Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Model Paper Set 2 with Answers


Question 1.
(A) A1. Do as directed : (Any 4)
(1) Write two compound words of your own.
(2) Pick out the infinitive from the following.
You are to give me a horse and armour.
(3) Punctuate the following sentence.
ravi do not touch the glass cried the mother
(4) Form two words with root word ‘mercy’.
(5) Complete the word chain of the given noun.
Hotel, Letter, ………….., ………….., ………….., ………….. .
A2. Do as directed : (Any 2)
(1) Change the following to indirect speech.
(i) “Olaf, please come inside”, said Coco.
(2) Make sentences of your own to show the difference between the homographs.
(a) bat
(b) book
(3) Rewrite the sentence in simple future tense.
He has been playing since afternoon.

(B) Do as directed: (Any 1)
B1. (1) Begin the sentence with “No sooner …………..”
As soon as the thief escaped, the family informed the police.
(2) Change the degree of comparison of the underlined adjectives as directed.
(i) Deepa is the tallest girl in the class. (Rewrite the sentence to positive degree)
(ii) Lion is not faster than leopard. (Rewrite the sentence to positive degree.)
1. blackboard, bedsheet
2. ‘to give’
3. “Ravi, do not touch the glass!”, cried the mother.
4. merciless, merciful
5. Hotel, Letter, Rhino, Octopus, Snail, Leopard.

(1) (i) Coco requested Olaf to come inside.
(ii) The lady asked him whether he could pass her the bag.
(2) (a) Bat
(i) The cricketer bought the most expensive bat.
(ii) Bat is responsible for the spread of the virus.
(b) Book
(i) Raju forgot his book at home.
(ii) We need to book the tickets prior to get a seat.
(3) He will play later in the afternoon.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

(B) B1.
(1) No sooner did the thief escape than the family informed the police.
(2) (i) No other girl in the class is as tall as Deepa.
(ii) Lion is not as fast as leopard.

(Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Question 2.
(A) Read the following passage and do the activities.
A1. Relate the following qualities with the two characters of the story :
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers 1
He took to his room over the Jumna Sweet shop and told me I could sleep on the balcony. But the meal I cooked that night must have been terrible because Anil gave it to a stray dog and told me to be off. But I just hung around, smiling in my most appealing way, and he couldn’t help laughing. Later, he patted me on the head and said never mind, he’d teach me cook. He also taught me to write my name and said he would soon teach me to write whole sentences and to add numbers. I was grateful. I knew that once I could write like an educated man there would be no limit to what I could achieve.

It was quite pleasant working for Anil. I made the tea in the morning and then would take my time buying the days supplies, usually making a profit of about a rupee a day. I think he knew I made a little money this way but he did not seem to mind. Anil made money by fits and starts. He would borrow one week, lend the next. He kept worrying about his next cheque, but as soon as it arrived he would go out and celebrate. It seems he wrote for magazines a queer way to make a living ! One evening he came home with a small bundle of notes, saying he had just sold a book to a publisher. At night, I saw him tuck the money under the mattress.
A2. State wether true or false :
(1) Anil liked what the narrator cooked.
(2) Anil taught the narrator to write his name.
(3) Anil was a wealthy person.
(4) Anil made money by fits and starts.
A3. Match the words to their meanings.
(1) Pleasant Strange
(2) Fits and starts Satisfactory
(3) Queer Give
(4) Lend Irregular bursts of activities
A4. Do as directed :
Frame ‘Wh’ questions with reference to the phrases underlined below. (Change the first person pronouns to second person)
(1) He taught me to write my name.
(2) I think he knew I made a little money this way but he did not seem to mind.
A5. Give a brief description of Anil and the narrator’s characters.
(A) A1.
Narrator : (1) Illiterate, (2) Curious
Anil: (1) Helpful, (2) Educated

(1) False,
(2) True,
(3) False,
(4) True.

(1) Satisfactory
(2) Irregular bursts of activities
(3) Strange
(4) Give

(i) What did he teach you?
(ii) Who knew that you made a little money that way?

