Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Model Paper Set 1 with Answers


Question 1.
(A) A1 Do as directed : (Any 4)
(1) Write two compound words of your own.
(2) Pick out the infinitives from the following sentence.
He would teach me to write whole sentences and to add numbers.
(3) Punctuate the following sentence.
You have never heard of bach he asked
(4) Form two present participles in which the last letter is doubled.
(5) Complete the following word chain of verbs :
Write, ………….., ………….., ………….., ………….. .
A2. Do as directed. (Any 2)
(1) Change the following sentence in Indirect narration.
He asked me, “Is the world so poor that it cannot give me a toy and a book, instead of forcing me to take a gun or a tool?”
(2) Make sentences to show difference in homophones :
(3) Rewrite the sentence in future tense:
I am doing it.
(B) Do as directed. (Any 1)
B1. (1) Begin the sentence with “Hardly ……….”
She heard the news, she collapsed.
(2) Change the degree.
Black Robin of Chatham Island is one of the rarest birds in the world.
A1. 1. backyard, letterbox.
2. ‘to write’, ‘to add’.
3. “You have never heard of Bach?”, he asked.
4. Cutting, planning.
5. draw, read, erase, edit.
A2. 1. He asked me whether the world was so poor that it could not give him a toy and a book, instead of forcing him to take a gun or a tool.
2. There is no salt in the food.
Do you know where is Taj Mahal?
3. I will do it.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

(B) B1.
1. (i) Hardly had she heard the news, when she collapsed.
2. (i) Positive – No other bird in the world is as rare as the Black Robin of Chatham Island, (ii) Comparative – Black Robin of Chatham Island is rarer than any other bird in the world.

(Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Question 2. (A)
Read the following passage and do the activities.
A1. Complete the following web with the help of the passage.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 1
A2. Who said to whom?
(i) “Why is he not with us in the school?”
(ii) “Sir, I have never thought about it. We are bom to work.”
Friends, we can do this. Governments must make child-friendly policies, and invest in education and young people. Businesses must be more responsible, accountable and open to innovative partnerships. Intergovernmental agencies must work together to accelerate action. Global civil society must rise above the business-as-usual and fragmented agendas. Faith leaders and institutions, and all of us must stand with our children.

We must be bold, we must be ambitious and we must have the will. We must keep our promises.

Over fifty years ago, on the first day of my school, I met a cobbler boy of my age sitting outside the gate of my school. I asked my teachers : “Why is he working outside ? Why is he not with us in the school?” My teachers had no answer. One day, I gathered the courage to ask the boy’s father. He said : “Sir, I have never thought about it. We are poor, we are born to work.”

His answer made me angry. It still makes me angry.

As a child, I had a vision of tomorrow. A vision of that cobbler boy sitting with me in my classroom. Now, that tomorrow has become TODAY.

I am TODAY, and you are TODAY. TODAY it is time for every child to have a right to life, right to freedom, right to health, right to education, right to safety, right to dignity, right to equality, and right to peace.

TODAY, beyond the darkness, I see the smiling faces of our children in the blinking stars. TODAY, in every wave of every ocean, I see my children are playing and dancing. TODAY, in every plant, in every tree, and mountain, I see our children growing freely with dignity.

Friends, I want you to see and feel this TODAY inside you.

My dear sisters and brothers, as I said many interesting things are happening today. May I please request you to put your hand close to your heart – close your eyes and feel the child inside you?

I am sure you can – Now, listen to that child. Listen please.

Today, I see, thousands of Mahatma Gandhis, Nelson Mandelas and Martin Luther Kings calling on us.

Let us democratise knowledge. Let us universalise justice. Together, let us globalise compassion !

I call upon you in this room, and all across the world. I call for a march from exploitation to education. I call for a march from poverty to shared prosperity, a march from slavery to liberty, and a march from violence to peace.

Let us march from ignorance to awakening. Let us march from darkness to light. Let us march from mortality to divinity.
Let us march!
A3. Solve the crossword puzzle using words from passage referring to the clues given below:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 3

Down: Across:
1. of the people, by the people, for the people 3. A place to rest
2. To move forward 4. Father of our nation

A4. Do as directed :
(i) I see the smiling faces of our children in the blinking stars.
(Begin the sentence with “The smiling faces…………)
(ii) His answer made me angry.
(Begin the sentence with “I………..)
A5. “Let us march from darkness to light” – Elaborate.
(A) A1.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 2
(i) The writer asked his teachers.
(ii) The cobbler boy’s father told the writer.

