SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 English Question Paper 2020 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

SSC English Question Paper 2020 with Answers Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

[Time: 3 Hours]
[Max. Marks: 100]


Question 1.
(A1) Do as directed (any four) : (4)
(i) Write two compound words of your own. (1)

(ii) Pick out the gerund from the following sentence : (1)
This attitude of talking destroys families.

(iii) Punctuate the following sentence : (1)
after all he doesnt pay me

(iv) Form two present participle in which the last letter is doubled. (1)

(v) Complete the following word chain of verbs : (1)
Examine, e _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________

(A2) Do as directed (any two) : (4)
(i) Change the following sentences into indirect speech : (2)
Robert asked, “Joan, how old are you?” “I am 13 years old,” she replied.

(ii) Make sentences of your own to show the difference in homophones : (2)
feat :

(iii) Rewrite the sentences in present perfect tense : (2)
I had been working for Anil for almost a month.

(B) Do as directed (any one) : (2)
(i) Begin the sentences with “No sooner _______________”
As soon as the thief escaped, the family informed the police.

(ii) Change the following sentence into positive and comparative degree :
It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
(i) caretaker, grief-stricken
(ii) talking
(iii) “After all, he doesn’t pay me”.
(iv) running; patting
(v) Examine, escape, emerge, emit, exhibit.

(i) Robert asked Joan how old was she. To that, she replied that she was 13 years old.
(ii) My feet are aching due to exertion.
The brave boy’s adventurous feat was appreciated by everyone.
(iii) I have worked for Anil for almost a month.

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

(i) No sooner did the thief escape than the family informed the police.
(ii) Positive : Very.few decisions I have ever made are as good as it is.
Comparative : It is better than many decisions I have ever made.

(Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Question 2.
(A) Read the following passage and do the activities : (10)
(A1) Relate the following actions with the king and the hermit: (2)
SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers 1
When the king arrived, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. He greeted the king but went on digging. The hermit was frail and weak, and each time he struck the ground with the spade and turned over a little earth, he breathed heavily. The king went up to him and said, “I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions – How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? Who are the people I most need, and to whom should I, therefore, pay most attention? And what affairs are the most important and need my first attention?”

The hermit listened to the king but said nothing. He just spat on his hand and resumed digging. The king watched in silence for a while. Then, feeling sorry for the hermit, he said,”You are tired, let me take the spade and work a while for you.” The hermit silently handed over the spade and sat down on the ground. When he had dug two beds, the king stopped and repeated his questions.

(A2) State whether you agree/disagree with the following statements : (2)
(i) The hermit was strong and agile.
(ii) The king came to the hermit to ask three questions.
(iii) The hermit handed over the spade and sat down.
(iv) The king wasn’t feeling sorry for the hermit.

(A3) Solve the cross word puzzle using words from the passage referring to the clues given: (2)
SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers 2

Down Across
(1) Restart/Start again (3) A tool for digging
(2) Sage (4) Intelligent

(A4) Do as directed : (2)
(i) When the king arrived the hermit was digging the ground.
(Name and identify the subordinate clause.)
(ii) The hermit listened to the king but said nothing.
(Rewrite the sentence and begin it with “Though ……….)
(A5) Whom do you consider your guide when you are in difficulty? Why? (2)

(B) Read the following passage and complete the activities : (10)
(B1) Choose the correct alternative : (2)
(i) Which state does Mary Kom belong to?
(a) Mizoram
(b) Manipur
(c) Gujarat
(d) Assam

(ii) Who inspired Mary Kom to choose Boxing as a career?
(a) Dingko Singh
(b) Sushil Kumar
(c) Vijendra
(d) Adams

(iii) What were her parents?
(a) Teachers
(b) Boxers
(c) Tenant farmers
(d) Horticulturist

(iv) When did Marry Kom make her international debut in Boxing?
(a) At 20
(b) At 18
(c) At 48
(d) At 38

Kom was born in Kangthei village, Moirang Lamkhai in Churachandpur district of rural Manipur in eastern India. She came from a poor family. Her parents, Mangte Tonpa Kom and Mangte Akham Kom were tenant farmers who worked in jhum fields. Kom grew up in humble surroundings, helping her parents with farm related chores, going to school and learning athletics initially and later boxing simultaneously. Her father was a keen wrestler in his younger age.