The narrator was a thief who would pick-pocket and steal little things to earn a living. He was an expert at his job and would often change his name to hide his identity. He wras taken by Anil to his room, who not only gave him shelter but also taught him to read and write. Anil’s unselfish love, care and compassion towards the narrator, changed him and made him live a life with honesty and dignity.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

Question 2.(B)
Read the following passage and do the activities.
B1. State whether the following statements are True or False in context to the passage.
(a) The king helped his friend who was wounded.
(b) The weather was hot and humid.
Meanwhile the sun had set and it had become cool. So the king, with the hermit’s help, carried the wounded man into the hut. The man lay there quietly with his eyes closed. By now, the king was so tired after his walk and the work he had done, that he laid down himself and soon fell asleep. When he awoke in the morning, it took him some time to remember where he was and who was the strange bearded man lying by his side and gazing intently at him. “Forgive me!” said the bearded man in a weak voice, when he saw that the king was awake and was looking at him. “I do not know you, and I’ve nothing to forgive you for”, said the king.

“You do not know me, but I know you. I am that enemy of yours who swore to revenge himself on you because you executed his brother and seized his property. I knew you had gone alone to see the hermit, and I resolved to kill you on your way back. But the day passed and you did not return. So I came out of my ambush to find you. Your bodyguards recognised me and wounded me. I escaped from them but would have bled to death had you not dressed my wound. I wished to kill you but you have saved my life. Now it I live, and if you wish it, I’ll serve you all my life.”

The king was very glad to have made peace with an enemy so easily and to have gained him for a friend. He not only forgave him but also said that he would send his men and his own physician to attend to him. The king then took leave of him and went out of the hut to look for the hermit.
B2. Complete the word web in context with the king’s qualities as understood from the passage.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers 2
B3. Find out the words from the passage which mean :
(a) Showing great attention to something.
(b) Kill someone as a legal punishment.
(c) To hide and wait for someone in order to attack them.
B4. Convert the words as directed.
(1) Write the noun form of ‘quietly’.
(2) Write the adjective form of ‘forgive’.
B5. Do you think the hermit knew, beforehand, not only about the king’s arrival but also about the attack by his enemy?
(B) B1.
(a) False
(b) False

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers 3
B3. (a) Intently
(b) Executed
(c) Ambush

(1) Quiet
(2) Forgiving

The king was in search of the three questions for which he had come to the hermit. The hermit knew about the king’s arrival and attack on the king and therefore he did not speak anything but asked the king to wait for the answers. The hermit knew about the upcoming situation and hence wanted the king to know the answers by experience and not words.


Question 3.(A)
Read the following extract and do the given activities.
A1. Match the following :

(1) Misfortunes mud-baked
(2) Ambition bad luck
(3) World goal
(4) Wall unreal

With candles and with lanterns
throwing giant scorpion shadows
on the mud-baked walls
they searched for him : he was not found.
They clicked their tongues.
With every movement that the scorpion made his poison
moved in Mother’s blood, they said.
May he sit still, they said
May the sins of your previous birth
be burned away tonight, they said.
May your suffering decrease
the misfortunes of your next birth, they said.
May the sum of all evil
balanced in this unreal world
against the sum of good
become diminished by your pain.
May the poison purify your flesh
of desire, and your spirit of ambition,
they said, and they sat around
on the floor with my mother in the centre,
the peace of understanding on each face. — NissimEzekiel
A2. Write 2 words ending in “on”.
A3. Give an example of “metaphor” from the extract.
(A) A1.

(1) Misfortunes Bad luck
(2) Ambition Goal
(3) World Unreal
(4) Wall Mud baked

(1) Poison
(2) Ambition

Giant scorpion shadows.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

Question 3.(B)
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points in paragraph format.
The The Height of the Ridiculous
I wrote some lines once on a time
In wondrous merry mood,
And thought as usual, men would say
They were exceeding good.
They were so queer, so very queer,
I laughed as I would die;
Albeit, in the general way,
A sobar man am I.
I called my servant, and he came:
How kind it was of him
To mind a slender man like me,
He of the might limb.

“These to the printer,” I exclaimed,
And, in my humorous way,
I added (as a trifling jest,)
“There’ll be the devil to pay.

He took the paper, and I watched,
And saw him peep within
At the first line he read, his face
Was all upon the grin

He read the next; the grin grew broad
And shot from ear to ear;
He read the third; a chuckling noise
I now began to hear.

The fourth; he broke into a roar;
The fifth; his waistband split;
The sixth; he burst five buttons off,
And tumbled in a fit.

