Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Unseen Passages

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Maharashtra Board Std 8 English Unseen Passages


Unseen passages are given to students so that they read the passage, make sense of it, are able to summarise it, can repeat its main points and apply what they have understood.
The above skills are essential to learn a language fluently.

The question types that are asked in this case may be of the following kinds:

  1. Simple Factual
  2. Complex Factual
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Grammar
  5. Open-ended / Personal Response

Passage 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A1. Simple Factual

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are True or False.

i. The bald eagle is found in the North Atlantic region.

ii. The average speed of the eagle was calculated to be 100 kilometres per hour.

iii. Eagles are seen flying at a great height against forceful winds.

iv. Eagles are afraid of storms.

Being one of the largest birds of prey, eagles have certain unique abilities like the ability to fly higher, having a stronger field of vision and tending to keep a firm grip on objects. The eagle attacks from a high resting place above its target. With unbelievable speed, the eagle usually grabs hold of its victim with complete surprise. The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A bald eagle was once seen flying across a stretch of river in less than one minute.

The stretch was two and a half kilometres wide. Hence, the average speed of the eagle was calculated to be 150 kilometres per hour, which is normal for an eagle tp achieve. In certain situations, their speed has been observed to go even beyond this number. Doesn’t it surprise you that an eagle knows when a storm is drawing closer long before it actually breaks? The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to arrive.

The eagle bends the inside of its wings slightly to minimise the total wing capacity. Eagles are commonly seen flying effortlessly at a great height against forceful winds, swinging only the tips of their primary feathers to adjust according to the changing wind speeds. While the storm strikes, it sets its wings so that the wind will lift it up and above the storm. While the storm rages below, it flies above it. It does not run away from the storm. It rides on the winds that bring the storm and uses the storm to soar higher.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Unseen Passages

A2. Complex Factual

Question 1.
State the unique features of the eagle.
The unique features of an eagle are as follows:

  1. It flies higher than other birds.
  2. It has a strong field of vision.
  3. It has a firm grip on objects.
  4. It flies at a speed of about 150 kilometres per hour or even higher in certain situations.
  5. It does not fly away from a storm.

A3. Vocabulary

Question 1.
Use the following words to make meaningful sentences.

  1. target
  2. soar


  1. My target is to score 3 goals in the next match.
  2. Manish saw the dove soar into the skies.

A4. Grammar

Question 1.
Do as Directed:

i. The eagle bends the inside of its wings slightly. (Add a Question Tag)
The eagle bends the inside of its wings slightly, doesn’t it?

ii. It rides on the winds that bring the storm and uses the storm to soar higher. (Pick out the Co-ordinate Clauses and the co-ordinator)
It rides on the winds that bring the storm – Co-ordinate Clause
(It) uses the storm to soar higher – Co-ordinate Clause and – Co-ordinator

A5. Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 1.
What is the lesson that you can learn from the eagle?
The following are the lessons that I can learn from the eagle:

  1. I should set higher levels of success for myself.
  2. I should never lose sight of my target.
  3. I must have a firm control over the tasks that I have to carry out.
  4. Instead of fearing challenges, I should try to overcome them.

Passage 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A1. Simple Factual

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks.

i. The ____ was unable to kill any prey to feed himself.

ii. ____ does not survive for long.

iii. Foxes are ___ by nature.

iv. After leaving the cave, the fox informed the other animals about the lion’s ____.
evil trick

Once, in a thick dense forest, there used to live a lion that grew so old that he was unable to kill any prey to feed himself. He did not want to die of starvation, so he decided to do something to satisfy his hunger. He kept thinking and thinking and at last he had an idea. This trick could possibly bring him food.

He decided to lie down in the cave pretending to be ill and then whoever would come to enquire about his health would become his prey. The old lion put his wicked plan into practice and it started working, as many animals, who were his well-wishers, foolishly visited him and got killed. But, evil does not survive for long.

One day, a fox came to visit the unwell lion. As foxes are clever by nature, the fox stood at the mouth of the cave and looked about. It came to notice a few things and decided to stay outside the cave. He called out to the lion and said, “How are you, sir?” The lion replied, “I am not feeling well at all.

But why don’t you come inside?” Then the fox replied, “I would love to come in, sir! But I have observed one thing, there are foot prints that go inside your cave, but none that come out, I would be foolish to come in.” After saying this, the fox left from there and informed the other animals of the jungle about the lion’s evil trick.

A2. Complex Factual

Question 1.
The fox realised the old lion’s trick. Give reasons.
The fox realised the old lion’s trick due to the following reasons:

  1. Standing at the door of the cave, the fox happened to see prints leading into the cave, but none leading out.
  2. He sensed that the lion was killing and eating the animals that entered his cave, by pretending to be ill.

