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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Model Paper Set 7 with Answers

Time: 2 Hours
Total Marks: 40


  1. All the activities/questions are compulsory.
  2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
  3. Question Nos. 1 to 5 are based on History and Question Nos. 6 to 9 are based on Political Science.
  4. It is mandatory to write a complete statement as answer in Question No. 1(A) and 6.
  5. In Question Nos. 2(A) and 8(B) the appropriate answer is expected to be written by pen only in the concept map.
  6. Answers of Question No. 1 (A) and (B) and Question No. 6 are repeated then only first attempted answer will be considered.

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement.
1. The wooden dolls made in Maharashtra were known as __________. (i)
(i) Thaki
(ii) Kalichandika
(iii) Gangavati
(iv) Champavati
The wooden dolls made in Maharashtra were known as Thaki.

2. __________ is an audio-visual medium. (i)
(i) Television
(ii) Radio
(iii) Newspaper
(iv) Magazine
Television is an audio-visual medium.

3. __________ is supposed to be the first keertankar in Maharashtra. (iii)
(i) Saint Dnyaneshwar
(ii) Saint Tukaram
(iii) Saint Namadev
(iv) Saint Eknath
Saint Namadev is supposed to be the first keertankar in Maharashtra.

(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following sets.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
i. Raigadala Jevha Jag Yete Vasant Kanetkar
ii. Tilak ani Agarkar Vishram Bedekar
iii. Sashtang Namaskar Acharya Atre
iv. Ekach Pyala Annasaheb Kirloskar

Ekach Pyala – Annasaheb Kirloskar


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
i. Matheran Hill Station
ii. Tadoba Rock-cut Caves
iii. Kolhapur Pilgrim Centre
iv. Ajanta World Heritage

Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
i. Prabhakar Acharya P. K. Atre
ii. Darpan Balshastri Jambhekar
iii. Deenbandhu Krishnarao Bhalekar
iv. Kesari Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Prabhakar – Acharya P.K.Atre

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 2.
(A) Complete the concept chart/map. (Any Two) [4]

Temple Architecture Nagara Dravida

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers 1

Name of the Author Name of the book
………………………………… The History of British India
Mahatma Phule …………………………………
………………………………… Stri-Purush Tulana
………………………………… The High Caste Hindu Woman

(B) Write short notes on. (Any Two) [4]
1. The earliest museum in the world
2. Importance of Sports
3 Need of Entertainment
(A) 1.

Temple Architecture Nagara Dravida
Characteristics Temple architecture of North India. Temple architecture of South India.
Examples Hindu temples of North India. Hindu temples of South India.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers 2
Other Newspapers in the Pre-independence period are :
i. Induprakash
ii. Deenbandhu
iii. Kesari
iv. Maratha


Name of the Author Name of the book
James Mill The History of British India
Mahatma Phule Gulamgiri
Tarabai Shinde Stri-Purush Tulana
Pandita Ramabai The High Caste Hindu Woman

1. i. The earliest museum (6th century B.C.E.) in the world was discovered during the excavations at the city of ‘Ur’ in Mesopotamia.
ii. It was excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934.
iii. This museum was built by Ennigaldi, the princess of Mesopotamia. She herself was the curator of the museum.
iv. The clay tablets inscribed with the descriptions of exhibited artefacts is a noteworthy feature of this museum.

2. An activity that is performed for entertainment as well as for physical exercise can be termed as ‘Sport’. The importance of sports is as follows:
i. Sports help in overcoming pain and worries. They help one to relax and refresh their minds.
ii. It helps to make the sportsman build a tenacious and strong body. This is majorly because, while playing sport, a lot of physical activity is required which provide good exercise to the body.
iii. It also helps to develop courage, sportsmanship and determination. Collective
participation in certain games leads to the development of a sense of cooperation and team spirit. It also helps in developing leadership qualities.

3. i. Healthy entertainment of excellent quality is needed for the all-round growth of one’s personality.
ii. Pursuing various hobbies & games and learning different dances, music, etc., leads to the development of the personality of an individual.
iii. It is also needed because it keeps one’s mind lively & fresh and makes one feel physically more energetic.
iv. Moreover, the different forms of entertainment improve efficiency at work.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 3.
Explain the statements with reasons. (Any Two) [4]
1. An expert with deep understanding of art history is required in the art market.
2. Archives and libraries publish research journals, informative pamphlets, leaflets, posters, etc.
3. Foucault called his method, ‘the Archaeology of Knowledge’.
4. The number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably.
1. i. Art market is an independent field which includes research, journalism and trading of various objects of historical importance.
ii. This requires expertise for determining the exact value of an art object as well as to check if it is genuine.
iii. Art historians are also required with the purpose of conservation and restoration of historical objects.
iv. The experts are needed in the field of Museums and Archives Management, Library Science and Information Technology, Archaeological Research, Indology.
Hence, an expert with deep understanding of art history is required in the art

2. i. The place where old documents, official records, old films, etc. are preserved and stored are called as Archives while Libraries are the storehouses of knowledge and information.
ii. Archives preserve documents with important content in their original condition, prepare indexes and create accurate systems of retrieval of documents.
iii. Libraries collect books, arrange them systematically, conserve and preserve those books, disseminate information sources, etc.
iv. These documents and books are to be made available to the researchers whenever they want to conduct research and make research projects.
Hence, archives and libraries publish research journals, informative pamphlets, leaflets, posters, etc. to help the researchers in conducting research and also to make it available to the general public.

