SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

SSC Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 40

General Instructions :

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
  3. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
  4. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will evaluated and will be given credit.
  5. Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

1. (A) Write the correct alternative : [5]

Question 1.
The SI unit of heat is ……….
(A) Calorie
(B) Joule
(C) Kcal/kg °C
(D) Cal/g °C
(B) Joule

Question 2.
We can see the sun even when it is little below the horizon because of ……..
(A) Reflection of light
(B) Refraction of light
(C) Dispersion of light
(D) Absorption of light
(B) Refraction of light
Explanation: Refraction of light bends the sun’s rays as they pass through Earth’s atmosphere, making the sun appear above the horizon when its actually below.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 3.
……… is the functional group of carboxylic acid.
(B) -CO-
(C) -CHO-
(D) -OH

Question 4.
In simple microscope …….. lens is used.
(A) Concave
(B) Plano concave
(C) Plano convex
(D) Convex
(D) Convex

Question 5.
In ………. process a layer of molten tin is deposited on metals.
(A) Anodisation
(B) Tinning
(C) Galvanising
(D) Alloying
(B) Tinning
Explanation: In this method a layer of molten tin is deposited on metals. We call this as ‘kalhaee’.A greenish layer forms on the surface of a copper or brass vessel. This greenish layer is poisonous. If buttermilk or curry is placed in such a vessel it gets spoiled. Tinning is done to prevent all such damages.

(B) Answer the following: [5]

Question 1.
Write the name of the atom having the smallest size.

Question 2.
Write the molecular formula of calcium carbonate.

Question 3.
Write the use of ‘Calorimeter’.
Calorimeter is used to measure specific heat of an object.

Question 4.
Identify the hydrocarbon from the given electron-dot structure:
SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 1
The hydrocarbon from the given electron-dot structure is ethane.

Question 5.
Match the following Columns:
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Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Refractive index of water (c) 1.33

2. (A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]

Question 1.
When the gas formed on heating limestone, is passed through freshly prepared lime water, the lime water turns milky.
When limestone is heated, calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas are formed.
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When carbon dioxide gas is passed through freshly prepared lime water, the solution turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate which is insoluble in water.
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Question 2.
Tungsten metal is used to make a solenoid type coil in an electric bulb.
Tungsten is a strong metal with the high melting point of 3380°C. When bulb glows a large amount of heat is produced and the temperature is also very high. So tungsten is used which can resist this huge amount of heat and high temperature.

Question 3.
On exposure to air, silver articles turn blackish after some time.
Silver articles turn blackish after some time of exposure to air. This is because silver undergoes corrosion when exposed to air containing hydrogen sulphide.
Silver reacts with hydrogen sulphide in air to form a layer of silver sulphide (Ag2S), which gives silver articles a blackish appearance.

(B) Answer the following (any three): [6]

Question 1.
State Dobereiner’s law of triad. Give one example of it.
Debereiner’s law of triads: In the year 1817 a German scientist Dobereiner suggested that properties of elements are related to their atomic masses. He made groups of three elements each, having similar chemical properties and called them triads.

He arranged the three elements in a triad in an increasing order of atomic mass and showed that the atomic mass of the middle element was approximately equal to the mean of the atomic masses of the other two elements.

For Example: Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), and Potassium (K) are having similar chemical properties and they are arranged in increasing order of their molecular mass, which are 6.9, 23.0 and 39.1 gm/mol respectively. Thus, as per law of triads the actual molecular mass of Sodium (Na) should be equivalent to the mean of molecular mass of Lithium (Li) and Potassium (K).
Molecular mass of Sodium (Na) \(\frac{\text { Molecular mass of Lithium }(\mathrm{Li})+\text { Molecular mass of Potassium }(\mathrm{K})}{2}\)
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 2.
Identify the figure and explain its use:
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The figure given is of a DC generator.
Use of D.C. generator:
(a) DC generator is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy in the form of direct current.
(b) DC generator is used in stable current generator, booster and arc lamps for lighting.
(c) DC generators are also used to reimburse the voltage drop within feeders.

Question 3.
What is meant by satellite launch vehicle? Name any one Indian satellite launch vehicle.
The Vehicle with the help of which the satellites are placed in their proper orbits are called as satellite launch vehicle.
PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle designed by ISRO is the Indian satellite launch vehicle.
There is a place at the top of the fourth stage, to keep the polar satellite to be launched.

Question 4.
What is free fall? When is it possible?
The motion of any object under the influence of the force of gravity alone is called as free fall. Free fall is possible only in the absence of air or vacuum.
When a ball and a feather is thrown from a height, feather falls on the ground first. But in a vacuum both ball and feather will reach the ground together.

Question 5.
The focal length of a convex lens is 20 cm. What is its power?
Given: focal length = 20 cm
To find:
Formula : P = \(\frac{1}{f}\)
Calculation: 1 m = 100 cm
Focal length = 0.2 m
P = \(\frac{1}{0.2}\)
P = 5D
Thus, the power of convex lens is +5D.

3. Answer the following (any five): [15]

Question 1.
Select the appropriate options and complete the following paragraph:
(Metals, non-metals, metalloids, four, seven, s-block, p-block, d-block,/-block).

On the basis of electronic configuration, elements in the modem periodic table are classified into …….. blocks. Groups 1 and 2 elements are included in and all these elements are metals, (except, Hydrogen). Group 13 to 18 elements are included in ……. . This block contains metals, non-metals and metalloids. Group 3 to 12 elements are included in ……… and all the elements are ………. elements shown at the bottom of the periodic table i.e. Lanthanides and Actinides constitute ……. and all these elements are metals.
On the basis of electronic configuration, elements in the modem periodic table are classified into four blocks Group 1 and 2 elements are included in s-block and all these elements are metals. Group 13 to 18 elements are included in p-block. This block contains metals, non-metals and metalloids. Group 3 to 12 elements are included in d-block and all the elements are metals elements shown at the bottom of the periodic table i.e. Lanthanides and Actinides constitute f-block and all these elements are metals.

