Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer

Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.

Std 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer Pdf

7th English 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Warming Up Answers

• Have you ever been told not to do certain things? Did you stop doing that immediately? Or did you continue to do the same anyway?
Make a list of your ‘don’ts’ in groups of five, discuss the list and complete the following table.
Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer 2
Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer 3

• When you write something or paint something or make something, do you want others to see it? Discuss the reasons for your answer.
Whenever I write something I do not want others to see it as I write for myself. Often, it so happens that my writings talk about the feelings that I don’t want anybody to know and then form an opinion about it. Thus, I prefer keeping my writings to myself.

3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
Present any two stanzas of the poem using proper intonation.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]

Question 2.
Find the pairs of rhyming words used in each stanza.
me-see, play-away, nice-twice, line-mine

Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer

Question 3.
Think and answer :

(a) The poet is telling someone not to read the poem. Who is that someone?
The poet is telling the readers to not read the poem.

(b) What did you feel when you read the line ‘Please don’t read this poem’?
When I read the line ‘Please don’t read this poem’, I felt like reading the poem.

(c) Does the poet really want you to stop reading the poem?
No, the poet does not want us to stop reading the poem. In fact, he wants everybody to read the poem.

(d) What does the poet mean when he says, “Tell all your friends and family they shouldn’t read it too.”
When the poet says, “Tell all your friends and family they shouldn’t read it too.”, he means that the readers should tell their close-ones to not read the poem. He says so because he knows that saying this would make them curious about it and that they would surely read it.

(e) What situation do the following lines remind you of –
‘Put the poem down now and slowly back away’.
The line ‘Put the poem down now and slowly back away’ reminds me of the situation where a policeman tells a person, who is armed to put his / her weapon down and to back away.

Question 4.
Decide whether the following things are right or wrong. Give reasons for your answer.

(a) Reading someone else’s letter
Reading someone else’s letter is wrong as it is meant for the person it is sent to and it might contain personal information that is not known to anyone else, except for the sender and the receiver. Thus, it is not right to read someone else’s letter.

(b) Reading someone else’s diary
Reading someone else’s diary is wrong as a diary is a personal account of events and experiences and contains personal feelings of the writer. Reading someone else’s diary does not only mean invading someone’s private space, but also breaking the trust of the person whose diary it is.

(c) Looking at the keyboard when someone is typing the password
Looking at the keyboard when someone is typing the password is wrong as it gives a message that you are trying to pry into their personal life.

(d) Eavesdropping- Listening to other people’s conversation without their knowledge
Eavesdroppping is wrong because you are listening to a conversation without the knowledge of others and that is bad manners.

(e) Trying to get someone’s address, phone number, email ID without their knowledge
Trying to get someone’s address, phone number, email ID without their knowledge is wrong because it means invading one’s privacy as these are considered to be personal.

Question 5.
Read the lines given in the table. Discuss what they mean and when they might be used. Then use your imagination and name situations during which these lines may be used by different speakers.
Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer 5

Lines Situation Speaker
Just move along now. There’s nothing here to see. People gathering to watch a fight between two brothers A friend of the two brothers, who is trying to stop the fight tells the people
I’ve asked you once politely. Don’t make me ask you twice. A child jumping on the bed. The mother of the child trying to stop him or her from jumping.
This isn’t yours, it’s mine. Confusion over the same textbook found in the ‘lost and found’ box of the class. A classmate telling another classmate that the book belongs to him or her.
If you don’t quit this instant, I swear I’ll call a cop. A person waving a gun in the air in a public place. A person who is part of the crowd that is trying to run away from the gunman.
It is too late now. A student trying to submit his assignment after the deadline. The teacher telling the student that she wouldn’t accept it as he or she is late for submission.
Here’s what you’ll have to do. A person applying for an insurance. The person from the insurance company explaining the procedure to the applicant.

Question 6.
Add one or two lines before or after the lines given below to prepare a short dialogue.

• It’s only meant for me.
You can’t look at what is inside. It’s only meant for me.

• That isn’t very nice.
Don’t scream at her like that. That isn’t very nice.

• You really have to stop.
You won’t be able to get far. You really have to stop.

• There’s only one solution.
There’s only one solution, you should run away.

Question 7.
Find all contracted forms used in the extract.
Don’t, it’s, that’s, there’s, I’m, you’d, isn’t, I’ve

Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer

Language Study

Questions with ‘be’ and ‘have’
The auxiliary verbs ‘be’ and ‘have’ form questions without the help of ‘do’.
Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer 4

Question 1.
Form two yes / no questions using the auxiliary verbs ‘be’ and ‘have’.

  1. Are you going for a swim in the lake?
  2. Is she going to the party?

Question 2.
Fórm two Wh-questions using the auxiliary verbs ‘be’ and ‘have’.

  1. Why has she not completed her homework?
  2. Where is her brother?

7th Class English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Questions and Answers

Read the extract from line 1 to 17 on page 74 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Please don’t read ……… it’s mine.”]

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Find the opposites of the following words from the extract.

  1. inside
  2. front
  3. public


  1. outside
  2. back
  3. private

Question 2.
Find a word from the extract with a similar meaning for ‘softly’.

Read the extract from line 18 to 37 on pages 74, 75 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“You’re not allowed ……….. shouldn’t read it too.”]