3. i. In the twentieth century, Michel Foucault, a French historian, brought forth a new concept in historiography.
ii. He rejected the practice of arranging historical events in a chronological order. He explained that archaeology does not intend to reach the ultimate historical truth but attempts to explain various transitions in the past.
Hence, Foucault called his method, which gave importance to explain the transitions in history, as ‘the Archaeology of Knowledge’.

4. i. The availability of railway, marine and air transport, has made travelling abroad easier.
ii. There is a trans-European railway route.
iii. Marine transport has linked the coastal regions and aviation has brought the entire world closer.
iv. Also, due to the economic liberalisation policy of the Indian government, travelling abroad has become easier than before.
Therefore, the number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 4.
Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it. [4]
In the medieval India the historians in the courts of Muslim rulers were influenced by Arabic and Persian historiography. Among them Ziauddin Barani holds an important place. In ‘Tarikh-i- Phiruz Shahi’, a book written by him, he has stated the purpose of historiography. According to him the historian’s duty is not limited only to the recording of the ruler’s valour and policies of welfare but he should also write about the ruler’s failings and incorrect policies. Barani further says that a historian should also take into consideration the impact of the teachings of the wise, the learned, and the saints on the cultural life of people. Thus, Barani expanded the scope of historiography.

For the historians in the Mughal courts praising the emperors and exhibition of loyalty became more important. The custom of adding suitable poetic quotes and beautiful pictures was also introduced. Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire wrote an autobiography, entitled, ‘Tuzuk-i- Babari’. It contains the descriptions of the battles fought by him. Babur also recorded his minute observations of various regions and cities travelled by him including the local economy, customs and the flora.
1. What influenced the historians in the courts of Muslim rulers in (he medieval India?
2. In which book has Ziauddin Barani stated the purpose of historiography?
3. ‘Ziauddin Barani helped in expanding the scope of historiography’. Justify.
1. In the medieval India, the historians in the courts of Muslim rulers were influenced by Arabic and Persian historiography.

2. Ziauddin Barani has stated the purpose of historiography in his book Tarikh-i-Phiruz Shahi.

3. Ziauddin Barani, in his book, Tarikh-i-Phiruz Shahi, stated the purpose of historiography and also wrote about the duties of the historians which helped in expanding the scope of historiography.
i. According to him, a historian should not limit himself only to the recording of the ruler’s valour and policies of welfare, but should also write about the ruler’s failings and incorrect policies.
ii. He also mentioned that a historian should take into consideration the impact of the teachings of the learned, the wise and the saints, on the cultural life of people.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 5.
Answer the questions in detail. (Any Two) [6]
1. What is Marxist History?
2. Explain the close tie between Sports and History.
3. What is the role of UNESCO in the context of heritage sites?
4. Explain the objectives of newspapers.
1. Introduction: Marxist history is one ideological school which influenced the historiography of the post-independence era.
i. The basic theme of Marxist historiography is to analyse the impact of every social event of significance.
ii. The writings of Marxist historians centred around the concern for the means of production, modes of production and the industrial relations.
iii. In India the Marxist historians studied the transitions within the caste system. Some of the notable Indian historians who adopted Marxist ideological framework are Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi, Comrade Shripad Amrut Dange, Ram Sharan Sharma, Comrade Sharad Patil, etc. The book, ‘Primitive Communism to Slavery’ written by Comrade Dange represents Marxist historiography.
Conclusion: In this way the ideology of Marxist history had a deep impact on Indian history.

2. Introduction: Though sports and history are very different subjects, they are correlated with each other.
i. There are certain ancient texts which give information about the types of Sports played. For e.g. The ancient Indian literature and epics mention various games such as games of dice, wrestling, Horse charipot races and chess. This means in order to understand to types of sports which existed in ancient period one has to take help of history.
ii. Moreover, deep knowledge of history is required in certain fields related to sports.
a. Experts in the field of history are required in the field of sports journalism. Their knowledge of history is needed to write articles, reviews about sports events like Olympics or Asiad or national and international matches.
b. In order to work as commentators to various sports, good knowledge of the history of the playground, statistics, previous records, eminent players, historical anecdotes, etc. related to the concerned game is needed.
Conclusion: Thus, it can be said that there is a close tie between sports and history.

