SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 History Question Paper 2023 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

SSC History Question Paper 2023 with Answers Pdf Download Maharashtra Board

[Time : 2½ Hours]
[Max. Marks : 60]

General Instructions :
(1) All the activities questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Question Nos. 1 to 5 are based on History and Question Nos. 6 to 9 are based on Political Science.
(4) It is mandatory to write a complete statement as answer in Question No. 1(A).
(5) In Question No. 2(A) and 8(B) the appropriate answer is expected to be written by pen only in the concept map.
(6) In Question No. 1(B) correction is expected in the second part.

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences : (3)
(1) Louvre Museum has in its collection the much acclaimed painting of ……………. by Leonardo da Vinci.
(a) Napoleon
(b) Mona Lisa
(c) Hans Sloan
(d) George II
(b) Mona Lisa

(2) Thomas Cook established a travel agency selling ……………. .
(a) Handicrafts
(b) Toys
(c) Food items
(d) Tourist tickets
(d) Tourist tickets

(3) Among women authors writing about women in the 19th Century, C.E.  ……………. was the foremost one.
(a) Tarabai Shinde
(c) Meera Kosambi
(b) Pandita Ramabi
(d) Sharmila Rege
(a) Tarabai Shinde

(B) Identify the wrong pair in the following and rewrite it: (3)
(1) City — Library
(i) Kolkata — National Library
(ii) Delhi — Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
(iii) Hyderabad — State Central Library
(iv) Pune — Library of Asiatic Society
(iv) Pune — Library of Asiatic Society Library of Asiatic Society is situated in Mumbai.

(2) Thinkers — Country
(i) Karl Marx — England
(ii) Michel Foucault — France
(iii) Leopold von Ranke — Germany
(iv) Herodotus — Greece
(i) Karl Marx — England Karl Max was a German philosopher.

(3) Types of Magazine Duration
(i) Weekly — Seven days
(ii) Bimonthly — Fifteen days
(iii) Monthly — One month
(iv) Quarterly — Two months
(iv) Quarterly — Two months Quarterly is four months.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers

Question 2.
(A) Complete the following concept chart/map (any two): (4)
(1) Complete the concept map :
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 1
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 2

(2) Complete the concept map :
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 3
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 4

(3) Complete the concept map :
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 5
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 6

(B) Write short notes on (any two): (4)
(1) Dialectics
Dialectics can be understood in the following way:

  1. According to Hegel, grasping the meaning of any event happens in terms of two direct opposites.
  2. Human mind cannot understand the true nature of that event, without understanding the opposites, for example: True – False, Good – Bad, etc.
  3. In order to understand the true nature of a thing one needs to know both true and false. Similarly good and bad.
  4. This method of analysis which is based on opposites is known as dialectics.

(2) Public History
The following points describe Public History.

  1. People have a lot of misgivings about the practicality of the knowledge of history.
  2. For example, history is usually thought as a field of interest only for historians and students wishing to pursue higher studies in the subject and not pertaining to practical life, history has a field of knowledge does not have any applicability to economically productive fields, etc.
  3. Public history helps to overcome such misgivings and makes history meaningful in everyday life connecting people to history.
  4. There are many universities abroad, where various courses in ‘Public History’ are offered.

(3) Marathi Theatre
The following points describe Marathi Theatre:

  1. The 19th century witnessed a development of Marathi Theatre. The rulers of Bhosle family of Tanjore were great patrons of drama.
  2. Vishnudas Bhave is known as the father of the Marathi theatre. Sita swayamvar was the first play presented by him.
  3. The movement started by Vishnudas Bhave was followed in Maharashtra by historical, mythological and also light farcical stage plays.
  4. The growing popularity of classical music resulted in the origin of musical Marathi Theatre.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers

Question 3.
Explain the following statements with reasons (any two): (4)
(1) Television is the most popular medium.
Reasons for the television as the popular medium are:

  1. Television is an audio visual medium.
  2. Through this medium it has becomes possible to cross the inherent limitations of newspaper, radio and show the actual visuals of an event to people.
  3. It attracts a large number from views of all age groups. It also used for educative, information, entertainment purpose.
  4. Hence, Television is on of the most popular medium.

