Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Model Paper Set 1 with Solutions

1. (A) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statement.

Question 1.
How much will a person with 72 N weight on earth, weigh on the Moon ?
(a) 12 N
(b) 36 N
(c) 21 N
(d) 63 N
(a) 12 N

The weight on the moon is nearly \(\left(\frac{1}{6}\right)^{\mathrm{th}}\) of the weight on the earth.
So, weight on the moon = \(\left(\frac{72}{6}\right)\) = 12 N.
A person with 72 N weight on earth will weigh 12N on moon.

Question 2.
In a double displacement reaction
(a) Ions remain state
(b) Ions get liberated
(c) Ions are exchanged
(d) Ions are not created
(c) Ions are exchanged

In a double displacement reaction, ions are exchanged.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 3.
If 220 V potential difference is applied across an electric bulb, a current of 0.45 A flow in the bulb. What must be the power of the bulb ?
(a) 99 W
(b) 70 W
(c) 45 W
(d) 22 W
(a) 99 W

Given : Potential difference = 220 V
Current = 0.45 A
Power (W) = Potential difference (V) × Current (A)
= 220 × 0.45 W = 99 W.
So, the bulb must be of power 99 W.

Question 4.
In refraction of light through a glass slab, the directions of the incident ray and the refracted ray are ………
(a) Perpendicular of each other
(b) Non-parallel to each other
(c) Parallel to each other
(d) Intersecting each other
(c) Parallel to each other

In the refraction of light through a glass slab, the directions of the incident ray and the refracted ray are parallel to each other.

Question 5.
In the presence of acid catalyst, ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol and ….. ester is produced.
(a) Ethanol
(b) Ethanoic
(c) Ethyl Ethanoate
(d) Ethyl Ethanol
(c) Ethyl Ethanoate

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 8
In the presence of an acid catalyst, ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol and ethyl ethanoate ester is formed.

(B) Solve the following questions.

Question 1.
Find the odd one out:
Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Nitrogen (N), Magnesium (Mg)
Nitrogen (N), because it is a non-metal.

Question 2.
Correlate the given sequence :
Hypermetropia : Convex lens : ……. : Concave lens.

Question 3.
State true or false.
Bauxite is the main ore of aluminium.

Question 4.
Match the columns :

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Density of water is maximum at (a) 0° C
(b) 4° C
(c) 100° C

(b) at 4°C

Question 5.
How much is the relative humidity at the dew point ?
100% relative humidity.

Question 2.
(A) Give scientific reasons. (Any two)

Question 1.
The geo-stationary satellite is not useful in the study of polar region.
The geostationary satellites orbit above the equator and therefore, polar regions cannot be covered. Hence, they are not useful for the study of polar regions.

Question 2.
Any object on earth falls vertically downward and not at an angle to the vertical; nor fly off in a horizontal direction.
The force with earth attracts any object is directed towards the cente of the earth. So, at any position of a falling object the direction from the falling object to the centre of the earth is vertically downwards.

Question 3.
Silver amalgam is used for filling dental cavities.
Silver amalgam is used for filling cavities because it melts at low temperatures and can therefore easy to fill cavities.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

(B) Answer the following (Any three).

Question 1.
If in a medium, the speed of light is 1.5 × 108 m/s how much will the absolute refractive index of that medium be?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 9
Since medium 1 is vacuum, therefore, velocity of light in medium 1
= 3 × 108 m/s.
Given : Speed of light in medium 2 = 1.5 × 108 m/s.
Substituting the values in equation,
\({ }_2 n_1\) = \(\frac{3 \times 10^8 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}}{1.5 \times 10^8 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}}\) = 2

Question 2.
Recognise the carbon chain type for each of the following :
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 1
The figure shows two structural formulae for the molecular formula C4H10.
The carbon chain (A) in the figure is a straight chain of carbon atoms, whereas the carbon chain, (B) is a branched chain of carbon atoms.

