Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 3.3 News Analysis Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.
Std 7 English Chapter 3.3 News Analysis Question Answer Pdf
7th English 3.3 News Analysis Warming Up Answers
You may have heard phrases like ‘breaking’ news, etc. What other adjectives do people use for news?
There are various other phrases used for news like, shocking news, news of the day / hour, top news, top stories, etc.
News Analysis
Bengaluru : Shivam Institute of Innovative Technology, Bengaluru has recently issued a list of DO’s and DON’Ts for candidates taking the Entrance Test to the prestigious institute this year.
The candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall wearing closed shoes, boots, even socks. Other items which will not be allowed inside include mobile phones, microphones. earplugs, calculators and other electronic gadgets, pouches, printed or blank papers and even pens. The pens will be provided in the hall by the invigilators.
Question 1.
Give the meaning of ‘issued’, ‘candidates’ and ‘invigilators’ ?
- distributed
- people taking an exam
- those who keep a check on people taking an exam
Question 2.
Who is conducting the test?
Shivam Institute of Innovative Technology, Bengaluru is conducting the test.
Question 3.
Discuss the following in groups of four or five :
(a) Why is closed footwear (shoes, socks) not allowed in the examination hall?
Closed footwear (shoes, socks) is not allowed in the examination hall to stop the students from cheating during the exam.
(b) Why has the institute not allowed electronic gadgets in the hall?
The institute has not allowed electronic gadgets in the examination hall because they can create a nuisance in the examination hall and students can also misuse it for copying.
(c) What other measures can be taken to prevent ‘copying’?
Other measures that can be taken to prevent ‘copying’ are:
- The students can be checked before they enter the examination hall.
- There can be a surprise check during the exam.
- There can be two invigilators in every class.
Question 4.
Why is this news published in newspapers?
The news is published in a newspaper because it concerns various people, who are going to take the exam. They should know the do’s and don’ts, so that when they go to the exam centre, they are able to take their exams without any trouble from the institute.
Mumbai, Sept. 9, : Famous actress Ritika who is believed to be the most highly paid star in Bollywood is all set to break the hearts of her fans. In an informal chat with journalists, she revealed that she will not sign any more films, after completing the big-budget movie ‘Ant’ next month. She refused to give any reasons for her decision. However, sources close to her reveal that now she wants to make a career in politics.
Question 1.
Guess the meaning of ‘most highly paid’, ‘revealed ‘, ‘sign films’
- one who receives the highest amount of salary
- to show something that was previously hidden
- sign a contract to act in a film
Question 2.
What words are used for the following in the news item :
(a) film industry
(b) something on which a lot of money is spent
(a) Bollywood
(b) big-budget
Question 3.
Guess why ‘Ant’ is a big-budget movie.
‘Ant’ is a big-budget movie because the most highly paid star in Bollywood, Ritika has acted in the movie. Also, it may sound like a big-budget movie because the word ‘ant’ refers to an insect and showcasing such characters in a movie would require visual effects and animation which cost a lot of money. These could be the reasons why ‘Ant’ is a big-budget movie.
Question 4.
Can you think of other reasons for Ritika’s decision?
Another reason for Ritika’s decision to stop acting in movies could have been that she wanted to try something else other than acting.
Question 5.
What will be Ritika’s reaction to this news?
Ritika’s reaction to this news might be surprising as the news may not be true and it may not be reliable.
London : The famous physics professor Stephen Hawking has warned that mankind is
facing the most dangerous time in its history today. He said that the world today is facing huge challenges like climate change, overpopulation, epidemic diseases. ‘We have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live and have not yet developed the ability to escape it. Perhaps in a few hundred years from now, we will have built colonies amid the stars, but right now, we have only one planet and we need to work together to protect it.’ Hawking wrote recently in the Guardian newspaper.
Question 1.
Guess the meaning of ‘mankind’.
‘Mankind’ means the entire human race or the entire human population of the planet.
Question 2.
Which words or phrases in the news refer to earth?
mankind, world, planet
Question 3.
Which of the following problems do you believe is the most serious?
(a) climate change
(b) over population
(c) epidemic diseases
Discuss this in groups of four or five using your mother tongue and English.
According to me, over-population is the most serious problem of all.
Question 4.
Discuss the following statements with the help of your teacher.
(a) We have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live.
(b) We will have built colonies amid the stars.
(c) Right now, we have only one planet.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity in class.]
Question 5.
Prof. Hawking wrote about the problem in the Guardian.
Why is it given as ‘news’ in other papers?
Though Prof. Hawking wrote about the problem in the Guardian, it is given in other papers as ‘news’ because this news is important and affects every part of the world. The other newspapers report what Prof. Stephen Hawking said in the Guardian, so that effective steps can be taken to fight the challenges that our planet Earth is facing.
Staff Reporter: Kavathe:
Hundreds of people flock every hour to Rulewadi, a tiny settlement near Ambegaon. They wait in long winding queues in the hot sun to get u ‘special’ powder from Miribaba who claims that it cures all sorts of diseases. According to him, he has developed this powder from a special herb in the Himalayas. Unwilling to give the exact name and source of the herb, he only says that it was revealed to him. He offers it at Rs 25 a packet. Each packet is specially ‘blessed’ by him. Some of his followers claim that they have seen him curing thousands of people with his powder. However, Dr Kurnik of Ambegaon Civil Hospital says that the number of patients in their hospital has in fact increased in the last few weeks.
Question 1.
Guess the meaning of ‘flock’ and ‘followers’.
to gather
people who believe in someone’s teachings
Question 2.
Why is there a question mark in the heading?
There is a question mark in the heading because it is not confirmed if Miribaba’s powder is an actual cure for all ailment or not.
Question 3.
