SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

SSC Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time: 2 Hours
Max. Marks: 40

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Use of a calculator is not allowed.
  • The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
  • In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will beevaluated and will be given credit.
  • Draw proper figures wherever necessary.
  • The marks of construction should be clear. Do not erase them.
  • Diagram is essential for writing the proof of the theorem.

Question 1.
(A) Four alternative answers for each of the following sub-questions are given. Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet: [4]
(1) Out of the dates given below which date constitutes a Pythagorean triplet ?
(A) 15/8/17
(B) 16/8/16
(C) 3/5/17
(D) 4/9/15
(A) 15/8/17
Explanation: Since, 172 = 152 + 8

2. sin 0 x cosec 0 = ?
(A) 1
(B) 0
(C) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(D) \(\sqrt{2}\)
Answer: (A) 1
Explanation : Since, by reciprocal relation sin 0 = \(\frac{1}{cosec θ}\)

(3) Slope of X-axis is ……………….
(A) 1
(B) -1
(C) 0
(C) 0
Explanation: Since, X-axis is inclined at 0°.

(4) A circle having radius 3 cm, then the length of its largest chord is …………..
(A) 1.5 cm
(B) 3 cm
(C) 6 cm
(D) 9 cm
Answer: (C) 6 cm
Explanation : The largest chord of a circle is its diameter.

SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

(B) Solve the following sub-questions:

(1) If AABC ~ APQR and AB : PQ = 2:3, then find the value of \(\frac{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{ABC})}{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{PQR})}\)
Given ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR
and AB : PQ = 2 : 3
Since, \(\frac{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{ABC})}{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{PQR})}\) = \(\frac{(\mathrm{AB})^2}{(\mathrm{PQ})^2}\) [Area of similar triangles]
\(\frac{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{ABC})}{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{PQR})}\) = \(\frac{(\mathrm{2})^2}{(\mathrm{3})^2}\)
\(\frac{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{ABC})}{\mathbf{A}(\triangle \mathrm{PQR})}\) = \(\frac{4}{9}\)

(2) Two circles of radii 5 cm and 3 cm touch each other externally. Find the distance between their centres.
Let, the radii of two circles be
r1 = 5 cm and r2 = 3 cm
Then, distance between their centres = r1 + r2
= 5 + 3 = 8 cm
Hence, distance between their centres is 8 cm.

(3) Find the side of a square whose diagonal is 10\(\sqrt{2}\) cm.
Let ⇄ABCD be the square and AC be the diagonal of length 10\(\sqrt{2}\) cm.
Let side of squqre be x.
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 1
∠ADC = 90° (By Pythagoras theorem)
AC2 = AD2 + DC2
⇒ (10\(\sqrt{2}\))2 = x2 + x2
⇒ 100 × 2 = 2x2
⇒ 200 = 2x2
⇒ x2 = \(\frac{200}{2}\)
⇒ x2 = 100
Taking square root on both sides
x = 10 cm
Hence, side of the square = 10 cm.

(4) Angle made by the line with the positive direction of X-axis is 45°. Find the slope of that line.
Since, Slope = tan θ
Here, θ = 45°
∴ Slope = tan 45°
Hence, Slope = 1

Question 2.
(A) Complete any two activities and rewrite it: [4]
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 2
In the above figure, ∠ABC is inscribed in arc ABC.
If ∠ABC = 60°, find m∠AOC.
Img 3
∠ABC = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m(arc AXC)
60° = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m(arc AXC)
120° = m(arc AXC)
But m∠AOC = m(arc AXC)
∴ m∠AOC = 120°

(2) Find the value of sin2 0 + cos2 0.
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 4 SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 5
In ∆ABC,
∠ABC = 90°, ∠C = 0°
AB2 + BC2 = AC2 ……(Pythagoras theorem)
Divide both sides by AC2
\(\frac{\mathrm{AB}^2}{\mathrm{AC}^2}\) + \(\frac{B C^2}{A C^2}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{AC}^2}{\mathrm{AC}^2}\)
\(\left(\frac{\mathrm{AB}}{\mathrm{AC}}\right)^2\) + \(\left(\frac{\mathrm{BC}}{\mathrm{AC}}\right)^2\) = 1
But \(\frac{AB}{AC} = sin θ and [latex]\frac{BC}{AC}\) = cos θ
∴ sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1

SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 3.
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In the figure given above, ABCD is a square and a circle is inscribed in it. All sides of a square touch the circle. If AB = 14 cm, find the area of shaded region.
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 2
Area of square = (Side)2 ….(Formula)
= 142
= 196 cm2

Area of circle = πr² ….(Formula)
= \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 7 × 7
= 154 cm2
(Area of shaded portion) = (Area of square) – (Area of circle)
= 196 – 154
= 42 cm2

(B) Solve any four of the following sub-questions: [8]

(1) Radius of a sector of a circle is 3.5 cm and length of its arc is 2.2 cm. Find the area of the sector.
Radius of circle, r = 3.5 cm
Length of its arc, l = 2.2 cm
Then, Area of sector = \(\frac{l×r}{2}\)
= \(\frac{2.2×3.5}{2}\)
= 1.1 × 3.5
= 3.85 cm²
area of sector = 385 cm²

