Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer

Students can find the best My English Book 8th Standard Question Answer and 8th Class English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.

Std 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer Pdf

8th Class English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Questions and Answers

Chit – Chat

Question 1.
Do you like courageous or cowardly people?
I like and admire people who are courageous.

Question 2.
Why do you like courageous people?
I like courageous people as no situation scares them. Rather than taking difficult situations as a setback, they look at them as challenges which have to be won over.

Question 3.
How can we boost our confidence and courage?
We can boost our confidence and courage in the following manner:

  1. Read about the lives of courageous people and their deeds.
  2. Listening to people about their acts of courage and how they handle challenges.
  3. Taking on challenges that come our way and seeing them to completion.

Question 4.
According to you who are more courageous, men or women?
One cannot really categorise any one gender as being courageous. Each person is unique. While several stories have been told about the bravery of men, there are equal instances of women who have been brave and courageous in the face of danger.

Question 5.
What situations/background provide us courage?
The situations/background that provide us courage are adversities, threat to our life or to those of our dear ones and our values in life.

[Note: The above answers are for reference.
Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own]

8th English 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Warming Up Answers

Question 1.
Read the names of the parts of a ship and their description and label the diagram of the ship given below.
(a) anchor – an inverted T shaped structure of iron to hold a ship on the spot.
(b) beam – broadest part of a ship side to side
(c) bow – front part of a ship
(d) bilge / keel – bottom of a ship
(e) bridge / cockpit / wheel house – control cabin of a ship
(f) crow’s nest – top most part / post of a ship from where a sailor can look out
(g) hull – portion of the ship seen above sea-water level
(h) part holes – small windows on the side of the ship
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 1
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 2

• What role did the lighthouse play?
The light from the lighthouse would shine across the sea, warning sailors of dangerous rocks at night. Once they would see the light, they would take their ships far out to the sea to stay out of danger.

• What efforts did Grace’s father take to educate his children?

• What was Grace always unhappy about?
Grace was always unhappy about the poor sailors battling the sea in the fierce storms.

• What did Grace notice from her window?
Grace looked outside her window, she noticed —
A. many rocks crushed by the storm
B. her father rescuing the survivors
C. people clinging on to rocks, half under the sea

• How did Grace and her father come to the rocks?
The Boat went up and down over the waves as high as hills. Every time they went down the boat nearly went under the water. Little by little with all their strength on the oars, they came to the rocks.

• At the most, how many could the boat carry?
At the most the boat can carry only 7 people in a time.

• How did the Darling family become fámous?
After the several days those passenger were able to return to their homes in England. They told the story of the brave girl Grace and her father to their families and friends, suddenly Grace darling and her father were famous.

2.5 A Heroine of the Sea English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
Write the antonyms for the following from the extract.

coward × …………..
carelessly × …………..
selfish × …………..
happy × …………..
rare × …………..
disagreed × …………..
enemies × …………..
forgot × …………..
coward × brave
carelessly × carefully
selfish × unselfish
happy × unhappy
rare × common
disagreed × agreed
enemies × friends
forgot × remembered

Question 2.
Pick out words from the story, make a list of eight words related to sea-travel.
For example: lighthouse
(1) ………………..
(2) ………………..
(3) ………………..
(4) ………………..
(5) ………………..
(6) ………………..
(7) ………………..
(8) ………………..
(1) coast
(2) passengers
(3) sailors
(4) shipwreck
(5) ship
(6) storm
(7) boat
(8) oars

Question 3.
Write any two dialogues from the story that prove the following:
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 15

i. Grace Darling was selfless and brave.
a. ……….
b. ………
a. “We must rescue them before they are drowned!”
b. “I can row a boat as well as any man, can’t I?”

ii. William Darling was unwilling to take a risk.
a. …………
b. …………
a. “We can do nothing.”
b. “If only I had another man here to help me.”

iii. Mrs. Darling discouraged them from trying to rescue.
a. ………
b. ………
a. “A girl like you Grace, cannot do a man’s job.”
b. God will help them, perhaps, but we cannot!”

