Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Maharashtra State Board Class 12th English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Model Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Section I: Prose
(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Grammar, Note making, Mind mapping)

Question 1.
(A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:

He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways. A surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road from morning till night A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians and above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town.

Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it “Bombay Ice Cream” one day and on the next “Delhi Almond,” and on the third “Raja’s Delicacy,” and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too. The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare which crackled and smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby.

Half the enchantment of the place was due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights, some had naked flares stuck on poles, some were lit up by old cycle lamps, and one or two, like the astrologer, managed without lights of their own. It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows. This suited the astrologer very well, for the simple reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrologer when he began life; and he knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute.

Question A1.
Read the following sentences and state whether they are true or false. Correct the false statements and rewrite them.

(a) The sellers of stolen hardware and junk were the loudest in shouting to attract the customers.
(They created enough din all day to attract the whole town).

(b) The pathway running through the Town Hall wasn’t lit by the municipal lighting.

(c) The astrologer managed to light his shop with naked flares stuck on poles.
(He transacted his business without any lights of his own)

(d) It suited him well because he could foretell future with a high level of accuracy.
(It suited him well because he had not in the least intended to be an astrologer)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question A2.
Rearrange the following statements in the order of their occurrence in the extract.

(a) A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.
(b) It was a remarkable place in many ways.
(c) The place was lit up by shop lights.
(d) It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows.
(b) It was a remarkable place in many ways.
(a) A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.
(c) The place was lit up by shop lights.
(d) It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows.

Question A3.
Read the following sentences and write down what it means.
(a) A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.
(b) And he knew no more of what was going so happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute.
(a) A huge crowd talked in a superficial way in front of the astrologer.
(b) He did not have the least idea of what is going to happen to others in future nor did he know that what was his own future.

Question A4.
Suppose some people in your family consult an astrologer before taking any decision in their lives. Describe your reaction to their superstitions and suggest some ways to eradicate these from our society.
I have always observed the elders of my family consulting astrologers before taking any major decision in their lives. I have also observed them wearing several rings on their fingers, some of them are ridiculously expensive. I find all these very baseless because I believe that the course of our life depends on our actions. If we do not work hard, no expensive ring can help us to be successful. Therefore, astrology and rings are mere superstitions to me.

It is essential to eradicate superstitions and other ill practices from our society if we want society to improve and ultimately our nation to develop.
Education plays a vital role in it. The national approach of looking at everything can be imbibed among the students right from their schooling so that they will spread it and become a responsible citizen.

Question A5.
Language Study:
1. Who doesn’t like delicacies?
(Make a declarative sentence)
2. Many promises have been given in spite of the drawbacks. (Frame a Wh-question to get the answer underlined)
1. The king of Kashipur decided to go everywhere in disguise.
2. There was an article in the Times of India about this critical issue.
3. How have many promises been given?

Question A6.
surging, moving, manage, intend
surge movement
management intention

(B) Grammar/Language Study (Non-Textual Grammar)

Do as directed:

Question B1.
1. Avarietyoftradesandoccupationswasrepresented all along its way. (Rewrite beginning with It ………)
2. He had not intended to be an astrologer (Rewrite as an affirmative sentence)
3. No sooner had we left the railway station, than it began to rain. (Begin the sentence with “As soon as….)
1. It represented a variety of trades and occupations all along its way.
2. He had intended to be someone else than an astrologer.

Question B2.
Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite the correct sentence:
Radha brought pens and distributed them between her five children.
Radha brought pens and distributed them among her five children.

Question 2.
(A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:

Often students who are fond of reading books are labelled by their comrades as book-worms. Boys who shine in athletics or in the playing of some game, consider that the games field is a better or nobler arena for their activities and the expenditure of their energies than the classroom or the reading desk.

The idea is born out of an inferiority complex inherent in the games minded students who actually envy their fellows who shine academically. Academic honours have a glamour which is unique.

It is not to be denied that the playing of games is a worthy activity. It is worthy in the sense that the team spirit can be engendered in the individual oftly if he has learnt to participate in the playing of games. It is also true that the player does much for society and for his country on the playing field. It is true that the feeling of cooperation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity.

But studies should not be sacrificed in order that students devote their time only to the playing of games.

Let each type of activity have its own place in our daily round and then only the balanced division of interests will produce an individual with a proper perspective of things.