Down : (1) Government (2) March
Across : (3) Room (4) Gandhi

(i) The smiling faces of our children in the blinking stars can be seen by me.
(ii) I got angry by his answer.

The given line implies towards creation of a society that is not bounded by the shackles of poverty and superstitions. It is an appeal to the folks to join hands and move ahead to create a world of equality and dignity. A world where every individual is given equal opportunities and platform to polish and express talent. Such a world shall bring prosperity and peace within one and all.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 2. (B)
Read the following passage and do the activities.
B1. Choose the correct alternatives :
1. She was living in Paris ………
(a) 20 years ago
(b) 10 years ago
(c) 5 years ago
(d) None of these

2. Foyot’s is a ………
(a) Restaurant
(b) Game
(c) Shop
(d) None of these

3. She had ……… francs.
(a) 30
(b) 80
(c) 50
(d) 10

4. The prices were ………
(a) lower than she thought
(b) moderate
(c) higher than she thought
(d) None of these

B2. Complete the following sentences with the help of the given passage.
(1) The writer’s friend ordered ……… which was not on the menu.
(2) The writer met his friend in ……… after many years.
(3) The writer chose ……… because it was the cheapest dish on the menu.
(4) The writer had never even thought of going to ……… because it w&s not affordable for him.
B3. State whether the following statements are True or False.
(a) Caviar was the cheapest dish on the menu.
(b) The writer met his friend at the play after twenty years.
(c) The writer was living in Paris twenty years ago.
(d) The writer’s friend was an attentive listener.
I caught sight of her at the play and in answer to her call, I went over during the interval and sat down beside her. It was long since I had last seen her. If someone had not mentioned her name, I hardly think I would have recognised her. She addressed me brightly.

“Well, it’s many years since we first met. How time does fly ! We’re? Do you remember the first time I saw you? You asked’me to luncheon.”

Did remember?
It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris. I had a tiny apartment and I was earning barely enough money. She had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. I answered, thanking her, and presently,

I received from her another letter saying she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me. But her time was limited and the only free moment she had was on the following Thursday and would I give her a little luncheon at Foyot’s afterwards? Foyot’s is a restaurant and it was so far beyond my means that I had never thought of going there. I had eighty francs (gold frances) to last me the rest of the month and a modest luncheon should not cost more than fifteen. If I cut out coffee for the next two weeks, I could manage well enough.

I answered that I would meet my friend at Foyot’s on Thursday at half-past twelve. She was, in appearance, imposing rather than attractive and she gave me the impression of having more teeth, white and large and even, than were necessary for any practical purpose. She was talkative, but since she seemed to want to talk about me, I was prepared to be an attentive listener.

I was startled when the menu was brought, for the prices were the great deal higher than I had thought. But she reassured me.
“I never eat anything for luncheon,” she said.
“Oh, don’t say that!” I answered generously.
“I never eat more than one thing. I think people eat for too much now-a-days. A little fish, perhaps. I wonder if they have any salmon.”

Well, it was early in the year for salmon and it was not on the menu, but I asked the waiter if there was any. Yes, a beautiful salmon had just come in -it was the first they had. I ordered it for my guest. The waiter asked her if she would have something while it was being cooked. “No,” she answered, “I never eat more than one thing. Unless you had a little caviar. I never mind caviar.”

I knew I could not afford caviar, but could not very well tell her that. For myself, I chose the cheapest dish on the menu and that was a mutton chop.