Which part of the news is reliable? Which part may not be reliable? How do we learn that?
The part of the news that is reliable is the increase in number of patients in Ambegaon Civil Hospital in the last few weeks. The part of the news that is not reliable is that the powder of Miribaba cures all sorts of diseases. We come to learn the difference between the two because the doctor’s statement can be verified with the hospital’s records, whereas the information given by Miribaba and his followers comes from unreliable sources and cannot be verified.
Question 4.
Will Miribaba and his followers like the news?
No, Miribaba and his followers will not like the news.
Question 5.
What should you do when you fall ill?
If we fall ill, we should soon visit a doctor.
Question 6.
Imagine how the news item – ‘Quick Cure For All Ailments?’ helped people understand the truth – that Miribaba’s powder cannot cure diseases. Write the story about it in short, in your mother tongue.
सर्व आजार चटकन बरे होण्यासाठी एकच औषध ?
आंबेगाव जवळच्या राळेवाडी या लहानशा वस्तीमध्ये दररोज प्रत्येक तासाला शेकडो लोक भेट देतात. येथे राहणारा मिरीबाबा त्यांना एक जडीबुटींची भुकटी देतो. या औषधाने सर्व आजार बरे होतात असा दावा तो करतो. ही औषधी त्याने हिमालयातील विशेष वनस्पतींपासून बनवल्याचे सांगून २५ रुपयांना एक पुडी याप्रमाणे त्या भुकटीची विक्री करतो. प्रत्येक पुडी देताना तो . रुग्णाला खास आशीर्वाद देतो. या भुकटीमुळे असंख्य लोक बरे झाल्याचे त्याचे काही शिष्य सांगत असतात, तर आंबेगाव नागरी रुग्णालयाचे डॉ. कर्णिक यांच्या मते मात्र गेल्या काही आठवड्यांपासून त्यांच्या रुग्णालयातील रुग्णांच्या संख्येत वाढ झाली आहे. यावरूनच मिरीबाबाच्या औषधातील खोटेपणा दिसून येतो. त्याच्या भुकटीमुळे कोणतेही आजार बरे होत नाहीत, हे सिद्ध होते.
3.2 The Welcome English Workshop Answers Pdf
• Write your own impressions about the news items given in (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the table below.
7th Class English Chapter 3.2 The Welcome Questions and Answers
Summative Assessment
Read the extract (News Analysis – a) on page 70 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
{“Bengaluru: Shivam Institute ………. by the invigilators.”]
Do as directed.
Question 1.
List the electronic gadgets given in the extract.
mobile phones, microphones, earplugs, calculators
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 2.
Who is Stephen Hawking?
Stephen Hawking is the famous physics professor.
Read the extract (News Analysis – d) on page 72 of your textbook.
[“Staff Reporter: Kavathe: Hundreds of …….. last few weeks.”]
Do as directed.
Question 3.
Find the word / phrase similar to ‘a small village’ from the extract.
‘a tiny settlement’
Open Ended Question
Question 4.
What other items do you find in a newspaper besides news?
There are various other items that we find in a newspaper besides news, like advertisements, vacancy announcements, public announcements, obituaries, matrimonial advertisements, etc.
Oral Work
Question 5.
Tell as many words as possible, related to the following words.
i. news
bollywood, cricket, calamity, media, politics, television, newspaper, channels, reporters, journalists …
ii. TV
channels, reports, reporters, camera, daily soaps, comedy, movies, talk shows, reality shows, actors …
iii. radio
music, songs, radio jockey, frequency, news, advertisements, media, films, city …
iv. mobile
phone talk, text, games, camera, selfies, applications, settings, alarm, calendar…
[Note: Students can add more words to the above list.]
Reading Activity
Question 6.
Go through a few specimens of any major newspaper. You will see that each page usually carries only a certain type of news. The types are decided according to region – city, state, nation, world, etc. and also according to the nature of the news – political, cultural, science related, financial, sports related, etc. Read all the news items given on pages 70 to 72 of your textbook and decide the types to which each of the News Item belongs.
News Item | Region | Nature of News |
(a) | Nation | Educational / Academic |
(b) | Nation | Entertainment |
(c) | World | Science related |
(d) | State | Cultural |
Question 7.
Read five newspaper articles every day and try to analyse them on the basis of their reliability.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]
The Welcome Glossary
The Welcome Introduction
बहुधा लोकांचा असा विश्वास असतो, की आपण जे दूरदर्शनवर (टिव्ही) पाहतो, रेडिओवर ऐकतो. किंवा वृत्तपत्रात वाचतो ते खरे असते; पण माध्यामांमधून आपल्याला दिल्या जात असलेल्या माहितीबद्दल विचार करणे आवश्यक आहे. एखादया गोष्टीबद्दलचे विविध दृष्टिकोन काळजीपूर्वक लक्षात घेतल्यावरच आपण आपले मत बनवले पाहिजे.
‘News Analysis’ या पाठामध्ये आपण दररोज पाहत असलेल्या, वाचत असलेल्या किंवा ऐकत असलेल्या बातम्यांचा अर्थ कसा लावला जातो, याबाबत भाष्य केले आहे. काहीवेळा (सकारात्मक) बातम्या चांगल्या असतात, ज्या ऐकून आपल्याला आनंद होतो. काहीवेळा बातम्या वाईट असतात आणि त्या ऐकून आपल्याला दुःख होते. बातम्या कंटाळवाण्या असतात आणि मनोरंजकही असतात. कोणतीही बातमी वाचताना किंवा पाहताना ती विश्वसनीय आहे, की नाही ही बाब लक्षात घेतली पाहिजे.
बातमीच्या घटकांचं विश्लेषण करण्यास उपयोगी ठरतील अशी विविध उदाहरणे या पाठात दिली आहेत.