Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer

Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.

Std 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer Pdf

7th English 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Warming Up Answers

List 3 of your favourite people. To which of the following categories do they belong? Add a new category if necessary.

  • Scientist
  • Teacher
  • Sportsperson
  • Social worker
  • Soldier
  • Policeman
  • Architect
  • Cricket player
  • Singer
  • Musician
  • Political leader
  • Housewife
  • Lawyer
  • Businessman
  • Actor / actress
  • Dancer
  • Artist
  • Progressive farmer
  • Doctor
  • Engineer
  • Journalist

Three of my favourite people are:

  • My mother – housewife
  • My father – businessman
  • MS Dhoni – cricket player

Leaders have to understand people’s problems. They work hard. I want to be a political leader.
Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer 3

Teachers are so knowledgeable. I want to be a teacher.
Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer 4

Describe orally in a sentence or two, what each of the above do and the special requirements of their profession.
Scientist: A scientist is an expert of a field or fields of science. He or she has to be very observant and aware about the studies as they will help him or her to make a new discovery.

Cricketer / Sportsperson: He or she plays a sport like cricket, football, badminton, chess, athletics, etc. Every sportsperson has to train extensively to remain fit and in touch with their sport.

Actor / Actress: He or she acts in movies or in plays. They need to take extra efforts to prepare forv a role they are playing. They have to understand the character that they are playing by looking at things from his or her point of view.

Teacher: They teach students. They impart knowledge to their students, not only about various ‘ subjects, but even about life. They need to be patient and creative so that they can come up with techniques to make learning fun and interesting for students.

Singer: They sing songs. They have to learn vocal music for years and practice extensively. They have to take extra care of their throat and voice because of their profession.

Dancer: They give dance performances on stage. They must practice extensively for years to reach a ‘ level of expertise in a dance form.

Musician: A musician plays one or multiple musical instruments. He is required to have a good knowledge of music and musical notes to play any instrument.

Artist: An artist uses a means of art such as a painting, sketch, sculpture, etc. as a form of expression. An artist needs to have the basic knowledge of drawing.

Social Worker: A social worker works for the benefit of the down trodden people of the society. He or she needs to be sympathetic and understanding towards the sorrows of other people.

Political Leader: The political leader of a country works for the progress of a country. He or she should be educated and should be able to handle multiple tasks at the same time.

Progressive Farmer: A progressive farmer grows crops in the fields. He or she needs to be aware of the technological improvements in the field, so that he or she can get the best quality produce.

Soldier: A soldier protects the people of a country. To become a soldier, a person should be both mentally and physically, strong and should have unconditional love and commitment towards his country. Housewife: A housewife is the homemaker. She should be aware of the multiple tasks that are supposed to be managed to run a house.

Doctor: A doctor uses his knowledge of medicine to treat anyone who has a health problem. He or she needs to be efficient and confident as it is a matter of life and death.

Policeman: He or she protects and keeps a check on the people of a country. A policeman has to be alert and attentive all the time when he is on-duty.

Lawyer: A lawyfer is the one who fights for his clients in a court of law. A lawyer should have the knowledge of the Constitution and he or she should be able to put forth his arguments confidently and logically.

Engineer: An engineer is the one who designs and constructs machines. He or she should have in-depth knowledge of how different machines work.

Architect: The one who designs buildings is called an architect. He or she should have the knowledge of different architectural techniques and styles to design a building appropriately.

Businessman: A businessman manufactures and sells a product in exchange for money. He or she should be enterprising and should be willing to take risks.

Journalist: A journalist is the one who reports the events and incidents that take place all over the world through a medium of mass communication. He or she needs to be very good with language and should be able to express himself or herself without any limitation.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer

Form groups of 4-5. Discuss what you want to be and what you have to do to achieve your objective.
I want to be a journalist. In order to become a journalist, I have to work on my Hindi / Marathi / English skills and I have to be aware of what is going on around the world. I should also write articles and essays for the school magazine and join a good journalism course in a reputed college.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer 2

Think and answer :

• Why are great scientific minds restless?
Great scientific minds are restless because they keep asking questions like, “Why does this happen?”, “Can I make it better?” or “What more can this do?”

