Students can find the best My English Book 7th Standard Question Answer and 7th Class English Chapter 4.2 Baby Pangolin’s Night Out Question Answer Warming Up English Workshop Answers Pdf for exam preparation.
Std 7 English Chapter 4.2 Baby Pangolin’s Night Out Question Answer Pdf
7th English 4.2 Baby Pangolin’s Night Out Warming Up Answers
• You are visiting a nearby hill with your Aunt. Think of five to eight questions you would like to ask about the hill in English language.
- What is the name of the hill?
- What mountain range does it belong to?
- What is its height?
- Can we trek on that hill?
- How rocky is the terrain?
- Does it have any wildlife?
- Which plants and trees can we find on the hill?
[Note: The above questions are given as examples. Students can form questions on their own.]
Question 1.
What instructions does a human mother give to her two year old baby in the course of the day?
Write five to eight of those in English, using your imagination.
A human mother’s instructions to her two-year-old baby in the course of a day:
- Say hello to grandma
- Don’t eat dirt
- Don’t crawl on the wet floor
- Share your toy
- Be careful
Question 2.
Imagine yourself in the following situations:
• You have gone to a local tourist spot with your school friends. There you meet someone from another country who wants to know more about you and your school. Introduce yourself to that person and provide information about your school.
Traveller: Hello kids, I am a traveller from France. This place is quite new to me. Tell me something about yourself and your school.
School kid: Hello Sir, my name is Ishan and these are my school friends. We are the students of St. Edward’s School, Shimla. Dur school was founded in 1925 by the Irish Christian Brotherhood. We have a lovely campus with the perfect blend of ancient architectural styles and modern infrastructure.
The tall Asoka trees look even more mesmerising in their pure, white glory when it snows. Our teachers are very helpful. They encourage us to be creative and look at things from a different point of view. Our school has seen many talented and successful businessmen, artists, etc. walk along its corridors. In its ninety – two years, our school has strived to provide the best education to its students, which prepares them not only for their career, but for their future.
• You and your schoolmates have gone to visit a famous organisation / institute to get more information about their work. Introduce yourself to the authorities there.
Student: Hello, Sirs and Madams! We are the students of class VII from Rosemary High School. First of all, we would like to thank you for allowing us to visit your prestigious organisation. We were very happy when our principal informed us last week that our school authorities have planned an educational visit to a bank. Since then we have been looking forward to this day. We hope that we will be able to learn about the functioning of a bank without causing any break in your work. We are again, grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to be here.
• You and your team have lost your way in another school where you have gone for a competition. Introduce yourself to the students of that school and enquire about the way.
Hello friends, we are the students of St. Jesus Mary School. We came here to represent our school in the Inter-School Debate Competition. We seem to have lost our way. We came looking for water and now, we are not able to trace our way back to the auditorium. Could you please help us find our way to the hall?
Question 3.
From your science textbook and the internet, find the names of at least ten rare animals that are seen in Maharashtra State.
Ten rare animals that are seen in Maharashtra State are the Forest Owlet, Amboli Bush Frog, Tiger toad, White-rumped Vulture, Indian Vulture, Red-headed Vulture, Sociable Lapwing, Indian Bustard, Black Buck and Lesser Florican.
• What did Mama Pangolin do? Why?
Mama Pangolin took her one-month-old Baby out for a walk because it had earlier complained of feeling tired of drinking milk all the time.
• How did Mama Pangolin carry her Baby?
Mama Pangolin carried her Baby on her tail.
• What did Mama Pangolin and Baby see on their way?
Mama Pangolin and Baby saw a porcupine on their way.
• Guess where they live?
Mama Pangolin and her Baby’s home was a warm and comfortable hole. It was nine inches wide and more than a meter long.
• Guess the meaning of anthill.
a place in the form of a mound built by ants
• What do human babies eat as their first solid meal? Discuss.
The first solid meal of human babies often contains beans or rice. Powdered milk is also given to some newborn babies before three months of age. After six months, most of the babies have adult food, broken into small bits, which is fed to them by their mothers.
• Guess the meaning of
- medicinal
- tribal
- Having healing properties
- people of a community linked by a common culture and language
Things to do :
• Find out more about:
- Food Chain
- Trap Cameras
- A food chain is a network of food and eating habits that links one organism to another. It is a chain that moves in an ascending order from smaller to bigger organisms. It generally starts with the producers of food, such as plants and ends with organisms that help in the decomposition process, such as fungi.
- Trap Cameras are the cameras used to take photographs of animals with minimal human interference. They detect animal presence through motion and infra-red sensors. Earlier, they were more widely used in hunting, but in the recent years, wildlife researchers and enthusiasts have started using them as well. These cameras are used by researchers to study different species of animals, their population, habitat, etc.