(2) Bharuds composed by Saint Eknath are popular in Maharashtra.
Reasons for the popularity of Bharuds composed by Saint Eknath in Maharashtra are:

  1. Bharud can be described as a metaphorical song that has spiritual and ethical lessons.
  2. Bharud is comparable to the style of a road show.
  3. Saint Eknath composed Bharuds with a purpose of educating people on various aspects of life.
  4. It includes wide range of subjects, dramatic quality, easy rhythm and humour.

(3) Foreigners prefer to come to India to avail medical facilities.
The reasons for which foreigners prefer to come in order to India to avail medical facilities are:

  1. India is a tropical country, where ample sunlight is available throughout the year. This attracts tourists from different countries which has cold climate in comparison to India.
  2. Availability of facilities for yoga training and therapies based on Ayurveda is one more reason why people want to visit India.
  3. People from western countries find the health services and facilities in India comparatively cheaper and yet of good standard.
  4. Hence, for the above reasons many foreigners prefer to come to India to avail the medical facilities and health services.

(4) Major Dhyan Chand is known as the ‘Wizard of Hockey’.
Reasons for Major Dhyan Chand is known as the ‘Wizard of Hockey’ are:

  1. Major Dhyan Chand was not only an expert player but also the captain of the Indian hockey team.
  2. Indian hockey team won a gold medal in 1936 at Berlin Olympics under Dhyan Chand’s captainship.
  3. He was also part of previous Indian Hockey teams in 1928 and 1932, which played at Olympics and won gold medals.
  4. 29th August, the birth date of Dhyan Chand is celebrated as the National Sports Day in India.
  5. Hence, Major Dhyan Chand is known as the ‘Wizard of Hockey’.

Question 4.
Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it:
Sports and Greeks is a very ancient equation. The Greeks were the first to standardise the rules of sports and organise them systematically. They started sports competitions of Discus throw, Horse and Chariot Races, Wrestling and Boxing etc. The ancient event of Olympic competitions used to be held at Olympia, the ancient Greek city. To be able to participate in Olympics and be a winner is supposed to be a great honour for sportspersons.
(1) In which city was the ancient Olympic competitions held? (1)
The ancient Olympic competition was held in Olympia, the ancient Greek city.

(2) From which period is the relation of Sports and Greeks? (1)
Sports and Greeks have relation from ancient period.

(3) Write in your own words about Olympic games. (2)
The Olympic games is an international sports festival, which is held every four year. Olympic games are organised in different countries each time. Olympic games are the inspiration for the sports persons all over the world.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers

Question 5.
Answer the following questions in detail (any two): (6)
(1) What is Bakhar? Explain the different types of Bakhars in detail.
‘Bakhar’ is an important type of historical documents of medieval times. It contains eulogies of the heroes and stories of historic events, battles, lives of great men.
Bakhars can be divided into various types such as biographies of kings, dynastic history, descriptions of events, history of a sect, autobiographies, regarding grievance, based on mythologies and state administration by a king. Some of the Bakhars are described as follow:

  1. ‘Sabhhsad Bakhar’ was written by Krishnaji Anant, sabhasad during the reign of chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj.
  2. ‘Bhausahebanchi Bakhar’ describes the battle of Panipat. Another Bakhar ‘Panipatchi bakar7 is also about the same event.
  3. ‘Holkaranchi Kaiphiyat’ provides information about the Holkars and their contributions to the Maratha rule.

(2) Suggest at least six solutions for the preservation of the sources of history.
Solutions for the preservation of the source of history are as follow:

  1. A regular repair and maintenance work of forts, memorials and places should be carried out.
    Timely action should be taken to avoid vandalisation of historic and public places.
  2. Public training programmes should be conducted for understanding the importance of history.
  3. Oral literature like folk tales, folk songs should be complied and written down.
  4. Experts from different fields should be involved in preservation and conservation projects.
  5. Historical coins, weapons should be handled with precaution and utmost care. They must be kept in a safe place to avoid the possibility of theft.
  6. To protect them, special arrangements have to be made like rooms with controlled temperature or sanitising and detoxing the rooms.

(3) What are the professional fields associated with tourism?
Profession fields associated with tourism are as follow:

  1. Tourism and Hospitality is an industry with potential to create maximum employment opportunities.
  2. It has tremendous scope for experimentation and innovation.
  3. The country which is a tourist destination begins to receive revenue even before a tourist arrives at the airport of that country.
  4. Markets in the vicinity grow along with the development of tourist centre.
  5. The local handicrafts and cottage industries also begin to develop.
  6. Other professions associated with tourism are local guides, translators, artisans, cottage industry etc.