Ten days and nights, with sleepless eye,
I watched that wretched man,
and since, I never dare to write
As funny as I can.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes
You can use the following points while appreciating the given poem.
• Title and Poet
• Rhyme Scheme
• Figure of Speech
• Theme/Central Idea (At Least 2 to 3 lines)
Appreciation of the poem
The poem, ‘The Height of the Ridiculous’ is written by Oliver Wendell Holmes. The poem is written in flowery language to keep its tone and mood light. The poem talks about a written piece by the poet that he assumes to be of enough humour to kill him of laughing. He also says that his servant, on reading the poem, laughed so hard that he burst a few buttons and split his waistband. He fell into fits of laughter from which he recovered after ten days. These expressions are ridiculous enough to justify the title of the poem. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘abcb’ whereas ‘hyperbole’ is used to magnify and explain the poetic effect. Other figures of speech used are anaphora, alliteration, etc.

I like the poem because it is light and uses a simple language. The over expression used to de-scribe situations is funny and laudable.


Question 4.(A)
Read the following passage and do the activities.
A1. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Vegetarianism has not spread as desired because ______________.
(b) Vegetarians are of various types ______________.
Vegetarianism promotes a natural way of life. But despite its implicit message of universal love and non-violence, it has not spread as it should have. This may be because it usually is an inward looking habit and is best cultivated in the mind.

Leading a vegetarian way of life helps the animal kingdom to coexist with man. The animals supply milk, manure and energy. This has been central to the Indian culture for thousands of years. A vegetarian lifestyle is natural, multifaceted and helps preservation in a healthy way. Food and health are closely related.

Vegetarians are of various types. There are lacto-vegetarians who consume dairy products; Lacto-ovo-vegetarians include eggs in addition to dairy products. Vegans are pure vegetarians who do not consume any food derived from animals.

The Western science of food considers food as something to sustain only the human body, whereas the Indian science considers food as something which sustains not only the body, but also maintains the purity of heart, mind and the soul. Thus, an item of food which is injurious to the mind is not considered to be fit for consumption, even if it is otherwise beneficial to the body or satisfies the taste. Indian food science does not give so much importance to protein or even to the balanced diet but it gives importance to food that increases the strength of the body and its vitality.

Vegetarian foods provide an infinite variety of flavours whereas non-vegetarian foods have hardly any taste of their own. In fact, non-vegetarian foods have to be seasoned with ingredients from the vegetable kingdom to make them, palatable.
A2. What is the importance of eating vegetarian food?
A3. (i) Pick out two adjectives from the given passage.
(ii) Find words in the passage which mean the following :
(a) Indirect (b) Tasty
A4. Convert the following sentence to negative without changing the meaning.
Leading a vegetarian way of life helps the animal kingdom to coexist with man.
A5. Why do you think vegetarianism is being promoted on a global level? Justify with your response.

(B) Read the above passage given in Q. 4(A) and write the summary of it in a paragraph. Suggest a suitable title.
(A) A1.
(a) Vegetarianism has not spread as desired because it is an inward-looking habit.
(b) Vegetarians are of various types vegans, lacto-vegetarians and lacto-ovo-vegetarians.

Eating vegetarian food helps to live a natural way of life and helps the animal kingdom to co-exist with man. Vegetarian food offers a variety of flavours and other nutrients that are very limited in non-vegetarian food.

(i) implicit; palatable
(ii) (a) Indirect—implicit (b) Tasty—palatable
Leading a non-vegetarian way of life does not help the animal kingdom to coexist with man. Vegetarianism is being promoted on a global level in order to decrease the number of animal slaughter that will eventually disturb the ecosystem. Also, promoting vegetarian food will help an individual to be aware about the nutritional benefits and variety of flavours in vegetarian food. It is also very helpful in curing some coronary diseases and other illnesses. Vegetarian food is also very suitable for human consumption and absolutely fit for human digestive system.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

Summary: Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism promotes a healthy lifestyle however, it is not widely appreciated because it is an inward habit that is cultivated in the mind. It has been central to Indian tradition since ages largely because it is natural and allows coexistence of man and animals. Vegetarians are categorised as Lacto Vegetarians who consume dairy products and Lacto-ovo-vegetarians who include eggs in their diet, however vegans are pure vegetarians who do not consume any food derived from animals Indians consider food to maintain the purity of mind, body and soul and that vegetarianism promotes this. Thus, Indian science ignores the concept of a balanced diet but gives importance to food that increases strength and vitality of the human being. Also, there is a large variety in vegetarian food and taste that supports the taste of non-vegetarian food and makes it palatable.


