Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Question Answer

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Std 7 English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Question Answer Pdf

2.1 We Shall Overcome English Workshop Answers Pdf

Question 1.
Sing the song ‘We shall overcome’.
[Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.]

Question 2.
Each line in the poem tells you something about the people singing it.
Read the sentences in column A and write the appropriate lines in column B.
Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Question Answer 1

  1. Line 2 — We shall overcome someday
  2. Line 6 — We’ll walk hand in hand some day
  3. Line 9 — We are not afraid
  4. Line 14 — The truth shall make us free someday
  5. Line 18 — We shall live in peace some day

Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Question Answer

Question 3.
Find out more about the Civil rights movement in the USA. Use the internet to gather the information.
The Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.A was a mass protest movement against the racial discrimination against the black people. Although, slavery was abolished in 1865, the blacks were treated unequally in America. Several attempts to fight this inequality were made, but in the 1950’s this movement gained strength, particularly under Martin Luther King. The movement was characterised by non-violent protests and civil disobedience. Many civil rights were given to the blacks that were earlier denied like education, entry to public places, voting rights, etc. The Civil Rights Movement had great effect on the social, economic, political and legal factors for the Black Americans. It also had a great impact on the entire world.

Question 4.
Find other inspiring songs associated with people’s movements. You may list famous inspiring songs from your mother tongue / Hindi.

  1. The song titled “Nelson Mandela” was performed at many places. It was written as a protest of the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela.
  2. The poem “Vande Mataram” by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay was widely used during the Indian Freedom Struggle. The first two verses were later adopted as the national song of India.
  3. “Sarforishi ki Tamanna” by Sri Ram Prasad ‘Bismil’ was associated with the revolutionaries of the Indian Freedom Struggle.
  4. The “Powada” songs have been used in various movements since Shivaji Maharaja’s time.

Question 5.
Note that many times ‘do’ is used to show emphasis.
Example: I do believe.
Write 3 more sentences using ‘do’ for emphasis.

  1. We should do our homework regularly.
  2. One should help his/her mother do the household work.
  3. I do water the plants everyday.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Question Answer

Question 6.
The words ‘We shall…’ show firm resolve to do something. Read the ‘Pledge’ given in your textbook.
Using your ideas, write a few sentences beginning with ‘I shall’ / ‘We shall’.
I shall visit my grandparents soon.
I shall learn a new language this year.
I shall never forget your kind deed.
We shall win the tournament.
We shall practise playing football more sincerely in order to win the next match.

7th Class English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Questions and Answers

Summative Assessment

Read the extract from line 1-20 on page 35 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[“We shall overcome …… some day.”]

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Write the opposite of the word ‘distress’ from the extract.

Question 2.
Give the adjective form of the word ‘truth’ from the extract.

Answer the following in 1-2 sentences.

Question 3.
What does the beginning lines of the poem tell us?
The beginning lines of the poem tell us that we shall overcome our troubles and be victorious some day.

Question 4.
What will help the people to be free?
The truth will help the people to be free.

Question 5.
What does ‘someday’ refer to in the poem?
In the poem ‘someday’ refers to the future that is bright and full of hope, when everybody would be equal and free. People will live in peace from that day onwards.

Open Ended Question

Question 6.
Do you feel positive after singing the song ‘We shall overcome’? Is there anything else ‘that inspires you?
Yes, I feel very positive after singing the song ‘We shall overcome’. It makes me feel strong. The line ‘I believe, I can and I will’ inspires me a lot. I have written it on a card paper and put it on my wall.

Oral Work

Question 7.
Tell as many rhyming words as you can find for the following:

i. day
may, say, hay, ray, decay, bay, lay, away, gray, play, etc.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 We Shall Overcome Question Answer

ii. hand
sand, band, grand, planned, land, stand, tanned, canned, and, gland, etc.

iii. free
be, see, glee, tea, tree, sea, he, she, fee, key, etc.

We Shall Overcome Glossary

Words Meanings
hand in hand (phrase) holding each other’s hand, connected closely (एकमेकांचे हात हाती घेऊन, एकमताने वाटचाल करणे.)
in one’s heart (phrase) at a deeper level where one’s honest feelings reside (हृदयापासून, मनापासून)
overcome (v) to succeed in solving or handling a problem (मात करणे.)

We Shall Overcome Paraphrase

‘We shall overcome’ हे गीत अमेरिकेतील नागरी हक्क चळवळीत एक निषेध / विरोध दर्शवणारे गीत म्हणून गायले गेले. या गीतामधून ऐक्याची भावना, अन्यायाविरुद्ध लढण्याचा निर्धार / निश्चय आणि दुर्दम्य आशावाद व्यक्त होतो. ‘हम होंगे कामयाब’ हे हिंदी भाषेतील स्फूर्ती गीत ‘We shall overcome’ याच गीतावर आधारित आहे.

वर्तमानकाळातील संकटावर / अडचणीवर आपण निश्चितपणे मात करू आणि येणारा भविष्यकाळही निश्चितपणे उज्ज्वल असेल, असा दुर्दम्य आशावाद या गीताच्या प्रत्येक ओळींतून व्यक्त होतो. कवी म्हणतो, असा एक दिवस नक्की उजाडेल, की ज्या दिवशी आम्ही / आपण सर्वजण संकटांवर निश्चितपणे मात करू..

एकमेकांचे हात हातात घेऊन आपण एकत्र वाटचाल करूया. आज आमच्या मनामध्ये कोणत्याही गोष्टीचे भय नाही. सत्याच्या मार्गाचा अवलंब केल्यास एक ना एक दिवस आम्हांला स्वातंत्र्य मिळेल असा आमचा विश्वासं । आहे. सर्व संकटांवर मात केली, की येत्या भविष्यात आपण शांतिपूर्ण जीवन जगू. आपण निश्चितपणे विजयी होऊ असे कवीला मनापासून वाटत आहे.

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