Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 3.1 Sleep, Baby, Sleep! Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.
Std 7 English Chapter 3.1 Sleep, Baby, Sleep! Question Answer Pdf
3.1 Sleep, Baby, Sleep! English Workshop Answers Pdf
Question 1.
Sing the song.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.
Question 2.
Find the rhyming words used in the extract.
- sleep – ……..
- trees – …….
- bright – …….
- be – …………
- dog – ……….
- go – ……..
- sheep
- thee
- night
- thee
- rouge
- so
Question 3.
The mother in this poem uses various ideas to make the child close its eyes and sleep. Find the stanzas where the following ideas are used.
- Stanza 4
- Stanza 1
- Stanza 5
- Stanza 2
- Stanza 3
Question 4.
Activity :
Form groups of 6 to 8. List the favourite songs / poems of all group members. Make a long list by putting together all lists prepared by the different groups. You may choose songs or poems from any language. Now describe your favourite songs with the help of the labels given below. Note that you can select more than one label for a poem. For example, The Duck and the Kangaroo’ by Edward Lear is a funny poem as well as a narrative poem.
- Patriotic song
- Lullaby
- Romantic Song
- Sad song / poem
- Narrative poem
- Prayer
- Ballad
- Nature poem
- Song for a special occasion
- Religious song
- Inspirational song
- Marching song
- Welcome song
- Title song
- Folksong
- Nursery Rhyme song/poem
- Funny
- Jingle
Homer’s llliad is a narrative and a sad poem.
[Note: The above example is given for reference. Students are expected to find and add more examples.]
• Now, translate the labels given above into your mother tongue.
- देशभक्तीपर गीत
- अंगाई गीत
- भावगीत
- करुण गीत / कविता
- वर्णनात्मक कविता
- प्रार्थना
- पोवाडा, लावणी यांसारखी गीते
- निसर्ग कविता
- विशेषप्रसंगी गायले जाणारे गीत
- धार्मिक गीत
- स्फूर्ती गीत
- संचलन गीत
- स्वागत गीत
- शीर्षक गीत
- लोकगीत
- बडबड गीत
- विनोदी कविता / गीत
- छोटीशी नादमधुर कविता
7th Class English Chapter 3.1 Sleep, Baby, Sleep! Questions and Answers
Read the extract from line 1 to 10 on page 59 of your textbook and answer the following questions. [“Sleep, baby, sleep! your father of the night; sleep, baby, sleep.”]
Do as directed.
Question 1.
Find the opposite of the word ‘ugly’ from the extract.
Question 2.
Pick out the adjective associated with ‘tree’ in the extract.
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 3.
What does the baby’s father do?
The baby’s father herds the sheep.
Question 4.
Why are the heavens white?
The heavens are white with sheep.
Question 5.
Who is the moon?
The moon is the shepherd of the night.
Read the extract from line 11 to 25 on page 59 of your textbook and answer the following questions. [“Sleep, baby, sleep! And I’ll give thee …….. baby so; Sleep, baby, sleep!”]
Do as directed.
Question 6.
List the colours mentioned in the extract.
golden and black
Question 7.
Pick out the adjectives associated with the dog in the extract.
angry, barking, black
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 8.
What does the mother promise to give the baby if it sleeps?
The mother promises to give the baby a sheep with a golden bell to play with if it sleeps.
Question 9.
What would happen if the baby doesn’t sleep?
If the baby doesn’t sleep, the shepherd’s angry dog would come and bite it.
Question 10.
What does the mother tell the barking dog to do?
The mother tells the barking dog to go out and herd the sheep. She does not want it to wake up her ‘ baby.
Open Ended Questions
Question 11.
In what ways did your mother try to make you sleep when you were a baby? ’
My mother told me that when I was little, she used to make me sleep by singing a lullaby for me. She said that I was not a fussy child and went to sleep quite easily if she swung me gently in my crib.
Question 12.
Write the name of your favourite lullaby in your mother tongue.
My favourite lullaby is ‘Halkey Halkey Zojawa’.
Oral Work
Question 13.
