Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar for exam preparation.

Maharashtra Board Std 7 English Grammar

1. Parts of Speech


There are eight main parts of speech in English language.

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective
Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection

These parts of speech indicate the function of a word in a sentence.

NOUN-Naming Word
A noun is the name of a person, place, animal, thing, emotion or idea.

e.g. Tom, Mumbai, chair, cat, mother, garden, happiness, etc.
e.g. Mary lives in London.
Peter uses pen and paper to write letters.

PRONOUN – Replaces a Noun
A pronoun is used in place of a noun or noun phrase to avoid repetition.

e.g. I, you, we, they, he, she, it, me, us, them, him, her, this, those, etc.
e.g. Karan is tired, so he wants to go to bed.
Rahul is a great dancer. I want him to dance with me.

ADJECTIVE – Describing Word
An adjective describes or gives more information about a noun or a pronoun.

e.g. small, happy, red, young, crazy, three, etc.
e.g. Raman is wearing a blue hat.
Kiara likes to wear her long skirt.

VERB – Action Word
A verb always shows an action, an occurrence or a state of being.

e.g. go, speak, eat, play, live, walk, have, are, is, etc.
e.g. They are great.
I study the entire day and play in the evening.

ADVERB – Describes a Verb or an Adjective or another Adverb
An adverb describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb. It tells how, where, when, how often or to what extent. Many adverbs end in’-ly’. ‘

e.g. slowly, quietly, very, always, never, too, well, tomorrow, here, etc.
e.g. – Raj is very busy. ’
Riya will be reaching home tomorrow.

PREPOSITION – Shows Relationship
A preposition shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun with another word or a set of words. They indicate time, place or relation.

e.g. at, on, in, from, with, near, between, about, under, etc.
e.g. We went to the park on Thursday.
We sat in the car and drove away.

CONJUNCTION – Joining Word
A conjunction joins two words, ideas, phrases or clauses together in a sentence and shows how they are connected.

e.g. and, or, but, because, so, yet, unless, since, if, etc.
e.g. The deer ran and jumped on the grass.
I like dogs, but not cats.

INTERJECTION – Expressive Word
An interjection is a word or a phrase that shows surprise or a strong emotion. It is a short exclamation.

e.g. Ouch, Wow, Great, Help, Oh, Hey, Hi
e.g. Wow! That was an amazing performance.
Hi! How are you doing?

Solved Examples

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Razia smiled when she saw the painting on the wall. (Identify the nouns)
Razia, painting, wall

Question 2.
I believe in magic. (Identify the verb)

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Question 3.
Oh! That was a touching story. (Identify the interjection)

Question 4.
It was a bright and sunny day. (Identify the adjective)
bright, sunny

Question 5.
The dog ran after the ball. (Identify the preposition)

Question 6.
I absolutely refuse to stay here any longer. (Identify the adverb)

Question 7.
Ricky wants a bike for his birthday. (Identify the verb)

Question 8.
Please don’t tell me that you are not coming. (Identify the pronoun)
me, you

Practice Exercise

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Spaulding showed the advertisement to Wilson. (Identify the nouns)
Spaulding, advertisement, Wilson

Question 2.
Leena stared at herself in the mirror. (Identify the pronoun)

Question 3.
They really don’t care about our problems. (Identify the adverb)

Question 4.
The earth moves around the sun. (Identify the preposition)

Question 5.
The night was dark and the moon was high. (Identify the adjectives)
dark, high

Question 6.
He was smart, efficient and worked for only half the wages. (Identify the conjunction)

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Question 7.
No way! I am never travelling by bus again. (Identify the interjection)
No way!

Question 8.
The girls were running and laughing at a chip. (Identify the verb)
running, laughing

Question 9.
Our school is near the hospital. (Identify the preposition)

Question 10.
She revealed that she would not sign any more movies. (Identify the pronoun)

2. Types of Nouns


Nouns are words used to name a person, an animal, a thing or an idea.
Nouns can be classified into the following categories:

  1. Common Noun: A Common Noun is a place, person, animal or thing in general, e.g. village, library, girl, book, pencil, donkey, etc,
  2. Proper Noun: A Proper Noun is the name given to a specific person, place, animal; thing an idea.
    e.g. India, Neha, Toyota, Ganga, England, etc.
  3. Collective Noun: A Collective Noun is the name given to a group of something.
    e.g. a bouquet of flowers, a pack of cards, a gang of thieves, etc.
  4. Abstract Noun: An Abstract Noun is used to name the things that can’t be seen touched, but can be felt, like qualities, feelings, etc.
    e.g. sadness, love, time, freedom, etc.

