Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Dialogue Writing and Interview Questions

Students can find the best My English Book 8th Standard Question Answer and Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Dialogue Writing and Interview Questions for exam preparation.

Maharashtra Board Std 8 English Dialogue Writing and Interview Questions


This topic will be divided into three types of dialogues:

I. Preparing a meaningful dialogue from the jumbled sentences
A set of four lines (two questions and two answers) will be given in a jumbled manner. Students are supposed to arrange the questions and answers in such a way that it resembles a dialogue.

II. Completing the given dialogue
Two sentences and/or questions will be given along with two blanks to be filled by the students. Appropriate answers/questions should be framed, in order to complete the dialogue.

III. Write a dialogue on the given theme
Students are supposed to create a dialogue of minimum 3 exchanges, based on the theme given in the question.

Given below are a few guidelines for effective dialogue writing:

  • The characters should contribute to the conversation equally.
  • Their ideas should be positive and constructive.
  • Conversation of each character should be brief.
  • Conversation should be natural, interesting and realistic.
  • The usage of punctuation and grammar should be accurate.

Format of a Dialogue:

  • The names of characters are followed by a colon (:).
  • Each dialogue is written separately, one below the other.
  • Dialogues are written in direct speech.

Interview questions are prepared for getting information from an individual or a group of individuals. It should be prepared on the basis of the following guidelines.

Introduction: Give an introduction before you start asking the questions. Introduce the person to be interviewed and describe the place of interview.

Questions: Frame about 8-10 questions to ask the individual.

Conclusion: This should consist of a token of thanks extended to the person who is interviewed. It may also include good wishes for the interviewee in his/her future endeavours.

कोणत्याही विशिष्ट विषयावर दोन व्यक्तींमध्ये झालेले संभाषण म्हणजे संवाद होय. या विषयामध्ये त्या दोन्ही व्यक्तींची समान रुची असते. या भागात, संवादाचे तीन प्रकार पडतात. ते पुढीलप्रमाणे-

I. विस्कळित वाक्यांपासून एक अर्थपूर्ण संवाद तयार करणे.
चार वाक्ये (दोन प्रश्न व दोन उत्तरे) विसकळितपणे समाविष्ट केलेला एक संच दिला जाईल. विद्यार्थ्यांनी प्रश्न व उत्तरे अशाप्रकारे जुळवावीत ज्याद्वारे त्याला संवादाचे स्वरूप प्राप्त होईल.

II. दिलेला संवाद पूर्ण करणे.
रिकाम्या जागा असलेली दोन वाक्ये आणि / किंवा प्रश्न दिले जातील. विदयार्थ्यांनी त्या रिकाम्या जागा भरणे अपेक्षित आहे. संवाद पूर्ण करण्यासाठी योग्य उत्तरे लिहिणे / प्रश्न तयार करणे आवश्यक आहे.

III. दिलेल्या विषयावर संवाद लेखन करा.
विद्यार्थ्यांनी संभाषण करणाऱ्या व्यक्तींसाठी, प्रश्नात दिलेल्या विषयावर आधारित प्रत्येकी किमान तीन वाक्ये लिहून संवादलेखन करणे अपेक्षित आहे.

परिणामकारक संवादलेखनासाठी काही मार्गदर्शक मुद्दे खाली दिले आहेत.

  • संवादात सहभागी झालेल्या सर्व पात्रांचा / व्यक्तींचा संवादामध्ये समान सहभाग असणे आवश्यक आहे.
  • पात्रांनी मांडलेल्या कल्पना सकारात्मक आणि विधायक असाव्यात.
  • प्रत्येक पात्राचे संभाषण थोडक्यात असावे.
  • संवाद सहज, रुचिपूर्ण आणि वास्तववादी असावा.
  • विरामचिन्हे आणि व्याकरणाचा अचूक वापर करावा.

संवादाचे लेखनाचे स्वरूपः

  • पात्रांच्या नावाच्या नंतर अपूर्णविराम (:) देणे आवश्यक आहे.
  • प्रत्येक पात्राच्या तोंडी असलेले संवाद स्वतंत्रपणे आणि एकाखाली एक देणे आवश्यक आहे.
  • संवाद लेखन प्रथमपुरुषी निवेदनात करावे.

