Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Maharashtra Board SSC Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers Solutions Pdf Download.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Model Paper Set 1 with Answers

[Time : 2½ Hours]
[Max. Marks : 60]

General Instructions :
(1) All the activities questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Question Nos. 1 to 5 are based on History and Question Nos. 6 to 9 are based on Political Science.
(4) It is mandatory to write a complete statement as answer in Question No. 1(A).
(5) In Question No. 2(A) and 8(B) the appropriate answer is expected to be written by pen only in the concept map.
(6) In Question No. 1(B) correction is expected in the second part.

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences :
1. Asiatic society was established at Kolkata by ____________ .
(i) William Jones
(ii) Friedrich Max Muller
(iii) Grant Duff
(iv) John Marshall
(i) Asiatic Society was established at Kolkata by William Jones.

2. The oldest museum of world was discovered at ____________ during excavation.
(i) Delhi
(ii) Harappa
(iii) Ur
(iv) Kolkata
(iii) The oldest museum of world was discovered at Ur during excavation.

3. ‘Natyashastra’ was written by ____________ .
(i) Bharatmuni
(ii) Vyas
(iii) Kalidas
(iv) Bana
(i) Natyashastra was written by Bharatmuni.

(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following sets:
1. (i) Justice M.G. Ranade – The Rise of Maratha Power
(ii) V.D. Savarkar – The Indian War of Independence 1857
(iii) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar – Who were the Shudras
(iv) Tarabai Shinde – The High Caste Hindu Woman
(iv) Tarabai Shinde – The High Caste Hindu Woman

2. (i) Qutub Minar – Mehrauli
(ii) Golghumat (Gol Gumbaz) – Bijapur
(iii) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus – Delhi
(iv) Taj Mahal – Agra
(iii) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus – Delhi

3. (i) Darpan – Balshashtri Jambhekar
(ii) Prabhakar – Bhau Mahajan
(iii) Kesari – Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
(iv) Deenbandhu – Mahatma Jyotirao Phule
(iv) Deenbandhu -Mahatma Jyotirao Phule

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 2.
(A) Do as directed : (Any two)
1. Complete the table :

Orientalist historiography ……………….
………………. V.V. Mirashi
Marxist historiography ……………….
………………. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

(a) Orientalist historiography – Friedrich Max Muller
(b) Nationalist historiography – V.V. Mirashi
(c) Marxist historiography — Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi
(d) Subaltern history – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

2. Complete the concept map:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 1
(a) Sashtang Namaskar – Acharya Atre
(b) Vijay Tendulkar – Ghashiram Kotwal
(c) Ithe Oshalala Mrutyu – Vasant Kanetkar
(d) Vishram Bedekar – Tilak Ani Agarkar

3. Complete the following concept chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 2
(a) The Histories – Herodotus
(b) Rene Descartes – Discourse on the Method
(c) Das Kapital – Karl Marx
(d) Michel Foucault – Archaeology of Knowledge

(B) Write the short notes. (Any two)
1. Need of mass media.
Need of Mass India :
(a) We need mass media to facilitate free flow of information to all strata of the society.
(b) Editorials, various columns and supplements are essential parts of newspapers. Readers are also ensured of a platform to voice their opinions through newspapers that can help in making the democracy stronger.
(c) Television is an audio-visual medium. It is possible for this medium to cross the inherent limitations of newspapers and radio and show the actual visuals of an event to people.

2. Conservation of historical monuments.
Conservation of historical monuments :
(a) It is important to take a few primary precautions in order to preserve the historical heritage sites and monuments.
(b) It is essential that few things should be avoided at any instance. For example, : vandalising or defacing the heritage monuments and sites.
(c) In order to avoid it everybody should refrain from activities like writing on walls or carving on trees, paint ancient monuments in garish colours, etc.
(d) Lack of good amenities in the precincts of the heritage sites causes filthiness. It is very essential for the tourists that pamphlets, guides and history books about a tourist site must be available in their own language.
(e) To preserve the heritage sites, we need to maintain the cleanliness of heritage sites and not do anything, which will result in vandalising of any historical site or monument.

