Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Model Paper Set 1 with Solutions

1. (A) Choose the correct option and write its number for the following questions :

Question 1.
In the process of making bread the carbohydrates in the flour are fermented by baker’s yeast and sugar is transformed into carbon dioxide and ……..
(a) Methanol
(b) Ethanol
(c) Propanol
(d) Butanal
(b) In the process of making bread, the carbohydrates in the flour are fermented by baker’s yeast and sugar is transformed into carbon dioxide and ethanol.

Question 2.
There are thorns of calcium carbonate on the body of the animal named ……..
(a) Fish
(b) Snail
(c) Sponge
(d) Starfish
(c) There are thorns of calcium carbonate on the body of the animal named sponge.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 3.
In a plant flower the female whorl is ……….
(a) Corolla
(b) Calyx
(c) Androecium
(d) Gynoecium
(d) In a plant flower the female whorl is gynoecium.

Question 4.
The important factor that determines the social health of the place you live is ……
(a) Priority to remove a shop in the premises selling liquor and tobacco.
(b) Opposition to the yoga class in the premises.
(c) Opposition to the laughing club in the premises.
(d) Celebration of cultural programmes in each lane in the premises from time to time.
(a) The important factor that determines the social health of the place you live is priority to remove a shop in the premises selling liquor and tobacco.

Question 5.
Nuclear membrane disappears completely in the phase called …………………. of karyokinesis.
(a) Prophase
(b) Metaphase
(c) Anaphase
(d) Meta and anaphase
(b) Nuclear membrane disappears completely in the phase called metaphase of karyokinesis.

1. (B) Solve the following questions.

Question 1.
Find odd one out:
Air, Soil, Microbes, Light.
Microbes, because it is biotic factor while rest are abiotic factors.

Question 2.
Write the correct co-relation-Lipids : Fatty acids : : Proteins ……..
Amino acids.

Question 3.
State whether True/False :
The ‘Devrai’ reserved in the name of God in various places are required in the present time as well.
True, The ‘Devrai’ reserved in the name of God in various places are required in the present time as well.

Question 4.
Which of the following units is different from the others ? Why ?
Solar electricity, wind electricity, atomic electricity, hydro electricity.
Electricity generation based on nuclear fuels like uranium and plutonium are not environment friendly, whereas others are natural sources and are environment friendly.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 5.
I am the connecting link of annelida and arthropoda. What is my name ?

2. (A) Give scientific reasons. (Any two)

Question 1.
Why the human beings have important place in environment ?
All the resources available in nature are exploited rapidly by humans. Humans have degraded all natural ecosystem by urbanisation, deforestation and pollution explosion. It is the humans only who can contribute to the well being of the environment by nurturing the environment.

Question 2.
Why it is essential to get training of first aid ?
It is important to take training of first aid because it can be beneficial during the times of emergency. Even if the hospitals are far away, first aid treatments can prevent the death and fatal defects of health.

Question 3.
Morphological evidences suggest that dog, sheep and wolf have a common origin.
Dog, sheep and wolf possess the similarities in the structure of their mouth, position of eyes, structure of nostrils, etc. thus these morphological evidences suggests that dog, sheep and wolf have a common origin.

2. (B) Solve the following questions. (Any three)

Question 1.
Complete the box by writing about what the following pictures indicate.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 1
Pre-disaster management

It includes the complete preparation and planning to face any type of disaster. Mock drill is a practice to check the preparedness of facing the disaster as early as possible. Virtual or apparent situation of disaster is created to check the reaction time for any type of disaster.

Mock drill is arranged on disaster of fire in various schools by the fire fighters. It includes the demonstrations like extinguishing the fire, rescuing the people trapped at higher floors of buildings, rescuing the persons whose clothing have catched the fire, etc.

Effective forecasting, warning, evacuation and sheltering are primary approaches to reducing hurricane—related mortality and morbidity for persons who reside in high-risk locales.

Tropical cyclones can be detected at formation and are tracked with precision. Forecasters can fairly accurately determine the location, trajectory, central pressure, wind speed, storm surge, point of landfall and rainfall production.

Additionally, 24 hour news availability has allowed for improved warning systems, with frequently updated guidance regarding preparation, protection, evacuation and sheltering.

Question 2.
Even today there is a need of movements like ‘Chipko’ movement. Explain this with the help of an example that you have experienced.
In the 1970s, an organised resistance to the destruction of forests spread throughout India and came to be known as the Chipko movement. The name of the movement comes from the word ’embrace’, as the villagers hugged the trees and prevented the contractors from felling them.

Yes, there is a need for such movements today also, for increasing awareness for forest conservation and to stop deforestation activities. There is a need to realise the importance of trees. The Chipko Movement in the 1970s proved as a tipping point for environmental causes not just in India but rest of the world as well. There is a need for a “Chipko 2.0”, this time lead by the political class.

Question 3.
Observe the following figure and explain the method of reproduction.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 2
The figure shows regeneration in Planaria, an animal that breaks up its body into two parts and thereafter each part regenerates remaining part of the body and thus two new Planaria are formed. This is called as regeneration.
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Question 4.
How is the excessive use of communication media and ultramodern technology harmful ?
Excessive, unnecessary and irrational use of modem technology and communication media is becoming a sensitive issue through the view point of social health. Use of phones has become a sort of addiction, people spend time with cell phones for several hours and are usually unaware of the surrounding. Various physical problems like tiredness, headache, insomnia, forgetfulness, tinnitus, joint pains and problems in vision may arise due to radiation of cell phones endangering the social health.