• Was Raman interested in arts?
No, Raman was not interested in arts. He was interested in optical science and acoustics since childhood.

• What does one have to do to prove a theory scientifically?
One has to conduct experiments to prove a theory scientifically.

Listen and answer :

• What won Raman the Nobel Prize for physics in 1930?
Raman won ‘the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his discovery of the Raman Effect.

• Why was 28 February declared as National Science Day?
28th February was declared as National Science Day because C.V.Raman discovered the Raman Effect on that particular day.

• According to Raman, what are the qualities of a good scientist?
According to Raman, the qualities of a good scientist are that he or she should have a questioning mind, should believe in independent thinking and hard work. He or she should be able to look around themselves and try to find the answers in accordance with nature.

Things to do :

• Find out more about the ‘Raman Effect’.
[Students can refer to the information given in ‘Things to remember’ at the beginning of this chapter.]

• Find more information about Einstein.
[Students can refer to the information given in ‘Things to remember’ at the beginning of this chapter.]

• Do you have any questions like Raman? Note them down and discuss them with others.
Yes, I do have a few questions like Raman. I often wonder how diamonds are formed naturally. It is also very fascinating to see a comet in the night sky, but I want to know where they come from.
[Note: The above questions are for reference. Students can come up with their own personal questions.]

2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
Prepare a life-sketch of Dr. C. V. Raman based on this lesson.
Dr.C.V.Raman : A Life Sketch

• Dr.C.V.Raman was born in …… in the year……..
Tiruchirapalli, 1888

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer

• He was a ……. student right from the ………..
bright, start

• He was fascinated by …………
colourful things

• He was interested in ……
optical science and acoustics

• He delivered a lecture at ………..

• He began to wonder about the colour of the sky.

• He was elected fellow of the Royal Society in ……. for his contribution to the science of optics.

• He announced the Raman Effect in ……
March, 1928

• He won the Nobel Prize for physics in ………

• Find the musical instruments mentioned in the extract.
mridangam and tabla

• List the scientific terms used in the extract.
scientist, optical science and sound

Question 4.
Google the information about any five Indian scientists using the following points. Arrange it in a tabular form.

  • Name
  • Place of birth
  • Discovery / Invention
  • Awards and Honours


Name Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Place of birth Bombay, 30th October, 1909
Discovery / Invention Developed the Indian Nuclear Programme, also called as ‘Father of the Indian Nuclear Programme’
Awards / Honours Fellow of the Royal Society (1941), Padma Bhushan (1954)

[Note: The above example is for reference. Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]

Language Study

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete idea. A sentence has two components – subject and predicate. The subject of a sentence is the part which names the person, thing, etc. that we speak about (in that sentence). The remaining part of the sentence tells us more about the subject. This remaining part is called predicate. Note the subject and predicate in each of the following sentences. Also note that the verb form in each sentence depends on the subject.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer 5

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer

7th Class English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Questions and Answers

Read the extract from line 1 to 18 on page 56 of your textbook and answer the following questions. [“Great scientific minds are …….. everything around him.”]

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Find the opposite of the word ‘calm’ from the extract.

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 2.
Who was the other great scientist who lived in the same era as C.V. Raman?
Another famous scientist who lived in the same era as C.V. Raman was Albert Einstein.

Read the extract from line 19 to 45 on pages 56, 57 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“He became a scholar ……. National Science Day.”]

Do as directed.

Question 3.
Pick words related to the word ‘see’ from the extract.
gazing and glanced

Question 4.
Find the musical instrument mentioned in the extract.

Question 5.
List the scientific terms used in this extract.
sound-related physics, acoustics, scattering of light, molecules, experiments, optics, science of light, Raman Effect and National Science Day

Read the extract from line 46 to 65 on page 57 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Even before this ……. find the reason behind it”]

Do as directed.

Question 6.
Give the noun form of the verb ‘contribute’ from the extract.

Question 7.
Find a word similar to ‘tools’ from the extract.

Question 8.
List the scientific terms used in the extract.
optics, Raman Effect, chemical compounds, scientists and laboratories

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 9.
What happened in 1924?
Raman was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1924.