Give as many examples of the following as possible within two minutes.
i. Words that start with the letter ‘s’.
stars, sit, sheep, stitch, sleep, sigh, sing, see, scene, swing, set, sweet, salt, stain…
ii. Words that start with the letter ‘t’.
time, touch, tell, tale, twin, tool, throw, through, tickle, torn, tame, train, trick, tremble…
[Note: Students can add more words to the above list.]
Study Skills
Question 14.
Activity :
Form groups of 6 to 8. List the favourite songs / poems of all group members. Make a long list by putting together all lists prepared by the different groups. You may choose songs or poems from any language. Now describe your favourite songs with the help of the labels given below. Note that you can select more than one label for a poem. For example, The Duck and the Kangaroo’ by Edward Lear is a funny poem as well as a narrative poem.
- Patriotic song
- Lullaby
- Romantic Song
- Sad song / poem
- Narrative poem
- Prayer
- Ballad
- Nature poem
- Song for a special occasion
- Religious song
- Inspirational song
- Marching song
- Welcome song
- Title song
- Folksong
- Nursery Rhyme song/poem
- Funny
- Jingle
Homer’s llliad is a narrative and a sad poem.
[Note: The above example is given for reference. Students are expected to find and add more examples.]
Writing Activity
Question 15.
Write five things about your mother that you like.
Five things that I like about my mother are:
- She cheers me up if I’m upset.
- She helps me with my studies.
- She makes delicious food for me.
- She listens to all my problems and helps me to solve them.
- She takes me to all my classes.
Question 16.
Visit the library and look for a few famous lullabies in different languages.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]
Sleep, Baby, Sleep! Glossary
Words | Meanings |
bleat (v) | make a whining sound (मेंढीसारखा आवाज करणे.) |
heavens (n) | sky (आकाश) |
herds (v) | Looks after the sheep (मेंढ्या चारणे) |
rogue (n) | here, a child who does not do what is asked (हट्टी, नाटकी) |
thee (pronoun) | old English of ‘you’ (तू, तुला) |
Sleep, Baby, Sleep! Paraphrase
लहान मुलांना शांत करून झोपवण्यासाठी मराठी भाषेमध्ये अंगाईगीत हा गीत प्रकार प्रचलित आहे. अशाच -प्रकारचा lullaby हा गीतप्रकार इंग्रजी साहित्यामध्येही प्रचलित आहे. ‘Sleep, Baby, Sleep !’ हे एक पारंपरिक अंगाईगीत आहे.
या अंगाईगीतामध्ये आई बाळाला सांगते, की तुझे बाबा मेंढ्यांची सुरुवातीला काळजी घेत आहेत (व्यवस्था पाहत आहेत) आणि स्वप्नांच्या मधुर जगात तू प्रवेश करावास, म्हणून मी तुला झोपवत आहे.
आई बाळाला म्हणते, आकाशातील तारे पांढरी कोकरे (मेंढ्यांची पिल्ले) आहेत, तर चंद्र हा मेंढपाळ / रात्रीचा मार्गदर्शक आहे. आई बाळाला म्हणते, ” तू जर झोपलास, तर मी तुला गळ्यामध्ये सोनेरी घंटा बांधलेली एक मेंढी देईन, जिच्या सोबत तू खेळू शकशील.”
बाळ झोपावे म्हणून भीती दाखवत आई म्हणते, “तू जर मेंढीसारख्या आवाजात (मे मे) रडू लागलास, तर मेंढपाळांचा रागीट कुत्रा येईल आणि माझ्या खट्याळ बाळाला चावेल.” तिचे हे बोलणे ऐकून रागीट कुत्रा खरोखरच तेथे येतो. आई त्या कुत्र्याला हटकते आणि म्हणते, “तू इथे भुंकू नकोस. बाहेर जाऊन मेंढ्यांकडे लक्ष ठेव. नाहीतर माझं बाळ उठेल.” अशाप्रकारे, लडिवाळपणे चुचकारत, आमिष आणि भीती दाखवून आई अखेरीस बाळाला झोपवत आहे.