SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

SSC Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

Time allowed : 2 Hours
Maximum marks : 40

General Instructions:
(1) All questions/activities are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) For Q. No. 4(a) use supplied outline map of Brazil and tie it to your answer-book.
(4) For Q. No. 6(a) use the graph paper supplied toyou and attach it to the main answer book.
(5) Use of stencil is allowed for drawing map.
(6) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
(7) Answers should be written in Black and Blue ink only.
(8) Use of pencil! colour pencil is allowed for diagrams, sketches and map work.
(9) Answers written in pencils will not be considered.

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences, by choosing the appropriate alternatives from those given and rewrite the sentences in your answer book: (4)
(1) Brazil is covered mainly by …………..
(i) Highlands
(ii) Plains
(iii) Mountainous regions
(iv) Dissected hills
(i) Brazil is covered mainly by Highlands.

(2) India’s climate is of ………….. type.
(i) Humid
(ii) Monsoon
(iii) Equatorial
(iv) Cold
(ii) India’s climate is of Monsoon type.

(3) Teak is mainly found in the ………….. type of forest.
(i) Coastal
(ii) Thorny and bush
(iii) Deciduous
(iv) Coniferous
(iii) Teak is mainly found in the Decidous type of forest.

(4) Brazil is the largest exporter of ………….. in the world.
(i) Mineral oil
(ii) Tea
(iii) Bajra
(iv) Coffee
(iv) Brazil is the largest exporter of Coffee in the world.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers

Question 2.
Find the odd one out: (4)
(1) States in India :
(i) Madhya Pradesh
(ii) Maharashtra
(iii) Meghalaya
(iv) Maranhao
(iv) Maranhao

(2) With reference to flora of India :
(i) Deodar
(ii) Anjan
(iii) Orchid
(iv) Banyan
(iii) Orchid

(3) Members of BRICS :
(i) Brazil
(ii) India
(iii) China
(iv) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Saudi Arabia

(4) Favourable factors affecting population distribution :
(i) Nearness to sea
(ii) Lack of roads
(iii) Cultivable land
(iv) New cities and towns
(ii) Lack of roads

Question 3.
State whether the sentences are right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence (any four): (4)
(1) During field visit, vegetation is not the indicator of difference in precipitation.
(2) The river Ganga originates from the Yamunotri glacier.
(3) Brazil is mainly located in the Southern hemisphere.
(4) The western part of Brazil is densely populated.
(5) Like the Indian economy, the Brazilian economy is also of mixed type.
(1) Wrong — During field visit, vegetation is the indicator of difference in precipitation.
(2) Wrong — The river Ganga originates from the Gangotri glacier.
(3) Right
(4) Wrong — The western part of Brazil is sparsely populated.
(5) Right

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers

Question 4.
(a) Mark the following in the outline map of Brazil supplied to you, write the names and give index (any four): (4)
(1) Marajo Island
(2) Pico-De-Neblina
(3) Pantanal Wetland
(4) Drought Quadrilateral
(5) Caatinga
(6) Golden Lion-Tamarin.
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers 2

(b) Observe the given map and answer the questions given below it (any four): (4)
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers 1
(1) What does the map show?
(2) Name any two airports in the eastern coast.
(3) In which states, railway routes do not exist?
(4) Name the Southernmost railway station of India.
(5) Which is the important railway station on the route of Mumbai-Mangalore?
(6) Name the Northernmost airport of India.
1. The map shows important railway routes and airport in India.
2. Vishakhapatnam and Chennai are the two airports in the eastern coast of India.
3. There are no railway routes in the state of Meghalaya.
4. Kanyakumari is the Southernmost railway station of India.
5. Vasco da Gama is the important railway station on the route of Mumbai- Mangalore.
6. Delhi is the Northernmost airport of India.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers

Question 5.
Give geographical reasons for the following (any two): (6)
(1) There are fewer natural ports on the eastern coast of India.
(2) The evergreen rain forests in Brazil are rightly called the ‘Lungs of the world’.
(3) Settlements are sparse in north-eastern Brazil.
(4) A dense network of railways has developed in the North Indian plains.
(1) The eastern coasts are emergent or shallow, so the bigger ships cannot enter close to the land, which causes inconvenience to load and unload materials. The eastern rivers form deltas. As a result, the ships can enter and leave only during tides. So, there are fewer natural ports on the eastern coast of India.