Question A1.
Rewrite the following sentences as per their occurrence in the extract.

(a) It is true that the feeling of cooperation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity.
(b) Academic honours have a glamour which is unique.
(c) It is worthy in the sense that the team spirit can be engendered in the individual only if he has learnt to participate in the playing of games.
(d) But studies should not be sacrificed in order that students devote their time only to the playing of games.
(b) Academic honours have a glamour which is unique.
(c) It is worthy in the sense that the team spirit can be engendered in the individual only if he has learnt to participate in the playing of games.
(a) It is true that the feeling of cooperation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity.
(d) But studies should not be sacrificed in order that students devote their time only to the playing of games.

Question A2.
The writer writes, “The idea is born out of an inferiority complex inherent in the games-minded students who actually envy their fellows who shine academically.”
This way of thinking or feeling inferior by games- minded students comes from the fact that they are jealous of their classmates who are good in studies and are outstanding in the academic performance. It is because they consider that the games field is a better or nobler arena than classroom or a reading desk.

Question A3.
Give reasons:
Gamesters call academically bright students bookworms’. Give reasons for it.
Gamesters call academically bright students bookworms because of their inferiority complex arising out of envy of academic excellence.

Question A4.
Personal Response:
The writer says, Academic honours have a glamour which is unique’. Do you agree with it ? (Express your opinion.)
I do not agree with what the writer says. It is true that education is very important in a man’s life but a person can shine in other fields also.
A sportsman can be equally honourable as an academician. Sachin Tendulkar, Vishwanathan ‘ Anand, RV. Sindhu are the glowing examples of this fact.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

Question A5.
Do as directed.
1. The games field is a better or nobler arena for their activities than the classroom. (Rewrite in positive degree)
2. The team spirit can be engendered in the individual only if he learns to participate in the playing of games. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)
1. The classroom is not as good or noble an arena for their activities as the games field.
2. The team spirit can never be engendered in the individual unless he learns to participate in the playing of games.

Question A6.
Complete the following table.

Verb Noun Adjective


Verb Noun Adjective
envy envy envious
produce production productive

(B) Summary Writing:
Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title, with the help of the given points / hints Gamesters-tease …….. academically …….. brillian ……. students-qualities through games goal of education go hand in hand.
Gamesters usually make fun of academically brilliant students due to their inferiority complex emerging from academic excellence. The qualities achieved through games cannot be denied at all. But involvement in games and sports should not be at the cost of neglecting studies. The main goal of education is to produce well-rounded personalities.

(C) Mind mapping:
Develop a Mind-Mapping using your ideas and concepts to develop the topic ‘Taxation’.
(i) Using the title connect your thoughts.
(ii) Use your own design for branching and general structure.
(iii) Try making 2-3 main and 2-3 sub-branches.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 2

Section II: Poetry
(Poetry and Appreciation)

Question 3.
(A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.
Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms, ‘
Strong and content I travel the open road.
The earth, that is sufficient,
I do not want the constellations any nearer,
I know they are very wel I where they are,
I know they suffice for those who belong to them.
(Still here I carry my old delicious burdens,
I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go,
I swear it is impossible for me to get rid of them,
I am filled with them, and I will fill them in return.)

Question A1.
Complete the web diagram about ‘a man satisfied with his life’:
Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions 3

Question A2.
Analyse the line – I do not want the constellations any nearer.
Here the poet intends to say that he doesnt want to have his life defined by the uncertainty of fate of destiny nor does not believe in fate and the help of influential people in his life.

Question A3.
Personal response:
The poet is a person who is free from all inhibitions. Elaborate the concept of freedom expressed in the extract.
Freedom is the major theme in the poem. The poet encourages the readers to be true to themselves, live freely and enjoy the freedom of life. Although, our life is not free from obligations and troubles, the concept of freedom encourages everyone to live their dream.

Question A4.
Poetic Device:
Explain the metaphorical concept of ‘road’ used in the extract.
The poet compares the road of life to a sweet song so it becomes a metaphor. Everyone should enjoy life freely and happily. The metaphor suggests singing the song of life beautifully. It also indicates the path people must take to live a fruitful life.

Question A5.
Poetic creativity:
Compose two to four lines on The Road that leads to my college.
The Road that leads to my college.
A bag of books presses heavy on my shoulder
The sun burns bright on my face.
Why do I travel so far in such pain.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

(B) Appreciation

Read the extract and write the appreciation based on the points given below:

When I had money, money, O!
I knew no joy til 11 went poor;
For many a false man as a friend
Came knocking all day at my door.