Question 4.
Answer in short in your own words.

(a) She stayed back home, with her parents WHO?
Grace stayed back home, with her parents.

(b) A ship was wrecked that night. WHY?
A ship was wrecked that night because of a terrible storm.

(c) Nine men and women did not drown. WHY NOT’?
Nine men and women were able to climb on to a rock. They were clinging on to the rocks.

(d) Grace said she would help her father to rescue. HOW’?
Grace said that she can help him to row the boat as well as any man and that she has often rowed with him.

(e) Using all their strength to row, they came there. WHERE?
Using all their strength to row, the came nearer the rocks.

Question 5.
How can you, as a young student, help people la a terrible road accident. Write 5 types of action you can take.
(1) ………………………..
(2) ………………………..
(3) ………………………..
(4) ………………………..
(5) ………………………..
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 16
(1) provide first aid
(2) ask for help from people nearby
(3) shift the injured to a nearby hospital
(4) make arrangements for their food
(5) inform their near and dear ones

Question 6.
Things to do:

i. Describe the life of a family who lives in lighthouses.
A family that lives in different lighthouses is far away from towns and cities. Their children lose out on the facilities offered to other children such as education, jobs, etc. Storms and ravages of the sea are commonly experienced by them. It is because of their bravery, courage and selflessness that many sailors survive.

ii. Rewrite the story in your own medium of instruction.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]

Question 7.
Discuss in groups and write about the life of Grace using the following guidelines.
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 5
i. Place of living:
Grace was just 10 years old when her family went to live in the Longstone lighthouse.

ii. Her education:
Grace’s father educated his children by teaching them how to read and write. He also taught them to be honest, brave and unselfish.

iii. The challenges she had at the lighthouse:
a. The lighthouse that Grace lived in, was far away from a city or town.
b. She often felt lonely there as her siblings had moved to other cities to find work and she and her parents were the only people in the lighthouse.

iv. Her unselfishness:
Although Grace was safe in the lighthouse, she was unhappy about the poor sailors who were at sea in the storm. When she spotted the survivors on the rocks, she made all attempts to convince her father to rescue them. Grace and her father eventually set out to rescue the survivors in the middle of the storm, putting their own lives in danger.

v. How she was finally rewarded:
The story of Grace and her father’s heroism was printed in newspapers all over. People also raised money to help lighthouse keepers. Grace and her family were given a special reward. Her legacy lives on even after her death.

vi. Her act of bravery:
Though Grace was small in built she bravely rowed the oars that were bigger than her in the storm. Together, she and her father saved the nine survivors of the ship wreck.

vii. Her helping nature:
Grace stayed back with her parents in the lighthouse to help them. Also, after saving the nine survivors of the ship wreck, she and her mother kept them warm and fed them till they could return home.

viii. Support from parents:
Grace’s parents were initially reluctant to rescue the survivors. But Grace convinced them and thereafter they helped and supported Grace to rescue the survivors and restore their health.

Question 8.
Imagine you have read in the News about how Grace Darling’s courage saved some ship-wrecked people. Write a letter of congratulations to her and her family for the brave, humane act.
7, Station Road
NE85 8XP
20th September, 1838

Dear Grace,

I hope you and your parents are doing well. I am writing this letter in admiration of the courageous act that you and your family performed to save the lives of the ship-wreck survivors.

Me and my family read about your bravery in the newspapers and wondered how a girl so young, can show such selflessness. We deeply appreciate the efforts you and your family madefto ensure the survival of those survivors. Indeed, the lessons your father gave and the values he has infused in you are rare to find in today’s world. We hope that you continue your good work in the days to come.

Best wishes to you.

Yours lovingly,
Ms. Reena Matthew
(Ideal Convent School)



(1) Word Ladder is a word game.

  • Players can get a starting word and an ending word.
  • Starting and ending words must be of the same length.
  • Players can change one letter at a time, attempting to move from the starting word to the ending word.
  • Each intermediate step must be a valid word and no proper nouns allowed! See the following word chain —

(1) HARD to EASY : hard – hare – care – cart – cast – east – easy

(2) Taking a pig to a sty.
Pig – wig – way – wag – say – sty
Work in pairs and try to build ladder.