She had an eager interest in athletics since childhood and the success of Dingko Singh a fellow Manipuri returned from the 1998 Bangkok Asian games with a gold medal, Kom recollects had inspired many youngsters in Manipur to try boxing and she too thought of giving it a try.

Mary Korn’s career started in 2000 after her victory in the Manipur State women’s boxing championship and the regional championship in West Bengal. In 2001, she started competing at international level. She was only 18 years old when she made her international debut at the first AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championship in United States, winning a silver medal in the 48 kg weight category. Her greatness is reinforced by the way she apologized to the whole nation for not being able to win the Gold. She is a legend for sure and an idol for all the sportswomen to look up to.

(B2) What difficulties did Mary Kom face in her childhood? (2)

(B3) Find out one word for the following from the passage : (2)
(i) Shifting cultivation
(ii) Strengthened
(iii) First public appearance
(iv) One who makes history.

(B4) Do as Directed : (2)
(i) Rewrite the sentence using an infinitive :
She started competing at international level.

(ii) Rewrite as an exclamatory sentence :
Her father was a keen wrestler.

(B5) “Sports are important in our life.” Elaborate. (2)

King Hermit
(1) learning (1) digging
(2) asking questions (2) breathe heavily

(i) disagree
(ii) agree
(iii) agree
(iv) disagree

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers 3

(i) The hermit was digging the ground-Main clause.
When the king arrived-Subordinate adverb clause of time
(ii) Though the hermit listened to the king, he said nothing.

When I am in any difficulty, I consider my parents to be my guide. I can talk to them freely and I always feel certain that with their broad and vast experience, they offer the best piece of advice to help me come out of my difficulty easily.

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

(B) (B1) (i) (b), (ii) (a), (iii) (c), (iv) (b).
In her childhood, Mary Kom had to suffer problems of poverty. She was brought up in humble surroundings. She had to help her parents with farm-related works.

(i) jhum, (ii) reinforced (iii) debut (iv) legend

(i) She started to compete at international level.
(ii) What a keen wrestler her father was!

Sports are certainly very important in our life. Sports help us in becoming physically as well as mentally strong and tough. The sportsman spirit developed becomes very beneficial in leading a good life. The feeling of team spirit developed due to them is helpful throughout the life.


Question 3.
(A) Read the following extract and do the given activities : (5)
(A1) Match the describing words from the Cloud A’ with Cloud ‘B’: (2)

Cloud ‘A’ Cloud ‘B’
(i) broad (a) noise
(ii) humorous (b) jest
(iii) chuckling (c) way
(iv) trifling (d) grin
“These to the printer,” I exclaimed,
And, in my humorous way,
I added (as a trifling jest,)
“There’ll be the devil to pay.
He took the paper, and I watched,
And saw him peep within
At the first line he read, his face
Was all upon the grin
He read the next; the grin grew broad.
And shot from ear to ear;
He read the third; a chuckling noise
I now began to hear.
The fourth; he broke into a roar;
The fifth; his waistband split;
The sixth; he burst five buttons off
And tumbled in a fit.

(A2) Pick out two lines from the extract that indicate humour. (2)

(A3) Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract. (1)

(B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points in a paragraph format: (5)

All the World’s a Stage
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and brearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modem instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
— William Shakespeare

Points :
• The title and the poet of the poem (1)
• Rhyme scheme (1)
• Figures of speech (1)
• Central Idea/Theme (2)
(A) (A2) (i) (d)
(ii) (c)
(iii) (a)
(iv) (b)

Two lines from the extract indicating humour are :
His face was all upon the grin The fourth; he broke into a roar;

(A3) way-pay within-grin

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

The poem, ‘All the World’s a Stage’, is written by William Shakespeare. It is taken from his play ‘As you Like It’. The poem is a monologue of a character in the play.
The poet hasn’t made the use of rhyming words or rhyme scheme, so it can be called a blank verse, as a steady rhythm of five beats, is maintained in each line of the poem.

The poet has used many figures of speech but metaphor really stands out to be prominent. The lines ‘All the World’s a Stage’ and all men and women are merely players’ reflect the implied comparison.

The poet has compared life to a stage and divided human life into seven stages, each having its different features. The cycle of life becomes the theme of the poem, telling us how one starts out as infant being helpless and ends the same way without understanding the happenings around.

