SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

SSC Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time allowed : 2 Hours
Maximum Marks : 40

General Instructions:
(1) All questions/activities are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) For Q. No. 4(A) use supplied outline map of Brazil and tie it to your answer book.
(4) For Q. No. 6(A) use the graph paper supplied to you and attach it to the main answer-book.
(5) Use of stencil is allowed for drawing map.
(6) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
(7) Answers should be written in Black or Blue ink only. Answers written with pencil will not be considered.
(8) Use of Pencil/Colour Pencil is allowed for drawing diagrams, sketches and map work.

Question 1.
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences : (4)
(1) In the swampy areas of Pantanal ___________ are found.
(i) condor
(ii) pink dolphins
(iii) huge anacondas
(iv) macaws
(iii) huge anacondas

(2) On the distribution of population ___________ factor affects.
(i) physiographic
(ii) sex ratio
(iii) literacy
(iv) life expectancy
(i) physiographic

(3) The most common method of transportation in Brazil is ___________ .
(i) airways
(ii) waterways
(iii) roadways
(iv) railways
(iii) roadways

(4) We should carry ___________ for a field visit to collect information.
(i) chair
(ii) blackboard
(iii) water bottle
(iv) questionnaire
(iv) questionnaire

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers

Question 2.
Choose the odd one out: (4)
(1) Coastal states in Brazil
(i) Rio de Janeiro
(ii) Paraiba
(iii) Amapa
(iv) Acre
(iv) Acre

(2) Region with very high rainfall in India
(i) Western part of Rajasthan
(ii) Western ghats
(iii) Meghalaya Plateau
(iv) Arunachal Pradesh
(i) Western part of Rajasthan

(3) Tributary of river Amazon.
(i) Paru river
(ii) Purus river
(iii) Parana river
(iv) Juruika river
(iii) Parana river

(4) Animals found in the Peninsular region of India.
(i) Indian Bisons
(ii) Deer
(iii) Antelopes
(iv) Yaks
(iv) Yaks

Question 3.
Write short notes (any two): (4)
(1) Retreating monsoon
(i) India receives rainfall from the South-West Monsoon winds.
(ii) These winds blow from the south-west towards the north-eastern part of India.
(iii) The Himalayas act as an obstruction to these monsoon winds.
(iv) Subsequently, the monsoon winds blow back towards the Indian Ocean, signalling the start of the Retreating Monsoon season in India.

(2) Deciduous forests of India
(i) Vegetation in a region is affected by the climate and rainfall of the region.
(ii) India lies in the tropical zone and it has a monsoon type climate.
(iii) Deciduous forests are found in regions receiving rainfall between 1000 mm to 2000 mm in India. In dry season, trees shed their leaves so that water is not lost due to evaporation.
(iv) Teak, Bamboo, Banyan, Peepal, etc. are the trees found in deciduous forests of India.

(3) Historical background of Brazil
(i) Brazil was under Portuguese rule for more than three centuries. Brazil gained its independence in 1822.
(ii) From 1930 to 1985, for more than a half century, it was under a populist military government.
(iii) Brazil faced global financial difficulties in the late 20th century.
(iv) In spite of facing financial problems, Brazil is seen as a contributor to economic growth of the world and an important market in the future.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers

Question 4.
(A) Mark the following in the outline map of Brazil. Write the names and give index (any four): (4)
(1) Highest peak in Brazil
(2) Sao Francisco river
(3) Marajo island
(4) Pampas
(5) Equator
(6) Capital of Brazil
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers 1

(B) Observe the map of India and answer the following questions (any four):
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers 2
(1) What is the title and subtitle of the map?
The title of the map is India and the subtitle of the map is National Highways and Major Ports.

(2) Which part has more density of roadways?
The southern part of India has more density of roadways.

(3) Name two parts to the western coast.
Kandla and Porbandar are the two parts to the western coast.

(4) Name the highway that connects Porbandar and Silchar.
East-West Highway connects Porbandar and Silchar.

(5) Name the island near Kolkata.
New Moore Island is the Island near Kolkata.

Question 5.
Give geographical reasons (any two): (6)
(1) Vegetation is scarce in the high altitude of Himalayas.
As the altitude increases, the temperature decreases. The climate becomes very cold at high altitudes. In Jammu and Kashmir as well as some parts of the Himalayas, temperature can drop to – 40°C. Very few species of plants can survive under such extreme conditions. Only seasonally flowering trees are found at higher altitudes. Hence, vegetatipn is scarce in the high altitudes of the Himalayas.