Then felt I like a child that holds
A trumpet that he must not blow

Because a man is dead; I dared
Not speak to let this false world know.

Much have I thought of life, and seen
How poor men’s hearts are ever lights;
And how their wives do hum like bees
About their work from morn till night.

So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
And see the rich ones cold ly frown
Poor men, think I, need not go up
You may use the following points for writing the appreciation.


(i) About the poem, significance of the title.
(ii) The form of the poem, theme and its significance.
(iii) Poetic style, language features/poetic devices.
(iv) Inspirational message, values, morals reflected in the poem.
(v) Special features.
(vi) Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem.
The poem Money’ is composed by William H. Davies who spent a significant part of his life as a tramp. He became a peddlar and street singer in England. After experiencing such wandering life for many years, he published his first volume.

This poem tells about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find the real happiness. When we do not have money or have lost our money, we realise how important the money is. At the end of the poem, the poet says that now he doesn’t have money but he has true friends though they may be few.

The poem brings out the impact of money on people’s behaviour. When a man possesses money, many false friends gather around him. The poet compares himself to a child with a trumpet but he is not allowed to blow
it for there has been a death. The poet makes use of “simile again as the poor man’s wife is described as humming busily like a bee.

The poet emphasises that not having money never means the lack of happiness. The poor man is able to laugh but a rich man becomes angry. The poet has made use of five tour lined stanzas with the uniform rhyme scheme of ‘a b c d’ throughout the poem. He repeats the word money’ to stress the fact that money is unnecessarily given undue importance by man. He wants to suggest that money cannot bring happiness.

Section III: Writing Skills

Question 4.
Complete the activities as per the instructions given below:

(A) Attempt any ONE of the following:

Drafting virtual messages/ statement of purpose/group discussion.
Using information from the dialogue given below, write the message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit.
Shekhar: Is this 98XXXXXXXX?
Amrita: Yes. May I know who is speaking?
Shekhar: I am Shekhar and want to speak to Sourajit. I am his friend from I.H.M. Dadar.
Amrita : I am his sister. Sourajit is not at home at the moment. Can you ring up a little later?
Shekhar: I shall be a little busy. Actually, I have got a placement at the Hotel Veena Resort in Goa and will join with immediate effect. So right now I am trying to get all the formalities completed. This is the news that I wanted to give him. Will you do that for me ? Also tell him that I will let him know my new cell phone numbers as soon as I get one.
Amrita: I’ll do that. Bye and all the best.
Amrita had to leave for office, so she wrote a note to Sourajit. Draft her message in not more than 50 to 75 words.


Statements of Purpose:
You must have decided your aim in life. Which institute/ university would you like to join for your diploma or graduation? Write a statement of purpose as a part of your application to the institute / university (in about 150 words).


Group Discussion:
Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food now- a-days. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic and the conclusion they reach at.
20/06/XX MESSAGE [10:00 A.M.]
Dear brother,
Your friend, Shekhar from IHM, Dadar, called you up to inform that he has got a placement at Hotel Veena Resort in Goa and he has to join immediately. He just wanted to let you know this. He is trying to get all the formalities completed. He just wanted to let you know this. He will let you know his new cellphone number when he gets it.


Statement of purpose
Our country is a developing country and needs more skilled innovators and entrepreneurs, who can create and start cutting-edge products and services to keep our country at the forefront of technology. We don’t have good quality entrepreneurial study programmes as Silicon valley has.

Savitribai Phule University Pune has the programme that I am looking for. The centre for entrepreneur studies has exciting events with many networking opportunities and I really want to have the advantage for extension of my learning. I am very much excited by the World Business Programme contest as it encourages students to launch their own business and I am aspiring to do it myself.

I belong to a small business family as my father has a spare parts dealership and I might follow in his footsteps. I have followed some pioneering business leaders like Kirloskar, JRDTata, Dhirubhai Ambani who have created their own successful ventures from nowhere. I am eager to know how and where India’s best entrepreneurs have begun their startups. If selected, I would aspire to pursue graduation.