Question 3.
Answer the following questions based on the given graph.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 2
(a) Identify which curve shows AC and DC.
(b) What is the frequency of AC and DC ?
(a) Straight line (—): DC (Direct current)
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(b) Frequency \(=\frac{1}{\text { Time period }}\)
∴ AC = 1Hz and DC = 0Hz

Question 4.
Complete the following chemical reaction :
CuSO4 (aq) + Pb(s) → ……. + ………..
Name the chemical reaction type.
CuSO4 (aq) + Pb(S) → PbSO4 + Cu
It is a displacement reaction.

Question 5.
Metal A’ has electronic configuration 2, 8, 1 and metal ‘B’ has electronic configuration 2, 8, 8,2. Out of these, which metal is more reactive ? Write the reaction of this metal with dilute HCl acid.
Metal A is sodium (Na): 2, 8,1
Metal B is calcium (Ca): 2, 8, 8, 2
Metal A (sodium) is more reactive than metal B (calcium).

Chemical Reaction:

(a) Sodium metal reacts violently with dilute hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride and hydrogen.
2Na(s) + 2HCl(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + H2(g)
(b) Calcium reacts less vigorously to form calcium chloride and hydrogen.
Ca + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2

3. Answer the following. (Any five)

Question 1.
Material: Copper wire, Iron nail, Beaker or Big test tube.
Chemicals : Ferrous Sulphate and Copper Sulphate Solution.
(a) Which reaction you will study with the help of above material and solutions ? Draw the diagram of experiment arrangement.
(b) How you identify that the reaction is carried out ?
(c) Which type of reaction you observed ?
(a) Reaction of metals with salts of other metals.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 11
(b) Copper coating is formed on iron nail.
(c) Displacement reaction.

Question 2.
When hydrogen gas is passed over black copper oxide a reddish coloured layer of copper is formed.
Answer the questions that follows based on this reaction.
(a) Write the equation.
(b) What type of reaction it is ?
(c) Complete the blanks :
In this reaction an oxygen atom goes away from CuO (copper oxide), which means that ……… of copper oxide takes place, whereas hydrogen molecule takes up oxygen atom and water (H2O) is formed meaning ………. of hydrogen takes place.
(a) CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O
(b) Redox reaction.
(c) In this reaction an oxygen atom goes away from CuO (copper oxide), which means that reduction of copper oxide takes place, whereas hydrogen molecule takes up oxygen atom and water (H2O) is formed meaning oxidation of hydrogen takes place.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 3.
Tara after completing her exams, went to her grandmother’s house along with her younger brother Rahul. One day, Rahul came home after playing and switched on the fan as well as air conditioner. At the same time, his grandmother was preparing a milkshake for him using a mixer. Suddenly, they heard a big sound and the electricity of the house got shut down. Tara is called an electrician. He said main reason of supply to shut down was overloading.
(a) What is overloading ?
(b) Is overloading and short same ? When does short circuiting take place.
(c) How can the effects of overloading be avoided ?
(a) The flow of a large amount of current in the circuit beyond the permissible value (of current) is called overloading.
(b) No, overloading and short circuiting are not same. Short circuiting takes place when a live wire and a neutral wire come in direct contract with each other.
(c) The effect of overloading can be avoided by not connecting many appliances at the same time in the circuit.

Question 4.
(a) In which type of a microscope do you find the lens arrangement as shown in the following diagram ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 3
(b) Write about the working and the use of this microscope.
(a) Compound microscope.
(b) The ray diagram shows the working of compound microscope. A tiny object to be magnified is placed in front of the objective lens just beyond its principal focus. The objective lens of the compound microscope forms a real, inverted and enlarged image of the object.

This image acts as an object for the eyepiece, whose position is adjusted so that object lies between optical centre and the focus of eyepiece. Now, the eyepiece forms a final virtual, inverted and highly magnified image. The final image is seen through eyepiece, after adjusting the final image at the least distance of distinct vision of 25 cm from the eye.

Compound microscope is used in scientific laboratories to study minute objects like blood cells, cells of plants and animals and minute living beings like bacteria.