Nouns can also be classified as Countable and Uncountable Nouns.

1. Uncountable Noun: An Uncountable Noun is used for the things that cannot be counted.
e.g. height, air, stars, sugar, etc.

2. Countable Noun: A Countable Noun is used for the things that can be counted.
e.g. fingers, pencils, dogs, bottles, etc.
Countable Nouns can either be singular or plural.
Singular: horse, bat, door, body, child, etc.
Plural: horses, bats, bodies, children, etc.

Solved Examples

I. Pick out the nouns from the following sentences and classify them into – proper noun, common noun, collective noun or abstract noun.

Question 1.
He lives in the United States of America.
United States of America – proper noun

Question 2.
The dogs ran after him.
dogs-common noun

Question 3.
We saw a fleet of ships at the harbour.
fleet of ships-collective noun harbour-common noun

Question 4.
The sea was very deep.
sea – common noun

Question 5.
We achieved freedom after struggling for a long time.
freedom, time – abstract noun

Question 6.
Ekta lives in a big bungalow.
Ekta – proper noun
bungalow-common noun

Question 7.
A swarm of bees attacked the man.
swarm of bees-collective noun
man – common noun

II. Classify the following nouns into countable or uncountable nouns.

air, athletes, years, time, sand, sorrow, fire, pens, bird
Countable Nouns: athletes, years, pens, bird
Uncountable Nouns: air, time, sand, sorrow, fire

I. Pick out the nouns from the following sentences and classify them into – proper noun, common noun, collective noun or abstract noun.

Question 1.
Fleet Street was full of red-headed people.
Fleet Street-proper noun
people-common noun

Question 2.
Holmes expected the criminals to act that night.
Holmes – proper noun,
criminals, night-common noun

Question 3.
A pack of wolves hunts together.
pack of wolves-collective noun

Question 4.
Life is now full of hardships.
life, hardships-abstract noun

Question 5.
The girl left the door open.
girl, door-common noun

Question 6.
Their friendship had stood the test of time.
friendship, time – abstract noun test – common noun

Question 7.
London is a beautiful city.
London – proper noun city – common noun

II. Classify the following nouns into countable or uncountable nouns.

world, love, boys, plants, water, butter, bag, erasers, disappointment, responsibility
Countable Nouns: boys, plants, bag, erasers
Uncountable Nouns: world, love, water, butter, disappointment, responsibility

3. Types of Verbs


A verb denotes an action, an occurrence or a state of being.
Verbs can be broadly classified into two categories – Main Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs.

Main Verb: It is also called as a principal verb. It denotes the action or the state of being of the subject in a sentence. !

e.g. The girls played football.
He paints beautifully.
They feel motivated.

Auxiliary Verb; It is also known as helping verb. It is used to support the main verb in a sentence.
It is used to make tenses, questions and negatives. The verbs ‘be’ (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) and ‘have’ (has, had) are the most commonly used auxiliaries. e.g. She is cleaning the kitchen, (here, the auxiliary verb ‘is’ supports the main verb ‘cleaning’.)

Have you seen the movie? (here, the auxiliary verb ‘have’ is used to support the main verb ‘seen’.)
Verbs can also be categorised on the basis of the object of a sentence.
Transitive Verb: A transitive verb needs one or more objects in the sentence, e.g. She chopped the vegetables, (here, the verb ‘chop’ needs the object, ‘vegetables’.)

Intransitive Verb: An intransitive verb does not need an object in the sentence, e.g. He came.
He came yesterday, (here, the verb ‘came’ does not need any object. The addition of ‘yesterday’ does not affect the verb.)


  • Many verbs can be used as both, transitive and intransitive verbs.
  • Ask the question ‘what’ to the verb. If the object is the answer to it, then it is a transitive verb. Otherwise, it is an intransitive verb.

Solved Examples

I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb.

Question 1.
(Has / Have) you done your work?

Question 2.
She ……… (is / are) dancing in the rain.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Question 3.
He ……… (has been / have be) studying since yesterday.
has been

Question 4.
His sister ……….. (don’t / doesn’t) know about it.

II. Pick out the verbs in each of the sentences and classify them into transitive or intransitive verbs.

Question 1.
She told him about the incident.

Question 2.
He cried loudly.
cried – intransitive

Question 3.
The gardener picked up the shovel.

Question 4.
She behaved very well.

Question 5.
The bird fell from the tree.
fell – intransitive

Practice Exercise

I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb.

