Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Creative Writing

Students can find the best My English Book 8th Standard Question Answer and Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Creative Writing for exam preparation.

Maharashtra Board Std 8 English Creative Writing


Creative writing is a kind of imaginative writing where a writer creates situations, scenes, characters and even a world to interest and attract the reader.

Writing a story, a skit and playlets are all different forms of creative writing.

  1. Story writing is a type of creative writing where, given an outline, the beginning, the ending or a moral, a story is written.
  2. A Skit is a small play or performance, which is usually humorous in nature.
  3. A Playlet is like a mini-play of about 4 to 5 minutes that helps students to understand a topic by observing the characters of the playlet.

सर्जनशील लेखन हा कल्पनात्मक लेखनाचा एक प्रकार आहे, ज्यामध्ये लेखक आपल्या लेखणीद्वारे काल्पनिक घटना, प्रसंग, पात्र; किंबहुना संपूर्ण काल्पनिक जग उभे करून वाचकांसमोर मांडतो व त्यांना आकर्षित करतो.

कथालेखन, विनोदी नाटिका, तसेच लघुनाटिका ही सर्व सर्जनशील लेखनाची रूपे आहेत.

  1. कथालेखन या लेखनप्रकारामध्ये कथेची रूपरेषा, सुरुवात, शेवट किंवा तात्पर्य दिले जाते व त्यावरून कथा लिहिणे अपेक्षित असते.
  2. विनोदी नाटिका हे नाटकाचे छोटेसे सादरीकरण असून प्रामुख्याने हे विनोदी स्वरूपात सादर केले जाते.
  3. अगदी 4 ते 5 मिनिटांच्या कालावधीमध्ये सादर केले जाणारे लहानसे नाटक म्हणजे लघुनाटिका होय. एखादया विषयाचे पात्रांच्या निरीक्षणावरून आकलन व्हावे याकरता तो विषय लघुनाटिकेच्या स्वरूपात मांडला जातो.

Solved Examples

Question 1.
Write a story using the outline given below:
Lion — best kingdom — five monkeys — plan against lion — lion asks their views — lion declares an election — he wins again — he was confident about his work.
The Humble Lion
Many years ago, there was a humble lion who had been chosen by all the animals of the forest as their king. This was one of the best possible animal kingdoms in the world. Every creature lived happily and had mutual respect for each other.

But one day, five clever monkeys initiated a rebellion against the lion by saying that they were not being ruled justly. They went on a campaign against the lion and convinced all the animals to turn against their king. When the lion heard about this, he called all the five monkeys to his court and asked them to present their views and objections. At first, the five monkeys were hesitant, but later they decided to go to the court.

When the monkeys appeared in the court, they made several complaints against the lion and his assistants. But neither the lion nor any of his assistants were angry. At the end of the meeting, the lion, with the consent of all his assistants, decided to step down as the king and declared a date for a fair election of the new king of the jungle.

During the elections, the animals elected the lion as the king and none of the five monkeys won even a single vote. This is how the lion answered the five monkeys. He did not show any sign of anger since he was confident enough to face the challenge. That’s why it is said that ‘actions speak louder than words’.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Creative Writing

Question 2.
Write a story beginning with the following lines:
Once a poor woodcutter went into a forest and there he found a box full of gold and silver coins. He thought that it belonged to no one, so he tried to keep that box for himself…
Greed is the Worst Sin
Once a poor woodcutter went into a forest and there he found a box full of gold and silver coins. He thought that it belonged to no one so he tried to take the box in his possession, but when he got ready to carry it home, a merchant appeared on the scene from behind the trees. The merchant asked die woodcutter not to touch that box, as it belonged to him. However, the woodcutter had become a slave to greed and decided to kill the merchant in order to steal the box of coins.

The very next moment, he killed the merchant with his axe. Thereafter, he searched the merchant’s pockets in see if he had some valuable object or money and happened to find a letter. He was illiterate and so the contents of the letter meant nothing to him. He assumed that the letter was the map of some hidden treasure. He held the box in one hand and the letter in the other and ran towards the hut of an old sage. This sage had no attraction for wealth and was indifferent to both pleasure and pain.

The woodcutter showed the letter to the sage and requested him to guide him towards the hidden treasure. The sage read the letter and told the woodcutter that the greed for wealth had made him blind. There was no mention of any hidden treasure in the letter. On the contrary, according to the letter, the box which the woodcutter had stolen from the merchant had fake coins. The woodcutter was shocked!

In the next few days, the woodcutter fell ill and eventually died. This story tells us that greed can blind a person and even take away somebody’s life.

Question 3.
Write a story which ends in the following line:
‘This teaches us that we can only win our enemies with peace and love’.
The Ant Who Saved the Scorpion

In the middle of a dense forest, there lived an ant and a scorpion. The scorpion used to have a strong dislike towards the ant while the ant was a loving creature. She had no ill-will towards anybody. The scorpion used to throw dust into the ant’s eyes, but she always forgave him. When the ant started building her own house, the scorpion gave her a lot of problems. The ant, unlike other members of the same family, liked to live independently.