“I think you’re unwise to eat meat” she said. “I don’t believe in overloading my stomach.”
B4. Do as directed.
(1) I knew, I could not afford caviar. (Make it affirmative)
(2) She was talkative. (Make it negative without changing its meaning)
B5. If someone is hosting you at a restaurant, would you choose the most expensive dish on the menu ? Justify.
(B) B1.
(1) (a) 20 years ago
(2) (a) Restaurant
(3) (b) 80
(4) (c) Higher than she thought

(1) Salmon
(2) a play
(3) mutton chop
(4) Foyot’s

(a) False
(b) True
(c) True
(d) False

1. I knew, caviar was expensive for me.
2. She was not silent.

When someone hosts me, it is my moral obligation to make the host feel comfortable. By ordering the most expensive dish, I may land the host in an awkward situation and also lower my self-respect. When we are a guest to someone, we should make sure to order dishes that are liked by all and also economic so that everyone can enjoy it.


Question 3.
(A) Read the following extract and do the given activities.
A1. Read the poem carefully and match the expressions with their meanings.

Column A Column B
1. Mind is without fear (a) A person with self-respect and proud of possessing it.
2. Knowledge is free (b) Sincerity of heart.
3. The head is held high (c) A fearless person
4. Depth of Truth (d) Education is given to all.
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world had not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by Thee-
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
—Rabindranath Tagore

A2. Find out the example of “Metaphor” from the poem.
A3. Write 2 pairs of alliteration.
(A) A1.

Column A Column B
1. Mind is without fear (c) A fearless person
2. Knowledge is free (d) Education is given to all
3. The head is held high (a) A person with self-respect and proud of possessing it
4. Depth of Truth (d) Education is given to all.

Metaphors – Dreary desert sand of dead habit; head is held high.

1. Head is held high.
2. Dreary desert sand of dead habit.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 3.
(B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points in paragraph format.
The Will to Win
If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it.
If all that you dream
And scheme is about it and life
Seems useless and worthless without it.
If you gladly sweat for, fret for, and plan for it and lose
All your terror of the opposition for it.
If you simply go after that thing that you want with all
Of your capacity, strength and sagacity, faith, hope and
Confidence and stem for tenacity.
If neither cold poverty, famish or gout
Or sickness or pain
Of body and brain
Can keep you away from the thing that you want,
If dogged and grim you be size and beget it,
With the help of GOD, you’ll get it! —Berton Braley

You can use the following points :
(1) Title and Poet
(2) Rhyme Scheme
(3) Figure of Speech
(4) Theme/Central Idea
Appreciation of the Poem:
The poem, ‘The Will to Win’, is an inspirational piece of literature composed by Berton Braley.

The poem takes us through a journey of beginning a task with complete dedication, through the various hardships and hurdles one faces while completing a task. It also comes to a point where one is drained and about to give up.

During the journey, the poet keeps us held through his words and ultimately forbids to give up, by motivating us that ‘if’ we cross this bridge of challenges and hard work, we shall achieve triumph and God himself will bestow success and laurels upon us.

The poem has no rhyme scheme. Figures of speeches used are tautology, climax, alliteration, etc. I definitely like this poem and the way it inspires and motivates.

The line, ‘with the help of GOD you’ll get it!’ gives a sense of hope and faith and does not let one give up. It rather holds one and leads him to the finish line.

(Reading Skill, Vocabulary, Grammar and Summary)

Question 4.
(A) Read the following passage and do the activities.

November 4, 1851.

Dear Brother John Honston,
When I came into Charleston day before yesterday, I learnt that you were anxious to sell the land where you live, and move to Missouri. I have been thinking of this ever since, and cannot but say such an idea is quite foolish. What can you do in Missouri better than here? Is the land any richer? Can you, there, any more than here, raise com and wheat without work? Will anybody there, any more than here, do your work for you? If you intend to go to work, there is no better place than right where you are; if you do not intend to work, you cannot get along anywhere. Crawling about from place to place can do you no good. You have raised no crop this year. What you really want is to sell the land, get the money and spend it. Part with the land you have and- my life upon it never after will you own a spot big enough to bury you. Half of what you will get for the land, you will spend in moving to Missouri, and the other half you will eat, drink, wear out and no foot of land will be brought. Now I feel it my duty to have no hand such a piece of foolery.

Now do not misunderstand this letter. I do not write it in any unkindness. I write it in order, if possible, to get you to face the truth which truth is, you are poor and needy because you have idled away your time. Your thousand excuses for not getting along better are all nonsense. They deceive nobody but yourself. To go to work is the only cure for your case.

