Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Double Standards Question Answer

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Std 7 English Chapter 4.1 Double Standards Question Answer Pdf

4.1 Double Standards English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
List all the words that grown-ups in the extract use for the child.
stubborn, rude, lazy

Question 2.
List all the situations described in the extract. For example, waking up late.
saying ‘No’ to something, raising one’s voice.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Double Standards Question Answer

Question 3.
Find the antonym of : lazy, rude, firm, careless, wrong.
hard-working, polite, soft, careful, right.

Question 4.
Translate the following into your mother tongue.
stubborn, firm, careless, helpless, clumsy, Naughty

Question 5.
Use any one situation in the poem and write two short speeches using words and ideas from the poem.
(a) a speech in which the grown-up scolds the child.
(b) a speech in which the grown-up explains why his / her own actions are right
For example, Situation: Raising one’s voice.
(a) Grown-up: Don’t shout. It’s rude to shout. How dare you raise your voice! It’s shocking.
(b) Grown-up: I have told you again and again. You don’t listen to me. I don’t like to shout, but you make me shout at you.
Situation: Waking up late
(a) Grown-up: Don’t be lazy. Come on! Wake up! It’s really bad to wake up late.
(b) Grown-up: I have told you many a time. You don’t pay attention to my words. I don’t want to scold you, but you make me do so every morning.

Question 6.
Form two groups and discuss the following statements. One group should support the statement and other group should oppose it. You may use English or your mother tongue wherever necessary in the discussion.
Statement One: A grown-up is always right.
Statement Two: A child is always right.
Following are a few points ¡n support of both the statements:

A grown-up is always right A child is always right
mature enough to take right decisions often face discrimination for being too young
maturity comes with experience maturity or immaturity has nothing to do with age
can take care of situations better a child can also handle situations well
grown-ups hardly make mistakes grown-ups can make major mistakes, while children’s mistakes are forgivable
grown-ups are calm and composed mistakes are made by everyone

[Note: The above points are for reference. Students can add more points for a class discussion]

7th Class English Chapter 4.1 Double Standards Questions and Answers

Read the extract from line 1 to 12 on page 88 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“When I wake ……. to be good.”]

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Find the rhyming word for ‘lazy from the extract.

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 2.
Who is the speaker in the poem?
The speaker in the poem is a child.

Question 3.
What is the meaning of the line ‘it’s the alarm that’s crazy’?
The line means that when grown-ups wake up late, they blame the alarm clock rather than admitting that they were being lazy.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Double Standards Question Answer

Question 4.
What do you think about the title of the poem ‘Double Standards’?
The expression ‘double standard’ means having different attitude, principles or rules for different people. The child in the poem complains that grown-ups have double standards, as they react seriously at a child’s mistakes, but make excuses when they themselves commit similar kind of mistakes.

Read the extract from line 13 to 28 on page 88 and 89 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“When I break ………. a child’s delight?”]

Do as directed.

Question 5.
List all the words that the grown-ups in the extract use for the child.
clumsy, careless, terror, wild, naughty, wrong

Question 6.
List all the situations described in the extract.
breaking something, doing something wrong, quarreling with a friend

Question 7.
Find the antonym of the following words from the extract.


Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 8.
What happens when the child breaks something?
When the child breaks something, he is called clumsy and careless by the parents.

Question 9.
How do the grown-ups react when they do something wrong?
When the grown-ups do something wrong, they consider it as a forgivable error.

Question 10.
What does ‘a child’s delight’ refer to in the poem ‘Double Standards’?
‘A child’s delight’ in the poem ‘Double Standards’ means the joy that a child feels in the little wrongs that he commits in life.

Open Ended Question

Question 11.
Give an Instance when you might have been scolded for the wrong reason.
One such instance was when I reached school late and my teacher scolded me for not being punctual. When I told her that there was a lot of traffic on the way due to a major accident, she realised that it wasn’t my mistake.

Oral Work

Question 12.
Think of as many words as possible ending with ‘-able’.
e.g. forgivable
breakable, readable, capable, knowledgeable, disposable, available, believable, tolerable, noticeable, answerable, debatable, countable
[Note: Students can add more words to the above list.]

Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Double Standards Question Answer

Double Standards Glossary

Words Meanings
clumsy (adj) without skill or neatness (बोजड, गलथानपणा)
delight (n) joy (आनंद)
error (n) a mistake (चूक)
firm (adj) unlikely to change one’s decision (ठाम, खंबीर)
forgivable (adj) something which is not serious and one can stop being angry about it (क्षम्य)
rude (adj) bad-mannered, not polite (उद्धट)
stubborn (adj) not changing the way one acts or thinks even though it may not be nice (हट्टी, दुराग्रही)
terror (n) here, a person who gives great trouble (येथे, अत्यंत तापदायक)

Double Standards Paraphrase

‘Double standards’ या कवितेतील लहान मुलगा मोठ्या माणसांचा लहान मुलांशी वागताना असणारा अयोग्य दृष्टिकोन आणि दुहेरी मापदंड यांबद्दल तक्रार करत आहे.

या कवितेमध्ये सात कडवी असून प्रत्येक कडव्यात चार ओळी आहेत.

मोठ्यांबाबत तक्रार करताना लहान मुलगा म्हणतो, घरातील लहान मूल उशिरा उठलं, तर त्याला आळशी म्हणून चिडवलं जातं; पण मोठी माणसं उशिरा उठली, तर मात्र घड्याळाच्या गजराची चूक समजली जाते.

लहान मुलाने एखाद्या गोष्टीस नकार दिला, तर त्याला हट्टी, दुराग्रही म्हटले जाते; पण हेच जर मोठ्यांनी केले, तर त्यांना ठाम / कणखर म्हटले जाते. लहान मुलांनी मोठ्या आवाजात बोलणे, याला आगाऊपणा म्हणतात; पण मोठी माणसं लहान मुलांना कसं वागावं हे शिकवताना नेहमीच मोठ्या आवाजात बोलतात.

लहान मुलाने एखादी वस्तू फोडली, तर त्याला निष्काळजी म्हणून ओरडले जाते; पण हेच जर मोठ्यांच्या हातून घडले, तर ते मात्र असाहाय्य असतात.

लहान मुलाने एखादी चूक केली, तर ते अत्यंत तापदायक समजले जाते; पण मोठ्यांनी केलेल्या चुका मात्र नेहमीच क्षम्य (माफ करण्याजोग्या) असतात.

मित्रांबरोबर भांडल्यास लहान मुलाला खोडकर आणि रानटी समजले जाते, तर दुसऱ्या बाजूस मोठी माणसे शेजाऱ्यांशी भांडतात हे जणू काही त्यांचे सामाजिक कर्तव्यच समजले जाते.

कवितेच्या शेवटी लहान मुलगा म्हणतो, लहान मुलं नेहमी चुकीची असतात आणि मोठी माणसं मात्र नेहमीच बरोबर असतात, असं का बरं असतं?

(बालपणीच्या दिवसांमध्ये मिळणारा आनंद कमी करून) मोठी माणसं मोठी का होतात? अशी कुरबुर ‘कवितेतील मुलगा व्यक्त करत आहे.

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