3. ‘Kosh’ and History.
‘Kosh’ and History :
(a) Encyclopaedias are known as ‘Kosh’ in Hindi and Marathi. Kosh and history as academic exercises put stress on objectivity.
(b) Encyclopaedias published in various countries and in various languages may differ in their approach because of different priorities. Their structure is influenced by national policies, ethical values and ideals.
(c) Encyclopaedias can be a medium of strengthening national identity. For example, ‘Bharatiya Sanskriti Kosh’ edited by Mahadevshastri Joshi.
(d) Making knowledge in all spheres of life accessible to everybody can be one of the major drives behind the creation of encyclopaedias. An inspiration to gain and spread knowledge motivates either individuals or a group of people to create encyclopaedias.
(e) Hence, encyclopaedias are looked upon as outstanding achievements of a society. It is the manifestation of the collective intellect and creativity of a society.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 3.
Explain the following statements with reasons. (Any two)
1. Projects in applied history provide vocational opportunities.
(a) Projects and programmes related to applied history can create opportunities for people to participate along with the technical experts.
(b) Applied history involves fields such as museums and archives, preservation and conservation of historical sites, tourism and hospitality, entertainment and mass media.
(c) These fields require expert personnel with specialised skills. For example, architects, engineers, historians, archaeologists, museum curators, sociologists, archive management professionals, legal experts, skilled photographers, etc. The help of experts from many more fields is required.
(d) These experts need to have adequate knowledge of the ancient sites, the historical background of the structural remains and artefacts.

Projects in the field of applied history can thus create various opportunities for professionals.

2. Scholars of art history are required.
(a) Art history is an independent branch of knowledge.
(b) It calls for special expertise to access the exact value of an art object or to ensure that it is genuine.
(c) Art history requires a detailed planning and meticulous management at every stage of study and research.
(d) Therefore, scholars of art history are required.

3. Newspapers did important job of awakening the society during freedom struggle.
(a) Newspapers were very important medium of creating social awareness during the freedom struggle period.
(b) Newspaper ‘Darpan’ published about the political, economic, social and cultural events of those time.
(c) A newspaper named Tnduprakash’ supported widow remarriage to a great extent.
(d) We get to know about the issues relating to the masses through the newspaper named ‘Deenbandhu’.
(e) ‘Kesari’ and ‘Maratha’, the two newspapers are indicative of an important stage in the history of Indian newspapers before independence. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar and Bal Gangadhar Tilak started these papers in 1881. They spoke about the social and political issues of that period. Kesari began to publish articles about the nationwide situations, books in the native languages and the politics in England.

4. Tourism provides job opportunities to local people.
(a) Tourism and hospitality is an industry with a potential to create maximum – employment opportunities.
(b) Markets in the vicinity of a tourist place grow along with the development of a tourist centre. Hence, the local handicrafts and cottage industries also begin to develop.
(c) The demand for locally processed food items and ethnic handicrafts increases. Tourist guides too have tourist centres as a platform to earn their livelihood.
(d) Thus, it results in better income for local artisans, business people and wage earners.

Question 4.
Read the following extract and answer the questions :
For the historians in the Mughal courts, praising the emperors and exhibition of loyalty became more important. The custom of adding suitable poetic quotes and beautiful pictures was also introduced. Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire wrote ar autobiography, entitled, ‘Tuzuk-i-Baburi’. It contains the descriptions of the battles fougnt by him. Babur also recorded his minute observations of various regions and cities travelled by him including the local economy, customs and the flora.

Abul FazTs ‘Akbarnama’ is very important from the viewpoint of critical historiography. His method of collecting authentic historical documents and their scrutiny is looked upon as devoid of bias a hence realistic.
1. Which issues got more important in historiography during Mughal period?
Praising the emperors and exhibition of loyalty became more important in historiography during Mughal period.