Your brother,
Abraham Lincoln.

A1. Answer the following whether True or False :
(1) Writer came to Charleston
(2) Writer is Abraham Lincoln
(3) Letter is for sister Honston
(4) No crop was raised
A2. How, according to Lincoln, would his brother spend the money coming from selling the land?
A3. (i) Find out two words with prefix from the passage.
(ii) Write two different words on your own by using the same prefix.
A4. Do as directed :
(1) Rewrite the sentence using ‘Not only ………. but also’.
She forgot to wish me on my birthday and did not even apologize.
(2) Change the voice :
The workers built the dome.
A5. Lincoln wishes to have no hand in selling the land Justify.
(B) Read the above passage given in Q. No. 4 (A) and write the summary of it in a paragraph. Suggest a suitable title.
(A) A1.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True

Lincoln’s brother, John Honston would spend half of the money received from selling the land and moving to Missouri, and the other half would be spent in eating and drinking. 2

(i) Misunderstand – unkindness
(ii) Misinterpret, unfaithful 2

(1) Not only did she forget to wish me on my birthday but also did not apologise for the same.
(2) The dome was built by the workers.

Abraham Lincoln wishes to have no hand in selling the land because he believes it to be a foolish act. He firmly believes that his brother is making a wrong decision by selling the land. His brother shall spend half of the money received from selling the land and moving to Missouri and the other half in eating and drinking. Abraham Lincoln therefore, advises his brother not to sell the land and instead work and earn a living. Owing to the above reasons, Abraham Lincoln wishes to have no hand in selling the land.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Face the truth
Abraham Lincoln writes to John Honston to inform him that the idea of selling the land where he lives is quite foolish. Lincoln questions John what he would do in Missouri that is better than what he does where he lives. He also suggests to him that crawling about from place to place would do him no good. Lincoln reminds him that he has raised no crop this year. He says such words because he feels it his duty to have no hand in such a piece of foolery. The letter is basically meant to get John face the truth which is, he is poor and needy and to go to work is the only cure for his case.


Question 5.
(A) Letter writing :
A1. Imagine you are Raj/Rajni of Study Wonders School, Tulip Nagar, 254001
“Ganpatipule is now open for school tours.”

A1. Formal Letter: A2. Informal Letter
Write a letter to the manager of Konkan tours and travels, Ratnagri to ask him the details for tour to Ganpatipule. OR Write a letter to your friend describing the details of the vacation.

A1. Letter Writing:
Study Wonders School,
Tulip Nagar,
31st January, 20XX
Mr. Vaibhav,
Konkan Tours and Travels
Subject: Details required for tour to Ganpatipule in March 20XX

Dear Sir,
I am Raj Mehra, Head Boy at Study Wonders School, Pune. A leaflet with the advertisement for a trip to Ganpatipule by your company was displayed at our school’s notice board recently. I am writing this letter to you to inquire about the same tour. Our SSC board examinations are getting over on 20th March, 20XX and all the students of our batch would like to go for this beautiful trip to Ganpatipule on 22nd March, 20XX. We are a group of 65 students and would like you to offer us all the details of the trip that includes the transportation, hotel reservations, food arrangements, cost and other information.

Kindly revert soon so that we can make the booking and enjoy at Ganpatipule.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Raj Mehra


302, NRI City,
Azaad Nagar,
19th July, 20XX
Dear Ayushi,
I am glad to have received a letter from you. I hope everyone at your home is fine. Recently, I went to Singapore for the vacations and it was an amazing experience. I am happy to share with you that I also visited the Universal Studio which has thrilling rides and a waterpark.

The remarkable statue of Singapore was very beautiful, as promised, I have brought a souvenir for you which is a mini statue of the Merlion.

I hope we will be able to spend the next vacation together. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger sister.
Hope to see you soon.
Your loving friend,

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 6.
(A) Information Transfer:
Verbal to Non-Verbal
Read the following information and complete the table given below :
Basically industries are broadly classified on the basis of raw material, the scale of production and the volume of investment made. Further they are classified as per the source of raw material, example, agro based industries such as sugar, cotton, etc. Forest based such as paper, lac, and mineral based such as iron, steel and chemicals, etc. The scale of the production determines whether they are small scale, such as food processing, leather goods, etc., or large scale, automobile, shipbuilding, etc. Similarly, there are industries which are set up by the government, called Public Sector. Those industries which are set up by the Private entrepreneur are called Private Sector and those which are run collectively by a group of people are called Co-operative Sector.

