Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer

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Std 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer Pdf

4.4 A Parody English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
Translate the poems into your mother tongue.
लहानशी मधमाशी कशी व्यस्त राहते
लहानशी मधमाशी कशी व्यस्त राहून काम करते.
प्रत्येक क्षण सत्कारणी लावते
आणि संपूर्ण दिवस मध गोळा करत राहते.
प्रत्येक उमलत्या फुलामधून
किती कौशल्याने तिने आपले पोळे बनवले आहे
किती नीटसपणे तिने मेण पसरवले आहे
आणि ते साठवण्यासाठी खूप कष्ट घेतले आहेत.

लहानशी मगर कशी काम करते
लहानशी मगर कशी काम करते
आपली शेपटी चमकदार करते
आणि नाईलचे पाणी ओतून
प्रत्येक सोनेरी खवला स्वच्छ करते.
किती आनंदाने ती दात विचकत आहे,
किती सुबकतेने तिने आपला पंजा उघडला आहे
आणि लहानशा माशांचे ती स्वागत करत आहे.
आपल्या सभ्यपणे हसऱ्या जबडयासह.

Question 2.
Find an example of a parody (along with the original) from your mother tongue.
गोरी गोरी पान फुलासारखी छान
दादा मला एक वहिनी आण । ।
वहिनीला आणायाला चांदोबाची गाडी
चांदोबाच्या गाडीला हरणांची जोडी
हरणांची जोडी तुडवी, गुलाबाचे रान
दादा मला एक वहिनी आण । ।
गोरे गोरे पान, सुपाएवढे कान
दादा मला एक गणपती आण
गणपतीला आणायला उंदरांची गाडी
उंदरांच्या गाडीला, चंद्राची जोडी
चंद्राची गाडी तुडवी, ढगांचे रान
दादा मला एक गणपती आण ।।

Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer

Language Study

Some transitive verbs can have two objects, for example,
Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer 1
Object 1 (O1) is the [direct object and Object 2 (O2) is the indirect object.

• Underline and label the direct and indirect objects in the following sentences.

Question 1.
Mrs Desai teaches us English.
us (O1) English (O2)

Question 2.
He brought some water for the old man.
water (O1) old man (O2)

Question 3.
She paid fifty rupees to the shopkeeper.
fifty rupees (O1) shopkeeper (O2)

Question 4.
Arpita mailed her photographs to her sister.
photographs (O1) sister (02)

Question 5.
Abhay sold his car to his neighbor.
car(O1) neighbour (O2)

• Read the following sentences.

  • Birds fly
  • The saucer broke.
  • The water boiled.
  • We fly kites.
  • Neha broke the saucer.
  • She boiled the water.

From these sentences, we learn that the same verb can be intransitive in some sentences, but transitive in some other sentences.

• Find the transitive and intransitive verbs in the following sentences.

  • I woke up late.
  • The cat smelled a rat.
  • The loud noise woke him.
  • A rose smells sweet.
  • The mist rolled away.
  • They rolled up the carpet.
  • It rained heavily.
  • Pour the milk.
  • The bell rang.
  • I filled the bucket.
  • Ring the bell twice.
  • Baby bounced the ball.
  • Baby jumped up and down
  • The glass was full
  • Baby caught the ball.


  • intransitive
  • transitive
  • transitive
  • transitive
  • intransitive
  • transitive
  • intransitive
  • transitive
  • intransitive
  • transitive
  • transitive
  • transitive
  • intransitive
  • transitive
  • transitive


Two minutes of Oral Work

Choose one word each both from ‘A’ and ‘B’ and make as many sentences as possible, within two minutes, using both the words.
Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer 2

  • I want to show him my new bicycle.
  • Don’t tell it to her.
  • it sells well
  • I don’t want to teach him.
  • Can you give me your pen?
  • How much did you pay?
  • Would you like to read her article?
  • Let us read
  • Show me your fingers.
  • Let them pay the bill.

[Note: A few sentences are given as examples. Students are expected to make more sentences on their own.]

Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer

7th Class English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Questions and Answers

Read the extract from line 1 to 8 on page 105 of your textbook and answer the following questions. [“How doth the little busy bee …….. she makes.”]

Do as Directed.

Question 1.
Find the rhyming word for ‘cell’ from the extract.