Question 10.
How did the discovery of the Raman Effect prove helpful in the scientific field?
The discovery of the Raman Effect proved helpful to determine the internal structures of two thousand chemical compounds.

Question 11.
Identify the subject and the predicate in the sentences.

i. She will study for an hour.
She – subject
will study for an hour – predicate

ii. The clock has stopped working.
The clock – subject
has stopped working – predicate

iii. The boy fell off the cliff.
The boy – subject
fell off the cliff – predicate

iv. Reema is a very sweet and beautiful girl.
Reema – subject
is a very sweet and beautiful girl – predicate

v. ‘Good things happen to the people who come here.
Good things – subject
happen to the people who come here – predicate

Oral Work

Question 12.
Give as many examples as possible of the following in a minute.

i. Fruits
mango, apple, cheeko, guava, pineapple, orange, cherry, strawberry, banana, grapes …

ii. Sports
badminton, cricket, football, hockey, basketball, squash, tennis, table tennis, rugby …

iii. Colours
orange, blue, pink, black, white, red, purple, green, blue, grey …

[Note: Students can add more examples to the above list.]

Question 13.
Write five things that you have learned from the life and achievements of Dr. C.V. Raman.
Five things that I have learnt from Dr. C.V. Raman’s life and achievements are:

  1. One should be curious about things around them.
  2. One should ask questions and seek their answers.
  3. One should pursue the field of their interest.
  4. One should work hard and think independently.
  5. One should try to gain knowledge about everything around them.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer

Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Glossary

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Question Answer 6

Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Summary

Great Scientists have a Questioning Mind हा उतारा डॉ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम यांनी लिहिला आहे. डॉ. कलाम २००२ ते २००७ या कालावधीत भारताचे राष्ट्रपती होते. वैज्ञानिक संशोधन आणि भारताच्या संरक्षण तंत्रज्ञानाच्या आधुनिकिकरणासाठी दिलेल्या योगदानामुळे त्यांना भारतरत्न या पुरस्काराने सन्मानित करण्यात आले होते. या उताऱ्यामध्ये डॉ. कलाम यांनी महान भारतीय वैज्ञानिक सी. व्ही. रामन यांच्या उल्लेखनीय कार्याची माहिती दिली आहे.

अत्यंत बुद्धिमान असलेल्या सी. व्ही. रामन यांना लहानपणापासूनच विज्ञानाची आवड होती. रामन यांचा असा ठाम विश्वास होता, की आपल्या प्रश्नांची उत्तरे शोधण्यासाठी वैज्ञानिकांनी प्रयोगशाळांवर अवलंबून राहण्यापेक्षा उघड्या डोळ्यांनी सभोवतालच्या जगाकडे पाहावे.

आपल्याभोवती नैसर्गीकरीत्या घडणाऱ्या अनेक घटनांची उत्तरे शोधण्यासाठी / घटनांमागची कारणं शोधण्यासाठी तरुण पिढीनं जिज्ञासू असावे असे त्यांना वाटत असे. प्रकाश आणि ध्वनी शास्त्राच्या क्षेत्रात त्यांनी प्रेरणादायी कार्य केले आहे. ‘रामन परिणाम’ (Raman Effect) या शोधासाठी त्यांना १९३० मध्ये नोबेल पुरस्काराने सन्मानित करण्यात आले. रामन हे हा पुरस्कार मिळवणारे पहिले आशियाई व्यक्ती ठरले.

Great Scientists Have A Questioning Mind Things to Remember

Einstein Albert Einstein was one of the most famous scientists of the world. He was a physicist from Germany and was known for his Theory of Relativity. He was given the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his outstanding contribution in the field of Physics.
Nobel Prize The Nobel Prize is the world’s most prestigious award given to people or organisations for their extraordinary contributions in the field of literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, peace and economics. The Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel established the prizes in his will in 1885 and the first Nobei prizes were given in 1901.
Raman Effect The theory behind the scattering of light, which was given by the Indian scientist C.V. Raman was called the Raman Effect. The theory says that a beam of light gets deflected by the presence of molecules, which changes the wavelength of a few light rays.
Royal Society The Royal Society is the oldest learned society of science. It was formed in 1660 in the United Kingdom. It promotes, recognises and supports excellence in the various fields of scientific study.

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