3. Introduction: Heritage helps in building our identity. Hence, it is very important to preserve and conserve the same for the benefit of both, the present as well as the future generations.
i. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) is one such global organisation that works towards the management of both, cultural and natural heritage.
ii. It has announced some directives with the objective of promoting the cultural and natural heritage.
iii. On the basis of those directives, certain sites and traditions are declared as ‘World Heritage’.
For e.g., In the year 2016, ‘yoga! was declared as an Oral and Intangible Heritage, while the Taj Mahal was declared as Cultural Heritage site, under Mixed World Heritage site, ‘Khangchendzonga National Park’ was chosen and Western Ghats includes as World Natural Heritage. The Kaas plateau in the District Satara, is also a part of the Western Ghats.
Conclusion: In this way, UNESCO plays an important role in the conservation and preservation of our rich cultural and natural heritage.

4. Newspaper is a publication which is printed and distributed regularly at a definite time. The main objectives of newspaper are as follows:
i. To circulate information and knowledge among people.
ii. To provide various local, national and international news.
iii. To provide information about current events, on issues of social, political, economic, cultural and technological importance through news, articles and advertisements.
For e.g. In the British period, newspapers like Darpan, Prabhakar, Dnyanoday, Kesari, Mahratta, etc., shed light on the various issues and achievements of that period.
iv. To produce special supplements towards the end of the year that take an overview of the important events of the year.
v. To strengthen democracy.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Political Science

Question 6.
Choose the correct option from given options and complete the statements. [2]
1. The essence of democracy is __________. (ii)
(i) universal adult franchise
(ii) decentralisation of power
(iii) policy of reservation of seats
(iv) judicial decisions
The essence of democracy is decentralisation of power.

2. The Election commissioner is appointed by the __________. (i)
(i) President
(ii) Prime Minister
(iii) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(iv) Vice President
The Election Commissioner is appointed by the President.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 7.
State, whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for you answer. (Any Two) [4]
1. Movements are important in a democracy.
2. Election Commission never holds midterm elections.
3. Alertness is required to sustain democracy.
1. The above statement is True.
i. A movement, is a collective action and requires an active participation of people.
ii. The necessary information about social issues is provided to the government by the leaders and activists of the movement. This further helps the government in forming policies.
iii. Also as the Right to Protest is considered an important right.
iv. In a democratic system, existence of movements is an indicator of healthy democratic system.
Thus, movements are important in democracy.

2. The above statement is False.
The Election Commission holds midterm elections under following circumstances:
i. Sometimes, the elected government may lose its majority in the Parliament before completing its term.
ii. At times, the member parties of coalition government withdraw their support and as a result government may lose its majority.
iii. If no alternative government is possible.

3. The above statement is True.
i. Democracy is a continuous living process. Only adoption of democracy does not ensure its implementation. Conscious efforts are required to sustain democracy.
ii. The threats to democracy like communalism, terrorism, etc., must be understood in time and dealt with in a democratic manner.
Hence, alertness is required to sustain democracy.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 8.
(A) Explain the following concept. (Any One) [2]
1. Types of party systems
2. Policy of reservation of seats
(B) Complete the following activity. (Any One)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers 3
1. Party systems are of three types:
i. One party system: If power remains with a particular political party for a long time and if no other political parties are influential, it is called one party system.
ii. Two party system: When two political parties are influential and if political parties enjoy power alternatively, it is a two party system.
iii. Multi-party system: When many political parties compete for political power and more or less they are equally influential, the party system is called multiparty system.

2. i. Policy of reservation of seats is meant for those sections of society who have been deprived of the opportunities for education and employment for a long period of time.
ii. Accordingly, in educational institutions and in government service, some seats are kept reserved for scheduled caste (SC) and scheduled tribes (ST). There is also a provision of reservation of seats for other backward classes.
iii. Thus, the policy of reservation of seats enhances the social and educational status of underprivileged communities and thus, improves their lives.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers 4

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 7 with Answers

Question 9.
Answer the following in brief. (Any One) [2]
1. Which decision of the Court has resulted in protection of honour and dignity of women?
2. Explain the meaning of ‘Code of Conduct’.
1. The Court administers justice to all citizens of India on behalf of the government. Following are the decisions of the court that have resulted in the protection of honour and dignity of women.
i. The enforcement of the Domestic Violence Prohibition Act by the Court has resulted in the protection of honour and dignity of women.
ii. This Act has rejected traditional forms of domination and authoritarianism. It also expanded the scope of Indian democracy to make it inclusive in true sense.
iii. Even the Dowry Prohibition Act, act against sexual harassment and the right to have an equal share in the property of the father and husband has resulted in the protection of honour and dignity of women and thus, created a favourable environment for securing their development.

2. i. To control malpractices during elections and to ensure free and fair elections in India, the Election Commission has adopted several measures. ‘Code of Conduct’ is one among them.
ii. This code is a unique document which explains the rules that are to be followed by the government, political parties and voters before elections and during elections.
iii. The government also cannot violate these rules.
iv. Due to strict observance of the ‘Code of Conduct’, in past few elections the common voters have become confident.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper with Answers

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