Question 5.
(A) Letter Writing: (5)
A1. Imagine you are Nikhil Arora of Snow Park Residency Bengaluru.

A1. Formal Letter: A2. Informal Letter
Write a letter to the editor of the incurrent rain that has caused numerous potholes on the road due to-which, a lot of accidents are happening daily. OR Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the watch he gifted you on your birthday.

(A) A1.
7, Snow Park Residency,
Jayanagar II,
21st July, 20XX
The Chief Editor,
Times of India,
Subject: Potholes in the road causing accidents.
Dear Sir,
I am a responsible citizen of Jayanagar area of Bengaluru and would like to draw your attention to the increasing number of potholes in the road.

Due to the incessant rains during the past few weeks, many potholes have been created in the roads that is causing accidents and heavy traffic in the area. In spite of repeated alerts there has been no serious response by the authorities.

I, therefore request you to take measures to solve our hurdles and help us in having the benefit of smooth and pothole-free roads.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Nikhil Arora


7, Snow park Residency,
Jayanagar, Bengaluru
17th March, 20XX
Dear Uncle,
I hope everyone at home is fine. I am glad to inform you that I just received your parcel and the beautiful watch inside it. I am really very happy. It is perhaps the most beautiful gift that I have got on’this birthday.

I had always longed for the same model of this watch and ultimately, I have received it through you. Thank you very much.

Convey my regards to Aunty and my younger brother Abhinash,
Your loving nephew,

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

Question 6.
(A) Information Transfer:
A1. Non-verbal to verbal
Read the information from the given bar graph and write it into a paragraph form.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers 4
A2. Transfer the given information in the form of a paragraph.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers 5
B1. Speech Writing:
You have been appointed as the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. Write a speech on this occasion. You may include the following points.
• Gratitude for the opportunity
• Leadership qualities that you possess
• Importance of discipline
• Expectations from the students and classmates
B2. Give the view and counterview on the topic—
“Kids should not be burdened with homework”.
(A) A1.
Information Transfer :
The given pie chart shows information about different sources of irrigation. The chart shows that the maximum, i.e., 61% land is irrigated with the help of wells and tubewells. The farmland which gets irrigated by wells and tubewells has abundant ground water. Besides 29% of agricultural land is irrigated through canals.

The remaining 10% of farms are irrigated with the help of tank and lift irrigation. About 5% of land is irrigated by tank and 5% by lift irrigation, fhe pie chart shows the uneven distribution of the different sources of irrigation in an area.


In a water cycle, water from water bodies evaporate in the form of water vapour. The water rises up in the atmosphere and cools to condense into rain or snow in the clouds. This process is called condensation. When the clouds become heavy the water comes down as rain. This process is called precipitation. This water that falls on the ground collects in the water bodies as a runoff water. This cycle continues in nature. This cycle is called as the water cycle.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

Speech Writing:
“Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” School is not only an infrastructure, but also a practice for future. The things taught in school are the means of education.

Being a student for 11 long years at St. Joseph’s, I can assuredly say that it is the best institution to be in. It is the confluence of well educated ‘guiding-lights’ – the teachers, who burn themselves through their hard work to lit up the developing candles; a perfect head to lead the institution – the principal, the other supporting staff who help us through their visible and invisible ways. Undoubtedly, I can say that St. Joseph’s family is helping me to emerge as a good student with an influential and effective personality.

For me, being the head boy is not about the position or a title but it is about action and example which can make a difference. an honour and privilege for me to be the head boy of the school. I stand here as a leader not just to lead you but to work in collaboration with each one of you to achieve the best for our school. I promise to work hard with all my zeal, devotion and determination.

My best efforts are inclined towards the excellence of our school.


View — Kids are given a lot of homework in schools. Education should include leisure for child’s overall development. Too much stress will make the child blind to the nature and surrounding life.

Counter view — Children must be made perfectly aware regarding the studies, this is possible only by homeworks from schools. Homework help&.in understanding the subject better.


Question 7.(A)
Do any one of the following :
A1. Expand the theme :
“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”.
A2. Write newspaper report “flood situation grim in Assam”.
(A) A1.
Expand the theme :
“When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going”
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This saying was originally said by Joseph P. Kennedy, father of former President, John F. Kennedy. It was made famous by the Billy Ocean song. It is very motivational to people all over the world. Its tricks play on words an its motivational tone make it a very interesting quote to look at in depth and to ‘>xptyk. exactly what it means.

