Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 1.1 It’s A Small World Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.
Std 7 English Chapter 1.1 It’s A Small World Question Answer Pdf
1.1 It’s A Small World English Workshop Answers Pdf
Question 1.
Sing the song.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]
Question 2.
Note down pairs of rhyming words from the poem. Add one more rhyming word to each pair.
tears — fears — cheers
share — aware — care
sun — one — run divide — wide — hide
Question 3.
Guess and discuss the meaning of the following lines.
- It’s a world of laughter
- A world of tears
- It’s a world of hopes
- And a world of fears
Allow the students to use their mother tongue if necessary when they talk about the implied meaning and give examples during the discussion.
- The line ‘It’s a world of laughter’ means that laughter can be heard in any corner of the world. It means that there is happiness everywhere.
- The line ‘A world full of tears’ means that every person cries at some point in his or her life. Tears, which translate to sorrow and pain, can be found in every corner of the world.
- The line ‘It’s a world of hopes’ means that no matter how bad a situation is, one can always find a will to survive. There is still hope and goodness in this world, no matter where we are.
- The line ‘And a world of fears’ means that everyone in this world has some or the other fear. It’s not a completely safe world. There are dangers and negative things happening all the time, which may vary from place to place.
Question 4.
The poem says ‘And a smile means friendship to everyone’. Give examples of other actions or gestures that mean the same in all parts of the world. Give three examples of gestures or actions that have a specific meaning only in certain regions. One such example would be the ‘Thumbs up’ sign.
Actions or gestures that mean the same in all parts of the world:
i. clapping — clapping is used as a form of appreciation or approval.
ii. shrug — a shrug (lifting one’s shoulders up) is widely used to convey that something is not understood or not known.
iii. thumbs down — it is a gesture used to reject an idea or discourage someone from doing something.
Actions or gestures that have a specific meaning only in certain regions:
i. namaste — namaste is used while greeting people in India.
ii. ok sign — the hand gesture where the thumb and finger are joined and the other three fingers are open, is used widely to say ok, but it symbolises money in Japan and zero in France and Belgium.
iii. fist and hand salute — the fist of one hand covered with the palm of the other hand is used by the Chinese to greet someone, congratulate or say thank you.
Question 5.
The following sentences were heard in a school on the first day. Use these expressions to prepare simple conversations between two or more speakers. You may use the same expressions more than once, and add your own lines. Form pairs or groups and present the conversations in the classroom.
• Write down three of the conversations you have prepared / presented / heard.
i. Arya : Hello! My name is Arya. I’m new here. What’s your name?
Bhavik : Hi! I’m Bhavik. Meet my friends, Rhea and Abhishek.
Arya : Hi Rhea! Hi Abhishek!
Rhea : Are you new to the town as well?
Arya : Yes, my father recently got transferred here. We lived in Ranchi earlier.
Abhishek: Even my uncle stays in Ranchi. I have been to the place once.
Arya : That’s great!
Abhishek: If you need any help, let us know.
Bhavik : Yes, don’t worry. We are all your friends.
Arya : Thank you so much.
ii. Raghav : Hey! I am so glad to see you all!
Abhishek: Hi Raghav!
Vaishali : Hello, there.
Karan : It’s so nice to see you again.
Rhea : Raghav, this is Arya. She is our new friend.
Raghav : Hi,Arya!
Arya : Hello!
Abhishek: It’s nice to be back in school.
Karan : How was your journey to Assam, Rhea?
Rhea : Oh, it was wonderful. My cousin had come along with us. We had so much fun
Raghav : There goes the bell. Let’s go! We will talk during the recess.
iii. Sanjana : Hi Prateek! How are you?
Prateek : Hi Sanjana! I’m fine. How was your holiday?
Sanjana : It was great! We went to Coorg during the vacation.
Prateek : Wow! Did you have a good time?
Sanjana : Yes, I did. It’s a beautiful place. I did not feel like coming back. How did you spend your holiday?
Prateek : I spent my holiday at my grandparents’ house in Pune. I painted, went out for trekking with my cousins, had delicious food and even watched some good movies. I too did not want the vacation to end.