(4) Which tasks are important in archives management?
Following tasks are important in archives management.

  1. From the technical point of view the management of archives is akin to library management.
  2. Preserving documents with important content in their original condition, preparing indexes and creating accurate systems of retrieval of documents are the important tasks in the management of archives.
  3. Documents from the archives are supposed to be very reliable. Because of the heavy dependence on computerised systems information technology has become on inevitable part of the management of libraries and archives.

Question 6.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statements : (2)
(1) Which of the following laws created a favourable environment for women to secure freedom and self-development?
(a) Right to Information Act
(b) Dowry Prohibition Act
(c) Food Security Act
(d) Right to Education Act
(b) Dowry Prohibition Act

(2) In 1986, ……….. came into existence.
(a) Consumer Protection Act
(c) Right to Information Act
(b) Trade Union Act
(d) Dowry Prohibition Act
(a) Consumer Protection Act

Question 7.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer (any two): (4)
(1) The nature of the Constitution is seen as a living document.

Reasons are as follow:

  1. Constitution is dynamic and is a living document.
  2. Constitution has to change according to changing conditions and Parliament has a power to make those changes.
  3. Judiciary accepted this power of Parliament to make changes in the Constitution but at some time specified the limitations on this power.
  4. Judiciary took a stand that Parliament while amending the Constitution cannot alter the basic structure of the Constitution.

(2) Under special circumstances, the Election Commission holds re-elections in a particular constituency for a second time.

Reason: If the elected representative in Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha or local self government resigns or due to his death his seat becomes vacant, the elections are held for that seat.

(3) Movements do not need strong leadership.

Reasons are as follow:

  1. Without a leader, active participation of the people and success of the movement is not possible.
  2. Leaders are the links between the people and the government.
  3. Leaders keep the movement active, they chalk out the objectives and programmes of action and the strategy of agitation.
  4. Strong leadership makes the movement effective.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers

Question 8.
(A) Explain the following concepts (any one): (2)
(1) National Parties
National parties can be explained as follow :

  1. National parties are the political parties which are in democratic systems, they are kind of social organisations whose objective is to achieve political power.
  2. National parties are recognised by the Election Commission under the prescribed conditions.
  3. A political party should secure minimum 6% of the valid votes in four or more states in general election of Lok Sabha or State Assembly elections and minimum of its 4 members should be elected in the Lok Sabha elections. Such a political party should be recognised as national parties.
  4. Indian National Congress is the oldest national party in India. Other examples are CPI, BJP, BSP, etc.

(2) Corruption

  1. Corruption can be defined as misuse of power or position by the person/organisation for private gain.
  2. People develop distrust and dissatisfaction about the entire governmental systems due to delay in government work, poor public services and facilities and different financial blunders.
  3. Government’s working capacity becomes low due to corruption in various political and administrative levels.
  4. People’s confidence in the democratic process reduces due to the corruption in the bogus voting, bribing the voters, abducting the voters and such other things.

(B) Do as directed (any one): (2)
(1) Complete the following concept map :
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 7
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 8

(2) Complete the following concept map :
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 9
SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers 10

Question 9.
Answer in brief (any one): (2)
(1) What is meant by establishment of social justice?
To establish social justice is to remove those social conditions which are responsible for injustice and insist on the equality of dignity for all individuals. The principles of justice and equality aim at ending discrimination in social status such as superior or inferior on the basic of caste, religion, language and gender, place of birth, race, property and giving equality of opportunity for development to every individual.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper 2023 with Answers

(2) What are the challenges in conducting free and fair elections?
Taking into consideration the size of our country there are many voters and to make a fair voting the Election Commission has to work with the law while dealing with following challenges.

  1. Misuse of money is the major challenge during the election period. Election Commission has to work in accordance with this to stop the misuse of money.
  2. There are sometimes violence during election. The extent of violence increases significantly during election.
  3. Many political parties give election ticket to the candidates with criminal background. This results not only in criminalisation of politics but the Election Commission also faces problem in ensuring that elections are conducted in free environment.
  4. Leaders give election tickets to their own relatives. This can create a family monopoly in politics.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper with Answers

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