Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer

Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.

Std 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Question Answer Pdf

7th English 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Warming Up Answers

Form pairs. Make a list of things that you usually share with others and another of things which you do not usually share.

Things that I share with others Things that I do not share with others
Food Handkerchief
Books Comb
Views and opinions Secrets
Jokes undergarments
Pencil or pen toothbrush

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer 1

• You share your tiffin with others.
You eat all by yourself.
If I share my tiffin with others, I feel happy because all of us sit together, talk to each other and get a chance to taste a variety of food. When I eat alone, I feel lonely and I miss having someone around.

• You play in a team.
You practise alone.
If I play in a team, I enjoy a lot. We learn from each other, correct our mistakes and help one another to improve our game. If I practise alone, I get bored.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer 2

• You hear a piece of news.
You tell the news to others.
If I hear a piece of news, I research and analyse it. If I think that the news is right, I share it with my friends and we discuss about it. I feel good if I share news with my close friends. If it is good news, I feel happier and if it is bad, I feel better knowing that my friends are there for me.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer 3

• You read something nice but don’t tell others about it.
You tell others about the interesting things you’ve read.
If I read something nice but do not tell anyone, I do not feel good as knowledge should be shared. If I tell people about the interesting things that I have read, I am able to share meaningful information with others. I also learn new things from others and enrich my knowledge.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer 4

• You learn to make something new.
You teach it to others.
I feel joyous and proud when I learn something new. When I teach it to others, I improve my own skills. The more I teach, the more I learn.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer 5

• Guess the meaning of
‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’
a legal action will be taken against the people who enter someone’s land or property without permission.

Think and answer :

The author describes the Seasons and Natural elements as though they were persons. This is known as personification.
Name the elements which are personified here and tell whether each is shown as a good or bad person.
The Snow, Winter, Frost, North Wind and Hail are personified as bad persons, while Spring, flowers, trees, birds, Summer and Autumn are personified as good persons.

• What do you prefer, summer or winter? Why?
I prefer winter over summer because in my city, summer is not an enjoyable season. Summer brings unbearable heat and makes me sweat. Winter is beautiful as the weather is pleasant and I can enjoy ‘ the warmth of hot coffee, cosy blankets and woollen clothes.

• What weather do the characters in the story prefer?
• What could be the reason behind their choice?
The characters in the story prefer spring. Spring is the time when beautiful flowers blossom on trees, the weather is pleasant and everything in nature is colourful and soothing. In western countries, the season of winter is harsh, cold and dry. Hence, the characters in the story prefer spring.

• Find and read the rest of the story.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activities on their own.]

4.5 From The Selfish Giant English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
List all the words related to weather and seasons from the extract.
springtime, spring, winter, north wind, hail, snow, frost, autumn

Question 2.
Form group of 5. Turn the story into a play as an activity. Use the following scenes and characters. Write appropriate speeches / dialogues for them. Also write stage directions in brackets. Each group can write one or two scenes. Then put the scenes together to make a whole play. Read your play aloud.
Scene 1 : In the giant’s garden
Characters : Narrator, children, birds, etc.
Scene 2 : In the giant’s garden (The giant returns.)
Characters : Narrator, giant, children
Scene 3 : On the dusty road
Characters : Children
Scene 4 : In the giant’s garden
Characters : Spring, winter, beautiful flowers, snow, frost, North Wind, Hail
Scene 5 : The giant sitting at the window
Characters : Giant, autumn, winter, North Wind, Hail, snow, narrator
Scene 6 : Thegiantinhisbed
Characters : Giant, Linnet, Hail, North Wind
Scene 7 : The giant at the window
Characters : Children, trees, birds, flowers, winter, little boy
Scene 8 : The giant in his garden
Characters : Giant, children, tree, birds, little boy, Spring, Narrator
Scene 1
(There is a large garden with soft green grass, twelve peach trees and beautiful flowers. Children añd birds can be seen swaying in the afternoon breeze.)
Narrator : Well, this is the giant’s garden that welcomes lovely children every afternoon. Birds sit on trees and sing. It all happens in the absence of the giant. But forget the giant now. Let’s meet these beautiful children playing in the garden.
Child 1 : I love this garden ! I love its flowers and their fragrance.
Child 2 : I love playing on the grass that softly tickles my feet.
Child 3 : I hate playing outside this garden. Everywhere else, it is dusty and full of stones.
Child 4 : Yes, you are right. This really feels like the garden of heaven—beautiful and peaceful. (Two beautifullinnets are sitting in a peach tree and talking to each other.)
Linnet 1 : Do you see those flowers? They look like stars in the afternoon.
Linnet 2 : Yes, you are right. This garden ¡s the most beautiful place.
Linnet 1 : But I’m afraid of the giant. What if he comes back someday?
Linnet 2 : If he returned, he wouldn’t let these children play here.