(2) Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle if remaining sides are 9 cm and 12 cm.
Let ∆ ABC be the right angled triangle, right angled at B.
Then, BC = 9 cm, AB = 12 cm
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 8
In ∆ ABC, ∠ABC = 90°
By Pythagoras theorem,
AC2 = BC2 + AB2
AC2 = (9)2 + (12)2
AC2 = 81 + 144
AC2 = 225
Taking square root on both sides,
AC = 15 cm
Length of the hypotenuse = 15 cm

Question (3).
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In the above figure, m(arc NS) = 125°, m(arc EF) = 37°. Find the measure of ∠NMS.
Solution :
Given, m(arc NS) = 125°
m(arc EF) = 37°
m∠NMS = \(\frac{1}{2}\) [m(arc NS) – m(arc EF)]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [125°-37°]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 88°
= 44°
∴ m∠NMS = 44°.

Question (4)
Find the slope of the line passing through the points A(2,3), B(4, 7). Solution: For the given points A(2,3), B(4, 7).
A(2,3) = A(x1, y1)
B(4, 7) = B(x2, y2)
Slope of line AB = \(\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}\)
= \(\frac{7-3}{4-2}\)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 2
Slope of line AB = 2.

(5) Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm.
Given : radius of sphere, r = 7 cm
Then, surface area of sphere = 4πr²
= 4 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 7 × 7
= 88 × 7 = 616 cm²
surface area of sphere = 616 cm².

SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 3.
(A) Complete any one activity of the following and rewrite it: [3]

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In ∆ABC, ray BD bisects ∠ABC, A – D – C, seg DE || side BC, A – E – B, then for showing \(\frac{AB}{BC}=\frac{AE}{EB}\), complete the following activity:
Proof : In AABC, ray BD bisects ∠B
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 11
Proof : In AABC, ray BD bisects ∠B
\(\frac{AB}{BC}=\frac{AE}{EB}\) …………..(I) [Angle Bisector theorem]
DE || BC
∴ \(\frac{AE}{EB}=\frac{AD}{DC}\) …………(II) [Basic proportionality theorem]

∴ \(\frac{AB}{BC}=\frac{AE}{EB}\) ….[from (I) and (II)]

SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 12
Given : Chords AB and CD of a circle with centre P intersect at point E.
To prove: AE × EB = CE × ED
Draw seg AC and seg BD.
Fill in the blanks and complete the proof.
Proof: In ∆CAE and ∆BDE,
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 13
Proof: In ∆CAE and ∆BDE,
∠AEC ≅ ∠DEB …(vertically opposite angle)
∠CAE ≅ ∠BDE ……..(angles inscribed in the same arc)
∆CAE ~ ∆BDE … [By AA test of similarity]
\(\frac{AE}{DE}=\frac{CE}{EB}\) ………(Corresponding sides of similar triangle)
∴ AE x EB = CE x ED.

(B) Solve any two of the following sub-questions : [6]

(1) Determine whether the points are collinear.
A(1, – 3), B(2, – 5), C(- 4, 7)
Solution :
Let A(1, – 3) = A(x1, y1)
B(2, – 5) = B(x<su\(\frac{1}{2}\)b>2, y2)
C(- 4, 7) = C(x3, y3)
d(A, B) = \(\sqrt{(2-1)^2+(-5+3)^2}\)
= \(\sqrt{(1)^2+(-2)^2}\)
= \(\sqrt{1+4}\)
= \(\sqrt{5}\)

d (B, C) = \(\sqrt{(-4-2)^2+(7+5)^2}\)
= \(\sqrt{(-6)^2+(12)^2}\)
= \(\sqrt{36+144}\)
= \(\sqrt{180}\)
= \(6 \sqrt{5}\)

and d (A, C) = \(\sqrt{(-4-1)^2+(7+3)^2}\)
= \(\sqrt{(-5)^2+(10)^2}\)
= \(\sqrt{25+100}\)
= \(\sqrt{125}\)
= \(5 \sqrt{5}\)
Therefore, d(A, B) + d(A, C) = d(B, C)
⇒ Points A, B and C are collinear.

2) ∆ABC ~ ∆LMN. In ∆ABC, AB = 5.5 cm, BC = 6 cm, CA = 4.5 cm. Construct ∆ABC and BC
∆LMN such that \(\frac{BC}{MN}=\frac{4}{5}\)
Given, ∆ABC ~ ∆LMN
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 14
\(\frac{AB}{LM}=\frac{BC}{MN}=\frac{AC}{LN}\) = \(\frac{4}{5}
AB = 5.5 cm, BC = 6 cm, CA = 4.5 cm AB 5
Also, Given [latex]\frac{AB}{LM}=\frac{5}{4}\)
LM = \(\frac{5.5×4}{5}\)
LM = 1.1 × 4
LM = 4.4 cm

