, folk culture

Listen and answer:

• Why have the three characters agreed to help Yuan Chwung?
The three characters with supernatural power agreed to help Yuan Chwang because the kind deity Gunayin told them that if they helped the holy monk in his pilgrimage to India, then they would be allowed to return to heaven.

• Who’s the most powerful among the three disciples?
The most powerful among the three disciples is Sun Wukong.

Things to do:

• If you were to undertake Yuan Chwang’s journey today, how will you travel? Describe it using a map or Google map’. State which modes and means of transport you will use.
Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer 3
The aim of Yuan Chwang’s journey was to collect the Buddhist scriptures from Nalanda and odhgaya. In today’s time, if I were to undertake a journey like his, then I would travel by airplane from Xian to Patna and further by train to Nalanda and Bodhgaya.

• Write other expressions like Happy reading!’
Happy journey, Happy Birthday, Happy time, Happy Anniversary…

1.4 Journey to the West English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
List all the persons and characters mentioned in the story. Which of them are real? Which arceimaginary?
The characters mentioned in the story are – Yuan Chwang, Guanyin deity, Sun Wukong, Zu Bajji and Sand Priest.
All the characters are fictional except for Yuan Chwang.

Question 2.
Say whether the following sentences are right or wrong.

• The novel ‘Journey to the West’ is about a journey to western countries like England and America.

• In the days of Yuan Chwang travelling from China to India was not an easy task.

• Yuan Chwang travelled to many parts of India.

• Yuan Chwang’s way back home was relatively easy.

• Gods and supernatural powers had helped Yuan Chwang in his quest.

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer

• The three disciples of Yuan Chwang were three saints.

• The three disciples have supernatural powers.

Question 3.
Write any five features of Sun Wukong’s character that you like best.
Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer 5
Five features of Sun Wukong’s character that I like the best are:

  1. able to transform himself in seventy-two different ways
  2. can grow as big as a pillar
  3. can become as tiny as a needle
  4. can travel under water
  5. can fly to any place at will
  6. his body is hard as diamond
  7. immune to any kind of injury

Question 4.

  • As big as a pillar
  • As tiny as a needle

Now write more such phrases using your imagination.

  • As big us a ………
  • As tiny as a ……
  • As hard as a ………
  • As soft as a …….
  • As sweet as a ……
  • As sharp as a …….


  • mountain
  • dust particle
  • rock
  • feather
  • pie
  • blade

Question 5.
You know that many times a letter or a group of letters is added before or after a word to make new words. A letter/a group of letters that is added before a word is called a prefix. A letter/group of letters that is added after a word is called a suffix.
The word to which a prefix or suffix is added is called a root or root word.
Let us look at some examples of roots, prefixes and suffixes.

Question 6.
Guess the meaning of:

  • unfamiliar,
  • unbelievable.


  • to not know something
  • not able to believe

(‘un-‘ as a negative prefix stands for ‘not’)

Now write the opposites of the following:
unsafe, unimportant, uninteresting, unknown, unkind, unintelligent
unsafe × safe
unimportant × important
uninteresting × interesting
unknown × known
unkind × kind
unintelligent × Intelligent

[Note: Opposites are generally formed by adding or removing negative prefixes like ‘un-‘]

Language Study

Common Noun – 1

You know that same things, animals, etc. that is, some common nouns can be counted. They are countable nouns. Some common nouns stand for something that cannot be counted. -They are uncountable nouns. Countable nouns have two forms – singular and plural. Let us look at some examples.
Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer 1

• Find five countable nouns from the extract and write their singular and plural forms.

countable nouns singular forms plural forms
mountain mountain mountains
road road roads
scripture scripture scriptures
dream dream dreams
character character characters
story story stories
disciple disciple disciples
film film films

• List the units that we use to measure the following: water, milk, distance, weight.

uncountable Nouns units to measure
water litre
milk litre
distance kilometers
weight kilograms

7th Class English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Questions and Answers

Summative Assessment

Read the extract from line 1 to 39 on page 18 and 19 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“When we read the words …….. very popular.”]

Do as Directed.

Question 1.
For countries to our east, we are the …! (Fill in the blank)

Question 2.
He wanted to take Buddhist scriptures from India. (Define the underlined word)
holy, sacred books or writings

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 3.
Why ‘west’ is a relative term?
The meaning of a relative term is determined by its reference. With reference to China, the meaning of west is different from our meaning of the term.

Read the extract from line 40 to 95 on page 19 and 21 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“The novel tells ………. Happy reading!”]

Do as directed.

Question 4.
Demons were eager to gobble up the holy monk. (Write the meaning of underlined phrase)
to eat someone or something completely

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer

Question 5.
The most powerful among the three disciples is …….. (Fill in the blank)
Sun Wukong

Question 6.
Define the word ‘pilgrimage’ from the extract.
a journey taken for a religious purpose

State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 7.
Guanyin deity is the goddess of wealth.

