SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Science 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions Answers Pdf Download.

SSC Science 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 40

General Instructions:

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.
  3. In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A)] only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.
  4. Scientifically and technically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.
  5. Each new question should be started on the new page.

Question 1.
(A) Choose and write correct option number as answer: [5]

(i) Regeneration occurs in …………….
(A) amoeba
(B) paramoecium
(C) euglena
(D) planaria
(D) planaria
Explanation: Planaria breaks up its body into two parts and thereafter each part regenerates remaining part of the body and thus two new planaria are formed.

(ii) Lactobacillus brevis gives us the beverage
(A) cocoa
(B) coffee
(C) wine
(D) cider
(B) coffee
Explanation: Lactobacillus brevis is a micro-organism used to separate seed from the fruit of coffea arabica and gives us the beverage called coffee.

(iii) A minor change occurs due to change in position of any nucleotide is termed as ……………..
(A) transcription
(B) translocation
(C) mutation
(D) translation
(C) mutation
Explanation: In mutation, any nucleotide of the gene changes its position that causes a minor change.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(iv) Atomic power plant in Maharashtra is ………………
(A) Chandrapur
(B) Koyana
(C) Tarapur
(D) Anjanwel
(C) Tarapur
Explanation: Tarapur is known for its nuclear power facility that serves as a site for nuclear energy production in Maharashtra.

(v) Example of phylum Arthropoda is
(A) scorpion
(B) starfish
(C) earthworm
(D) hydra
(A) scorpion
Explanation: Scorpion is an example of phylum arthropoda. It has general characteristics of phylum arthropoda such as jointed appendages, bilaterally symmetry and chitinous exoskeleton.

(B) Solve the following :
(i) Pick the odd one out:
duckbill platypus, pomfret, lungfish, peripatus.
odd one out – peripatus
Because others are examples of vertebrates.

(ii) Write co-relation :
Skin : Melanin : : Pancreas : ………….
Skin : Melanin : : Pancreas : Insulin

(iii) State, true or false :
Production of various useful aquatic organisms with the help of water is called blue revolution.

(iv) Write full form of WHO.
World Health Organisation

(v) Match the pair:
Tablee 1
Tablee 2

Question 2.
(A) Give scientific reasons (any two) : [4]

(i) Though tortoise lives on land as well as in water, it cannot be included in class amphibia.

  • Tortoise creeps on land as it cannot lift its body up.
  • Unlike amphibians, the skin of tortoise is dry and scaly.
  • Neck is absent in amphibians but in tortoise, neck is present between the head and trunk.
  • The digits of tortoise have claws, which are absent in amphibians.
  • Thus, tortoise cannot be included in class amphibia though it lives on land as well as in water and is included in class reptilia. (Any two)

(ii) Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind energy are called renewable energies.

  • The sources of energy which are being produced continuously in nature and are inexhaustible are called renewable sources of energy.
  • Hydroelectric energy, solar energy, wind energy are produced from energy sources like water, sunlight and wind respectively that are produced continuously in nature and will not get depleted.

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(iii) We feel tired after exercise.

  • While heavy exercising the muscle cells start to perform anaerobic respiration.
  • During anaerobic respiration in muscle cells, lactic acid accumulates in the body.
  • Lactic acid accumulation is a result of the fermentation process, during which glucose is broken down by anaerobic respiration, forming organic acids.
  • Also, the production of ATP is comparatively less than aerobic during anaerobic respiration.
    Hence, we feel tired after exercise. (Any two)

(B) Answer any three of the following : [6]

(i) Write four adverse effects of radiations on human body.

  • Cancerous ulceration occurs due to higher radiation of X-rays.
  • Tissues in the body are destroyed.
  • Genetic changes occur.
  • Vision is adversely affected.

(ii) Redraw and complete the given chart.
SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 1
SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 2

(iii) Write any four important facts which must be thought over while considering the scope of disaster.

  • Pre-disaster phase
  • Warning phase
  • Emergency phase
  • Rehabilitation phase
  • Recovery phase
  • Reconstruction phase
    (Any four)

(iv) Name two fuels obtained by microbial processes. Why is it necessary to increase the use of such fuels?

  • Methane, ethanol, hydrogen gas, etc. are fuels obtained by microbial processes.
  • It is necessary to increase the usage of such fuels in order to reduce exhaustion of fossil fuels.
  • When methane is burnt less amount of smog-forming pollutants, toxic contaminants and gases are generated.
  • Ethane is clean fuel. It is obtained during fermentation of molasses by saccharomyces (yeast).

(v) What is DNA fingerprinting? Where is it mainly useful?
DNA sequence pattern of every individual is unique as that of the fingerprints.
Due to this, the identity of a person can be established with the help of DNA sample. This is called as DNA fingerprinting.
Uses of DNA fingerprinting:
(1) At a crime scene, any source of DNA found can be used to establish the identity of the criminals.
(2) Also, paternity testing or the identity of a child’s parent can be established using DNA fingerprinting.