It is endlessly quoted by football coaches, salesmen, and other motivators. “The going” means “the situation”; “gets tough” means “becomes difficult”, “the tough” means “people who are strong or enduring”, and “gets going” means “become fully engaged to meet the challenge.” Taken together, the meaning of the phrase is “When the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge”. But what does it mean to be tough?

A tough person is someone who can persevere through hard times. They overcome adversity and make it through and come out better than they were before. In the context of this quote it does not mean to flee the situation. Strong people persevere through the situation when the going gets tough. The interesting thing about this quote is that the last two words, “gets going” can be interpreted in two ways. It can be thought of to get working to overcome the problem or it could mean to flee the situation. It truly was said in the context of persevering through the hard situations.

What does it mean to Persevere? Persevering means one gets through the situation no matter how hard. It means that one does not give up. What a motivational quote it is! It will always be one of my favourites. In tough time his quote makes you realise that you can get through those hard situations. It reminds to persevere and to be that tough person who can overcome adversity. So next you’re stuck in a slump, remember, “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”.

Flood situation grim in Assam —By a Staff Reporter
Guwahati, 5th March : Flood-like conditions have suddenly started to appear in the capital city Guwahati of Assam state. Major losses have been reported in the last week, many people have lost their crops and cattle. Incessant rain since the last one week has led to the disastrous condition of the city. Roads have been clogged with rain-water, and the drainage system of the city is terrible. Schools and Universities are shut down for the students of the city.

Amidst the flood conditions, the rescue teams have been sent by the government for the help of natives, they are expected to reach within a couple of days and relief camps are to be setup for the provision of food and amenities.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Answers

Question 7.(B)
B1. Developing a story :
Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following beginning.
Give a suitable title.
Rahul was alone at home. Suddenly the phone rang………….
B2. Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
“Friendship is important………….
Developing a story :
Rahul’s Presence of Mind
Rahul was alone at home. Suddenly the phone rang. He hesitated for a moment but then picked up the receiver. Though he said ‘Hello’, there was no response from the other side. He repeated ‘Hello’ but still no one replied from the other end. The phone rang again but this time somebody asked if his father was at home. When Rahul asked who was calling, the caller refused to identify himself and kept on asking his parent’s whereabouts. When Rahul refused to answer, the line was disconnected.

After some time, the door bell rang. As Rahul peeped through the key hole, he found a tall man with a beard outside the door. Rahul got scared and quickly ran towards the phone and called up his father’s friend who lived in their colony and told him about the incident. His uncle asked him not to worry as he would reach soon. He quickly collected some other men from the neighbourhood, and with his pet dog, reached Rahul’s home. The tall man was looking for a way to get into the house when Rahul’s uncle’s dog held his leg with its teeth. The man panicked and tried to run away but was overpowered by all the men.

Soon, the police reached Rahul’s home and his parents also returned and thanked the neighbours. Everyone Praised Rahul’s presence of mind which saved his life.

Friendship is important in life. Friends share joys and sorrows together. Friendship teaches us to be kind and compassionate. It helps us to be better humans. One day Reena was supposed to help Sarah with her Math problems. Sarah was w.eak in Math and Reena was very good with numbers. One of the girls in the group decided to play a wicked prank and told Reena that her father was seriously hurt and was admitted to hospital. Reena rushed to the hospital with this girl and decided to help Sarah when she returned. The friend said that they did not know exactly which hospital Reena’s father was admitted in and they just went from this gate to that gate and got no information about the accident.

Sarah waited the entire evening, but Reena did not show up, because as they were returning, Reena’s companion pushed her and she fell down hurting herself very badly.

Sarah failed in the Math test and was hurt that Reena had not come to help her.

Sarah told her friends that she was not interested in being friends with Reena hence forward. This was a terrible situation between these two friends. One day, a mutual friend approached Sarah and told her that she, along with her father, had seen Reena and another girl going from hospital to hospital looking out for Reena’s father who was supposed to have met with an ac-cident.

Sarah understood the girl’s intention was to break their friendship. She cursed herself for not trusting her friend. She went and apologised to Reena and later Reena told her the entire story. The tfvo girls became friends again. They realised their mistakes and decided never believe what others say.

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper with Answers

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