  • COLD to HEAT
  • CAT to DOG
  • MAN to APE
  • TEA to POT


(2) Word chain : word chain is a word game that begins with the letter that the previous word ended with.
Activity : Ask the participants to sitlstand in a circle and explain the rules of the game. Give any word/topic/theme of the word chain.

For example :


  1. Noun
  2. Adjectives
  3. Verbs
  4. in general

Now prepare a word chain beginning with given words.
Nouns → Teacher → R ……. → ………

  1. Teacher — —> ..
  2. Verbs → …… → …… → ……
  3. General → ……. → …… → ……..


(3) Tongue Twister : Tounge Twister is a sequence of words or sounds, typically of an alternative kind, that are difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly.

Examples :

  • Peter piper picked a pack of pickled peper.
    Sama leads, Sayali needs.
  • A big black bear sat on a big black rug.
    Activity : Use the internet and find out minimum 5 tongue twisters and present it in the class.

(A) Just one new word a day :

Listen to or read something in English till you come across a word that is new to
you. It could be even the first word that you read or hear. You may find a new
word anywhere — in your textbook, in a newspaper, on a board or hoarding, on TV or radio, etc.

  • Write down the new word on a card.
  • Look it up in a dictionary and learn it.
  • You may talk about it to your teacher/friends/elders.
  • Try to use it in a sentence of your own.
  • Put all the words you have collected so far in alphabetical order.
  • Make sure that your word cards are always arranged in alphabetical order.
  • When you add a new word card to your collection, insert it at its proper place in alphabetical order.

(B) Question a day :

• Frame or choose a simple question on your own.
You should also know the appropriate answer to it.

• Practise using the question and answer with your friend.
You must use a new question every day.

(C) A sentence a day :

• Frame a meaningful sentence in your mother tongue on your own.
• Translate it into English.

(D) Better ‘our work :

• Find words which sound the same, but have a different meaning.
For example, right and write.


• Find words which have the same spelling but different pronunciation.
For example, read : pronounced as reed and as red.

• Find words which look the same, sound the same but have a different meaning. For example, light, which means not heavy and also ‘the sun’s light, lamp light,’ etc.

Live English

My First Aid Kit

(Naresh had some minor bruises on both his knees, while trekking, during his school trip.)

Asif : What should we do now? How can we stop the bleeding?
Naresh : Asif! Shall we talk to our teacher?
(The teacher saw Naresh and Asif and rushed towards them.)
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 17
Teacher: Oh! Are you in great pain, Naresh?
Naresh : Yes Sir. But don’t worry.
Teacher: Asif go and bring the First Aid Box.
(Asif brings the First Aid Box and opens it.)
Naresh : Is it First Aid box, Sir?
Teacher: Yes, it is!
Asif : How can we treat Naresh with this kit Sir?
Teacher: Please go through First Aid Manual.

First Aid Manual

  • Wash the wound with distilled water.
  • Apply antiseptic cream on wound and cover it with cotton.
  • Bind up the wound with a bandage.
  • After taking First Aid, immediately consult the nearest doctor.

Question 1.
Work in pairs. Discuss the uses of the following items from the First Aid Kit.
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 9
The uses of the above-mentioned items from the First Aid Kit are as follows:

  1. Cotton:
    It is used to clean a wound with distilled water and to cover the wound after applying the anti-septic cream.
  2. Band-aid:
    It is used to cover skin-cuts, so as to help them heal and avoid further damage.
  3. Paracetamol:
    It is a tablet that is taken to reduce pain.
  4. Anti-septic Cream:
  5. is applied over a wound to help it heal faster and to prevent the wound from turning septic.
  6. Bandage:
    It is wrapped around the wound to stop bleeding and prevent the skin from getting furiher damaged.
  7. Adhesive Tape:
    It is used to tape the bandage, so that it does not come off.
  8. Distilled ‘Water:
    It is used to clean the wound, so that the wound is free from dirt and other foreign particles.
  9. Hand Gloves:
    ‘They are used to maintain hygiene while treating an injured person and also to avoid exchange of germs from one person to another.