Scene 2
(It is another beautiful afternoon in the garden. Children are playing and skipping around. An exceptionally tall and stout man in loose clothes appears in the garden.)
Narrator : Well, here comes an end to the seven years of happy and joyful moments spent in the garden. The giant is back.
Giant : What are you doing here?
(The giant steps heavily towards the children, which frightens them. The birds fly away.)
Giant : How dare you enter into my garden! I had gone to visit my friend Cornish Ogre and you took an advantage of my absence. This is my garden! I will not allow anybody else to play in it.
Child 1 : You are selfish!
Giant : Shut up, you little creature I will call my friend, the Ogre. He will eat you all.
(All the frightened children run away. The giant comes out of the garden and makes a loud announcement.)
Giant : This is my garden. Listen carefully, you all! Trespassers will be prosecuted. I will build a wall so high that none of you will be able to peep inside the garden, again.
[Note: The above scenes are for reference.]

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer

Question 3.
Write a note of thanks from the children to the Giant who is now their friend.
Dear Giant,
We are very thankful to you for allowing us to play in your garden. Earlier, you denied us entry inside your garden, so’we had nowhere to play. We had tried to play on the road, but the road is very dusty and full of stones. However, we are really happy that you have knocked down the wall that you had built around your garden. We will always be grateful to you for giving us your garden to play.
Thank you for being so kind and generous!
-All the children.

Question 4.
The story given here is a part of a longer story. Read the entire story of the Selfish Giant.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activities on their own.]

7th Class English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Questions and Answers

Read the extract from line 1 to 59 on pages 108 and 109 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Every afternoon, ……… a change in the weather.”]

Do as directed.

Question 1.
It was a large lovely …… with soft green grass. (Fill in the blank)

State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 2.
The children played in the giant’s garden.

Question 3.
The giant returned home after five years.

Question 4.
Winter had forgo’tten the garden of the giant.

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 5.
Where had the giant been for seven years?
The giant had gone to visit his friend, the Cornish Ogre. He had stayed with him for seven years.

Question 6.
Why did Spring not visit the giant’s garden?
Since the giant had stopped the children from entering his garden, Spring decided not to visit his garden. Spring was not happy with the giant’s selfish behaviour.

Question 7.
Who were pleased with the giant’s decision?
The only people who were pleased with giant’s decision were the Snow and the Frost. ..

Read the extract from line 60 to 99 on pages 109 and 110 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“But the Spring never …….. was too tiny.”]

Do as directed.

Question 8.
But the Spring never came nor the …… (Fill in the blank)

Question 9.
List all the words related to weather and seasons from the extract.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, North Wind, Hail, Snow.

State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 10.
The Autumn gave golden fruit to the giant’s garden.

Question 11.
The giant saw a linnet singing outside his window.

Question 12.
The trees were glad to have the children back again.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer

Answer the following in 2-3 sentences.

Question 13.
What made the giant believe that the spring had arrived at last?
One day, the giant noticed that the Hail and the North Wind had stopped roaring and linnet was singing on a tree. A sweet perfume came to him through the window and that made him believe that Spring had arrived, at last.