(2) Evergreen forests are found in the regions where there is heavy rainfall throughout the year. Due to the evergreen rainforests in Brazil, large amount of oxygen is released in the environment. This reduces the carbon dioxide levels in the environment. Therefore, evergreen rainforests in Brazil are called the ‘Lungs of the world’.

(3) The thick equatorial rainforest zones are in the north-east. There are limitations on use and exploitation of natural resources. Transport facilities are very poor in the region due to poor infrastructural facilities. The climate here is unhealthy and unfit for settlement. So, settlements are sparse in North-eastern Brazil.

(4) Railway network is relatively less dense in the hilly states in the north and north-east, in the central parts of India and the desert area of Rajasthan, while it is dense in the North Indian pla’ins due to its vast levelled land, industrialisation, high population density and urbanisation, rich agricultural resources due to fertile soil and plenty of water resources.

Question 6.
(a) With the help of given statistical data prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following questions: (6)
India—Trend of Urbanisation

Years Percentage of Urban Population
1961 18.0
1971 18.2
1981 23.3
1991 25.7
2001 27.8
2011 31.2

(1) What is the interval of the data?
(2) Which decade shows slow rate of urbanisation?
(3) Which decade shows high rate of urbanisation?
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers 5


(b) Observe the following graphs and answer the questions given below them:
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers 3
(1) What do the above graphs show?
(2) Which country has highest male population?
(3) Which country has highest female population?
(4) Which country has rapid increase in female population after 2001?
(5) What was the female population in India in 1961?
(6) Which country has more than 1000 female population?
SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers 4
(a) (1) The interval of the data is ten years.
(2) The decade 1961 to 1971 shows slow rate of urbanisation.
(3) The decade 2001 and 2011 shows high rate of urbanisation.
(b) (1) The above graphs show the sex ratio of Brazil and India.
(2) India has highest male population.
(3) Brazil has highest female population.
(4) Brazil has rapid increase in female population after 2001.
(5) The female population was 940 in India in 1961.
(6) Brazil has more than 1000 female population.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper 2019 with Answers

Question 7.
Answer the following questions in detail (any two): (8)
(1) How will you manage the litter during the field visit?
(2) How are Brazil and India different from each other in terms of location?
(3) Write the factors affecting climate of Brazil.
(4) What are the similarities and differences in the fishing activities in Brazil and India?
(1) It is our social responsibility to ensure that the cleanliness and sanctity of the place of visit. The main objective of a field visit is to gain information and we must ensure that we do not throw trash or litter around us. We must use the dustbins for throwing empty packets of snacks, empty water bottles, left-over food items, etc. Also, we must try to segregate dry and wet waste. We must carry huge garbage bags and use them to collect trash in absence of a dustbin.

(2) India is located in the northern and the eastern hemispheres whereas Brazil is located in the western and the southern hemispheres. India is located in the Asian continent whereas Brazil is located in the South American continent. India has the Arabian Sea to its west, Indian Ocean to its south and Bay of Bengal to its east whereas Brazil has the Atlantic Ocean to its northern and eastern coasts.

(3) As Brazil has vast latitudinal extent, it experiences wide range of climatic variations. Brazil gets rainfall from the South-East trade winds and the North-East trade winds. Parts of the Brazilian highlands extend up to the northern coast. The escarpments act as obstruction to the winds coming from the sea and cause orographic type of rainfall in the coastal region.

Beyond the highlands, the effect of these winds gets reduced. As a result, the rainfall is minimal. Considering the temperatures in Brazil, the northern part of Brazil is hot, while the temperatures in the southern part are comparatively lower. Near the equator at Brazilian coasts, temperature does not vary much. In the coastal regions, near the equator differences in temperatures are negligible. The winds move in the vertical direction in this region. Similarly, the convergence zone of the trade winds is weak here. That is why tropical cyclones rarely visit coasts of Brazil.

(4) Similarities in the fishing activities in Brazil and India:
Both the countries have a long coastline and marine fishing is well-developed. Fishing is important in both the counties as it helps in augmenting food supply, generating employment and earning foreign exchange.

Differences in fishing activities in Brazil and India :
Marine fishing and inland fishing are the two types of fishing. In Brazil, marine fishing is undertaken on a large scale. Inland fishing is not developed here even though there are a large number of rivers in Brazil.

In India, inland fishing is undertaken on a large scale and marine fishing is undertaken on a small scale.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper with Answers

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