These radiations can penetrate the bones of children more effectively than the bones of adults. Persons continuously using the computers and internet become Solitary. They cannot establish harmonious relations with relatives and become self-centered and thereby they may develop problems like autism and selfishness. They become less sensitive towards others. Chronic effect of such tendency is that they are not ready to help others in need and hence they also do not get it in when needed.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 5.
Complete the following conceptual picture :
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3. Solve the following questions. (Any five)

Question 1.
What are fatty acids? Give its three uses.
Fatty acids are the components of lipids. When lipids are digested, they form fatty acids and glycerol (Alcohols).

The uses of Fatty acids are :

  1. Fatty acids are very important for the health of the individual they are absorbed into the blood after their digestion in the body and are transported to the cells.
  2. They produce different hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, etc.
  3. The axonal coverings around the neurons are also made up from the fatty acids.

Question 2.
Answer the following questions ?
(a) What are the components of the DNA molecule ?
(b) What is the function of the appendix of our digestive system ?
(c) Are our wisdom teeth really useful for chewing the food ?
(a) The components of the DNA molecule are deoxyribose sugar, phosphoric acid and pairs of nitrogenous bases.
(b) The appendix of human digestive system is a functionless or vestigial organ.
(c) Wisdom teeth are not useful for chewing the food.

Question 3.
What do you understand by homologous chromosomes ?
Every species has definite number of chromosomes pairs in their haploid cells in every pair the two chromosomes are alike in shape, type and genes located over them. Such chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes. For example : In human diploid cell. Pair of chromosomes number 1 shows chromosomes number 1 from mother and from father. These two chromosomes are homologous to each other.

Question 4.
Identify the following animal and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name its phylum.
(b) Name any two other examples of this phylum.
(c) Mention any two characters of this phylum.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 4
(a) Echinodermata
(b) Sea-urchin and sea-cucumber

  1. Their locomotion is by tube feet.
  2. They are found only in ocean.

Question 5.
Explain the following concepts in short:
(a) Acrocentric chromosome
(b) Balanced Diet
(c) Role of circulatory system in energy production
(a) The j shaped chromosomes with the centromere near one end of chromosome is known as acrocentric chromosome.

(b) Balanced diet is the diet which has carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in the right proportion.

(c) Circulatory system plays an important role in energy production. Glucose from the digestive system and oxygen from the respiratory system is transported to every cell through the circulatory system only. Red blood cells carry the oxygen as it is pumped by the heart to different cells and yields the glucose molecule by the process of oxidation.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question 6.
Complete the following chart related to the components of the Ecosystem.
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Question 7.
Complete the following table taking into account the relation between the entries in three columns :

Coal Thermal energy Thermal plant
Uranium Nuclear power plant
Water reservoir Potential energy
Kinetic energy Wind electricity plant


Coal Thermal energy Thermal plant
Uranium Nuclear Energy Nuclear power plant
Water reservoir Potential energy Hydroelectric plant
Wind Kinetic energy Wind electricity plant

Question 8.
Complete the paragraph using proper words :
(Asymmetrical, Paramecium, Equal, imaginary, central, insects, rats, bird, three, unequal)

If body of any animal is cut through …….. axis of body, it may or may not produce two equal halves. Depending upon this property, there are different types of animal bodies. In case of ……. body, there is no any such imaginary axis of the body through which we can get two equal halves. For example : Amoeba, ……… some sponges. In radial symmetry type of body, if imaginary cut passes through central axis but any plane of body, it gives two …….. halves.

For example : Starfish. In case of this animal, there are five different planes passing through axis of body through which we can get two equal halves. In Bi-lateral symmetry type of body, there is only one such imaginary axis of body through which we can get two equal halves. For example: ……. fishes, frog, birds, human, etc.
If body of any animal is cut through imaginary axis of body, it may or may not produce two equal halves. Depending upon this property, there are different types of animal bodies. In case of asymmetrical body, there is no any such imaginary axis of the body through which we can get two equal halves. For example: Amoeba, Paramoecium, some sponges. In radial symmetry type of body, if imaginary cut passes through central axis by any plane of body, it gives two equal halves.

For example : Starfish. In case of this animal, there are five different planes passing through central axis of body through which we can get two equal halves. In Bilateral symmetry type of body, there is only one such imaginary axis of body through which we can get two equal halves. For example : Insects, fishes, frog, birds, human, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science 2 Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

4. Solve the following questions. (Any one)

Question 1.
(a) What is reproduction ?
(b) State the two main types of reproduction.
(c) How do sperms develop ?
(d) What are the components of semen ?
(e) What is the length of the sperm ?
(a) The process of formation of new organism of same species by earlier existing organism is called as reproduction. Reproduction is one of the most important character of living organisms.
(b) The two main types of reproduction are asexual and sexual reproduction.
(c) Under the influence of the hormones, where the germinal epithelial cells of the seminiferous tubules in the testis undergo meiosis and leads to the development of the sperm in the body of the males.
(d) Semen consists of sperms embedded in the secretions of prostate glands. semjnal vesicles and Cowper’s gland.
(e) The length of the sperm is about 60 micrometers.

Question 2.
(a) What is the full form of UNEP ?
(b) What is the role of IUCN ?
(c) What is biodiversity ?
(d) How can we protect the environment ?
(e) Give an example of food chain.
(a) United Nations Environment Programme.
(b) IUCN prepares the list of the endangered species from the different countries known as red data book.
(c) Biodiversity is the richness of living organisms in nature due to presence of varieties of organisms, ecosystems and genetic variations within a species. Biodiversity occurs at three different levels.
(d) We can protect the environment by minimizing the use of the harmful chemicals by growing trees and by using the green methods of production for various products.
(e) The example of simple food chain in the environment is :
Grass → Deer → Lion

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper with Solutions

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