Question 5.
Explain the chemical reactions in rusting of iron.
The rust on iron does not form by a simple reaction of oxygen with iron surface. The rust is formed by an electrochemical reaction. Different regions on the surface of iron become anode and cathode.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 12
(a) Fe is oxidised to Fe2+ in the anode region.
Fe(s) → Fe2+(aq) + 2e.
O2 is reduced to form water in the cathode region.
(b) O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e → 2H2O(l)
When Fe2+ ions migrate from the anode region they react with water and further get oxidised to form Fe3+ ions.
A reddish coloured hydrated oxide is formed from Fe3+ ions. It is called rust. It collects on the surface.
2Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l) → Fe2O3.H2O(s) + 6H+(aq)

Question 6.
Answer the following questions :
(a) State laws of refractions of light.
(b) What is refraction of light ?
(c) How is refractive index of material related to the velocity of light ?

  1. The incident ray and the refracted ray are on the opposite side of normal at the point of incidence and all three lie in the same plane.
  2. For a given pair of media, the ratio of sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is constant.

(b) Light changes its direction when passes from one transparent medium to the another transparent medium, this is called refraction of light.

(c) Relationship between refractive index and velocity of light is :
\({ }_1 n_2\) \(=\frac{\text { Velocity of light in first medium }\left(v_1\right)}{\text { Velocity of light in second medium }\left(v_2\right)}\)

Question 7.
The reaction between acetic acid and sodium carbonate is shown in the following figure. Answer the questions with the help of diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 4
(a) Which gas does come out as effervescence in the big test tube ?
(b) What is the colour change in the lime water present in the small test tube ?
(c) Write the related reaction.
(a) Carbon dioxide gas.
(b) Lime water turns milky
(c) 2CH3COOH(aq) + Na2CO3(g) → CH3COONa(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Question 8.
Complete the following equations:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 5
(b) IRS
(c) Fix position of any place
(d) Study of forests, deserts, oceans etc.
Observation & guidance in case of natural calamities.
(e) Navigation.
(f) Weather.

4. Answer any one of the following :

Question 1.
Write the answer of the questions with reference of structure of periodic table.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 6
(a) Which points consider for the arrangement of modern periodic table ?
(b) How blocks are indicated ?
(c) Which elements are present near to the zig-zag line shown in the table.
(d) Draw the electronic configuration of second row elements of first group in periodic table.
(e) As we go from left to right side rows the atomic radius decreased. Explain with help of periodic table.
(a) The classification of elements resulting from an arrangement of the elements in an increasing order of their atomic numbers is the modern periodic table. The modern periodic table contains seven horizontal rows called the periods 1 to 7. Similarly, the eighteen Vertical columns in this table are the groups 1 to 18.

(b) The entire periodic table is divided into four blocks, s-block, p-block, d-block and f-block. The s-block contains the groups 1 and 2. The groups 13 to 18 constitute the p-block. The groups 3 to 12 constitute the d-block, while the lanthanide and actinide series at the bottom form the f-block. The d-block elements are called transition elements.

(c) The metalloid elements lie along the border of the zig-zag line. All the metals lie on the left side of the zig-zag line while all the non-metals lie to the right side.

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(e) While going from left to right within a period, the atomic number increases on by one, i.e., the positive charge on the nucleus increases by one unit at a time. However, the additional electron gets added to the same outermost shell. Due to the increased nuclear charge the electrons are pulled towards the nucleus to a greater extent and thereby the size of the atom decreases.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 1 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 2.
Observe the following diagram and answer the questions.
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(a) Construction of which equipment does the above diagram show ?
(b) On which principle does this equip-ment work ?
(c) According to which law the coil ABCD rotates ?
(d) Write the law in your own words.
(e) Where is this equipment used ?
(a) Electric motor.
(b) It works on the principle of magnetic effect of electric current i.e., whenever a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force and starts to rotate.
(c) Fleming’s left hand rule.
(d) According to this rule, the left hand thumb, index finger, and the middle finger are stretched so as to be perpendicular to each other. If the index finger is in the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger points in the direction of the current, then the direction of the thumb is the direction of the force on the conductor.
(e) It is used in fans, refrigerators, mixers, washing machines, computers, pumps, etc.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper with Solutions

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