(Reading Skills, Vocabulary, Grammar and Summary)

Question 4.
(A) Read the following passage and complete the activities : (10)
(A1) State whether the following statements are True or False : (2)
(i) Time is the most valueless resource.
(ii) The importance of time management is self-evident.
(iii) Allow the time to flow and pass away.
(iv) Time’s nature is clear.

Time is the most valuable resource available to every individual
Tirofe is a resource to measure quantitatively but its nature is unclear. Time is a fleeting, limited and intangible human resource which is always calculated and used accordingly. The time of the day is as shown on clock or announced on the media like radio, television constantly guide us in carrying out days, activities, distribution of time for work, rest, entertainment and checking the progress during the day.

The secret of time management lies in successfully identifying and eliminating time wasting activities with effective and efficient utilisation of time. In order to be a good time manager, grab the time, utilize it properly and invest it into productive work. Do not allow the time to flow and pass away without offering any result.

The importance of time management is self evident. Every individual has twenty four hours a day to use. One must be aware of the available time and time needed to complete the daily routine. Everyone must remember that time cares only for those who take care of time.

So, for the achievement of goals, proper planning and utilisation of time is very important which is definitely possible only by time management.

(A2) What are the secrets of a good time manager? (2)

(A3) (i) Pick out two adverbs from the given passage. (1)
(ii) Write the root word for the following : (1)
(a) utilization
(b) entertainment

(A4) Do as directed : (2)
(i) Rewrite the sentence using ‘Not only ……… But also’ (1)
For the achievement of goals, proper planning and utilization of time is important.
(ii) Do not allow the time to flow. (Make the sentence assertive) (1)

(A5) “Time once lost, is lost forever.” Justify. (2)

(B) Read the above passage given in Q. No. 4(A) and write a summary of it in a paragraph. Suggest a suitable title. (5)
(A1) (i) False (ii) True (iii) False (iv) False

A good time manager grabs the time, utilises it properly and invests it into productive work. He never allows the time to flow and pass away without any result.

(i) quantitatively, constantly
(ii) (a) utilise (b) entertain

(i) For the achievement of goals, not only proper planning but also utilisation of time is important.
(ii) You should not allow the time to flow.

It is true that time is very valuable as we can never regain the time wasted. So it is necessary to make the proper planning for the utilization of our available time properly, to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

Time : A Valuable Resource
Time proves to be very precious in spite of its unclear nature. Reducing time-wasting activities for proper utilisation of time is time management. A good time manager must invest the time grabbed into productivity. Time management is self-evident as one has to be conscious of the time required as it helps in achieving goals with planning and utilisation of time.


Question 5.
Letter writing : (5)
(A1) Imagine you are Rohan/Rima residing at 225, Veerchakra Colony, Kolhapur, 416002 “Hima Das the Indian Sprinter won 5 Golds in one month”
A1. Formal Letter
Write a letter to the Education Officer, Kolhapur appealing him to inculcate the importance of sports by providing basic sports facilities to schools.


A2. Informal Letter
Write a letter to your friend Minu/Mohit making him/her aware of the importance of Sports in one’s life.

The Education Officer,
225, Veerchakra Colony,
20th July, 20XX
Subject: Requesting provision for sports facilities.
Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter on behalf of all the students of Kolhapur to bring to your kind notice, the need of inculcating the importance of sports among the students by providing basic sports facilities to schools.

It is true that academics is important but the all-round development demands sports to be a main factor. Many schools in Kolhapur don’t have the proper sports facilities, except those needed for local sports. For other sports, there are no suitable equipment available as well as no practice grounds or courts and coaches. If the importance of sports is to be inculcated among students, this scenario must be changed.

I request you to make good trainers and coaches available in the schools to make more and more students participate in sports. Besides, the schools need to provide proper time devoted to sports. The practice grounds or courts need to be made available. More and more interschool matches are to be organised to attract more students.
I request you to look into this matter.
Thanking you,
Your sincerely,
Rohan/Rima .

225, Veerchakra Colony
20th July, 20XX
Dear Minu/Mohit,
I hope that everything is fine with you. We all are fine here too. Sorry for the delay in communication, but I was very busy in ourTnterschool cricket matches last month. Though we tried hard, we lost the finals by just one run. I am writing this letter for a special purpose of making you aware of importance of sports and games.