Table Information
(1) Examples of forest based industries.
(2) Examples of small scale industries.
(3) Examples of large scale industries.
(4) Industries set up by private entrepreneurs.
(5) Industries run by a group of people.

A2. Non Verbal to Verbal
Transfer the given information into a paragraph.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 4

(B) Speech Writing:
B1. Prepare a speech to be delivered in an inter school competition. The subject given to you is ‘Importance of Festivals in Indian Culture.’ Use the following points :
• Testimony to our diverse tradition and culture
• An environment of cultural harmony
• Celebration irrespective of religion, caste and bond of humanity
• Forgetting enmity bond of love.
• Moral, ethical, social values of life entertainment

B2. Write your counterview on the topic “Life in village is better than life in a city.” Points :
• adaptability
• employability
• progress
• education

Table Information
(1) Examples of forest based industries. Paper and lac.
(2) Examples of small scale industries. Food processing, leather goods
(3) Examples of large scale industries. Automobile, ship-building
(4) Industries set up by private entrepreneurs. Private sector industries
(5) Industries run by a group of people. Co-operative sector industries

Manufacture of paper
Paper is chiefly used for writing. Wood, grass, bamboo and rags are used as raw materials for making paper. There are several processes by which the raw material is converted into pulp. Most commonly the raw material is cut into pieces and then immersed in water to convert it into pulp. Lime is mixed with pulp for whitening it. This mixture is boiled and then passed through wire meshes. The paper sheets are removed while it is still wet.

These wet sheets are passed over heated rollers to remove the water and the paper is dyed so as to make thin sheets of paper.

(B) B1.
Speech Writing:
Good Morning to one and all present here today. I, Neha Singh, stand before you to present my thoughts on “Importance of Festivals in Indian Culture”. India is a country where every sunrise is a festival and every sunset brings a celebration. We dwell in a country where festivals are not celebrated by dates, but dates are celebrated by festivals.

Today, on one such occasion of being nothing but a beatiful day; I would like to throw light on these days of celebration for us.

Be it the sweets of Diwali or the delicacies of Eid; the sherbets of Moharram or the Thandai of Shivratri; we relish it all. Festivals for us are a medium of sharing joy and spreading love.

But with this celebration comes some duties and responsibilities of being a citizen. Duties of maintaining the cleanliness and responsibilities of harmony and peace in the surroundings. Along with the celebration, one should also abide by these duties and responsibilities.

Let us all vow that festivals and occasions will now onwards come as days of forgetting the enmity and embracing one and all with love, spreading cleanliness and enjoying the joyfulness, eating sweets, bursting laughter and not crackers.
Thank you and have a great day!

“Life in village is better than life in a city”
Natural and scenic view in villages might attract many people living in the hustle-bustle of the city life but in terms of standard and progressive lifestyle, city is unbeatable. There is always room for adaptibility in big cities and chances of employability to earn a smooth living full of ease and comfort. In villages, there’s always a need for physical labour, yet less productivity whereas, in cities, mental labour and less physical activities bring about good progress in the nation’s financial conditions. The only reason of the differences in life standards of villagers and urban dwellers is the difference in their education and qualification. Thus, city life has always proved to be better.


Question 7.
(A) Do any one of the following :
A1. Expand the following into two paragraphs:
“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits”.
A2. Make a news report based on the given heading.
“India won three ODI match.”