4.2 Baby Pangolin’s Night Out English Workshop Answers Pdf
Question 1.
Make other meaningful sentences by using other words in place of the underlined words.
- We will go ant-eating today.
- This is how we pangolins gobble up termites.
- You have to be on your guard against greedy people.
- Life is now full of hardships.
- We will go for swimming today.
- This is how we lions rule the jungle.
- You have to be on your guard against your enemies.
- Life is now full of happiness.
[Note: The above sentences are given as examples. Students can make other meaningful sentences on their own.]
Question 2.
List all the references in the extract that tell you that it is night time. Translate it into your mother tongue.
‘Baby was still drowsy after a day’s sleep’
Question 3.
Use the Pangolin Fact Sheet to make a collage giving interesting information on Pangolins.
Question 4.
Write what Mama Pangolin told her Baby about the following topic.
- Pangolins as animal species -their habitat, food, habits, etc.
- Mama Pangolin told her Baby that there were many species of Pangolins. Four of them were in Africa and four in Asia. They lived in India, so people called them Indian Pangolins. They ate ants and termites. Chinese pangolins are found in the northern part of India.
Question 5.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) The pangolin’s home was a snug hole in the earth.
(b) Mama pangolin used her claws to eat ants and termites.
(c) Baby pangolin did not like termites.
(d) Mama pangolin pulled her long body together into a tight ball.
(e) Pangolin scales are medicinal.
(f) Human beings have destroyed pangolin habitats.
Now, use the sentences in the passage to frame a similar ‘true / false’ exercise. Remember, you must know the correct answer yourself.
Language Study
consider the following sentences:
- She began to devour the termites.
- Baby watched mother.
- Mama smelled something.
- They flash harsh torch lights.
• Underline the verbs in the sentences.
- She began to devour the termites.
- Baby watched mother.
- Mama smelled something.
- They flash harsh torch lights.
These verbs show action. There is someone who does / did the action. In grammar, a word or phrase that shows who or what does / did the action (stated by the verb) is called ‘subject’. Note that non-living things can also be the ‘subject’ in a sentence. For example, ‘The bull hit the window’. Flere. ‘The bull’ is the subject.
A word or phrase that refers to the person, thing, etc. affected by the action of the verb is known as ‘object’.
The word in the coloured box in each of the following sentences is the object of that sentence.
- She began to devour the termites.
- Baby watched mother.
- Mama smelled something.
- They flash harsh torchlight.
Now, can you spot the subjects and objects in the following sentences?
- They search for our holes.
- They kill us.
- They will spend huge amount.
- They hold meetings.
- They – Subject, holes – Object
- They – Subject, us – Object
- They – Subject, amount – Object
- They – Subject, meetings — Object
7th Class English Chapter 4.2 Baby Pangolin’s Night Out Questions and Answers
Read the extract from line 1 to 50 on page 91 and 92 of your textbook and answer the following questions
[“Come, Baby, Wake up!
Do as Directed.
Question 1.
I’ll carry you on my
Question 2.
Guess the meaning of the following words from the extract.
quickly and in all directions
Question 3.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
- Pangolins have many cousins.
- Mama Pangolin had a small sticky tongue.
- True
- False
[Note: Students conform more T/F questions from the extract on their own.]
Read the extract from line 51 to 107 on pages 92 and 93 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“Just then, Mama smelled ………. the day breaks.”]
Do as directed.
Question 4.
List all the references in the extract that tell you that it is night time. Translate it into your mother tongue.
‘She sensed a bright light passing on’ and ‘Now we must reach home before the day breaks’
तिला एक प्रखर प्रकाशझोत जवळून गेल्याचे जाणवले. आता दिवस उजाडण्या अगोदर आपण घरी पोहोचलेच पाहिजे.
Question 5.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
- Wicked humans flash torch lights to spot pangolins.
- Pangolins have no important role to play in the food chains in nature.
- True
- False
[Note: Students conform more T / F questions from the extract on their own.]
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.
Question 6.
What did Mama smell?
Mama smelled the presence of man.
Question 7.
Why did Mama pull her long body together into a tight ball?
Mama pulled her long body together into a tight ball to avoid being seen by the humans. If seen in that state, anyone would have thought that she was just another piece of rock.
Question 8.
How do the pangolins help humans?
Pangolins help humans by eating millions of ants and termites.
Question 9.
Write what Mama Pangolin told her Baby about the following topics.
- Threats to Pangolins
- Good people’s efforts to save pangolin
- Mama Pangolin told her Baby that there were some wicked humans, whose presence was a threat to their life. They killed pangolins, ate their flesh and sold their scales for money.