Question 1.
He ……….. (have been / had been) to visit his friend, the Cornish Ogre.
had been

Question 2.
He ……….. (did not / do not) go for practice.
did not

Question 3.
…….. (Have / Had) the thief fled from the city?

Question 4.
They ……… (do not / have not) experienced happiness.
have not

Question 5.
There ……….. (is / are) some good people too.

II. Pick out the verbs in each of the sentences and classify them into transitive or intransitive verbs.

Question 1.
He saw a leopard behind the bush.

Question 2.
She jumped on the bed.
jumped – intransitive

Question 3.
My father makes delicious cupcakes.

Question 4.
She dances gracefully.
dances – intransitive

Question 5.
I hope there will be a change in the weather.

4. Tenses


Tenses show the time of an action.
Tenses are broadly divided into three categories:

Past Tense: Past tense depicts the action that took place before the time of speaking.
Verbs (action words) in the past tense have ‘-ed’, or ‘-ied’ at the end.
e.g. He lived in the city.

Present Tense: Present tense shows the action that is taking place at the time of speaking.
Some verbs in the present tense mostly have ‘-s’, ‘-es’ or ‘-ies’ at the end.
e.g. He lives in the city.

Future Tense: Future tense stands for the action that has not taken place at the time of speaking.
The verbs ‘will’ and ‘shall’ are used to indicate future tense.
e.g. He will live in the city.

Solved Examples

Do as directed.

Question 1.
She loved her father. (Convert into Present Tense)
She loves her father.

Question 2.
He will sing in the talent show. (Convert into Past Tense)
He sang in the talent show.

Question 3.
The watchman guards the building. (Convert into Future Tense)
The watchman will guard the building.

Question 4.
His watch shows the correct time. (Convert into Past Tense)
His watch showed the correct time.

Question 5.
The mailman arrived with the letter. (Convert into Future Tense)
The mailman will arrive with the letter.

Question 6.
It will rain every day. (Convert into Present Tense)
It rains every day.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Question 7.
The parks will become very dirty. (Convert into Past Tense)
The parks became very dirty.

Question 8.
The girl did not like the result. (Convert into Future Tense)
The girl will not like the result.

Question 9.
His sister believes in angels. (Convert into Past Tense)
His sister believed in angels.

Question 10.
Her father will come back with a present. (Convert into Present Tense)
Her father comes back with a present.

Practice Exercise

Convert the following sentences as per the instructions.

Question 1.
It is a small world after all. (Convert into Past Tense)
It was a small world after all.

Question 2.
It was an early Easter. (Convert into Future Tense)
It will be an early Easter.

Question 3.
They came closer to each other. (Convert into Present Tense)
They come closer to each other.

Question 4.
This gave rise to many interesting folktales. (Convert into Future Tense)
This will give rise to many interesting folktales.

Question 5.
He wanted to take Buddhist scriptures from India to his homeland in China. (Convert into Present Tense)
He wants to take Buddhist scriptures from India to his homeland in China

Question 6.
Sun Wukong is brave and intelligent, but he is also a trickster. (Convert into Past Tense)
Sun Wukong was brave and intelligent, but he was also a trickster.

Question 7.
They will visit us at home. (Convert into Present Tense)
They visit us at home.

Question 8.
The truth shall make us free. (Convert into Past Tense)
The truth made us free.

Question 9.
They let us sleep at their house. (Convert into Future Tense)
They will let us sleep at their house.

Question 10.
He does not come to work on time. (Convert into Past Tense)
He did not come to work on time.

5. Prefix and Suffix


A Prefix is a letter or a group of letters added before a word. A Prefix changes the meaning of a word.
e.g. dis- + able = disable
in- + correct = incorrect
A Suffix is a letter or group of letters that is added after a word. A Suffix changes the grammatical form of a word.
e.g. argue + -ment = argument
complete + ly = completely
Note: A root word is the most basic form of a word without adding any affixes.
e.g. able, correct, argue, complete

Solved Examples

Question 1.
Use the prefixes and root words given in the columns to form new words.

Prefixes Root Words
im- responsible
non- possible
ir- decent
mis- violence
in- represent

impossible, non-violence, irresponsible, misrepresent, indecent

Question 2.
Use the suffixes and the root words given in the columns to form new words.

Root Words Suffixes
love -ness
help -ment
agree -ful
logic -ly
ill -al

lovely, helpful, agreement, logical, illness

Practice Exercise

Question 1.
Use the prefixes and root words given in the columns to form new words.

Prefixes Root Words
un- legal
il- honest
in- less
re- visible
dis- act

unless, illegal, invisible, react, dishonest

Question 2.
Use the suffixes and the root words given in the columns to form new words.

