Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer

Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.

Std 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer Pdf

7th English 1.5 Children are Going to School Warming Up Answers

Question 1.
Think of the following everyday occasions. Describe what you experience in your surroundings using atleast two of your five senses. Describe your emotions / feelings along with your sensory experience.
Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer 1


  • Very early morning — before sunrise
  • Early morning — at or a little after sunrise
  • At the time of School Prayer and Assembly
  • Lunch time — at home or at a function
  • On the playground — before sunset, at sunset
  • Bedtime

Some useful words:

  • strong wind
  • pitch dark
  • dark
  • cold
  • bells
  • noise
  • noble
  • light breeze
  • hot
  • horns
  • quiet
  • free
  • bright sunlight
  • pleasant
  • warm
  • whistles
  • serene
  • delicious, etc.
  • hot sun
  • cool
  • birds chirping
  • sweet sounds
  • nice, etc.


  • Very early morning — before sunrise : see the dark surroundings feel the cool breeze
  • Early morning — at or a little after sunrise : see the bright sunlight hear the birds chirping
  • At the time of School Prayer and Assembly : feel the pleasant warm sunrays hear the sweet sound of prayer
  • Lunch time — at home or at a function : smell the delicious food hear the loud noise of everyone around
  • On the playground — before sunset, at sunset : feel the strong winds see the beautiful sky before sunset
  • Bed time : feel the cool, light breeze hear the sweet sound of a lullaby

Question 2.
What do you see on your way to school everyday? List at least five of the places or people.
Five things that I see on my way to school everyday are:

  1. the vegetable vendor
  2. the traffic police
  3. shops by the road
  4. bus stop
  5. a garden

Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer

1.5 Children are Going to School English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
Read the poem aloud.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]

Question 2.
Find at least two things from the extract that show that it is early morning.
(a) It is early morning.
(b) The atmosphere is pleasant.
(a) Two things from the extract that show that it is early morning are:

  1. The morning light spreads over the earth.
  2. The sun waits and smiles on one side of the road after taking his morning dip in the river.

(b) Two things from the extract that show that the atmosphere is pleasant are:

  1. The breeze blows and sings songs of blessings.
  2. Every particle of the earth is up and alive.

Question 3.
Apart from the children, no other human beings are mentioned in the poem. However, many natural elements are shown to act like persons. Write what each of them does:
The Sky ………..
The Sun …………
Breezes ………
Fragrant Flowers ……….
The Peepal …………
Every particle of the Earth ………….
• Why are these written with a capital letter at the beginning?
The Sky — The sky bows his head in respect for the children, who are going to school.
Thé Sun — The sun takes a dip in the river, dresses up, waits on one side of the road and smiles at the children who are going to school.
Breezes — Breezes sing their songs of blessings.
Fragrant flowers — Fragrant flowers awaken the sleepy roads with their sweet fragrance.
The Peepal — The Peepal waves at the children, who are going to school.
Every particle of the Earth — Every particle of the Earth throbs like a mother’s heart.

• These words are written with a capital letter at the beginning to make them look like proper nouns. It is done to treat them like a person.

Question 4.
What does Time do? What do we understand from his action?
Time sits on an old roof and flies pigeons in the sky. We understand from his action that time asks the pigeons to begin a new day and a new journey early in the morning.

Question 5.
The whole world is happy because children are going to school. Why is it so? Discuss it in the classroom.
Attending school helps a child in different ways such as:

  1. To develop good habits
  2. To gain knowledge
  3. To communicate and make friends iv. To turn into responsible human beings

Hence, the whole world rejoices when children go to school because everyone knows that attending school would benefit the child and the society alike.

Question 6.
If you were to draw a picture of the scene described here, what colours will you use? Mention the objects and the colours using lines from the poem and your imagination.
Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer 2
sky — blue
sun — yellow
river — blue and yellow
road — black
tree — brown and green
flowers — pink, red, purple, yellow
pigeon — gray

Question 7.
Try to translate a few lines of your favourite song or poem from your mother tongue into English.
मज आवडते मनापासूनी शाळा ।
लाविते लळा ही जसा माऊली बाळा ।।
हासऱ्या फुलांचा बाग जसा आनंदी ।
तशीच शाळा, मुले इथे स्वच्छंदी ।। – कवी प्र. के. अत्रे (केशवकुमार)

I love school with all my heart.
It (school) loves like a mother loves her child.
Joyous like a garden full of smiling flowers,
That is how this school is, the children are carefree here.