(B) Developing a story:
B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following ending.
Give a suitable title.
…………. thus I was relieved to get back my Science Journal before one day of Practical Examination.
B2. Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words with the help of the following beginning.
It was Sunday and my roommate was not at home
(A) A1.
A Quitter Never Wins and a Winner Never Quits
Vince Lombardi, a famous American football coach, once said, “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits”. We have heard of this saying at least once in our lives and we all have had the opportunity to apply the saying in our lives, be it in a sports team, in academics, at work or even at relationships. A winner is someone who is determined to reach his goals, no matter how ardous the journey may be. A winner is ready to face challenges and obstacles that may come in between him and his goals. On the other hand, a quitter gets perturbed by challenges, and in the midst, gives up. He is not determined to face the difficulties, he never reaches his goal and is declared a quitter. Most of us are not born with talents and skills. We develop them over time. Pandit Ravi Shankar was world renowned composer and musician who played the sitar. He was so passionate about music that he did not stop learning the sitar. Although he faced difficulties initially, he did not lose hope. He was determined to succeed, and he practised day night to attain a high position in the international music industry.

Similarly, scientists like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein never gave up pursuing their dreams and interests just because some of their experiments failed. They strived hard to reach their goals and only rested when success touched their feet.

To give up midway is easy but to continue despite challenges is difficult. That is why only winners are remembered for a long time. They are our role models, who teach to never quit. Success only knocks on the doors of winners because they are determined in life. On the other hand, a quitter lives most of his life in regret because of his lack of motivation and dedication.

Dharamshala, 20th February, 20XX
One of the historic matches of Indian cricket history was held on Sunday, 20th February, 20XX at the cricket stadium of Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, India.

The series, of three ’One Day International (ODI)’ matches remarks the ‘impossible’ win of the Indian Cricket team as in despite of having lost all three tosses against Australia, the team was left with no choice but to bowl first. In the first match itself there was a Steven Smith century, giving a target of 286, which was nearly impossible to meet.

Indeed, the strategic hardwork of the team captain, Virat Kohli left the Australians in wonder in the last over of the match. It was a nail-biting match for the players as well as all the cricket fans.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

(B) B1.
When I Almost Missed My Examination
It was a rainy day when I was returning home from school. Since I was not carrying my umbrella, I decided to hire an autorickshaw to reach home. I stood along the roadside, looking for an auto. I waited for long but to no avail. Eventually, out of the blue, a car stood beside me.

An old man, approximately in his mid-50s, looked down the mirror and said in a loud voice, “Aren’t you Mr. Malhotra’s son? Come in dear, I will drop you home. The rain is not going to stop for another hour”.

He knew my father’s name but I didn’t know him. There was no chance of me going with a stranger. He realised my hesitation and handed over his cellphone to me saying that I can call my father and ask whether it would be safe for me to go along with him or not. I did the same and my father said the old man was his boss and it was absolutely safe for me to go with him. He also asked me to be polite and respectful towards him.

I immediately sat in the car with a sigh of relief as it was downpouring really heavily. I apologised, as I had wet his car seats. The old man was very humble and said, “Never mind. What is your name? And in which grade are you ?” My name is Suraj. I am in Grade 10″. “Oh, so you might be having your examinations around the corner, right ?” he asked. Hearing the word ‘ examination’ I realised I had my Science Practical Examination next day and I had left my Journal on the desk in the classroom.

With great hurry I asked the old man, “Can you please take the car back to the school? I have forgotten my book and I have my exam tomorrow. Please Sir ……..” “It is okay son. I will take it right away. You need not panic”, and saying this he immediately took the car back to the school and parked it in front of the gate. No sooner had he stopped than I ran towards my classroom only to hear him faintly asking me to be careful.

I took my book from the classroom and went back to the car. We talked on the way back and had a pleasant time. Had he not come that day, I would have failed my test. He came like an angel, and thus I was relieved to get back my Science Journal before one day of Practical Examination.

It was Sunday and my roommate was not at home. Being alone I thought of living the day of my own choice. My roommate Kritika went to Agra, her hometown to visit her parents. I was back in my room in Delhi. I thought that I can clean all the mess in the room. I started folding the clothes, placing the clothes on the shelves and keeping the shoes in the racks. Then I thought of making brunch myself. I made stuffed potato Parathas and ate it with fresh curd. After cleaning the kitchen, I watched a movie. I do not remember when I fell asleep. But it was refreshing. In the evening, I went to Society Park and watched children play. I spoke to my parents over the phone and then returned back to my room. In the evening, I made Khichdi and had it late at night just before sleeping. I woke up at around 7 in the morning with Kritika ringing the doorbell.

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper with Answers

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