एखादया व्यक्तीकडून अथवा व्यक्तींच्या समूहाकडून माहिती मिळवण्याच्या हेतूने मुलाखतीचे प्रश्न तयार केले जातात.
मुलाखत खालील मुद्दयांच्या आधारे तयार केली जाते:

प्रस्तावनाः मुलाखतीमध्ये प्रश्न विचारण्यापूर्वी प्रस्तावना करणे आवश्यक ठरते. त्यामध्ये मुलाखतीचे ठिकाण व मुलाखत देणारी व्यक्ती यांविषयी माहिती दयावी.

प्रश्न: मुलाखतीकरता आलेल्या व्यक्तीला विचारण्याकरता किमान 8 ते 10 प्रश्न तयार करावे.
समारोपः मुलाखतीच्या समारोपामध्ये मुलाखत देणाऱ्या व्यक्तीचे आभार मानावेत. मुलाखत देणाऱ्या व्यक्तीला तिच्या भविष्यातील वाटचालीकरता शुभेच्छा दयाव्यात.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Dialogue Writing and Interview Questions

Solved Examples

Dialogue Writing

1. Complete the following dialogue writing activities.

i. Put the sentences in the proper order to prepare a meaningful dialogue.
A : Have you ever won a prize in any competition?
B : I felt happy and proud of my achievement.
C : Yes, I have won the first prize for a singing competition in school.
D : How did you feel at that time?
A : Have you ever won a prize in any competition?
C : Yes, I have won the first prize for a singing competition in school.
D : How did you feel at that time?
B : I felt happy and proud of my achievements.

ii. Complete the given dialogue:
X : Do you think we should accept success as well as failure?
Y : ____________________
X: Have you ever failed in your efforts?
Y: _____________________
X: Do you think we should accept success as well as failure?
Y: Yes, we should accept both success and failure.
X: Have you ever failed in your efforts?
Y: Yes, I have failed in my efforts once when Iwas nopreciated by my science teacher even after working hard on my project.

iii. Suraj wants to go for a picnic to a water park with his friends. Develop a dialogue between him and his father about seeking permission to go for the picnic.
Suraj : Good morning, father. I need your permission to go on a trip to the water park with my friends.
Father : Good morning, Suraj. Did you say water-park? Which water park are you planning to go to?
Suraj : We are planning to go to Aquatica.
Father : Fine, but this must not disturb your daily study schedule. And yes, please avoid the snake water ride because it is very unsafe.
Suraj : Sure, father. Thank you!
Father : You can swim in the junior pool of fresh blue water. I believe the water level there wouldn’t be above your waist.
Suraj : Yes, father. I will take care of myself at the picnic.
Father : When do you plan to go?
Suraj : We plan to go there this weekend, father.
Father : Okay, Suraj. Have fun and take care.

Question 2.
Complete the following dialogue writing activities.

i. Put the sentences in the proper order to prepare a meaningful dialogue.
a. Have you ever helped anyone?
b. I felt good when I helped the old lady out as she resembled my own grandmother.
c. How did you feel at that time?
d. Yes, I have helped an old lady cross the road.
a: Have you ever helped anyone?
d: Yes, I have helped an old lady cross the road.
c: How did you feel at that time?
b: I felt good when I helped the old lady out as she resembled my own grandmother.

ii. Complete the given dialogue:
Tanu : When do you receive gifts?
Veer : I receive gifts on special occasions such as my birthday, on doing well in my exams and on festivals.
Tanu : From whom do you get gifts?
Veer : I often receive gifts from my parents, grandparents, friends and cousins.

iii. Prepare a dialogue between two friends discussing their forthcoming exams.
Sahil : Hi, Akhil! How are you? What are you up to these days?
Akhil : Hi, Sahil! I am good. You know we are all up to the same thing these days. I am studying for the exams.
Sahil : Yes, our exams are around the corner. So, what have you prepared so far?
Akhil : I am still struggling to finish all the chapters of Mathematics. You know Sahil, unlike you, I am not too good at Maths.
Sahil : I may be good at Maths, but I am weak in English and Social Sciences. I think we could really benefit from studying together.
Akhil : That’s a great idea! And we can ask a couple of our classmates to join us. This way, we would be able to help each other to prepare for the exams.
Sahil : Yes! That sounds like a plan! Let’s go home and call a few of our classmates to ask if they are up for group study.
Akhil : Yes, let’s go.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Dialogue Writing and Interview Questions

