Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Model Paper Set 1 with Answers

Time allowed : 2 Hours
Maximum marks : 40

General Instructions:
(1) All questions/activities are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) For Q. No. 4(a) use supplied outline map of Brazil and tie it to your answer-book.
(4) For Q. No. 6(a) use the graph paper supplied toyou and attach it to the main answer book.
(5) Use of stencil is allowed for drawing map.
(6) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
(7) Answers should be written in Black and Blue ink only.
(8) Use of pencil! colour pencil is allowed for diagrams, sketches and map work.
(9) Answers written in pencils will not be considered.

Question 1.
Choose the correct option and rewrite the sentences.
(1) The southern part of Brazil is covered by :
(i) Highlands
(ii) Plains
(iii) Mountains
(iv) Dissected hills
The southern part of Brazil is covered by highlands.

(2) The economies of both India and Brazil are of the …………. type.
(i) Underdeveloped
(ii) Developing
(iii) Developed
(iv) Highly developed
The economies of both India and Brazil are of the developing type.

(3) The …………. plateau lies at the eastern foothills of Aravallis.
(i) Bundelkhand
(ii) Mewad
(iii) Malwa
(iv) Deccan
The Malwa plateau lies at the eastern foothills of Aravallis.

(4) India and Brazil are progressing in the fields of _____________, education and industry.
(i) Technological advancement
(ii) Human settlement
(iii) National income
(iv) GDP
India and Brazil are progressing in the fields of technological advancement, education and industry.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 2.
Find the odd one out.
(1) With reference to India :
(i) Mediterranean forest
(ii) Mangrove forest
(iii) Thorny bush-type vegetation
(iv) Equatorial forest
(i) Mediterranean forest

(2) With reference to flora of Himalayan forest :
(i) Deodar
(ii) Banyan
(iii) Pine
(iv) Fir
(ii) Banyan

(3) Forest type of Brazil:
(i) The Himalayan forest
(ii) Evergreen forests
(iii) Thorny bush-type vegetation
(iv) Deciduous forest
(i) The Himalayan forest

(4) With reference to fauna of Brazil :
(i) Red Panda
(ii) Lion
(iii) Anaconda
(iv) Tamarin
(i) Red Panda

Question 3.
State whether the sentences are right or wrong. Correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence. (Any four) :
(1) The plains forming the source of Paraguay and Parana rivers is located to the southwest part of the Brazilian highlands.
(2) The Great Escarpment is located in the northern part of Brazil.
(3) Pakistan is a neighbouring country to the south-east of India.
(4) Equator passes through the northern part of Brazil.
(5) The Aravallis in the south are the oldest fold mountains.
(1) Right
(2) Wrong — Guyana Highlands is located in the northern part of Brazil.
(3) Wrong — Pakistan is a neighbouring country to the north-west of India.
(4) Right
(5) Wrong — The Aravallis in the north are the oldest fold mountains.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 4.
(a) Mark the following in the outline map of India. Write the names and give index. (Any four)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 1
(1) Nilgiri Mountains
(2) Lucknow
(3) Palk Strait
(4) Malabar Coast
(5) Satpura Range
(6) Chilka Lake
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 3

(b) Observe the map of Brazil and answer the following questions. (Any four)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 2
Questions :
(1) Name the southernmost waterfall.
(2) Name the city which is located on the bank of Amazon river.
(3) Name the capital city of Brazil.
(4) Name the southernmost city of Brazil.
(5) Name the northernmost city of Brazil.
(6) Name the river that flows south-west and meets river Plata in Argentina.
(1) Iguazu falls
(2) Manaus
(3) Brasilia
(4) Porto Alegre
(5) Macapa
(6) Paraguay

Question 5.
Give geographical reasons. (Any two)
(1) There are no west-flowing rivers in Brazil.
(2) The North-East Monsoons also bring rain to India.
(3) Deciduous forests are found, in most parts of India.
(4) As compared to Brazil, the population density of India is higher.
(1) The direction of the flow of rivers depends upon the slope of the land. In Brazil, the highlands gradually slope towards north. So, a number of rivers take off from the terminal portion of the highlands and flow northwards to meet Atlantic Ocean. Also, Amazon plains lying in the northern parts of Brazil generally slope eastwards. Hence, there are no west-flowing rivers in Brazil.

(2) When the monsoon winds return from the Himalayan ranges, they blow from north¬east towards the Indian Ocean. This brings rainfall to some parts of the Indian Peninsula. Therefore, north-east monsoons also bring rain to India resulting in rainfall in the Indian Peninsular regions.

(3) Deciduous forests are found in areas receiving rainfall between 1000 mm to 2000 mm. Most parts of India receives rainfall between 1000 mm to 2000 mm. Hence, deciduous forests are found in most parts of India. These areas include, Indian peninsular plateau, northern plains, etc.

(4) Climate, fertile land, availability of resources, etc., are the factors that play an important part in human settlement. Population density of India is 328 persons per sq km whereas, that of Brazil is 23 persons per sq km. Due to the tropical climate, water availability, topography, advanced medical facilities, high rate of population growth, low mortality, etc., the population in India has risen. Unfavourable climate, heavy rainfall, accessibility and dense forests are the barriers to development of human settlements in Brazil. Owing to the above reasons, the population density of India is higher than Brazil.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 6.
(a) With the help of given statistical data showing the percentages of urbanisation in India and Brazil for three decades, prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following questions :
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 4
(1) In which decade the trend of urbanisation was higher in Brazil?
(2) In which decade does the urbanisation in India appear to be rapid?
(3) Compare the differences in the percentages of urbanisation in both the countries. In which decade is the difference in the percentage of urbanisation the highest?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 6