2. Why is ‘Tuzuk-i-Baburi’ an important source of history?
Tuzuk-i-Baburi is an autobiography penned by Mughal emperor Babur. It contains the descriptions of battles fought by him. Babur also recorded his minute observations of various regions and cities travelled by him. It also includes the local economy, customs and the flora. Therefore, the book is an important source of history due to its vast and varied information collection.

3. Why is ‘Akbarnama’ important from critical point of view?
Akbarnama by Abul Fazl is important from critical point of view because it is an example of authentic historical documents, void of being bias and hence realistic.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 5.
Answer the following questions in detail. (Any two)
1. Explain the important characteristics of modern historiography.
Four main characteristics of modern historiography are as follows :
(a) Its method is based on scientific principles. It begins with the formation of relevant questions.
(b) These questions are anthropocentric. It means that these questions are about the deeds of the members of ancient human societies of a particular period. History does not suggest any interrelation between the divine and human deeds.
(c) Answers to these questions are supported by reliable evidence.
(d) History presents a graph of mankind’s journey with the help of past human deeds.

2. Observe the given picture and write the information about Warli painting with the help of given points.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 3
(a) Nature
(b) Drawing of human figures
(c) Occupation
(d) Houses
(a) Nature:
(i) According to Warli painting information, it is one of the most important tribal art forms that have existed since ancient times.
(ii) People enjoy the theme as it consists of geometrical figures drawn on the wall. The painting shows animals and trees to depict the surroundings. These figures simply represent man’s harmony with the mother nature.

(b) Drawing of human figures :
(i) A circle and two triangles are used to depict human figures.
(ii) The triangles are connected at the vertical apex. Upper triangle depicts the trunk whereas, the lower triangle shows the pelvis. Hands and legs are shown with simple lines.

(c) Occupation:
(i) The painting describes the occupation of the local people to be farming, fishing and hunting.
(ii) One of the most prominent themes is the Tarapa Dance shown in the painting.

(d) Houses:
(i) In the picture, a celebration is shown with no houses.
(ii) It only depicts people engrossed in dancing, celebrating and running errands.

3. Explain the correlation between history and sports.
Publishing of books and encyclopaedias of sports is a newly developing enterprise. The history of Mallakhamb has been recently published. There is an encyclopaedia on the subject of exercise. Some years ago there was a sports magazine named ‘Shatkar’. There is ample literature available in English on sports. Recently, some movies on sports and biography of players have been released in various languages. The process of making a movie requires deep study of the particular period of the movie’s story, language, dressing style, social life, etc., of that period. Students of history are well trained to do research of this kind. Knowledge of history of sports is also essential for writing articles in various publications like encyclopaedia, newspapers, sport, magazines, etc.

Relating sports with any kind of media or to know the depth of the fame; history plays a pivotal role.

4. Explain any four types of tourism with examples.
Four types of tourism are :
(a) Local and Interstate Tourism :
This kind of tourism is not very overwhelming because it is within one’s own country. It does not cause difficulties of language, procuring currency and documents. More so, it can be planned at the time suitable for the traveller.

(b) International Tourism :
Nowadays, it has become easier to travel because of the easy availability of a number of options of railway, Marine and air transport. Marine transport has linked the coastal regions. There is a trans-European railway route. Aviation has brought the entire world closer. Because of the economic liberalisation policy of the Indian government, the number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably. They include people travelling for studies, relaxation, sightseeing and professional assignments (meetings, agreements, etc.) also for shooting of films, etc. One needs to procure various official documents for travelling abroad.

(c) Agro-Tourism :
Agro-tourism, which is also known as agri-tourism, is rapidly developing, especially meant for the urban population, which has very little exposure to rural life and agriculture. Now, Indian farmers are also visiting far-away places like agricultural research centres, agricultural universities and countries like Israel where experimentation in-advanced technology of agriculture is carried out.

(d) Sports Tourism :
Sports tourism was developed in the 20th century. There are various sports events organised on international level like Olympics, Wimbledon, World Chess Championship and international cricket tournaments, etc. While there are events like Himalayan Car Rally on national level, events like Maharashtra Kesari Wrestling Competitions are organised on state level. Travelling to attend such events comes under sports tourism.