I know that you like reading and watching TV. But sports are the most necessary part of our life. Because of sports, we become physically fit as well as mentally very tough and strong to face all odds. Sports teach us team spirit which is always beneficial to us throughout our lives. The sportman spirit developed due to sports help us in decision-making.

Sports inculcate determination to fight against all odds and provide the much needed ‘never-give-up’ attitude. All these qualities help us a lot in leading our lives in a good way. So I to appeal you to participate in various sports and games to feel refreshed and relaxed. Convey my regards to all at home.
Yours lovingly,

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

Question 6.
(A) Information Transfer (5)
(A1) Verbal to Non-Verbal:
Read the following information and complete the following table below it:

Chandrayaan-2, India’s second mission to the Moon will, for the first time, unravel secrets around the Moon’s South Pole. Chandrayaan-2 is a three-part spacecraft-an orbiter, a lander and a rover. The lander is named Vikram after Vikram Sarabhai, the founder of the Indian space programme. The rover is named Pragyan, meaning ‘wisdom’.

Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22 July atop ISRO’s GSLV Mk-III at 2:43 p.m. from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota. Performing as expected, the rocket released Chandrayaan-2 in a highly elliptic orbit around Earth about 17 minutes later. In fact, it was released 6,000 km higher than planned. The solar arrays on Chandrayaan-2 deployed smoothly as the probe began its journey.

Table Information
(i) Name Of the Mission
(ii) Date of Launch
(iii) Centre of Launch
(iv) Name of the Rover
(v) Founder of Indian Space Programme


(A2) Non-verbal to Verbal:
Transfer the information into a paragraph :
Observe the tree diagram of types of disease and write a paragraph on it. Suggest a suitable title.
SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers 4

(B) (B1) Prepare a speech to be delivered on (15th October) “Reading Inspiration Day”. in your school assembly : (5)
The subject given to you is “Importance of Reading”.
Use the following points :
• increases knowledge
• keeps one updated
• ideal way to keep occupied
• develops your vocabulary
• develops the power of expression


(B2) Write your counterview on the topic “Internet will soon replace books”.
Points :
• easily accessible
• time saving
• economical
• authentic
• storehouse of information
(A) (A1)

Table Information
(i) Name Of the Mission Chandrayaan-2
(ii) Date of Launch 22 July
(iii) Centre of Launch Dhavan Space Centre Sriharikota
(iv) Name of the Rover Pragyan, meaning wisdom
(v) Founder of Indian Space Programme Vikram Sarabhai

Types of Diseases
There are various types of diseases that are spread throughout the world. These diseases are either communicable diseases or non-communicable. Communicable diseases spread through a medium of infection. That medium of infection can be air, food or water. Influenza is an airborne disease. Infection because of food and its adulteration causes dysentery. Typhoid is caused due to the infection through water. As there are communicable diseases the same way, there are non-communicable diseases also. These diseases are caused because of faulty eating and living habits. Obesity, diabetes and other diseases are caused by bad eating habits. Similarly, bad living habits are also responsible for sufferings like stress and hy pertension which later on proves to the root cause of many diseases.

(B) (B1)
Importance of Reading
Respected Headmaster, teachers and my dear friends.
This day, 15th October, is the Reading Inspiration Day. So I am present before all of you to express my views on the importance of reading.

Reading has many gifts in store for us. Basically, rather than wasting our time unncessarily in playing computer or mobile games, reading various kinds of books can prove to be the ideal way to a keep ourselves occupied. Besides this, reading books offer us with vast treasure of knowledge. It increases our level of knowledge by showing us different ways of life.

Books help us in developing and enriching our vocabulary. Because of books, we develop a good power of expression which helps us to express our thoughts and feelings in a good way. Books are always a good company and never let us feel lonely or desolate.

Books are our true friends and lead us towards the right path of life. So on this day, friends, let us take a pledge of becoming good readers.
Thank you all!