(2) Tropical cyclones occur rarely in Brazil.
In the coastal regions near the equator in Brazil, differences in temperatures are negligible. The winds move in the vertical direction in this region. Similarly, the convergence zone ot the trade winds is weak here. As a result, cyclones are not formed. That is why tropical cyclones occur rarely in Brazil.

(3) Settlements become sparse as we move towards the Amazon river basin.
(i) The interior part of the Amazon river basin has:
(a) A very unfavourable hot and humid climate.
(b) Jieavy rainfall (nearly 2000 mm).
(c) Dense equatorial rainforests.
(ii) Transportation is not well developed in the Amazon river basin.
(iii) Human settlements in a particular place depend on factors like the physical geography, availability of economic opportunities, transport facilities, government policies, etc.
(iv) Availability of water is a major factor affecting human settlements. Due to the reasons cited above, settlements become sparse as we move towards the Amazon river basin.

(4) Fishing plays an important role in the economy of India.
India has a long coastline of about 7500 kms which is favourable for fishing activities. There are two types of fishing – Marine fishing and Inland fishing. In India, both types of fishing have been developed. Major fishes on the western coast are Sardines, Mackerel, Bombay Duck and Prawns. Fishing is an important activity for the economy of India as it helps in augmenting food supply, raising nutritional levels, generating employment and earning foreign exchange. Hence, fishing plays an important role in the economy of India.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers

Question 6.
(A) With the help of given statistical data, prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following questions: (6)
Trend of Urbanisation in India (1961 to 2011)

Years Percentage of Urban Population
1961 18.0
1971 18.2
1981 23.3
1991 25.7
2001 27.8
2011 31.2

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers 3

(1) What was the percentage of urbanisation in the year 1961?
In the year 1961, the percentage of urbanisation was 18%.

(2) In which decade was the growth of urbanisation lowest?
In decade 1961-1971, the growth of urbanisation was the lowest.

(3) What was the percentage of urbanisation in the year 1991?
In 1991, the percentage of urbanisation was 25-7%.


(B) Read the graph and answer the following questions : (6)
India and Brazil
Contribution of sectors in national income and percentage of population engaged in the sector

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers 4


(1) Name the sectors mentioned in the graph.
The sectors mentioned in the graph are primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

(2) Which sector contributes the highest in National income in India?
Tertiary sector contributes the highest in national income in India.

(3) How much per cent of population is engaged in primary sector in Brazil?
10% population is engaged in primary sector in Brazil.

(4) Out of given two countries, the share of primary sector to the national income is less.
The share of primary sector to the national income is less in Brazil.

(5) Which country’s contribution of tertiary sector to the national income is less?
India’s contribution of tertiary sector to the national income is less.

(6) In which sector 19% population of Brazil is engaged?
19% population of Brazil is engaged in secondary sector.

Question 7.
Answer in detail (any two): (8)
(1) Prepare a questionnaire for a field visit to a factory.
(i) Which products are manufactured in the factory?
(ii) What are the raw materials used to make the final product?
(iii) Where does the raw material come from?
(iv) In which market is the final product sold?
(v) How many people are employed in the factory?
(vi) Do you have shifts for your employees?
(vii) What safety measures do you adopt for your staff?
(viii) What precautions have been taken to prevent or reduce environmental pollution?

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2024 with Answers

(2) Give information of the coastal region of Brazil.
(i) Brazil has a coastline of about 7400 km.
(ii) The northern coast extends from Amapa province in the north to Rio Grande do Norte in the east.
(iii) The northern coast is characterised by mouths of many rivers including the Amazon.
(iv) The northern coast is a low-lying region, The Marajo island, Marajo and Sao Marcos Bays lie on this coast.
(v) Marajo is a large coastal island located between the mouth of River Amazon and River Tocantins.
(vi) The eastern coast receives large number of smaller rivers. The only major river that meets the Atlantic Ocean here is Sao Francisco.
(vii) The Brazilian coast is characterised by a large number of beaches and sand dune complexes.
(viii) The Brazilian coast is protected in some areas by coral reefs and atoll islands.

(3) Which factors affect the.distribution of population of India?
The human settlements in a particular place depend on factors like physical geography, availability of economic opportunities, transport facilities, government policies, etc. Availability of. water is a major factor affecting human settlements. Water is required for survival of living beings for purposes like drinking, working, agriculture, washing, industries, etc. The ancient settlements of India in Varanasi, Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Paithan developed in river basins. The factors mentioned above affect the distribution of population in India.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper with Answers

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