MN = \(\frac{6×4}{5}\)
MN = \(\frac{24}{5}\)
MN = 4.8 cm

LN = \(\frac{4.5×4}{5}\)
LN = 0.9 × 4
LN = 3.6 cm

In ∆ABC AB = 5.5 cm, BC = 6 cm, CA = 4.5 cm
Then, in ∆LMN LM = 4.4 cm, MN = 4.8 cm, LN = 3.6 cm.
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SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

(3) Seg PM is a median of ∆PQR, PM = 9 and PQ2 + PR2 = 290, then find QR.
In ∆PQR, M is the mid-point of line QR.
∴ QM =MR …(i)
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By Apollonius theorem,
PQ2 + PR2 = 2PM2 + 2QM2
⇒ 290 = 2(9)2 + 2QM2
⇒ 290 = 2(81) + 2QM2
⇒ 290 = 162 + 2QM2
⇒ 290 – 162 = 2QM2
⇒ 128 = 2QM2
⇒ \(\frac{128}{2}\) = QM2
⇒ QM2 = 64
Taking square root on both sides
QM = 8 units
QM = MR = 8 units [from (i)]
QR = QM + MR [∵ QNR is a straight line]
QR = 8 + 8
QR = 16 units
QR = 16 units.

(4) Prove that, ‘If a line parallel“to a side of a triangle intersects the remaining sides in two distinct points, then the line divides the side in the same proportion.
Given : In ∆ABC, line l || line BC and line l intersects AB and AC at point P and Q respectively.
To Prove: \(\frac{\mathrm{AP}}{\mathrm{~PB}}=\frac{\mathrm{AQ}}{\mathrm{QC}}\)
SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 17
Construction : Draw seg PC and seg BQ.
Proof: AAPQ and APQB have equal heights.
\(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{APQ})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{PQB})}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{AP}}{\mathrm{~PB}}\) ………(areas proportionate to bases) …(i)
Similarly, \(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{APQ})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{PQB})}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{AQ}}{\mathrm{QC}}\) ……….(areas proportionate to bases) …(ii)
Seg PQ is common base of ∆PQB and ∆PQC, seg PQ 11 seg BC.
Hence, ∆PQB and ∆PQC have equal areas.
A(∆PQB) = A(∆PQC) ……(iii)
\(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{APQ})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{PQB})}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{APQ})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{PQC})}\) [From (i), (ii) and (iii)]
\(\frac{\mathrm{AP}}{\mathrm{~PB}}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{AQ}}{\mathrm{QC}}\) [From (i) and (ii)]
Hence, Proved.

Question 4.
Solve any two of the following sub-questions : [8]
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2tan² θ = -3 + 1 – 2
tan² θ = -2
tan² θ = 1
tan θ = 1 (Taking square root on both sides)
tan θ = tan 45°
θ =45°.

(2) A cylinder of radius 12 cm contains water up to the height 20 cm. A spherical iron ball is dropped into the cylinder and thus water level raised by 6.75 cm. What is the radius of iron ball ?
Given: Radius of cylinder = 12 cm = r1
Water level in cylinder = 20 cm
On dropping sphere ball,
rise in height = 6.75 cm = h
Radius of sphere = r2
Now, Volume of water raised in cylinder = Volume of the sphere
πr1²h = \(\frac{4}{3}\)πr2³
(12 × 12 × 6.75) = \(\frac{4}{3}\)r2³
\(\frac{12 \times 12 \times 6.75 \times 3}{4}\) = r2³
r2³ = 729
Taking the cube roots on both sides,
r2 = 9
∴ The radius of the iron ball is 9 cm.

(3) Draw a circle with centre O having radius 3 cm. Draw tangent segments PA and PB through the point P outside the circle such that ∠APB = 70°.
(i) Construct a circle of radius 3 cm with centre O.
(ii) Join OA, OB and increase it.
(iii) Now draw the perpendicular bisectors of these two lines.
(iv) Join A to P and B to P. They meet at point P which is of 70°.

Question 5.
Solve any one of the following sub-questions : [3]
(1) OABCD is trapezium, AB || CD diagonals of trapezium intersects in point P.
Write the answers of the following questions:
(a) Draw the figure using given information.
(b) Write any one pair of alternate angles and opposite angles.
(c) Write the names of similar triangles with test of similarity.

(b) Alternate angles, ∠BAP = ∠PCD (•.• AB || DC and BD is their transversal.)
Opposite angles, ∠APB = ∠CPD (Vertically opposite angles)
(c) ∆APB ~ ∆CPD (By AA test of similarity)

SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

(2) AB is a chord of a circle with centre O. AOC is diameter of circle, AT is a tangent at A.
Write answers of the following questions :
(a) Draw the figure using given information.
(b) Find the measures of ∠CAT and ∠ABC with reasons.
(c) Whether ∠CAT and ∠ABC are congruent ? Justify your answer.

(b) ∠CAT = ∠OAT = ∠90° (By tangent theorem)
and ∠ABC = 90° (Angle in a semi-circle is a right angle.)
(c) ∠CAT = ∠ABC = 90°
[∵ The angle between a tangent of a circle and a chord drawn from the point of contact is congruent to the angle inscribed in the arc opposite to the arc intercepted by that angle.]

SSC Maharashtra Board Maths 2 Question Paper with Solutions

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