Sanjana : I know. The daily routine is so boring.
Prateek : Yes. I am already waiting for the next vacation to begin.
Sanjana : Me too. I have to go now. See you later.
Prateek : Bye.
7th Class English Chapter 1.1 It’s A Small World Questions and Answers
Read the extract from line 1-22 on page 1 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“it’s a world of ……. small world.”]
Question 1.
Do as directed.
Question 1.
Find the opposite of the following words from the extract.
i. unite
ii. narrow
iii. large
i. divide
ii. wide
iii. small
Question 2.
Pick out three adjectives from the extract.
small, golden, wide
Question 2.
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 1.
What should we be aware of?
We should be aware of the fact that it is a small world and that we share a lot in common with people around the world.
Question 2.
What does a smile mean to everyone in this world?
A smile is a sign of friendship for everyone in this world.
Question 3.
Name the natural elements that are mentioned in the extract.
Moon, sun, mountains and oceans are the natural elements mentioned in the extract.
Open Ended Question
Question 3.
Have you ever met someone unexpectedly and felt that it is a small world? Share your experience.
Yes, I have felt it a lot of times that we live in a small world. Once, I was on a family trip to Kerala and I accidently met a school friend while boating in the backwaters. I hadn’t seen her since she left school in standard III for Indore. She told me that she, too, was on a visit with her family.
Oral Work
Question 4.
Think of five adjectives that you could use to describe ‘world’.
beautiful, big, wide, round, miraculous
Question 5.
Think of the phrases related to ‘world’ that you know.
‘world apart’, ‘for all the world’, ‘a world of difference’, ‘out of this world’
It’s A Small World Glossary
Words | Meanings |
aware (adj) | to know about (जाणीव असणे, माहीत असणे.) |
divide (v) | to separate into different parts (वेगळे करणे, विभागणे.) |
fear (n) | the feeling of being scared (भीती, भय) |
hope (n) | the feeling that a wish will come true (आशा, उमेद, आकांक्षा) |
It’s A Small World Paraphrase
‘It’s a small world’ हे रिचर्ड एम. शेरमन आणि रॉबर्ट शेरमन या अमेरिकन गीतकार बंधूंनी लिहिलेले एक अतिशय प्रसिद्ध गीत आहे. या गीताचा अनेक भाषांमध्ये अनुवाद झाला आहे. अमेरिकेतील डिस्ने लॅण्ड (Disneyland) या अद्भुत रम्य अशा थिम पार्क (संकल्प उद्यान) मधील ‘It’s a small world’ याच नावाच्या राइडमध्ये हे गाणे लावले जाते.
हे जग खूप लहान आहे आणि आपण सर्वजण एकमेकांशी जोडलेले आहोत. जगाच्या कोणत्याही कोपऱ्यात / जगाच्या कानाकोपऱ्यात राहणारे सर्व मानव एकाच प्रकारच्या भावना व्यक्त करतात. त्यामुळेच, आपल्या सर्वांमध्ये वेगळेपणापेक्षा (भिन्नतेपेक्षा) एकसारखेपणाच अधिक आहे, असा संदेश या कवितेत दिला आहे.
आनंद, दु:ख, आशा आणि भीती, इच्छा या मानवी भावना जगात सर्वत्र आहेत. आपण सर्वच जण एकमेकांपाशी व्यक्त करत असलेल्या अनेक गोष्टी समान आहेत. आपल्यातील या सारखेपणाची जाणीव आपल्याला असली पाहिजे. एकाच सूर्याच्या आणि चंद्राच्या प्रकाशात आपण जीवन व्यतीत करतो. केवळ एकं मधुर हास्य आपण जगात कोठेही असलो तरी आपल्यामध्ये मैत्रीचे नाते जोडण्यास पुरेसे ठरते. पर्वत, समुद्र अशा भौगोलिक घटकांमुळे व्यक्ती कदाचित एकमेकांपासून वेगळ्या होतील; पण तरीही आपल्यात एकमेकांमध्ये असलेले सारखेपण कायम राहील.
सरते शेवटी हे एक लहानसे जग आहे.