Question 14.
What wonderful sight did the giant see?
The giant saw that the trees covered with flowers were swaying with delight and there was a child in every tree. The birds were flying about and the flowers on the grass were laughing. This was the wonderful sight that the giant saw.

Read the extract from fines 100 to 126 on pages 110 and 111 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“And the giant’s heart ……… had ever seen.”]

Do as directed.

Question 15.
…….. was really sorry for what he had done. (Fill in the blank)
The giant

Question 16.
Guess the meaning of the phrase ‘stole up’ from the extract.
moved nearer quietly

Question 17.
Find the opposite of following words from the extract.

  1. bottom
  2. upstairs
  3. lost
  4. back


  1. top
  2. downstairs
  3. found
  4. front

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 18.
What did the giant do once he realised his mistake?
The giant knocked down the wall around the garden once he realized his mistake. He allowed the children to come inside the garden and started playing with them as well.

Oral Work

Question 19.
Think of as many things as possible that are related to a garden within two minutes.
flowers, trees, grass, birds, water, fountain, benches, fruits, lawn, flower-bed, watering-can, mow, plants, herbs, thorns, greenery, colours, fragrance, leaves, stones, pigeons, bees, beehives, wind, breeze, cobwebs, buds of flowers, dew

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer

From The Selfish Giant Glossary

Class 7 English Chapter 4.5 From The Selfish Giant Question Answer 6

From The Selfish Giant Summary

‘From The Selfish Giant’ ही काल्पनिक कथा ऑस्कर फिंगल ओ’ फ्लॅहेरटीस विल्स विल्डे या आयरिश लेखकाने (आयर्लंडचे रहिवासी) लिहिली आहे. ही एका महाकाय अशा दुष्ट मानवाची कथा आहे. हा महाकाय मानव आपल्या मित्राकडे राहायला गेलेला असतो. त्या काळात शाळेत जाणारी मुले दररोज शाळा सुटल्यावर त्याच्या सुंदरशा बागेत खेळायला येत असतात. एके दिवशी तो आपल्या घरी परत येतो, मुलांना बागेत खेळताना पाहून खूप रागावतो. मुलांनी आपल्या बागेत खेळू नये, म्हणून बागेला भलीमोठी भिंत घालतो आणि मुलांनी बागेत प्रवेश करू नये अशी सूचना लावतो. त्यामुळे बिचाऱ्या मुलांना खेळायला जागाच मिळत नाही. ते रस्त्यावर खेळण्याचा प्रयत्न करतात; पण तेथे धूळ आणि खडे असतात.

मुलांना बागेत खेळण्यास बंदी घालून आपण सर्व ऋतूंनाही बागेत येण्यापासून थांबवत आहोत, हे त्या महाकाय मानवाच्या लक्षातच येत नाही. संपूर्ण देशभर वसंत ऋतूचे आगमन होते. तरीसुद्धा त्याच्या बागेत हिवाळा असतो. शरद ऋतू त्याच्या बागेत फळे देत नाही आणि वसंत ऋतू सौंदर्याचा बहर देत नाही. मुलांना बंदी असल्यामुळे निसर्गातील सर्व सौंदर्य त्या बागेत प्रवेश करण्यास नकार देते. हळूहळू त्याला आपली चूक समजते.

शेवटी त्या महाकाय दुष्ट मानवाचे हृदय पालटते आणि निरागस मुलांकडून तो दयाळूपणा शिकतो. मुले त्याच्या बागेत येऊन पुन्हा खेळू-बागडू लागतात आणि त्यांच्यापाठोपाठ वसंत ऋतूचेही आगमन होते. अखेरीस तो बागेची भिंतही तोडून टाकतो. तो मुलांचा चांगला मित्र होतो, त्यांच्यासोबत खेळू लागतां आणि आता त्याची बाग ही मुलांचे कायमस्वरूपी खेळण्याचे ठिकाण झाले होते.

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