(b) Observe the following graphs and answer the questions givenv below :
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 5
(1) In which country the number of female is more in the age group 15-19 years?
(2) In which country do you find a higher percentage of population belonging to the age group 80 + years?
(3) In which country is the number of children of age group 0-4 years more?
(4) In Brazil, which age group has the highest population?
(5) While comparing the age-sex pyramids, which pyramid has broader base?
(6) In which country is the proportion of population belonging to the age-group less than 15 years lesser?
(1) India
(2) Brazil
(3) India
(4) 30-34
(5) India
(6) Brazil

Question 7.
Answer the following in detail. (Any two)
(1) Compare the transportation facilities of Brazil and India and state your conclusions.
Roadways in India and Brazil :
Both India and Brazil have good road connectivity. Maximum system of transport is done by roadways in both the countries. However, in Brazil, roadways are concentrated only to the eastern part of the country. The forested land of the Amazon river basin and the swampy lands have restricted the development of roadways in the western part.

Railways in India and Brazil :
Freight and passenger transport has been facilitated due to the development of railway in India. In Brazil, the railways are not well developed. In Brazil, use of trains for long distance transportation of passengers is restricted to a few urban tourist routes though it is cheaper. In India, railways are responsible to connect the entire country but, it is relatively less dense in the hilly areas, deserts and some north-eastern states. Waterways in India and Brazil :

Waterways have been developed on a commercial basis in the Amazon river in Brazil. Approximately 95% of India’s foreign trade moves through ocean routes. Longest waterways in the world can be navigated through the waterways of Brazil. Waterways contribute to 1% of the country’s transportation in India.

Airways in India and Brazil :
The contribution of airways is less in the transportation system of Brazil. As compared to Brazil, airways in India are more developed and the use of domestic airways is also increasing.

Conclusion : Transportation in India is dense and well developed as compared to Brazil. However, waterways in Brazil are well connected owing to the Amazon River. India has good network of railways and airways that lacks in Brazil.

(2) Name the water divide spanning from north to south in India. Which mountain ranges are a part of it ? How does this water divide affect the precipitation in India?
The water divide spanning from north to south in India is River Sabarmati. Aravalli ranges are a part of this water divide. Aravalli ranges run parallel to the winds blowing from the Indian Ocean to the Indian mainland. Hence, scantly or no rainfall occurs on the leeward side of the mountains. This has gradually led to formation of dry areas in Rajasthan. Owing to this, a desert has formed in Thar.

(3) Write a note bringing out correlation of the natural vegetation and wildlife of Brazil and India with examples.
Correlation of flora in India and Brazil :
Both India and Brazil have “evergreen forests with trees such as rubber, mahogany, rosewood, etc.
Both the countries also observe short shrubs and thorny bushes.

India and Brazil are well demarcated by a coastline that gives them swampy areas, estuaries and presence of lagoons. In India, Sunderbans or mangroves are found at the Ganga delta region. The wood of these trees is oily, light and durable.

In Indian Himalayas, three types of forests are found according to the altitude. In areas located at the highest altitude, seasonally flowering trees are found. In regions with medium altitude, coniferous trees like pine, deodar, fir and at the foothills mixed forests are found. This includes both coniferous and deciduous type of forests. Here, the proportion of sal trees is higher.

Correlation of fauna in India and Brazil:
A greater diversity in wildlife is found in Brazil than any other country in the world. India is also a Mega-diverse country in terms of wildlife.

One-homed rhinoceroses are found in swampy and marshy lands of Assam in India. In the swampy areas of the Pantanal in Brazil, huge anacondas are found.
In Brazil, among the fish varieties, mainly swordfish are found in the seas while pink dolphins and piranhas are found in the rivers. In India, rivers, estuaries and coastal areas are homes of many turtles, crocodiles and gavials (gharials).

Condors which are huge in size and fly high in the sky, various types of parrots, macaws and flamingos are the major birds found in Brazil. The forests and wetlands of India are the shelters of variety of birds like peacocks, Indian bustard, Kingfishers, pheasants, ducks, parakeets, cranes and pigeons. All these species make it a land of unique habitat of wildlife.

Besides, in Brazil, guinea pigs, crocodiles, alligators, monkeys, pumas, leopards etc., are found. Millions of insect varieties are also found here. Elephants are found in hot and humid forests of India. Wild ass and camels are found in arid lands. Snow leopards and yaks are found in the snow-capped regions of Himalayas. Indian Bisons, deer, antelopes and monkeys are found in the Peninsular region. India is the only country in the world where both tigers and lions are found.

Both Brazil and India are facing problems of animal extinction due to the degradation of environment, poaching, deforestation, pollution etc. The Government of India has setup number of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries and biosphere reserves for the protection of wildlife and forests in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

(4) Choose any two tourist places from India and Brazil. Explain your reason behind this choice. Make a list of items you would require for daily use if you go on a field visit to these places.

India Brazil
Tourist Place Andaman and Nicobar islands Marajo islands
Reason Coral reefs, great biodiversity Rich wildlife, beaches
Items required (a) Notebook, pen, pencil, scale, Camera etc., to collect information. (a) Notebook, pen, pencil scale, camera, etc. to collect information.
(b) Compass for knowing directions. (b) Compass for knowing directions.
(c) Maps for understanding location. (c) Maps for understanding location.
(d) Questionnaire as per the purpose of the field visit. (d) Questionraire as per the purpose of the field visit.
(e) Containers for collecting samples of water/soil/rocks/others. (e) Container for collecting sample of water/soil/ rocks/ others.
(f) Cap, water bottle, first-aid kit. (f) Cap, water bottle, first- aid kit.

SSC Maharashtra Board Geography Question Paper with Answers

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