Question 2.
Search on the Internet about other First Aid Kit items and their uses.

  1. Antacids
  2. Thermometer
  3. Crepe Bandage
  4. Pain Relief Spray
  5. Scissors

1. Antacids:

They help reduce the heartburn caused due to indigestion.

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 10

2. Thermometer:

A thermometer is an essential part of a firstaid kit, as it helps to check the temperature of the person who is sick, so that proper care can be given if he / she is suffering from a fever.

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 11

3. Crepe Bandage:

A crepe bandage is used for muscle pulls, sprains, etc. It is best used for the wrists, elbows, ankle joints and knee joints.

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 12

4. Pain Relief Spray:

This is used to treat the minor ache of the muscles or joints.

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 13

5. Scissors:
Scissors are used to cut bandages and form an essential part of a first aid kit.

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 14

Question 3.
Make your own First Aid Kit for your home.
Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own

Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer Extra Questions

Simple Factual

Question 1.
Name the following.
i. The structures that stand around the rocky coast of England.
ii. The sailors take their ships far into the sea when they see this.
iii. These natural occurrences drive the ships on to the rocks.
iv. This was William Darling’s occupation.
v. The lighthouse that Grace and her family went to live in, when she was 10 years old.
vi. The character in the story who stayed back at home along with her parents.
vii. The year when a terrible storm, blew on 6th September.
viii. The only survivors of the shipwreck were these people.
i. lonely lighthouses
ii. light from the lighthouses
iii. fierce storms
iv. lighthouse keeper
v. Longstone
vi. Grace Darling
vii. 1838
viii. nine men and women
[“Around the rocky
……………….under the sea!”]

Complex Factual

Question 2.
Complete the web-diagram given below to denote the efforts taken by William Darling to educate his children.
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 3

  1. read
  2. write
  3. be honest
  4. be brave
  5. be unselfish

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct alternative.

i. During the storm of 1838, Grace was —
A. looking out and enjoying the fierceness of the sea
B. warm and safe in her big lighthouse
C. enjoying hot coffee and snacks with her parents

ii. The night after the storm when Grace looked outside her window, she noticed —
A. many rocks crushed by the storm
B. her father rescuing the survivors
C. people clinging on to rocks, half under the sea

iii. Nine men and women did not drown because —
A. they clung on to bare rocks
B. they were still in the ship
C. they swam to the shore
(i – B),
(ii – C),
(iii – A)

Question 4.
Rewrite the following words with their correct spellings.
i. litehouse
ii. strom
iii. sheepreck
iv. eyelands
i. lighthouse
ii. storm
iii. shipwreck
iv. islands


Question 5.
Choose the correct Question Tag:

i. She was only a little woman.
a. was she?
b. wasn’t she?
c. wasn’t you?
b. She was only a little woman, wasn’t she?

Question 6.
Choose the proper modal to fill in the gap.

a. They _______ hear anything else. (does not I could not / have not)
They could not hear anything else.

b. Nine men and women _______ climb on the rock. (has / does / should / could)
Nine men and women could climb on the rock.

Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 7.
Describe an event where you found that someone needed help and you helped them out.
Once, on my way to school, I met a little girl, who had lost her way home. Many people on the way were asking her where she lived, in order to help her find her way. But the girl kept crying. On repeatedly asking her where she lived, she remembered and mentioned the name óf her building. That’s when I realised that she stayed two buildings away from ours. So, I called up my mother and informed her about the same. Soon, the girl’s mother accompanied by my mother reached there. The girl was happy to see her mother and clung to her.

Simple Factual

Question 8.
Write who said the following sentences to whom.