Presently, I am pursuing studies at New India College and I am focussed on finance and marketing. My goal is to start my own vehicle spare parts company and to achieve it, I want to get an MBA degree with entrepreneurial focus as your institute offers. I am interested in studying with people like Prof. Iyer who teaches entrepreneurial studies.
I wish to learn from my fellow students having similar ambitions. I hope my application will be considered favourably.


Evaluators : You all have been given a few minutes to think about the topic of today’s group discussion which is Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?

Rama : I would like to put forward my opinion first. I feel that junk food is unhealthy as it causes obesity due to saturated fats in it. Perhaps banning junk foods in and near school and colleges could reduce the frequency of heart disease among the young people.

Asif : You are absolutely right, Rama. I am in complete agreement with your view. Junk foods certainly create negative effects on our health. It is true that nowadays students are more inclined ‘ towards junk food as a matter of convenience.

Aarav : I am afraid but I don’t agree with these opinions. Even healthy food can be bad sometimes. If junk foods are banned, the sense of boredom can be felt by students as they have to eat the homemade food only. Healthier food also tends to be more expensive.

Rachana : I am sorry to interrupt but I certainly feel that junk food potentially result in decreased academic performance. It contains unhealthy oils and preservatives which are really harmful for the human health. So there is a need to ban the junk foods in schools and colleges.

Evaluator: Please conclude the discussion now.

Rama : After all the discussion, we conclude that it is up to us to decide what to eat and what to avoid. Occasionally, havingjunk food can be a good option but regular consumption of junk food must be avoided for sure.

(B) Attempt any ONE of the following:

E-mail Writing:

You visited the Book Exhibition held at S.R Ground, Pune. Write an e-mail to your friend about your experience (in about 100-150 words).


Report Writing:
Prepare a report on the prize distribution of your college for your college magazine (150 words).


You are the Sports Representative of your college and asked to interview a professional swimmer. Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to interview him.
To: rajeev.kul [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Book exhibition
Dear Rajeev,
This is about my recent visit to a book exhibition. It was held at S.P. Ground. Pune by three publishing houses together and all leading publishers had set up their stalls.

The exhibition had a great variety of books from dramas, novels, short stories, biographies, and autobiographies, to poetry books, puzzles and many more. I visited the exhibition with my close friends and family members. After entering, I was amazed to see a variety of book stalls. We spent almost six to seven hours there. There were many special discount offers on all types of books. Many book lovers took advantage of the exhibition. I purchased a few books from there.

It would have been nice if you were there with me. They are going to organise a similar exhibition in the Engineering College Ground in summer vacation. You should come here in the vacation so that we can enjoy the exhibition together. Send a reply as it is eagerly awaited.


Prize Distribution Ceremony of G.K. College
-by College Reporter
Ambegaon, 17 March 20XX.
On 15th of March, G.K. College appeared to be at its best with lovely and beautiful decorations and colourful rangolis to celebrate the prize distribution ceremony, in the presence of the famous social worker, Mr. Prem Gaware, with extreme enthusiasm and vigour under the guidance of the Principal and other staff members.

The whole college was cleaned and beautiful rangolis were drawn at the entrance gate of the college. The assembly hall was nicely decorated with flowers and balloons. The chief guest, Mr. Prem Gaware, was impressed by the arrangements. The principal of the college Dr. Khurana welcomed the chief guest and other dignitaries and read out the annual report of the college. Then, the academic and extra-curricular prizes were distributed to all the winners.

All the winners were heartily appreciated by all present. The chief guest praised all the prize winners in his speech and encouraged others to work hard to win prizes next year. Then the general secretary presented a vote of thanks to all the invites and the chief guest.
Everyone present enjoyed the programme very much.
-by College Reporter


Welcome, Mr. Virdhawal Khade. We are fortunate to have you with us. I hope you would like to share your experiences with us:

  1. Please share with us your journey of becoming a professional swimmer.
  2. How long do you practise swimming?
  3. How was your experience in the Asian Games?
  4. How do you prepare for the international competitions?
  5. What do you like most—freestyle or butterfly?
  6. According to you, which is your best performance till now?
  7. How do you react to your success as well as failure?
  8. What do you do to overcome your shortcomings/ mistakes?
  9. Who is your role model in swimming? Why?
  10. What are your future plans?

Thank you, Mr. Virdhawal. Thanks for spending your valuable time with us.

(C) Attempt any ONE of the following:
Speech Writing:
Write a speech on ‘Social Media: Good or Bad’ in about 150 words.