Question 8.
List all the verbs in the poem that have the suffix ‘-s’
spreads, bows, waits, smiles

Question 9.
Write in two minutes, at least twenty words related to the given word.
• school
• road
• tree
• school — classroom, teacher, student, pencil, books, studies, playground, assembly,
headmistress, blackboard, fun, desks, tiffin, recess, annual day, education, examination, test, marks, bench …
• road — way, travel, vehicles, signal, crossroad, footpath, zebra crossing, barriers, dividers, signboards, traffic, transport, narrow, wide, uphill, tar, cement, journey, trip, highway
• tree — green, leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, nest, roots, forest, lush, oxygen, depleting, old, shadow, huge, golden, bark, wood, house, top, under …
[Note: Students can add more examples to the above list.]

Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer

Oral Work

Tell words beginning with each letter of the following words.
Example : TIME – tea, ice cream, mouse, engine

  • light
  • earth
  • turban
  • sleepy
  • pigeons


  • light — lemon, intelligent, gate, house, thirsty
  • earth — ear, atmosphere, run, truth, heart
  • turban — table, umbrella, rat, balloon, angel, night
  • sleepy — star, lamp, elephant, east, prize, yatch
  • pigeons — park, indoor, grand, excite, onions, nature, ship

7th Class English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Questions and Answers

Summative Assessment

Read the extract from line 1 to 8 on page 24 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Morning light ……going to school.”]

Question 1.
Find an adjective used to describe the sun from the extract.

Question 2.
The sun is wearing a ………. (Fill in the blank)
golden muslin turban

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 3.
Where are the children going?
The children are going to school.

Question 4.
What time is being described in the extract?
The morning time, just after the sunrise, is being described in this extract.

Question 5.
How is the sun dressed?
The sun is dressed up in his golden muslin turban and smiles while waiting on one side of the road in the morning.

Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Children are Going to School Question Answer

Read the extract from line 9 to 24 on page 24 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Through the green-topped ………. going to school.”]

Do as directed.

Question 6.
Find a word from the extract that means ‘fairies’.

Question 7.
Write the opposite of ‘barren’ from the extract.

List all the verbs in the poem that have the suffix ‘-s’.
spreads, bows, waits, smiles, waves, throbs, flies

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 8.
Who stands at the corner of the lane?
A lush green peepal tree stands at the corner of the road.

Question 9.
What has the poet compared ‘every particle of the earth’ to?
The poet has compared ‘every particle of the earth’ to a mother’s heart.

Children are Going to School Glossary

Words Meanings
a-gleam (adj) shining brightly  (एक चमकदार किरण)
foliage (n) greenery, leafy cover (पर्णाच्छादित, घनदाट हिरव्यागार पानांचे आच्छादन)
fragrant (adj) having a pleasant smell  (सुवासिक, आल्हाददायक)
lush (adj) in great quantity  (समृद्ध, विपुल)
melodies (n) sweet music  (मंजुळ, सुमधुर)
muslin (n) a kind of soft cotton fabric (मलमल, मऊ सुती कापड)
throbs (v) to beat strongly and rapidly (ठोके पडणे)
turban (n) a headgear made of cloth (पगडी)

Children are Going to School Paraphrase

‘Children are going to school…’ ही कविता निदा फाजली यांनी लिहीली आहे. फाजली हे हिंदी आणि उर्दु भाषेतील प्रमुख कवी होत. त्यांना ‘राष्ट्रीय ऐक्य’ आणि ‘पद्मश्री’ या पुरस्कारांनी सन्मानित करण्यात आले आहे. या कवितेत सकाळी मुले जेव्हा शाळेसाठी जात असतात त्या वेळच्या सुंदर वातावरणाचे वर्णन केले आहे.

कवी म्हणतो, भल्या सकाळी आकाश आपले शीर (डोके) झुकवून शाळेत जाण्यासाठी सज्ज (तयार) असलेल्या मुलांचा आदर करते.
नदीमधून उगवणारा सोनेरी सूर्य, आकाशात वरवर चढतो आणि रस्त्यांच्या बाजूने हसून मुलांना अभिवादन करतो. हिरव्यागार वृक्षांवरून वाहणारी वाऱ्याची झुळूक आशीर्वाद दिल्यासारखा शांत आवाज काढत जाते आणि गोड सुगंधित फुलांनी निर्माण केलेल्या प्रसन्न वातावरणाने झोपलेले रस्ते जागे होतात.

गल्लीच्या कोपऱ्यात असलेले बहरलेले / टवटवीत पिंपळाचे झाडही शाळेत जाणाऱ्या मुलांना अभिवादन करते.
शेवटच्या काही ओळींमध्ये कवी म्हणतो, “भल्या सकाळी प्रकाशाचे दूत सभोवती उभे असल्याप्रमाणे रस्त्याचा प्रत्येक कानाकोपरा प्रकाशाने व्यापून जातो आणि आईच्या हृदयाप्रमाणे पृथ्वीचा कणकण आनंदाने कंपित होतो / थरारून उठतो.

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