Utterance Who said it To whom
i. “Will you ever sleep again, Father, if they die?” Grace Father-William Darling
ii. “We can do nothing.” William Darling Daughter-Grace.
iii. “God will help them, perhaps, but we cannot!” Mrs. Darling William and Grace

Question 9.
Correct the following sentences based on the extract.
i. I am small but I am intelligent.
ii. Mrs. Darling helped Grace and her father to get the boat out with a happy heart.
iv. In spite of the wind and the rain, Grace could clearly see the men and women clinging to the rocks.
v. At the most, the boat could carry 10 people.
vi. Grace and her father went back to get the four men still on the rocks.
vii. Grace died at the age of 72 years.
i. I am small but I am strong.
ii. Mrs. Darling helped Grace and her father to get the boat out with a heavy heart.
iv. Because of the strong wind and rain, Grace could not see the men and women clinging to the rocks.
v. At most the boat culd carry 7 people.
vi. William and the two sailors went back to get the four men still on the rocks.
vii. Grace died at the age of 27 years.
[We must rescue ………..
…….. own life for others.”]

Complex Factual

Question 10.
Using all their strength to row, they came thëre. Where?
Using all their strength, Grace and her father came close to the rocks, where the survivors were.

Question 11.
How did Grace and her father reach the rocks?

  1. The boat carrying Grace and her father went up and down over waves as high as the hills.
  2. The boat sailed in the rough and stormy sea by going to the top of a wave and then almost under water.
  3. By rowing with all their strength, little by little, Grace who needed all her strength to hold onto the large oar and her father reached the rocks.

Question 12.
How did the Darling family become famous?

  1. Grace and her father had saved nine survivors of the shipwreck by risking their own lives.
  2. They had helped the survivors to keep warm and had fed them till they could safely return back to their families.
  3. The survivors told the story of grace and her father to their friends and families. The story of their heroism was told in all the newspapers and in recognition of their heroism, they were given a special reward. That is how the Darling family became famous.

Question 13.
Grace said she would help her father to rescue. How?
Grace said she would help her father rescue the survivors in the following manner: –

  1. She reminded her father that she would row as well as any man could.
  2. She explained that though she was small she was strong.
  3. She convinced her father saying that they both could rescue the survivors if they rowed together.


Question 14.
Choose the proper modal and fill in the gap.

a. _______ you ever sleep again? (must / will / may)
Will you ever sleep again?

b. We ___ do something. (must / need / would)
We must do something.

Question 15.
Choose the correct Question tag from the alternatives.

a. Grace did not have any time to rest.
(did she? I didn’t she? I wasn’t she?)
Grace did not have any time to rest, did she?

b. She risked her own life.
(did she? I didn’t she? I was she?)
She risked her own life, didn’t she?

Question 16.
Match the sentences with their types:

Sentence Type
i. Do not try. a. Exclamatory
ii. Will you ever sleep again. b. Assertive (Statement)
iii. Grace did not have any time to rest now. c. Interrogative
iv. “No! no!” she exclaimed. d. Imperative

(i – d),
(ii – e),
(iii – b),
(iv – a)

Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 17.
Grace Darling risked her life for others. Do you agree? What Is your opinion?
Yes, I completely agree that Grace risked her life for others. This is because of the following reasons:

  1. Though she was safe and secure in her lighthouse, she felt bad for the sailors, who were at sea in the storm.
  2. No sooner, she saw that a few survivors were stranded on the rocks, she made persistent efforts to convince her father to save them.
  3. Though she was small in built, and the oars were bigger than her, she used all her strength to row the boat along with her father to reach the rocks.
  4. Once she had saved the people, she and her mother made sure that they were warm and well fed.
  5. She and her parents ensured that the survivors returned to their homes safely, even at the cost of their own comforts.

Question 18.
Grace was a selfless person. Explain your opinion.
Grace was indeed a very selfless person.

  1. She stayed with her parents to help them when her other brothers and sisters left to find work in the nearby cities.
  2. Though she was warm and safe in the lighthouse, she was unhappy about the sailors who were out at sea during the storm.
  3. She made sincere efforts to rescue the few survivors clinging on to rocks.

Question 19.
Describe the manner In which you, as a student, can help people in a terrible road accident. Write five types of action you can take.
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 4

  1. provide first aid
  2. ask for help from people nearby
  3. shift the injured to a nearby hospital
  4. make arrangements for their food
  5. inform their near and dear ones



Question 20.
If you were in a situation like Grace, what would you have done? Would you help the survivors or worry about your own safety? Discuss with your classmates.