Question 6.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statements.
1. The essence of democracy is ……………
(i) Universal Adult Franchise
(ii) Decentralisation of power
(iii) Policy of reservation of seats
(iv) Judicial decisions
(i) The essence of democracy is Decentralisation of Power.

2. In our country we have …………… system.
(i) one party
(ii) two party
(iii) multi-party
(iv) None of these
(iii) In our country, we have multi-party system.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

Question 7.
Explain whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer : (Any two)
1. Right to information increased secrecy.
Reason : Right to information has made the government more transparent and has reduced the element of secrecy in the working of government.

2. Assam Gana Parishad is not a national party.
(a) Assam Gana Parishad is a regional party of Assam established in 1985.
(b) Its main objective is to resolve the problems of displaced people, protect the unique cultural, linguistic and social identity of Assam and promote economic development of Assam.

3. Increasing participation of criminals in political processes is major challenge in democracy.
(a) Candidature to people from criminal backgrounds having criminal allegations of corruption leads to entry of criminals in politics.
(b) Increased participation of criminals increases the role of money and muscle power in politics which may lead to violence during elections.
(c) Thus, government takes grave steps to avoid participation of criminals in politics.

Yet, it is unable to achieve complete success in this endeavour. Therefore, increasing participation of criminals in political processes is a major challenge in democracy.

Question 8.
(A) Explain the following concepts : (Any one)
1. Mid-term elections.
Mid-term elections :
If the elected government loses its majority before completing its term in the Parliament or if the parties of the coalition government withdraw their – support resulting in the loss of majority support for the government and if no alternative government is possible, then elections are held before the completion of the term. They ‘ are called mid-term elections.

2. A movement.
A movement:
A movement is a collective action. People’s active participation is expected in the movement. A movement can be formed when people come together in the interest of a particular issue, particular social objective or a focused problem.

Movements have a leadership. Leadership keeps the movement active. Objectives of the movement, programme of action, strategy of agitation are decided by its leaders. A strong leadership makes movement effective.

Movements have organisations. Without an organisation, it becomes difficult to follow up the issues. Any movement requires public support. People should feel connected to the issue that is undertaken by the movement. Movements have a programme of action which help them to shape public opinion.

(B) Complete the following activity: (Any one)
1. Complete the concepts map :
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 4
Provision of the basic framework of Constitution :
(a) Federal structure of the government.
(b) Secularism and supremacy of the Constitution.
(c) Democratic form of government.
(d) Sovereignty of the nation.

2. Explain the events in worker’s movement in given flow chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers 5
Worker’s Movement:
In 1899-Railway workers went on strike for their demands.
In 1920-Establishment of All India Trade Union Congress.
In 1960 to 1970 decade-Several agitations organised by Trade Union Movement.
Since 1980-Disintegration of trade union movement began.

Question 9.
Answer in brief. (Any one)
1. Voting through the EVMs is environment friendly. Comment.
(a) EVM stands for Electronic Voting Machine. As the name suggests, it is an electronic machine with buttons against the parties that are contesting for elections.
(b) Voters are expected to press the button against the party that they want to vote in favour of. They can also press the button against ‘NOTA’ that stands for None of the above.
(c) It is a hassle-free way of voting that doesn’t involve wastage of paper. It also helps to conduct elections faster. The results too can be declared sooner than with the paper-stamp method.
(d) Owing to the above reasons, voting through the EVMs is environment friendly.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Sample Paper Set 1 with Answers

2. How do political parties in your locality bridge the citizens and government?
(a) Political parties work as a link between the government and the people.
(b) Political parties communicate the demands and complaints of the people to the government.
(c) The government tries to get support of the people for its policies and programmes through political parties.
(d) Local political parties can easily reach the minor and secluded sections of the local area and convey their problems, demands and other grievances to the government in order to obtain assistance.

SSC Maharashtra Board History Question Paper with Answers

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