Question 3.
Answer any five: [15]

(i) (a) What are vitamins?
(b) Classify them according to their solubility.
(c) Give one example of each type as per above classification.
(a) Vitamins are a group of heterogeneous compounds which are essential for the proper operation of various life processes.
(b) Vitamins can be classified into two types:

  • Water soluble vitamins: These vitamins cannot be stored in body, the excess amount is excreted in urine and significant amount of vitamins need to be consumed regularly.
  • Fat soluble vitamins: They are absorbed with fat and stored in fatty tissue and liver.

(c) Water soluble : B, C
Fat soluble : A, D, E, K

SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(ii) Explain the following terms :
(a) Stem cells
(b) Cloning
(c) Genetically modified crops.
(a) Stem cells: These are specialised cells that give rise to all other types of cells present in the body of multicellular organisms.
(b) Cloning: It is the process of production of replica of any cell or organ or an entire organism. Fusion of a nucleus of somatic cell with the enucleated ovum to form a complete new organism is known as reproductive cloning.
(c) Genetically modified crops: Crops developed with desired character by integrating foreign gene with the help of genetic engineering are called as genetically modified crops, e.g., Bt cotton, Bt Brinjal.

(iii) Complete the given paragraph by filling the blank spaces from the options given in the bracket.
[oxygen, pyridines, mechanical, CO2, petroleum, fatal, polyester, norcadia]

Spilling of …………….. oil occurs in ocean due to various reasons. This oil may prove …………….. and toxic to aquatic organisms. It is not easy to remove the oil layer from surface of water by …………….. method.
However, bacteria like Pseudomonas spp. and Alcanivorax borkumensis have to ability to …………….. destroy the and other chemicals. Hence, these bacteria are used to clear the oil spills.
These are called as hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB). HCB decompose the hydrocarbons and bring about the reaction of carbon with …………….. . …………….. and water is formed in this process.
Spilling of petroleum oil occurs in ocean due to various reasons. This oil may prove fatal and toxic to aquatic organisms. It is not easy to remove the oil layer from surface of water by mechanical method.
However, bacteria like Pseudomonas spp. and Alcanivorax borkumensis have the ability to destroy the pyridines and other chemicals. Hence, these bacteria are used to clear the oil spills. These are called as hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB). HCB decompose the hydrocarbons and bring about the reaction of carbon with oxygen. CO2 and water is formed in this process.

(iv) Observe the given picture and answer the questions.
(a) Identify the given diagram.
(b) What is the source of energy in this project?
(c) Why this source is supposed to be ecofriendly?
(a) The given diagram is of wind mill.
(b) Wind is used as the source of energy in this process.
(c) This source is eco-friendly because it is renewable source of energy and does not emitt harmful substances or pollutants.

(v) Complete the following chart:
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solutions

(vi) Write names of any six materials which are to be in the first-aid box.
Materials in first-aid box are:
(1) Hand gloves
(2) Antiseptic
(3) Scissor
(4) Bandages
(5) Band aids
(6) Medicated cotton

(vii) (a) Define vestigial organs.
(b) Write names of any two vestigial organs in the human body. .
(c) Write name of those animals in which these vestigial organs are functional.
(a) Degenerated or undevloped, useless organs of organisms are called as vestigial organs.
(b) Vestigial organs in humans are: 1. Appendix, 2. Wisdom teeth, 3. Ear pinna, 4. Tail-bone, (Any two)
(c) (1) Appendix is fully functional in ruminants for digestion of cellulose.
(2) Ear pinna is useful in many animals like rabbits, cows, horses, etc.

(viii)Read the statements and answer accordingly:
(a) Calcareous spines are present on the body. Tube feet are used for locomotion and capturing prey also.
→ Identify the phylum and give one example.
(b) I live in your small intestine. Pseudocoelom is present in my thread like body.
→ Identify the phylum and give one example.
(c) My body is spindle shaped. I respire with the help of gills.
→ Identify my class and give one example.
(a) Phylum – Echinodermata
Example: Starfish, sea cucumber, sea urchin, brittle star, etc.
(b) Phylum – Aschelminthes
Example: Ascaris, Loa-Loa, Filarial worm, etc.
(c) Class – Pisces
Example: Shark, Rohu fish, Pomfret, Sting ray, etc.

Question 4.
Answer any one: [5]

(i) Answer the following questions based on human male reproductive system:
(a) In which organ sperms are formed?
(b) What is the length of a sperm?
(c) What is the work of vas deferens?
(d) By which type of cell division, sperms are formed?
(e) Name any two unpaired organs of male reproductive system.
(a) Testes
(b) 60 micrometres
(c) Vas deferens transports mature sperm from the epididymis to urethra.
(d) Meiosis type of cell division by which sperms are formed.
(e) Prostate gland, penis.

(ii) Answer the following questions based on environmental conservation and biodiversity: (a) Complete the flow chart: [2]
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper 2024 with Solutions 6
(1) Protecting the rare species of organisms.
(2) Establishing national parks and sanctuaries.
(3) Conserving all plants and animals.
(4) Observing the biodiversity protection rules.
(5) Declaring some regions are ‘bioreserves’.
(6) Projects for conservation of special species.
(7) Maintaining record of traditional knowledge.

(iii) How can biodiversity be conserved ? Give any four points. Complete the flow chart:
Colour of the pages in Red List of Endangered Species.
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Colour of the pages in red list of endangered species.
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SSC Maharashtra Board Science 2 Question Paper with Solutions

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