Language Study: Practice Question

Question 21.
Do as Directed.

i. Complete the words by using correct letters:
a. fi_rce
b. cl_nging
c. hero_sm
d. dro_ned
e. res_ue
f. c_claimed
g. _recked
h. unfort_nate
a fierce
b. clinging
c. heroism
d. drowned
e. rescue
f. exclaimed
g. wrecked
h. unfortunate

ii. Give the meanings of the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own:

a. set off— began a journey
Grace set off to the woods in search of beautiful flowers.
b. with a heavy heart — sadly
Rachel had to leave her family behind with a heavy heart because of her job.

iii. Put the words ¡n the alphabetical order:
a. fierce, family, father, famous-
b. distance, dangerous, daughter, darling
a. family, famous, father, fierce,
b. dangerous, darling, daughter, distance

iv. Punctuate the following:
a. we must rescue them before they are drowned cried grace
b. she exclaimed how will it help those poor people if you are drowned
a. “We must rescue them before they are drowned!” cried Grace.
b. She exclaimed “How will it help those poor people if you are drowned?”

v. Make four words (minimum 3 letters) using the letters in the given words:
a. darling
b. neighbours
a. grain, grind, land, rain
b. begin, enough, house, horn

vi. Write related adjectives for the following noun:
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 6
deadly, stormy, rough

vii. Complete the word chains. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the
previous word:

a. Verbs
rescue, ___, ___, ____, __________
rescue, elect, tune, end, decide

b. Nouns
father, ____, ___, ____, _______
father, response, event, table, earth

c. Adjectives
fierce, ___, ___, ____, _________
fierce, eager, rash, hungry, yawning

viii. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words and use the root words In your own sentences:
a. fortunate
b. selfish

Word with Prefix Word with Suffix
a. unfortunate fortunately
b. unselfish selfless


a. Rishi was fortunate enough to reach the airport on time.
b. It was selfish of Hiren to not share his food.

ix. Add a subordinate clause to expand the sentences meaningfully:

a. All of them had left the lighthouse.
b. William Darling was able to jump on to the rocks.
a. All of them had left the lighthouse but Grace stayed to help her mother and father.
b. William Darling was able to jump on to the rocks that lead to the men clinging.

x. Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence:

a. She risk her own life for others.
She risked her own life for others.

World Play II


A word ladder is a word game where the players select a start word and an end word. The number of letters in the words is kept the same. Only one letter is to be changed at a time to form a new word. No proper nouns are allowed. This is continued till the end word is reached.

Question 22.
Build a Word Ladder from:

cold – colt – coat – boat – beat – heat

ii. CAT to DOG
cat – bat – bag – lag – log – dog

iii. MAN to APE
man – mat – oat – opt – apt – ape

iv. TEA to POT
tea – pea – pet – pot


A Word chain is a word game that begins with the letter that the previous word ended with.

Question 23.
Prepare a Word Chain beginning with the given words.

i. Nouns-Teacher- …….. – ………
ii. Verbs-………. – …….. – …………
iii. General- …….. – ……… – ………….
i. Nouns – Teacher – rabbittelevision
ii. Verbs – readdreammake
iii. General – composeelephanttriumphantly
[Note: Question has been modified to fit the format. ]


Tongue Twister is a sequence of words, typically of an alternative kind, that are difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly.

Question 24.
List a minimum of 5 tongue twisters.

  1. Crisp crusts crackle and crunch.
  2. She should shun the shining sun.
  3. Many mumbling mice are making merry music in the moonlight.
  4. The cat catchers can’t catch caught cats.
  5. Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes.


Question 25.
Identify 10 new words from the dictionary; write them down in alphabetical order. Write down their meanings and form new sentences using them..
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 7


Question 26.
Frame five questions apd write suitable answers for it.

i. Who is your best friend?
Sheetal is my best friend.

ii. Which is your favourite subject in school?
History is my favourite subject in school.

iii. How do you travel to school?
I travel to school by train.

iv. What did you have for dinner last night?
I had spinach, rice and chappatis for dinner last night.

v. What is your mother’s name?
My mother’s name is Surekha Dattatray Pawar.


