SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

SSC Science 2 Question Paper 2023 with Solutions Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 40

General Instructions:

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
  3. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
  4. Scientifically and technically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.
  5. Each new question should be started on the new page.

Question 1.
(A) Write the correct alternative : [5]

(i) Bones contain ……………….
(A) Melanin
(B) Haemoglobin
(C) Ossein
(D) Insulin
(C) Ossein

(ii) Giant squirrel is an example of ………… threatened species, ……………
(A) Endangered
(B) Rare
(C) Vulnerable
(D) Indeterminate
(D) Indeterminate

(iii) Human being belongs to class.
(A) Mammalia
(B) Amphibia
(c) Reptilia
(D) Cyclostomata
(A) Mammalia

(iv) Organs like
(A) Skin
(B) Heart
(C) Lungs
(D) Bones
(B) Heart

(v) Volcano is a ……………..
(A) Social
(B) Political
(C) Biological
(D) Geological
(D) Geological

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(B) Answer the following: [5]

(i) Find the odd one out:
Earthquake, Flooding, Tsunami, War

(ii) State true or false :
Oxidation of proteins is carried out in aerobic respiration.

(iii) Complete the correlation :
Western ghat: Asiatic lion :: Sunderban sanctuary : ……………
Bengal Tiger.

(iv) Which type of fuel is used in thermal power plant ?

(v) Identify the picture and name it.
SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions 1
Laughter club.

Question 2.
(A) Give scientific reasons (any two): [4]
(i) Cell division is one of the important properties of cell and organisms.
Answer :
Cell division is one of the very important properties of cells and living organisms. Due to this property only, a new organism is formed from existing one, a multicellular organism grows up and emaciated body can be restored.

(ii) Cockroach belongs to phylum Arthropoda.
1. Cockroach belongs to phylum Arthropoda because it has jointed appendages which is the characteristic feature of the members belonging to Phylum Arthropoda.
2. It has chitinous exoskeleton.

(iii) Power generation plant based on natural gas is eco-friendly.
Power generation plant based on natural gas is eco-friendly because natural gas does not contain sulphur. So, burning results in less pollution. In power plants, natural gas emits 50 to 60 percent less carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) than regular oil or coal-fired power plants. It also emits greenhouse gases with a lower life cycle into the atmosphere. Thus it is eco-friendly in nature.

(B) Answer the following (any three): [6]

(i) Complete the following diagram.
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(ii) What do we learn from the story of Jadav Molai Payeng ?
1. Mr. Molai single handedly transformed a barren land into forest.
2. It was due to his positive attitude and affection towards nature and hardwork, that he could achieve success in planting trees, in over 1360 acres of land.
3. From the story of Jadhav Molai, we learn that we all need to make earth a better place to live for us as well as for the coming generations.

(iii) Distinguish between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction, (two points)

Asexual reproduction Sexual production
1. Reproduction that occurs with the help of somatic cells is called a sexual reproduction. Reproduction that occurs with the help of two germ cells is called sexual reproduction.
2. This reproduction involves mitosis type of cell division only. This reproduction involves both mitosis and meiosis type of cell division.

(iv) Define genetically modified crops and give any two examples.
Crops developed with desired characters by integrating foreign gene with their genome are called as genetically modified crops. For example, Bt Cotton and Golden rice etc.

(v) What are vitamins ? Write two types of vitamins.
A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micronutrient which an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism. There are six main types of vitamins, e.g. A, B, C, D, E and K. Out of these, A, D, E and K are fat-soluble whereas B and C are water-soluble vitamins.

Question 3.
Answer the following (any five): [15]

(i) Explain the meanings of the following symbols :
(1) SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions 4
Please do not litter. Dispose your waste in dustbin or trashbin.

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Save fuel.

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Save water.

(ii) Write any three characteristics of class reptilia.
The characteristics of class Reptilia are:

  • These are creeping and burrowing terrestrial animals with scales on their body.
  • They are cold-blooded animals found in most of the warmer regions of the world.
  • Their skin is dry and rough, without any glands.

(iii) (1) Which substance is used to produce cheese ?
Cow milk is used to produce cheese.

(2) Which enzyme was used earlier for cheese production ?
Rennet was used earlier for cheese production.

(3) Which enzyme is used to produce vegetarian cheese ?
Protease is used to produce vegetarian cheese.

(iv) (1) Which process is shown in the given diagram ?
Answer :
Stem cell therapy is shown in the given diagram.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(2) What is the importance of this process ?
Answer :
Stem cells represent an exciting area of medicine due to their potential to regenerate and repair damaged tissue. They are very important and some current therapies, such as bone marrow transplantation, already make use of stem cells and their potential for regeneration of damaged tissues.

(3) Which organs can be transplanted by this process ?
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Pair of kidney’s skin from certain parts of body, can be transplanted by this process.

(v) What is meant by disaster ? Write any two examples of each natural and man-made disaster.
The unpredictable, dangerous events which occur many times in the environment are known as disaster.

  • Man made disasters are forest fire, war, etc.
  • Natural disasters are flood, earthquake, etc.

(vi) Write the objection raised against Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
Some of the main objections raised against Darwin’s theory of natural selection were:
1. Natural selection is not the only factor responsible for evolution.
2. Darwin did not mention any explanation about useful and useless modifications.
3. There is no explanation about slow changes and abrupt changes.
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(1) Which process is shown in the above given picture ?
Biofuel process is shown in the above picture.

(2) Give two examples for liquid fuels and solids fuels obtained by this process.
Vegetable oil and alcohol are two examples of liquid fuels and coal and dung are two examples of solid fuels.

(1) Complete the stages in electric generator using wind energy.
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(2) Write limitations in an electric generator using wind energy.
Limitations in an electric generator
1. The speed of the wind is not constant and necessary wind velocity is not available everywhere.
2. It is limited in availability and uncontrollable.
3. The limitation of wind power is that no electricity is produced when the wind is not blowing. Thus, it cannot be used as a dependable source of base load power.

Question 4.
Answer any one of the following: [5]
(i) (a) Sketch and label the essential and accessory whorls of flower.
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(b) What is pollination ?
Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma of the same or another flower.

(c) Give any two examples of agents of pollination.
Examples of agents of pollination are
1. Insect pollination : Bees are the most common and recognised insect pollinators.
2. Bird pollination : Some birds, especially humming birds pollinate plants.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(ii) What will you do ?
(1) You are spending more time on internet.
Designating activities during which the usages of internet or mobile phone should have to be strictly avoided.
Example : During meal, while studying.

(2) Child of your neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing.
I will make him aware about the health problems associated with chewing tobacco like mouth cancer, tooth decay, gum disease etc.

(3) Your sister has become incommunicative.
I will talk to her and try to find out the reason for her aloofness and the stress. I will discuss her problems and will help her to find a solution to her problems.

(4) You have to use free space around your home for good purpose.
I will grow small plants and shrubs, which will beautify the surroundings and also help in reducing the carbon dioxide levels, thus preventing the air pollution.

(5) Your brother studying in XII has developed the stress.
I will talk to him and try to understand whether the stress is due to studies or something else is bothering him. I will also try to find out the solution of his problems.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper with Solutions

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