Root Words Suffixes
kick -ly
great -ion
calm -able
impress -est
comfort -ing

kicking, greatest, calmly, impression, comfortable

6. Phrases


Phrase is a group of words that conveys a certain meaning hut does not make complete sense, it forms a part of a sentence.

e.g. get up, good luck, sort of, glistening snow

  1. Nirav was overwhelmed by the snow-clad mountains.
  2. He went beyond his call of duty.

Solved Examples

Pick out the phrases from the following sentences.

Question 1.
He was beating around the bush to avoid talking about the test.
beating around the bush

Question 2.
The thief covered his tracks really well.
covered his tracks

Question 3.
His sister gave him up in the game of hide and seek.
gave him up

Question 4.
He crossed over to the other side of the bridge.
crossed over

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Question 5.
He stepped up whenever his team needed him the most.
stepped up

Practice Exercise

Pick out the phrases from the following sentences.

Question 1.
The girls took off their shoes.
took off

Question 2.
Akulka wiped off her dress.
wiped off

Question 3.
One had to travel thousands of miles on foot or horseback.
thousands of miles

Question 4.
My mother asked me to grab a bite before I left for school.
grab a bite

Question 5.
As soon as the bell rang, the kids rushed out of the class.
rushed out

7. Subject and Predicate


A sentence is made up of two parts: the subject and the predicate.
Subject is that part of a sentence about which something is being said.
Predicate is that part of a sentence which says something about the subject.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar 1

Note: In a sentence stating a command or a request, the subject is always ‘you’, but it is not written.
e.g. (You) Please close the door.

Solved Examples

Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences.

Question 1.
Summer is my favourite season.
Summer-Subject is my favourite season-Predicate

Question 2.
This kind of behaviour is hard to accept.
This kind of behaviour-Subject is hard to accept-Predicate

Question 3.
He glanced up at the sky.
He- Subject glanced up at the sky-Predicate

Question 4.
The ocean and the sky have always been blue in colour.
The ocean and the sky-Subject have always been blue in colour – Predicate

Question 5.
His performance stunned the entire audience.
His performance-Subject stunned the entire audience-Predicate

Practice Exercise

Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences.

Question 1.
Good things come to those who wait.
good things – Subject come to those who wait – Predicate

Question 2.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
the grass – Subject is always greener on the other side – Predicate

Question 3.
All good things must come to an end.
all good things – Subject must come to an end – Predicate

Question 4.
The water of the river was cold.
the water of the river – Subject was cold – Predicate

Question 5.
Please pass the book.
you – Subject please pass the book – Predicate

Positive and Negative Sentences


On the basis of their function, sentences can be divided into four categories: Assertive, Interrogative, Exclamatory and Imperative.
An assertive sentence states or declares something and ends with a full stop. It may be positive or negative.

e.g. Winter is my favourite season. (positive)
Summer is not my favourite season. (negative)

Note: We use opposite words or add a phrase to transform a positive sentence into a negative sentence without changing the meaning.

Solved Examples

I. Change the following positive sentences into negative sentences.

Question 1.
The sky is blue.
The sky is not blue.

Question 2.
We went to watch the movie.
We didn’t go to watch the movie.

Question 3.
You have given me your book.
You have not given me your book.

Question 4.
This is your problem.
This is not your problem.

Question 5.
He plays snooker.
He does not play snooker.

II. Change the following positive sentences into negative sentences without changing the meaning.

Question 1.
They are disobedient.
They are not obedient.

Question 2.
Where there is water, there is life.
There is no life without water.

Question 3.
He loves his parents.
He does not hate his parents.

Question 4.
Everybody likes a surprise.
Nobody dislikes a surprise.

Question 5.
He is an honest man.
He is not a dishonest man.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Grammar

Practice Exercise

I. Change the following positive sentences into negative sentences.

Question 1.
He is writing a letter.
He is not writing a letter.

Question 2.
The child is the father of the man.
The child is not the father of the man.

Question 3.
All that glitters is gold.
All that glitters is not gold.

Question 4.
Money is the root of all evil.
Money is not the root of all evil.

Question 5.
Time always flies.
Time does not always fly.

II. Change the following sentences into negative sentences without changing the meaning.

Question 1.
He trusts me.
He does not distrust me.

Question 2.
Each has his own car.
Nobody is without a car.

Question 3.
Most of the books were interesting.
Most of the books were not uninteresting.

Question 4.
He tells the truth.
He does not tell a lie.

Question 5.
A good man is hard to find.
A good man is not easy to find.

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