Imagine that you are a compere of ‘Book Release Programme’. Prepare a script for compering the programme with the help of the following points in about 50 words.

  • Introduction
  • Lighting the lamp
  • Introduction of guest and felicitation
  • Introductory note by the publisher
  • Speech of the author
  • Speech of the chief guest
  • Vote of thanks


Expansion of idea:
Expand the following idea in about 100-150 words by using the points:
‘If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

  • Meaning of the proverb
  • Significance of winter and spring
  • Give a few instances to explain the significance
  • Add your own points

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends.
Today I stand here to express my views on a very lively subject ‘Social Media: Good or Bad’.
Modern world can be rightly called the world of social media as people all over the world use it. Social media has brought people from distant places together. But it needs to be given a thought if it is good or bad for the society.

Every coin has two sides. It actually depends upon our perspective and the way we use it. Many people think it to be good as they can communicate with their close ones irrespective of the distance. But some people think about its negative impact on the society. Today, we can get every kind of information about everything on social media like blogs, newspapers, facebook, twitter and through many other ways. Cell phones have put the world in our pockets. It is no doubt that we have been given an opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with all.

We can communicate and share our views, thoughts be different topics with many people. Social networks have become a crucial part of our lives. They offer good opportunities for online business also. But excessive use of social media has reduced the sense of human interaction. Though people have their online identities, they are isolated. Social relationships are badly affected because of it. Communication gap among people is widening day by day due to social media.

My views about both sides together can be confusing. But I think that we need to use social media with a proper control for important things so that it will prove to be a boon.
Thank you all forgiving me a patient ear!


A very good afternoon to all and a hearty welcome. I, XYZ, welcome you all for the book release of Dr. Karnad’s biography. ‘I am Dr. Girish Karnad’. It is’ published by Nikita Publication of Nagpur.

Lamp is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. So I request our guests of honour, the writer and the publisher to light the lamp.
Thank you all the dignitaries.

We are really very lucky to have Dr. N.M. Joshi as the chief guest for this function. He needs no introduction as he is a well known figure in the literary world. His books for children are extremely popular and he has received great acclamation.

I request Mr. Naren Gomant, the head of Nikita Publication, to felicitate our chief guest Dr. N.M. Joshi.

Thank you Sir, Now, Mr. Rathod, the author of the book will be felicitated by the organiser of this function, Mr. Nayan Gomant.
Thank you.

A publisher becomes a perfect link between an author and the readers. So I request the publisher, Mr. Naren Gomant to give an introduction of the function.
Thank you, Sir.

Now, I want the author of the book Mr. Rathod to speak to us. Please welcome him with a big round of applause.
Thank you Sir.

Now, let me call the chief guest Dr. N.M. Joshi to express his precious views on this occasion.

Thank you, Sir. I don’t have words to appreciate you for throwing light on the role of biographies in our lives. ”
Now I request Mr. Nayan Gomant to present a vote of thanks to conclude the programme.


If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
The given proverb is taken from Shelley’s poem. Here both words winter’ and ‘spring1 have a symbolic significance. Winter represents the tough times available in man’s life and spring stands for the renewal of hope in man’s life. When man has to face the tough or difficult situations in life, he should not feel discouraged but believe in the fact that spring is going to appear very soon and things will change.

A person should be prepared to face all challenges and hardships without losing confidence. One should never feel discouraged in such condition. One needs to create positive surroundings around. Though the days are dark and unhappy, the days of happiness and joy are sure to follow. Winter represents nervousness and barenness whereas, spring represents joy and cheerfulness.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

(D) Attempt any ONE of the following:

Film Review:
Write a review of any historical film of you choice, with the help of the following points :

  • Significance of the title
  • Year of release
  • Story line/Theme
  • Actions/Music and songs
  • Setting/Location
  • Producer and Director


Blog Writing:
Write a blog in proper format in about 150 words in ‘Man V/s Nature’.

  • Behaviour of man with nature
  • Role played by man in nature
  • Importance of nature
  • Side effects if trees are unavailable
  • Add your own points


Prepare an appeal on the topic A Cleanliness Drive’ with the help of the following points:

  • Need of cleanliness
  • Importance of cleanliness
  • Catchy slogans
  • Venue, date and time
  • Add your own points

Film Review
The Ajay Devgan starrer, Bhushan and Krishnan kumar produced film, ‘Tanhaji-The Unsung Warrior’ was released in 2020. Directed by Om Raut, the film, is an biography of Tanhaji. Tanhaji Malusare was a great warrior in the army of Shivaji Maharaj. The film is a biographical sketch of him. Shivaji Maharaj handed over the charge of 23 forts to Mirza Raje in the contract of Kondhana, which is the pride of Maharashtra and is handed over to Udaybhan, after his release from the clutches of Aurangzeb.