Question 3.
Complete the following dialogue writing activities.

i. Put the sentences in the proper order to prepare a meaningful dialogue.
a : How did you show your gratitude to him/her?
b : I showed my gratitude to my best friend by making a handmade thank you card,
c : Yes, my best friend has always helped me in my time of need,
d : Has anyone ever helped you in your time of need?
d : Has anyone ever helped you in your need?
c : Yes, my best friend has always helped me in my time of need.
a : How did you show your gratitude to him/her?
b : I showed my gratitude to my best friend by making a handmade thank you card.

ii. Complete the given dialogue:
Ali : Do you come to school on time, everyday?
Meet : ________________________
Ali : Do you give excuses for your late-coming?
Meet : __________________
Ali : Do you come to school on time, everyday?
Meet : Yes, I do come to school on time. However, on rare occasions. I do get late to school by a few minutes.
Ali : Do you give excuses for your late-coming?
Meet : I’m usually straight-forward about mv reasons for being late to school. I prefer to speak the truth and stick to it.

iii. You meet your favourite author at a bookstore. Write a dialogue describing your interaction.
Parth : Hello, Mrs. Rai. My name is Parth. I’m sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to tell you that I am a huge fan of your work.
Mrs. Rai : Thank you, Parth. I’m always happy to know that children enjoy reading my books.
Parth : Absolutely, Ma’am! In fact, you are my favourite author. I have read all your books. Would you mind signing my book?
Mrs. Rai : Not at all. I’d love to.
Parth : Thank you, Ma’am. I will always cherish this moment. Looking forward to your next book! Bye, Ma’am.
Mrs. Rai : It was nice to meet you, Parth. Bye.

Interview Questions

Question 1.
Prepare a set of 8-10 questions for interviewing your grandparent about his/her thoughts on the world in general.
Good morning, grandpa! I’m glad to be interviewing you today. Let me begin by asking you…

  1. India received independence when you were 15 years old. Can you tell me more about the troubles you had to face back then?
  2. Why did you choose to become a soldier?
  3. People say that the children of our generation do not respect their elders. What do you think?
  4. Do you think the world has changed a lot since your childhood?
  5. You still listen to old songs. According to you, what change in music has taken place over the last fifty years?
  6. Tell me about some old movies, which the children of my generation must watch.
  7. What is your opinion about today’s cinema?
  8. What are the good things about today’s society?
  9. Grandpa, what message would you like to convey to the children of my generation?

Thank you for taking out the time to answer these questions, grandpa! You have given me a lot to think about.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Dialogue Writing and Interview Questions

Question 2.
Prepare a set of 8-10 questions to interview a woman bus conductor.
Good morning, Mrs. Sonawat! It is a pleasure to meet you. Let me begin the interview by asking you a few questions about your career.

  1. For the first time in history, BEST has hired three women bus conductors. How does it feel to be one of them?
  2. When did you decide to become a bus conductor?
  3. How did your family react to your choice of job?
  4. You are a married woman. How do you balance your home and career?
  5. Tell us about a memorable incident at work.
  6. As of now, what challenges do you face at this job?
  7. How do women passengers feel when they see you?
  8. Have you noticed any change in the mindset of the people?
  9. Do you think more women should choose careers in fields that are thought to be mainly male-dominated?
  10. What advice would you like to give to the next generation?

Thank you, Mrs. Sonawat! You are truly an inspiration to all the women out there. I feel glad to have done this interview with you.

Question 3.
Prepare a set of 8-10 questions to interview a rickshaw driver.
Good afternoon, Mr. Kamar! I’m glad to have this opportunity to interview you today. Let me begin by asking a few questions about your profession.

  1. For how long have you been in this profession?
  2. How much money do you earn every day?
  3. What is the most difficult part of your job?
  4. What do you like about this job?
  5. What challenges do you face as a rickshaw driver?
  6. How do you deal with passengers who create unnecessary trouble?
  7. What is your opinion on the increasing number of road accidents?
  8. How can we solve the issue of frequent traffic jams?
  9. Which was your most memorable ride so far?
  10. If you were not a rickshaw driver, which other profession would you have chosen?

Thank you, Mr. Kamar for answering all my questions. It was indeed nice meeting you!

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