Question 27.
Form 5 meaningful sentences about yourself in your mother tongue. Translate them into English.

  1. माझे नाव मोहित प्रकाश देसाई आहे.
  2. मी वरळी येथील माध्यमिक विद्यालयामध्ये शिकतो.
  3. मला दोन भाऊ आणि एक बहीण आहे.
  4. चित्र काढणे आणि फुटबॉल खेळणे हे माझे छंद आहेत.
  5. मोठे झाल्यानंतर मला सैन्यात दाखल व्हायचे आहे.


  1. My name is Mohit rrakash Desai.
  2. I study in Madhyamik Vidyalaya in Worli.
  3. I have two brothers and one sister.
  4. My hobbies include painting and playing football.
  5. I want to grow up and join the army.


Question 28.
Find words which sound the same but have different meanings.
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 18

Question 29.
Write down five words that have the same spelling but different pronunciations.
Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Question Answer 8

Question 30.
Write down five words that have the same spelling and same sound but different meanings.

  1. address (postal location) and address (to speak to)
  2. mean (average) and mean (not nice)
  3. rose (a flower) and rose (got up)
  4. tender (gentle) and tender (to pay money)
  5. tire (a part of a wheel) and tire (to be physically or mentally exhausted)

Live English – II

My First Aid Kit

A first-aid kit is a collection of basic supplies required to give medical treatment. It is important to have a first-aid kit at home, in offices, vehicles, hotels, etc. as they help tend to the injured or sick person until proper medical care can be made available. The supplies that are kept in the first-aid kit may vary depending on various factors, such as the climatic conditions, frequency of accidents in the locality, and so on. However, every first-aid kit should have bandages, anti-septic Liquid, cotton, band-aids, anti-septic cream, painkillers, and hand gloves.

While giving first-aid to someone who is injured, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Put on hand gloves before handling any other item in the first-aid box.
  2. Dab some anti-septic liquid on a cotton ball and wash the wound with it.
  3. Apply some anti-septic cream on the wound, cover it with some cotton and wrap a bandage around it to keep the cotton from falling off.
  4. Seek proper medical care immediately after receiving first aid.

A Heroine of the Sea Glossary

Word Meaning
clinging (v) attaching oneself to (चिकटून राहणे)
fierce (adj) violent; aggressive (भयंकर)
lighthouse (n) a tower displaying light for the guidance of sailors (दीपगृह, दिवा दाखवून खलाशांना मार्गदर्शन करण्यासाठी समुद्रात उभारलेला मनोरा)
oars (n) a pole with a flat blade, used to row a boat through water (वल्हे)
rescue (v) to save (someone) from dangerous or difficult situation (बचाव करणे, सुटका करणे)
shipwreck (n) the destruction of a ship at sea (उद्ध्वस्त झालेले जहाज)


Phrase Meaning
set off began a journey (प्रवासाला सुरुवात)
with a heavy heart sadly (जड अंत:करणाने)

A Heroine of the Sea पाठ्य परिचय

‘A Heroine of the Sea’ या पाठामध्ये ग्रेस डार्लिंग नावाच्या एका तरुण मुलीच्या असामान्य आणि नि:स्वार्थी शौर्याची कथा मांडली आहे. इंग्लंडच्या खडकाळ किनाऱ्यावर उभारलेल्या दीपगृहांतील प्रकाश रात्रीच्यावेळी जहाजांच्या खलाशांना धोक्याचा इशारा देत असे. विल्यम डार्लिंग हे कुटुंबप्रमुख असून ते आपली पत्नी आणि मुलांसह शहर आणि नगरांपासून दूरवरच्या एका एकाकी दीपगृहावर राहत होते. विल्यम यांनी अतिशय काळजीपूर्वक आपल्या मुलांचे संगोपन केले. त्यांना लिहायला आणि वाचायला शिकवले.