One day, when the ant was walking along the bank of a river, she happened to hear a scream. She followed the sound and reached the spot from where she had heard the scream. She saw that her enemy, the scorpion had fallen in the river and was about to drown in it. When the scorpion saw the ant standing near the bank of the river, he requested her for help.

The ant quickly climbed over the tree, and bit some leaves off their stems. Those leaves, which were huge in size, fell into the river near the scorpion who was struggling to stay above the water. The scorpion quickly crawled on to one of the leaves. The scorpion felt ashamed after this incident as he remembered how badly he had behaved with the ant. The ant forgave him and thereafter they both became good friends. This teaches us that we can only win over our enemies with peace and love.

Question 4.
Prepare a short skit on the theme ‘Mistaken Identity’
Scene: The playground in front of a residential area.
(An old, partially blind man is out for his morning walk. Soon he bumps into a young man….)
Young man : Watch out, Uncle! Are you hurt?
Old man : No, son! Just a little bruised.
Young man : Do you want me to drop you home, Uncle?
Old man : Roam? Yes, I came here to roam. Could you please walk me to my home? It is just around the comer.
Young man : Sure. I am Robin. I live in the building in the next lane.
Old man : Alwyn? Yes, dear, I know you!
Young man : Not Alwyn, my name’s Robin!
Old man : Robbing? Have you taken to robbing, my son? Don’t you have a job? You know it’s bad to rob people.
Young man : (hitting his head with his hands) Uncle, you have misunderstood. I work for a bank.
Old man : Oh, you have robbed a bank, you say? How unkind and mde! What about the people’s money? Don’t you care?
Young man : (Irritatingly) Uncle, where do you live?
Old man : Why? Do you want to rob my house as well? Never! Police! Police! Police!
Young man : Uncle, what are you doing? Why are you calling the police?
Old man : I want you to be punished for your crimes, Alwyn.
(2 cops enter and handcuff Robin, he protests)
Young man : Please listen to me.
Old man : Sir, put him behind bars. Alwyn has confessed – to robbing a bank.
(Police take him away, Alwyn enters}
Alwyn : Oh hello, Uncle! How are you? Old man : Who is this?
Alwyn : Uncle, didn’t you recognise me? I am Alwyn!
Old man : If you are Alwyn, whom did the police take with them?
(End of Skit)



Translation helps students convert the meanings of words, sentences and ideas from English into their medium of instruction. It facilitates the understanding of the common patterns in language learning and helps develop proficiency in a new language.

Points to remember while translating words or sentences from one language to another:

  1. Read and understand the material completely before you begin translation.
  2. Understand the context of the material.
  3. Form a rough estimate of the meaning of the material to be translated.
  4. Translate the material without changing its original meaning and context.

Solved Examples

Question 1.
Translate the following words into your medium of instruction.

  1. success
  2. dialogue
  3. development
  4. adventure
  5. environment
  6. memory
  7. freedom
  8. disaster
  9. enrich
  10. apt


  1. यश
  2. संवाद
  3. विकास
  4. साहस
  5. पर्यावरण
  6. स्मृती
  7. स्वातंत्र्य
  8. आपत्ती
  9. समृद्ध
  10. उचित

Question 2.
Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction.

  1. You must study sincerely to do well in the exams.
  2. Take the plate of food and place it on the table.
  3. Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.
  4. Study to gain knowledge for life and not just to pass in the exams.
  5. Never take what belongs to others without asking.
  6. In the summer vacations, I attended an Environment Conservation camp.
  7. There are several forms of Literature in the Marathi language.
  8. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.


  1. परीक्षेत चांगली कामगिरी करण्यासाठी तुम्हांला प्रामाणिकपणे अभ्यास केलाच पाहिजे.
  2. जेवणाचे ताट घ्या आणि ते टेबलावर मांडा / ठेवा.
  3. शिंकताना आणि खोकताना तुमचे तोंड झाकून घ्या.
  4. केवळ परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण होण्यासाठी नव्हे, तर आयुष्यभराचे ज्ञान मिळवण्यासाठी अभ्यास करा.
  5. परवानगीशिवाय इतरांची कोणतीही वस्तू घेऊ नये.
  6. उन्हाळ्याच्या सुट्टीमध्ये मी पर्यावरण संवर्धनासंबंधित शिबिराला गेलो होतो.
  7. मराठी भाषेत विविध साहित्यप्रकार आढळतात.
  8. माऊंट एव्हरेस्ट हे जगातील सर्वोच्च शिखर आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Creative Writing

Question 3.
Translate the following proverbs and idioms into your medium of instruction.

  1. The pen is mightier than the sword.
  2. Patience and perseverance are the keys to success.
  3. Better late than never.
  4. Fortune favours the bold.
  5. Like father, like son.
  6. Experience is the best teacher.
  7. All that glitters is not gold.


  1. लेखणी ही तलवारीपेक्षा सामर्थ्यशाली आहे.
  2. संयम आणि चिकाटी ही यशाची गुरुकिल्ली आहे.
  3. नाहीपेक्षा उशीर बरा.
  4. धैर्यवान लोकांना नशीब नेहमीच साथ देते.
  5. बाप तसा बेटा / खाण तशी माती.
  6. अनुभवासारखा गुरू नाही.
  7. चकाकते ते सोने नसते.

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