A3. Vocabulary

Question 1.
Write the antonyms of the following from the extract.

i. young

ii. good

iii. foolish

iv. inside

A4. Grammar

Question 1.
Do as Directed:

i. he called out to the lion and said how are you sir
(Rewrite the sentence with proper punctuation marks)
He called out to the lion and said, “How are you, sir?”

ii. This trick could possibly bring him food. (Pick out the Modal Auxiliary)
could – Modal Auxiliary

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Unseen Passages

A5. Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 1.
Should you repay good with evil? State your opinion.
It is unfair to repay good with evil. The lion ate his well-wishers who had come to enquire about his health, which was wrong on his part. One must repay all kinds of deeds with good alone, as that will help one to lead a sincere and honest life.

Passage 3

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A1. Simple Factual

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the extract.

i. Science is always busy ____ something new.

ii. The universe is a reserve of secrets.

iii. Science fascinates us because it is always ready to take up ___ and questions.

iv. One day, hopefully, a ___ way to kill certain cancer cells or eradicate HIV will be possible.

Science is always busy discovering something new. It keeps on accepting and rejecting the old and existing theories. From small particles to a huge galaxy full of stars, the universe is a reserve of uncountable secrets. Every new discovery takes us a step further into the unexplored regions of the universe. Each step brings us closer to the unknown side of the world. It is different from history and literature which can be explored only to a certain extent. Science is infinite. Science fascinates us because it is always ready to take up challenges and questions.

While history talks only about the past, science reflects on the past, the present and the future. The world of discovery has endless possibilities. Though humans may have a limited understanding of the universe, science has the capacity to push those boundaries. This has been consistently proven by the various adjustments the world has observed in science in last few decades. In less than two decades, we have witnessed a huge advancement in technology as well as the general knowledge of science. It has enabled doctors to perfect complex treatment methods for rare disorders of the body and has made travelling and communication between distant places easier.

Pluto, which was earlier considered a planet of our solar system, has now been renamed and reclassified. If these things can be accomplished in such a short time, who knows what the world will be in the next few decades. It gives us hope that a more effective way to solve the world’s most complicated problems may be just a short step away. One day, hopefully, a cost-effective way to kill certain cancer cells or eradicate HIV will be possible.

A2. Complex Factual

Question 1.
List the things that have been made possible due to Science.
Science has made the following things possible:

  1. It has discovered cures for certain rare disorders of the body.
  2. It has made travelling and communication between distant places easier.

A3. Vocabulary

Question 1.
Rewrite the following words with their correct spellings.

  1. galacy
  2. infinit
  3. ajustment
  4. eradicate


  1. galaxy
  2. infinite
  3. adjustment
  4. eradicate

A4. Grammar

Question 1.
Do as Directed:

i. a. countable
b. finite
c. orders
d. classified
(Add a suitable Prefix to the given words to form words from the passage)
a. uncountable
b. infinite
c. disorders
d. reclassified

ii. The world of discovery has endless possibilities.
(Pick out the Subject and the Predicate from the given sentence)
The world of discovery – Subject
has endless possibilities – Predicate

A5. Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 1.
Which is your favourite subject? Why?
Science is my favourite subject as it has unlimited possibilities. It has given many gifts to mankind due of which our life has become much more comfortable than before. Also, the answers to the cure of many incurable diseases of the past, come from Science. Hence, I like this subject the most.

Passage 4

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A1. Simple Factual

Question 1.
Correct the following statements based on the extract.

  1. Writing involves a pleasant fight with nature.
  2. The narrator says that once he starts his work, he is agitated.
  3. The narrator submits himself to a greater power – that of God.
  4. The narrator looks for his error but does not correct it.


  1. Painting involves a pleasant fight with nature.
  2. The narrator says that once he starts his work, he is happy.
  3. The narrator submits himself to a greater power – that of nature.
  4. The narrator looks for his error and corrects it.

I think there is a pleasure in painting, which nobody but painters know. In writing, I have to struggle with the world. In painting, I only have to continue a pleasant fight with nature. Once I start with my work, I am happy. From the moment that I hold the pencil and look at nature, I am at peace with my own heart. I have no foolish opinions to struggle with, no point to stress on and no enemy to crush.

There is no tossing of brains, no clever discussions, no trickery and no attempt to turn black into white or white into black. But, I submit myself into the hands of a greater power – that of nature, like a simple and inexperienced person. With the devotion of an enthusiast – study her manner with joy and her style with pleasure. The mind is at peace and full at the same time. My hand and eyes are equally at work. In sketching the most common object, a plant or the bottom of a tree, I learn something every moment.

I observe unexpected differences. I try to draw what I see – look for my error and correct it. I do not play tricks or make mistakes. Patience disappears from the endless activity, and transform it into a comfort. A difference of colour in a flower, a line in a leaf, a shade in a cloud and a mark in an old wall are held with enthusiasm. Hours pass away silently, without anger and without boredom. The mind is satisfied, though it is not engaged in thinking or in doing any mischief.