Shivaji Maharaj wants to regain it. Tanhaji takes up the responsibility by keeping his son’s wedding aside. He climbs the fort with few Marathas and battles with Udaybhan. The film is action packed and all the actions are directed smoothly and nicely. As the film reflects the Maratha empire, the period of 17th century in Maharashtra is wonderfully depicted. The film makers had made great efforts to set up a long set to make it look like the valley. For a power-packed climax it is a must watch.


Blog writing
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Section IV: Literary Genre-Novel

Question 5.
(A) Match the following items from column-A with those column-B:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘Non-Textual’
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer (i) Trinidad
(b) Daniel Defoe (ii) Wuthering Heights
(c) V.S. Naipaul (iii) Robinson Crusoe
(d) Emile Bronte (iv) The Canterbury Tales


Column A’ Column ‘B’
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer (iv) The Canterbury Tales
(b) Daniel Defore (iii) Robinson Crusoe
(c) V.S. Naipaul (i) Trinidad
(d) Emile Bronte (ii) Wuthering Heights

Question 2.
Pick the odd one out:
(a) Mary Morstan, Thaddeus Sholto, Jonathan Small, Gillian Blanchard, Tonga.
(b) Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Lucknow, San Francisco.
(c) Charles Dickens, R.K. Narayan, Walt Whitman, Walter Scott, Jonathan Swift
(d) Pearl, Seize The Day, Gulliver’s Travels’, Death in Venice.
(a) Mary Morstan
(b) Lucknow
(c) R.K. Narayan
(d) Gulliver’s Travel’s

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Sample Paper Set 1 with Solutions

(B) Answer the questions given below in about 50 words:

Question 1.
Describe the traits of Fernman.
Fernman has originality of thought to make his presentation attractive and get ready approval. He has a clear and precise way of presenting his subject in front of the audience. He had a strong
sense of dramatic effect. His dry logic of arriving at facts beyond man-made demarcations and wishful thinking is thoroughly impressive. He has the capability to leave his audience spell-bound.

Question 2.
Which event took place in To Sir, With Love’. Give reasons to support your answer.
Half yearly Report of Students Council on November 15th took place. The teachers and the students council openly discussed all matters affecting the school including curriculum, to give students an opportunity to develop leadership skills by organising and carrying out school activities and service projects contributing to school spirit and community welfare.

(C) Answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Describe the importance of London in the development of the plot and behaviour of the characters in ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’.
The story begins with Phileas Fogg discussing a bank robbery at the Reform Club in London near a fireplace. During the course of their conversation they are led to a wager. The bet is that Fogg believes that he can travel around the world in eighty days. But his friend John Sullivan thinks that is impossible.

So the plot starts from London. Fogg goes around the world with his companions. But Fix, a detective is under a mistaken belief that Fogg might be the main culprit behind the bank robbery. Fix arrests Fogg at Liverpool just when he is about to win his wager on time. Fogg thinks that
he has lost his bet. The fact is that while travelling east he gains a day on reaching London after getting his release.

With this message his servant Passepartout grabs Phileas by the collar, shoves him into a cab to reach him at the club with minutes to spare. Phileas wins the bet in London.

Question 2.
Write the Central Idea of Around the World in Eighty days’.
The central idea of ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ is how Fogg finally wins the bet though there are unexpected delays and missed trains. He had unknowingly gained a day but was still on time to meet the deadline. The story also portrays how love and its attainment is more important than all the challenges and money in the world.

(D) Answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Highlight the qualities of Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Homes, a fictitious character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is a very impressive character who has been shown to have a keen insight. He is very methodical-in analysing events and situations to correctly interpret the course of events accurately. It is this skilful application of logic with precision that keeps the readers tantalized till the very end. He unravels the mystery behind the crime and the criminal is caught.

Question 2.
Miss Morstan received a pearl every year. Give reason.
Miss Morstan received a pearl every year when she replied to an advertisement asking for her address, adding that it would be advantageous for her.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Previous Year Question Papers

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