Do as directed.

Question 3.
Find words with similar meanings from the extract.

  1. permitted
  2. policeman
  3. friend


  1. allowed
  2. cop
  3. amigo

Question 4.
Pick the opposite of the word ‘remember’ from the extract.

Question 5.
Find the pairs of rhyming words used in each stanza in the given extract.
stop-cop, jail-frail, missed-exist, fun-done, do-too

Question 6.
Find all contracted forms used in the extract.
you’re, I’ll, he’ll, won’t, It’s, there’s, don’t, here’s, shouldn’t

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 7.
Why does the poet say that he would call the cops?
The poet says that he would call the cops so as to scare the readers because he wants them to stop reading the poem immediately.

Oral Work

Question 8.
Give five words that describe nature.
beautiful, green, giving, selfless and kind

Question 9.
Give five words that describe a river.
blue, fearless, gentle, sacred and long


Question 10.
Prepare a colourful chart of Do’s and Don’ts in a class with your friends and put it up on your class notice board.

  • Sharing your stationery and food
  • Helping a friend with homework
  • Lending and borrowing books from friends
  • Taking care of a friend when he or she is ill
  • Cheering up a friend when they are upset Don’ts.
  • Talking about a friend behind their back
  • Reading a friend’s diary without their knowledge
  • Taking a friend’s belongings without their permission
  • Complaining about a friend
  • Copying a friend’s homework

[Note: The above points are for reference. Students can add their own points.]

Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Question Answer

Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Glossary

Words Meanings
amigo (n) a friend (in Spanish language) (स्पॅनिश भाषेत मित्रासाठी वापरला जाणारा शब्द)
back away (v) here, a warning to stop or move back (येथे अर्थ – थांबा, मागे फिरा.)
cop (n) policeman (पोलीस)
drag you off (phrase) take you forcefully (जोराने खेचून नेणे.)
exist (v) to live, to be real (अस्तित्वात असणे)
frail (adj) weak (नाजूक, अशक्त)
handcuffs (n) metal rings that can be locked around someone’s wrists (बेड्या)
instant (n) at that moment (त्याक्षणी, तत्काळ, लगेचं)
politely (adv) softly, with respect (अदबीने, नम्रपणे, सभ्यपणे)
private (adj) belonging to only one person (खाजगी, व्यक्तिगत)

Please Don’t Read This Poem ! Paraphrase

‘Please don’t read this poem!’ ही लहान मुलांसाठी कविता लिहिणारे कवी केन नेसबिट्ट यांनी लिहिलेली विनोदी कविता आहे. यामधून त्यांनी लहान मुलांच्या भावना आणि अनुभव यांचे वर्णन केले आहे.

मुलांना जे करायला सांगितले जाते त्याच्या ती अगदी उलट कशी वागतात, हे व्यक्त करण्याचा प्रयत्न कवीने केला आहे. सुरुवातीला तो वाचकांना सांगतो, की ‘वाचू नका’ कारण त्यांना हे माहीत आहे, की ‘वांचू नका’ सांगितल्यास मुलांना (वाचकांना) ती कविता जाणून घेण्याबद्दल अधिक कुतूहल वाटेल.

कवी म्हणतो, की ही कविता फक्त त्याच्या स्वतःसाठी आहे आणि इथे काहीही पाहण्यासारखे नाही त्यामुळे वाचकाने कवीने काय लिहिले याकडे लक्ष देऊ नये. कवी आपल्या वाचकांना (लहान मुलांना) म्हणतो, तसंही तुम्हांला बाहेर जाऊन मित्रांशी खेळायचे आहे, त्यामुळे तुम्ही कविता वाचणे थांबवा आणि खेळायला जा. वाचक (मुले) अजूनही कविता का वाचत आहेत? असा प्रश्नही कवी विचारतो.

वाचकांना ‘ही माझी कविता आहे आणि मला ती कोणालाही दाखवायची नाही’, असे कारण देण्याचाही कवी प्रयत्न करतो.

तो ‘ ही कविता माझी आहे वाचकांची नाही’, असे तो पुन्हा नमूद करतो. एवढं सांगूनही वाचक (लहान मुले) कविता वाचणे थांबवत नाहीत, हे पाहून कवीला राग येतो. ‘वाचकांनी कविता वाचणे तत्काळ थांबवावे, नाहीतर मी पोलिसांना बोलावेन, अशी धमकीही तो देतो. पोलीस तुम्हांला तुरुंगात डांबतील आणि तेथून वृद्ध व अशक्त झाल्यावरच तुम्ही बाहेर निघाल. तुमचे कुटुंबीय आणि मित्र तुमची आठवण काढणे सोडून देतील. तुमचं अस्तित्व विसरून जातील. फक्त कविता वाचल्यामुळे वाचकांना आयुष्यातील आनंदाला विसरावे लागेल.

अशाप्रकारे, कविता ‘वाचू नका’ असे सांगता सांगता कवीने अत्यंत युक्तीने वाचकांकडून पूर्ण कविता वाचून घेतली. आता तो वाचकांना म्हणतो आहे, की ‘तुम्ही तर कविता वाचली आहे, आता तुमच्या मित्रांना आणि कुटुंबीयांना ही कविता वाचू नका असे सांगा.’

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