Question 2.
(a) What are the factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction?
(b) Explain any one factor.
(a) Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction are:

  1. Nature of reactant.
  2. Size of the particles of reactants.
  3. Concentration of the reactants.
  4. Temperature of the reaction.
  5. Catalyst.

(b) Catalyst: “The substance in whose presence the rate of a chemical reaction increases, without causing any chemical change to it, is called a catalyst.”
On heating potassium chlorate (KClO3) decomposes slowly.
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The rate of the above neither increases by reducing the particle size nor by increasing the reaction temperature. However, KClO3 decomposes rapidly in presence of manganese dioxide (MnO2) to liberate O2 gas. No chemical change takes place in MnO2 in this reaction.

Question 3.
Observe the following graph and answer the following questions:
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(a) What does the graph represent?
(b) What does the line AB represent?
(c) What does the line BC represent?
(a) The graph represents latent heat of phase transformation.
(b) Line AB represents the conversion of ice into water at constant temperature.
(c) Line BC represents rise in temperature of water from 0°C to 100°C

Question 4.
Complete, the following table by observing the given figures:
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Question 5.
Write any three general properties of ionic compounds.
General properties of ionic compounds are:

  1. They have strong force of attraction between positively and negatively charged ions. Therefore, ionic compound exist in solid state and hard.
  2. They are brittle and can be broken into pieces by applying pressure.
  3. Ionic compounds are water soluble.
  4. The intermolecular force between the ionic compounds is very high and strong force. Thus having high melting and boiling point. (any three)

Question 6.
Observe the figure and answer the questions:
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(a) State Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
(b) If the distance between the two bodies is tripled, how will the gravitational force between them change?
(c) What will happen to gravitational force, if mass of one of the object is doubled?
(a) According to Newton’s universal law of gravitation every object in the universe attracts every other object with a definite force. This force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
F ∝ m1m2 ………..(i)
F ∝ \(\frac{1}{d^2}\) …….. (ii)
by (i) and (ii)
F ∝ \(\frac{m_1 m_2}{d^2}\)
F = \(\frac{\mathrm{G} m_1 m_2}{d^2}\)
Where, G = universal gravitational constant.

(b) If the distance between the two bodies is tripled, the gravitational force will decrease by factor of 9.

(c) If the mass of one of the object is doubled then the gravitational force will also be doubled. Because, mass is directly proportional to the grávitational force.

Question 7.
The orbit of a satellite is exactly 35780 km above the earth’s surface and its tangential velocity is 3.08 km/s.
How much time the satellite will take to complete one revolution around the earth? (Radius of earth = 6400 km.)
Given: Height of the satellite above the earth’s surface = 35780 km
Tangential velocity of the satellite = 3.08 km/sec.
Suppose the satellite takes T seconds to complete one revolution around the earth. The distance travelled during this one revolution is equal to the circumference of the circular orbit.
If r is the radius of the orbit, the satellite will travel a distance of 2πr during one revolution.
Thus, the time required for one revolution can be obtained as follows:
v \(=\frac{\text { Distance }}{\text { Time }}\) = \(\frac{\text { Circumference }}{\text { Time }}\)
v = \(\frac{2 \pi x}{\mathrm{~T}}\) [∵ x = (r + h)]
T = \(\frac{2 \pi(r+h)}{v}\)
= \(\frac{2 \times 3.14 \times(6400+35780)}{3.08}\)
= 86003.38 sec.
= 23.89 hours
= 23 hours 54 minutes
Thus, satellite takes 23 hours and 54 minutes to complete one revolution around the earth.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 8.
What is a solenoid? Draw a neat diagram and name its various components.
When a copper wire with a resistive coating is wound in a chain of loops, it is called solenoid. Whenever an electric current passes through a solenoid, magnetic lines of force are produced in pattern. The properties of the magnetic field of a solenoid are very similar to magnetic field produced by a bar magnet. One of the open ends of a solenoid acts as a magnetic north pole and the other as the magnetic south pole.
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4. Answer the following questions (any one): [5]

(i) Observe the following diagram and answer the questions:
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(a) Name the process shown in the figure.
(b) Name the colour that deviates the most.
(c) Name the colour that deviates the least.
(d) Name any one phenomenon in the nature which is based on the above process.
(e) Define ‘spectrum’.
(a) The process shown in figure is Dispersion of light
(b) Violet colour deviates the most
(c) Red colour deviates the least
(d) Rainbow is the phenomenon in the nature which is based on above process.
(e) The band of coloured components of a light beam is called as spectrum.

(ii) Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions:
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(a) Name the reactants in this reaction.
(b) Which gas comes out as effervescence in the bigger test tube?
(c) What is the colour change in the lime water?
(d) In the above experiment instead of sodium carbonate which chemical can be used to get same products?
(e) Write the use of acetic acid.
(a) Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) are the reactants in given reaction.
(b) Carbon dioxide (CO2) comes out as effervescence in the bigger test tube.
(c) Carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water, it turns lime water milky or cloudy due to formation of calcium carbonate.
(d) Sodium bicarbonate is used instead of sodium carbonate to get same products.

  1. Acetic acid is used as vinegar and is helpful in cooking.
  2. It is used to produce dyes, perfumes, esters, etc.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 1 Question Paper with Solutions

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