A2. Complex Factual

Question 1.
List the natural things painted by the writer.
The natural objects that the writer has painted are – flowers, clouds, leaves, plants and the bottom of a tree.

A3. Vocabulary

Question 1.
Write the synonyms for the following from the extract.

  1. galacy
  2. infinit
  3. ajustment
  4. eradicate


  1. galaxy
  2. infinite
  3. adjustment
  4. eradicate

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Unseen Passages

A4 Grammar

Question 1.
Do as Directed:

i. I think there is a pleasure in painting. (Identify the underlined Parts of Speech from the above sentence)
think – Verb
in – Preposition

ii. I do not play tricks or make mistakes. (Rewrite using ‘neither…nor’)
I neither play tricks nor make mistakes.

A5. Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 1.
The writer makes one believe that she is a painter. Give your reasons.
Yes, the writer makes me believe that she is a painter because in the beginning of the passage itself, she makes a comparison between her experience as a writer and as a painter. In the entire passage, she talks about how she paints and why she likes painting, hence, giving an idea to the reader that she is a painter.

Passage 5

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A1. Simple Factual

Question 1.
Name the following.

  1. Spot’s owner.
  2. The animal that Spot would frighten away.
  3. Spot wasn’t fond of having these tied to his tail.
  4. The thing that Jonnie would take away from spot that would make him growl


  1. Johnnie Green
  2. A goose
  3. tin cans
  4. A bone

Nobody ever spoke of old Spot’s master as ‘old Johnnie Green’. Yet the two—boy and dog—were almost exactly the same age. Somehow Spot grew up faster than Johnnie. He had stopped being a puppy by the time his young master learned to walk. And when Johnnie was big enough to play around the farm buildings his parents felt sure that he was safe so long as “old Spot,” as they called the dog, was with him.

Spot thought himself years older than the small boy; or at least he always acted so. If a goose hissed at little, toddling Johnnie Green, old Spot would drive the goose away, barking in a loud voice, “Don’t you frighten this child!” If Johnnie went into the stable and wandered within reach of the horses’ heels, Spot would take hold of his clothes and draw him gently back out of danger.

And if Johnnie strayed to the duck pond, the old dog wouldn’t leave him even to chase the cat, but stayed right there by the pond, ready to pull the young child out of the water in case he happened to fall in.

Spot seemed to enjoy his task of taking care of Johnnie Green. It wasn’t all work. A great deal of pleasure went with his duties, for Johnnie Green never wanted to do anything but play. And Spot wasn’t so grown up that he couldn’t enjoy a lively play. For that matter, he never did get over his liking for active fun.

Still, there were some kinds of sport that he didn’t care for. He wasn’t fond of having such things as tin cans tied to his tail. He disliked to be tied to a toy wagon. He hated to have his ears pulled. Yet there was only one thing that ever made him growl. When Johnnie Green took a bone away from him, Spot couldn’t help warning him, with a deep, rumbling grumbling, that he was going too far, even between friends. But he never snapped at Johnnie. That growling was only Spot’s way of teaching Johnnie Green manners.

A2. Complex Factual

Question 1.
Spot proved that he was very fond of Johnnie. Give reasons.
Spot proved that he was very fond of Johnnie in the following ways:

  1. Though he was of the same age as Johnnie, he acted as though he was older than him.
  2. If any goose hissed at little Johnnie, Spot would bark angrily and scare the goose away.
  3. In case Johnnie got very close to the horse’s heels as he wandered near the stable, Spot would gently pull him away by his clothes to protect him from being trampled upon.
  4. He would always be near Johnnie when he was close to the pond, so as to protect him from falling into the water.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Unseen Passages

A3. Vocabulary

Question 1.
Give one word for the following from the extract.

  1. protected from danger
  2. to scare
  3. to run after someone to catch them
  4. social behaviour


  1. safe
  2. frighten
  3. chase
  4. manners

A4. Grammar

1. Do as Directed:

i. He had stopped being ___ puppy by ___ time his young master learned to walk. (Fill in the blanks with suitable articles)
a, the

ii. He disliked to be harnessed to a toy wagon. He hated to have his ears pulled. (Join the two sentences with a suitable Conjunction)
He disliked being harnessed to a toy wagon and hated to have his ears pulled.

A5. Open-ended / Personal Response

Question 1.
Would you want Spot for a pet? Why?
Yes, I would definitely want Spot for a pet. His loyalty, sincerity and caring nature is adorable. His manner of showing anger to his master, whom he loves, is very likeable. Moreover, Spot’s unconditional love for his master makes him a very desirable pet.

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