Books : A Permanent Source of Knowledge
It is true that internet and social media are occupying our lives to a great extent, but they can never replace the books. Like internet, books are also easily accessible, if we possess them. Otherwise, there are libraries providing different kinds of reference books. Reading books is not as fast as internet but books are undoubtedly a great source of knowledge and it is illimitable. Purchasing books always creates a sense of belonging. If they are not affordable, they can be borrowed from a friend or relative or one can take help of libraries for reading houses. The knowledge provided by books is always reliable as it is checked and tested before its printing. So books can truly be called as a true and permanent storehouse of knowledge and information. Books help to increase our concentration level unlike internet which makes us restless and impulsive.


Question 7.
Do any one of the following : (5)
(A1) Expand the theme :
Expand the following idea into 100 words :
“Be the change you want to see”

(A2) News Report:
Prepare a news report based on the following :
“Sweeper’s daughter/son scores 96% in Class XII.”

(B) Developing a story/Narrating experience : (5)
(B1) Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following line. Give a suitable title :
He boarded the train happily and he searched his pocket for the tickets and found ………..
(B2) Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words with the following ending. Give a suitable title :
………….. I promise myself to work hard in order to achieve success.
Be the Change You Want to See
Every proverbial or idiomatic expression teaches many things and the wisdom to be followed in our lives. This expression clearly states that for witnessing a change in the world around us, first we need to bring that change in ourselves. Gradually, the change we have brought in ourselves will get percolated among others and then it will be reflected in the world around us.

There are many things taking place around us in the society. There are hit and run cases, violation of traffic rules as well as civic rules. Many people feel harassed because of it. But whenever a voice iff raised against it, it is hushed by notorious ways. Mostly, everyone neglects it and expects someone else to come up and make things right. But if the students are taught self-discipline in their schooling by the teachers and elderly people, the students start bringing in those changes among themselves despite the societal conditions. These students become responsible citizens of future who will then imbibe that self-discipline through their own examples.

It is said that ‘Charity begins at home’. So, before expecting any change outside, we must look at ourselves and make that change visible through our conduct. Then we can certainly expect that change in others as well as in the society around us.

Sweeper’s Daughter Scores 96% in Std. XII
Pune, June 15 : The result of Std. XII declared yesterday once again demonstrated that girls score topmost marks, but the highest marks was scored in Pune, by a girl, Pooja Pawar who is a daughter of a PMC sweeper, Mr. Rajaram Pawar. Pooja was studying in XYZ college of Science, Commerce, and Arts. She was a bright student from the beginning. But she couldn’t afford to join any tuition. She studies on her own with the help of her college teachers. She used to study 15 hours a day in 15 days before her exam as the principal had given her permission to be in the library till 9 p.m. All her efforts were fruitful when she topped in the c:’y. Gut wanted to be a doctor because she loved to treat and take care of the poor people.
-By a staff reporter

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper 2020 with Answers

(B) (B1)
Lesson for Lifetime
He boarded the train happily but when searched his pocket for the tickets and found that be didn’t have them anymore. Ramesh was shocked. He remembered that he had kept’ the tickets near his handbag to be picked up while moving out from the office. It seemed that he didn’t pick them in his own hurry.

After reserving the tickets for his family, he had kept them neatly in the drawer. On the day of the journey, he packed everybody’s bag and kept the tickets near his handbag. As it was getting late to move out of the house, he hurriedly called a taxi and packed the luggage but forgot to pick up the tickets. He thought of going back home to get the tickets but the whistle of the train blew so he realised that he couldn’t do it.

When the TTE came, he narrated to the TTE all that had happened. The TTE was a man of consideration but he had to go by rules. He accepted half of the amount of the total penalty and told him to be cautious from the next time. Ramesh learnt the lesson of his lifetime.

Path of Success
By the time, I got promoted to seventh standard, I was good at Maths. I started thinking that Maths was a kid’s play and stopped paying required attention to it. I also used to solve my friends’ difficulties in the subject, whenever they asked for my help. This made me overconfident.

My Maths teacher warned me to pay proper attention, but still I never did it. As our terminals approached, I started realising that I was not ready. Still, I decided to face the exam confidently. After giving the Maths paper, I realised that I could not pass well in it. So I felt anxious about the result.

When the result was announced, I failed in Maths and I was extremely dejected. My teacher told me that success never has any shortcut but one just had to put in all his possible efforts to be successful. Thereafter, whenever such situations occur, I promise myself to work hard in order to achieve success.

SSC Maharashtra Board English Question Paper with Answers

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