Question 2.
The little bee gathers …… all the day. (Fill in the blank)

Question 3.
Write the opposite of the following words from the extract.

  1. big
  2. free
  3. distribute


  1. little
  2. busy
  3. gather

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 4.
How does the little bee improve each shining hour?
The little bee improves each shining hour by gathering honey.

Question 5.
How does the bee build her cell?
The bee builds her cell skilfully.

Read the extract from line 1 to 8 on page 105 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“How doth the little crocodile ……. smiling jaws!”]

Do as directed.

Question 6.
Write the rhyming word for ‘crocodile’ from the extract.

Question 7.
The ……… pours the water on every golden scale. (Fill in the blank)

Question 8.
Find a similar word for the following from the extract.

  1. small
  2. bright
  3. smile


  1. little
  2. shining
  3. grin

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 9.
What does the crocodile do?
The crocodile improves his shining tail and throws water on his golden scales.

Question 10.
How does the crocodile welcome little fishes?
The crocodile keeps a broad smile and spreads his claws to welcome the little fishes.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 A Parody Question Answer

Open Ended Question

Question 11.
Which one of the two poems do you think is a parody? Give your reasons.
A parody is playful and comic copy of a writer’s style. In the chapter, Lewis Carroll’s poem ‘How doth the little crocodile…’ is a parody on the poem ‘How doth the little busy bee…’ written by Isaac Watts. The first poem describes a bee as an example of determination, effort and struggle.

The bee makes great effort to collect honey. On the other hand Carroll’s poem makes fun of the bee by giving an ‘example of a crocodile. The crocodile doesn’t struggle like the bee to get his food. He washes himself in the river and welcomes the little fishes with smiling jaws. Lewis Carroll uses the crocodile as an example of laziness and slowness to laugh on the busy and active life of the bee.

A Parody Glossary

Words Meanings
cell (n) here, honeycomb (लहानशी खोली, येथे अर्थ – मधाचे पोळे)
claws (n) curved and pointed hard nails (धारदार नखे असलेला पंजा)
doth (v) old English form of ‘does’ (करतो / करते.)
gather (v) to collect (गोळा करणे, एकत्र करणे, संकलित करणे.)
jaws (n) the upper and lower part of the mouth that contains teeth (जबडा)
parody (n) a playful, comic copying of a writer’s style. It’s like a cartoon in words. (विडंबन)
scale (n) hard plates to protect the skin of a fish / water reptiles (खवले)
shining hour (phrase) a time when something very useful is done (सत्कारणी लावण्याचा वेळ)

A Parody Paraphrase

‘A Parody’ या पाठामध्ये दोन कविता आहेत. ‘How doth the little busy bee….’ ही कविता आयझॅट वॅटस यांनी लिहिली आहे. यामध्ये कवीने काहीतरी उपयोगी काम करण्यामध्ये सदैव व्यस्त असणाऱ्या मधमाशीच्या व्यस्त जीवनाचे वर्णन केले आहे. मधमाशी उमलणाऱ्या प्रत्येक फुलांमधून संपूर्ण दिवसभर मध गोळा करत राहते. गोळा केलेला मध साठवून ठेवण्यासाठी खूप कष्ट करून मेणापासून सुंदर असे पोळे तयार करते. हे खूप कौशल्याचे काम आहे.

‘How doth the little crocodile…..’ या कवितेत कवी लेविस कॅरॉल यांनी नाईल नदीत राहणाऱ्या मोठ्या आकाराच्या शिकारी मगरीच्या व्यस्त जीवनाचे चित्रण केले आहे. मगर दररोज आपली शेपटी आणि खवले नदीच्या पाण्याने धुवून चमकदार बनवते. मासे पकडण्यासाठी ती आपला नखे असलेला पंजा आणि जबडा नेहमी सज्ज / तयार ठेवते.

या दोन्ही कवितांमध्ये दोन वेगवेगळ्या जीवांमधील विरोधाभास दाखवला आहे. पहिल्या कवितेतील मधमाशी अत्यंत व्यस्त राहून आपले अन्न मिळवते, पोळे बांधते, तर दुसऱ्या कवितेतील मगर पाण्यात निवांत पडून जबडा उघडून भक्ष्याची वाट पाहत राहते. हा विरोधाभास दोन्ही कवितांच्या संलग्नतेतून मांडला आहे.

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