Open Ended Question

Question 8.
Do you know that cartoon characters are imaginary? Describe your favourite cartoon character in two-three lines.
My favourite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse. He looks like a big mouse but talks like a human being. He is funny and keeps smiling all the time.

Language Study

You know that many a times a letter or a group of letters is added before or after a word to make new words. A letter or a group of letters that is added before a word is called a prefix. A letter or group of letters that is added after a word is called a suffix. The word to which a prefix or suffix is added is called a root or root word.
Let us look at some examples of root, prefixes and suffixes.

Oral Work

Question 9.
Tell as many names of words as possible beginning with prefix ‘im-’ within two minutes.
immature, impossible, immobile, immeasurable, imbalance, immortal, immoral, immodest, imperfect


Question 10.
Have you read or heard of any other traveller, who had visited India a long time ago. Do your research and write a brief note on one such traveller.
Another traveller who had visited India long before Yuan Chwang, was Fa-hien. He was a Chinese pilgrim, who came to India during the rule of Chandragupta II. Fa-hien started his journey to Irdia in 399 A.D and he reached India in 400 A.D. He stayed in India up to 411 AD. He visited places like Peshawar, Taxila, Mathura,. Kannauj, Sarsvati, Kapilavastu and a few others.

After completing his travel in India, he stayed in Sri Lanka for some two years and then returned to China. He reached China in 414 A.D. He wrote in detail about his journey, which is a detailed account of religious and social conditions of those days. But he did not write anything about the political conditions of that time. Fa-hien’s main objective was to visit Buddhist religious places. Like Yuan Chwang, he also wanted to take with him the copies of Buddhist religious texts. He also described the cities that he had visited during his whole journey.

[Note: The above answer is an example. Students can do their own research.]

Question 11.
If you were to undertake Yuan Chwang’s journey today, how will you travel? Describe it using a map or ‘Google map’. State which modes and means of transport you will use.
Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer 6
The aim of Yuan Chwang’s journey was to collect the Buddhist scriptures from Nalanda and odhgaya. In today’s time, if I were to undertake a journey like his, then I would travel by airplane from Xian to Patna and further by train to Nalanda and Bodhgaya.

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer

Journey to the West Glossary

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Journey to the West Question Answer 7

Journey to the West Summary

हा पाठ वु चेंगेन च्या ‘Journey to the West’ या कादंबरीवर आधारित आहे. यामध्ये इंग्लंड किंवा अमेरिका या पश्चिमेकडील देशांकडील कोणत्याही प्रवासाबाबत भाष्य केलेले नाही. यामध्ये उल्लेख केलेला पश्चिमेकडील प्रवास म्हणजे चीन ते भारत हा प्रवास. चीनसारख्या आपल्या पूर्वेकडील देशांसाठी आपण म्हणजेच भारत हा पश्चिमेकडील देशच आहे, हे आपण विसरू नये / लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे.

ही युवान श्वांग या चिनी प्रवाशाच्या भारताकडे येण्याच्या प्रवासाची कथा आहे. ही कथा ऐतिहासिक आणि काल्पनिक नोंदीवर आधारित आहे. युवान श्वांग भारतामधून चीन या आपल्या मायदेशात बौद्ध साहित्य घेऊन जाऊ इच्छित होता. यासाठी त्याला १७ वर्षं खडतर परिस्थितीत प्रवास करावा लागला. त्याने अत्यंत कठीण आणि धोकादायक रस्त्यांवरून वाटचाल केली. त्याचा प्रवास अत्यंत अवघड होता, त्यामुळे अनेकजण असे मानतात, की मोहिमेत त्याला देव आणि अलौकिक शक्तींनी सहकार्य केले. त्यानंतर युवान श्वांग च्या भारत प्रवासाच्या खऱ्या कथंमध्ये अनेक लोककथांची भर पडून त्या कथेला अद्भुततेचे वलय मिळाले. वु चेंगने ची ‘ Journey to the West’ ही कादंबरी अशाच लोककथांवर आधारित आहे.

या कादंबरीमध्ये गुअनयीन देवता, आणि सन बुकाँग किंवा मन्की किंग, झु बज्जी किंवा पिग्सी, शा वुजिंग किंवा सॅण्ड प्रिस्ट हे तीन उपद्रवकारक अशी मनोरंजक पात्र आहेत. कथेतील या तीन उपद्रवकारकांना स्वर्गातून हद्दपार केलेले असते. जर या तिघांनी युवान श्वांगला या पवित्र साधूला प्रवासात मदत केली, तर त्यांना पुन्हा स्वर्गात परतण्याची संधी मिळू शकते, असे गुअनयीन देवता त्यांना वचन देते. त्यामुळे, हे तीन उपद्रवकारक (trouble maker) श्वांगचे अनुयायी होतात. पाठात यानंतर सन वुकाँगच्या वैशिष्ट्यांची तपशिलवार चर्चा केली आहे. तो स्वतःला वेगवेगळ्या बहात्तर रूपांमध्ये बदलू शकतो. एका कोलांटी उडीत हजारो किलोमीटर प्रवास करू शकतो.

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