- Mama Pangolin told her Baby about the good people and their efforts to save pangolins. The good people ran awareness campaigns with the help of the Forest Department. They held meetings in villages. They made people aware about pangolins through posters, pamphlets, etc. They not only tried to stop international smuggling of pangolins, but also studied their species in order to save them.
Open Ended Question
Question 10.
What steps would you take to protect the pangolins in India?
I would take various steps to protect the pangolins in India. First, I would make people aware that the scales of pangolins’ do not have any medical properties. I would also talk about their importance in the food chain. I would use various communicative means such as posters, radio announcements, street plays, etc. that would convey the message. I would even contact the NGOs that work to protect these animals and help increase the population of pangolins in India.
Oral Work
Question 11.
Think of as many words and phrases related to pangolins as possible within two minutes
scales, tapering mouth, snug hole, anthill, termites, strong claws, sticky tongue, tail, weak eyesight, mammal, keratin…
[Note: Students can add more words/phrases to the list.]
Baby Pangolin’s Night Out Glossary
Baby Pangolin’s Night Out Summary
‘Baby Pangolin’s Night Out’ हा पाठ चिपळूण (जि. रत्नागिरी) येथील निसर्गप्रेमी आणि प्रसिद्ध पर्यावरण संवर्धन कार्यकर्ते भाऊ काटदरे यांनी लिहिलेला आहे. ‘सहयाद्री निसर्ग मंडळ’ या संस्थेच्या माध्यमातून ते १९९२ पासून निसर्ग संवर्धनासाठी काम करत आहेत. या पाठात त्यांनी ( खवले मांजराच्या संवर्धनाची आणि संरक्षणाची गरज, माणसांपासून त्यांना होणारा उपद्रव, खवले मांजर आणि त्याचे पिल्लू यांच्या काल्पनिक संवादातून हा विषय मांडला आहे.
एका रात्री खवले मांजर आपल्या पिल्लाला वाळवी खाण्यासाठी घेऊन जाते. मुंग्यांच्या वारुळाकडे जात असताना खवले मांजर आपल्या पिल्लाला सांगते, की जगभर खवले मांजराच्या अनेक प्रजाती आढळतात: आपण भारतात राहात असल्याने आपण भारतीय खवले मांजर म्हणून ओळखले जातो. मुंग्यांच्या वारुळापाशी पोहोचल्यावर आपल्या मजबूत नख्यांनी ती (खवले मांजर) वारूळ फोडून टाकते.
त्यामुळे वारुळातील वाळवी इकडे-तिकडे पडू लागते. खवले मांजर आणि तिचे पिल्लू आपले आवडते आणि योग्य अन्न असलेली वाळवी खाण्याचा आनंद घेऊ लागतात. अचानक तिला आसपास असलेल्या माणसाच्या अस्तित्वाचा वास येतो. ” काही दुष्ट शिकारी खवले मांजरांचे घरटे शोधतात आणि पैशांसाठी त्यांना मारून टाकतात,” असे ती आपल्या पिल्लाला सांगते. खवले मांजराचे खवले औषधी असतात असे या अधाशी माणसांना वाटते. अशां अधाशी लोकांपासून लांब राहा असेही आई खवले मांजर पिल्लाला समजावते.
खवले मांजर आपले मदतनीस आहे आणि पर्यावरणीय अन्नसाखळीचा महत्त्वपूर्ण भाग आहे, हे लोकांच्या लक्षात येत नाही. लक्षावधी मुंग्या आणि वाळवी नष्ट करून (खाऊन) ते माणसांना सहकार्य करते,’ असेही आई खवले मांजर पिल्लाला सांगते.
आई खवले मांजर आपल्या पिल्लाला शेवटी सांगते, की भाऊ काटदरे यांच्यासारखे काही चांगले लोकही आहेत जे निसर्गप्रेमी आहेत. ते निसर्गातील अन्नसाखळीचे रक्षण करून निसर्गाचे संवर्धन करण्यासाठी १९९२ पासून ‘सह्याद्री निसर्ग मित्रमंडळ’ संस्थेच्या माध्यमातून कार्यरत आहेत. अशा संस्था आणि व्यक्ती वन्य प्राण्यांच्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय तक्रारी थांबवण्यासाठी खडतर प्रयत्न करत आहेत. अशा लोकांच्या प्रयत्नांना यश येऊन आपले आयुष्य सोपे होऊ दे आणि निसर्गातील आपल्या अन्य बांधवांची आणि नातेवाईकांचीही भरभराट होऊ दें. अशी सदिच्छा खवले मांजर व्यक्त करते.