त्याचबरोबर त्यांनी मुलांवर प्रामाणिकपणा, शौर्य आणि निःस्वार्थीपणा या गुणांचे संस्कार केले. हळूहळू त्यांची मुले कामधंदयासाठी आसपासच्या शहरांकडे निघून गेली. ग्रेस मात्र एकटी आईवडिलांसोबत मागे राहिली. 6 सप्टेंबर, 1838 च्या रात्री समुद्रामध्ये एक भीषण वादळ उठले आणि या वादळाने जहाज उद्ध्वस्त केले. नऊ स्त्री-पुरुषांव्यतिरिक्त जहाजातील अन्य सर्वजण पाण्यात बुडाले. या नऊ लोकांनी एका खडकाचा आधार घेऊन घोंगावणाऱ्या वादळातही रात्रभर खडकावर टिकाव धरून आपला जीव वाचवला. दुसऱ्या दिवशी सकाळी ग्रेसने त्या वाचलेल्या लोकांना पाहिले. खडकावरून त्यांची सुटका करून त्यांचा जीव

वाचवा, अशी तिने वडिलांना विनंती केली. विल्यम अतिशय शूर होते; पण ते क्षणभर घुटमळले; कारण त्या लोकांना वाचवण्यासाठी त्यांच्याकडे पुरेशी साधने आणि मनुष्यबळ नव्हते. त्यांच्याकडची एकुलती एक बोट घोंगावणाऱ्या वादळाचा सामना करण्यास असमर्थ होती, तसेच ती बोट घेऊन आपण एकटेच वादळी समुद्रात जाऊ शकू, याचीदेखील त्यांना खात्री वाटत नव्हती. शेवटी ग्रेसने त्यांची समजूत घातली. ‘मी दिसायला लहानखुरी असले तरीही मी तुमच्यासह नाव वल्हवू शकेन.’

असे तिने विल्यम यांना पटवून सांगितले. त्यानंतर विल्यम आणि ग्रेस त्यांच्या नावेत बसून खडकाकडे जाण्यास निघाले; पण राक्षसी लाटांमुळे नाव वर-खाली हेलकावे घेऊ लागली. संपूर्ण शक्ती पणाला लावून त्यांनी खडकाच्या दिशेने नाव वल्हवत नेली आणि कसेबसे खडकावर जाऊन पोहोचले. पहिल्या फेरीमध्ये त्यांनी दोन पुरुष आणि तीन स्त्रियांचे प्राण वाचवले आणि त्यांना दीपगृहावर सुखरूप पोहोचवले. त्यानंतर ग्रेस त्या स्त्रियांसह दीपगृहावर थांबली, तर विल्यम आणि इतर पुरुष लोक खडकावरील अन्य लोकांना सोडवण्यासाठी परत निघून गेले. घरी परतल्यावर ग्रेसने त्या वाचलेल्या लोकांना शेकोटी पेटवून देण्यासाठी आणि त्यांच्यासाठी जेवण तयार करण्यासाठी आईला मदत केली.

त्यानंतर अनेक दिवसांनी विल्यम आणि ग्रेस यांनी जीव वाचवलेले ते लोक आपापल्या घरी परतले. त्यांच्याद्वारे शूर अशा डार्लिंग कुटुंबियांच्या धाडसाची ही गोष्ट सर्वदूर पसरली. त्यानंतर लोकांनी जीव धोक्यात घालून दीपगृहांची देखभाल करणाऱ्या सर्व दीपगृह प्रमुखांना मदत करण्यासाठी निधी जमा केला. ग्रेस आणि तिच्या वडिलांचा त्यांच्या वीरतेबद्दल / धैर्याबदद्ल विशेष सन्मान करण्यात आला. वयाच्या अवघ्या २७ व्या वर्षी ग्रेसचा मृत्यू झाला. तरीदेखील स्वत:चा जीव धोक्यात घालून इतरांचा जीव वाचवण्यासाठी तिने दाखवलेल्या असामान्य निःस्वार्थी धैर्याची कथा आपल्या सदैव स्मरणात राहते.

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